Min P&Z 12/14/2022 or C/9 Ci r O .,.. TfR.I `' 'Cilyof Choice" PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING . : 200 S.Main Street December 14,2022 6:30 PM- 10:30 PM MINUTES 1. Call-to Order—Meeting was called.to order by the Chairman at 6:3.5pm. 2. .Roll call and--Excused Absences -Members Present: Ms. Greve, Ms..Zimmermann, Mr. Rayl, Ms. Garcia,Mr.Cooper,Mr. Garrison;Mr. Hinze and Ms.Hubbard. 3. Invocation_Invocation was given by Mr.Hinze. 4.. Pledge-of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge:of Allegiance. 5. Election of Chair and:Vice Chair Motion was made:by Ms. Greve'to nominate Ms.Zimmerman as Chairman. Motion was seconded by Mr.Rayl. There were no other nominations,: For: All;:Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. Motion was made by Mr. Rayl to nominate Ms: Greve as Vice:Chairman. Motion.was seconded by Mr. Cooper. There were no other nominations. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 6. Public Hearings : . A: :The City of Cibolo.Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing to hear public:testimony,regarding,a Conditional Use.Permit(CUP) for 0.59.acres located at FM 1103 and Rodeo Way to allow fora Restaurant,Fast Food use. Ms. Zimmermann opened the Public Hearing at 6:45pm. Staff gave information on this, item.: There where no questions by the public. Ms.Zimmermann closed the Public Hearing: at 6:50pm. 7. Citizens to be heard " This is the only time during the Meeting that a citizen can. address the Commission..It is the " opportunity for visitors and guests to address the-Commission on any,issue to include agenda:items. . All visitors wishing to speak must-fill out-the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. The Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any.action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time;.'however,the Commission may present any factual response to:items brought up by citizens.(Attorney General Opinion-JC-0169)(Limit of three minutes each:)All remarks shall be addressed:to the Commission as a body. Remarks may also -be addressed to any=individual member of the Commission so long as the remarks are(i)about matters of local public concern and (ii)not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee.Any person violating this policy may be requested:to leave the meeting,but no person may be requested to leave or forced to leave'the meeting because:of the viewpoint expressed.This meeting is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the City of Cibolo or on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting,please email pcimics(a),cibolotx.gov or telephone 210-566=6111 before 5:OOpm:the date of the meeting. Cindy Notley.wanted information.on what type of restaurant and.the hours of the restaurant. Mr:: Morris hada question'on the-use of prope4:behind the area where the restaurant would be located. . 8. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes from November 9,2022.—There was no meeting in November. 9. Discussion/Action Items A. Discussion/Action and_Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council 'regarding:a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)for 0.59 acres located:at FM 1103 and Rodeo Way to-allow for a Restaurant,Fast Food use. Mr.Hinze made the motion to approve the recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding:a Conditional Use Permit(CUP) for 0.59acres located at FM 1103 and-Rodeo Way to allow for Restaurant, Fast:Food use. Motion was seconded'by Ms. Greve. For: Ms. Zimmermann, Ms::Greve, Mr: Rayl, Ms. Hubbard, Mr. Garrison, and:Mr. Hinze; Against: Mr. Coope . :Motion carried 6 to 1. B. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the- Final Replat of Cibolo,Crossing Multi-Family:Phase IT.. Mr. Garrison made.the motion to approve the recommendation to the Mayor:and City Council regarding the Final Replat of Cibolo:Crossing Multi-Family Phase II:: For: All;: Against:None. Motion'carried 7 to 0. C: Discussion/Actioh and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the. Final Plat of Legendary Trails Unit 2,located within the City of Cibolo's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction: Ms. Zimmermann made the motion to recommend denial to the Mayor and City Council regarding the.Final Plat of Legendary Trails Unit 2, located within the City of Cibolo's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction as all written information provide had not been reviewed. (20.3.5):Motion was seconded by Mr.:Rayl. For:All;Against:None., Mr. Cooper did not..: vote. :Motion carried 6 to.0 for denial: D. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Final Plat of Legendary Trails Unit 3,located within the City of Cibolo's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction. Ms. Zimmermann made the motion to recommend:denial to the Mayor:and City Council regarding the Final Plat of Legendary Trails Unit 3, located within_the City.of Cibolo's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction as all.written.information:provide.had not been reviewed. (20.3.5).Motion was seconded by Mr. Garrison.For:All;Against:None. Mr.Cooper did not vote. Motion:carried 6 to 0 for denial. E. Discussion/Action and Recommendation.to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat of-Legendary Trails Unit 4, located within:the City.of Cibolo'.s-Extra- ..- Territorial Jurisdiction. Ms. Zimmermann made the motion to recommend-denial to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat of Legendary Trails Unit:4,=located within the:City of Cibolo's Extra-Territorial:Jurisdiction as all written information provide had not been reviewed. (20.3.5). Motion was seconded=by Mr. Rayl. For: All; Against: None. . Mr. Cooper,did not vote: Motion carried 6 to 0 for denial: 10. UDC,Cl P,Master Plan and Staff Updates Ms. Gonzalez informed the P&Z Commission that Mr. Segovia was no longer with the city. Ms. Gonzalez also introduce the new planner Ms..Lindsey Walker. RFP for the Master Plan has been posted and information is due by January-3' 11. Items.for future agendas.—:October minutes. 12. Adjournment Mr. Garrison made the motion to adjourn the meeting at.8;00pm. Motion wassecondedby Mr. Rayl. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.: . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12"DAY OF JANUARY 2023. Ashley Zjrn erma Chai I