Min CC 10/13/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,OCTOBER 13, 1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller,and Council members Bob Glisar,Paul Buell,and Chuck Ridge. Mayor Bauder and Council member Gail Douglas were not present. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Tom Newman, Chief of Police Mark Riffe,and Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Miller led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Mark Buell provided Council with an update on Cibolofest preparations,and requested delivery of any more auction items. He informed Council the Parks&Recreation Commission had decided to present an annual award for the most significant contribution to the City Parks. This year's recipient is to be Mr. Andrew Tolle,and he asked the Mayor or Council to make the presentation. He also agreed with Council that,in the event of rain,he,the Mayor,Keith,and Chief Riffe would make a consensus decision of the need to cancel the event. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 22,1998. Bob Glisar motioned to accept the minutes. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON STAFF RESIGNATIONS Paul Buell motioned to accept the resignations of Billy Gibbs,Planning&Zoning,and Police Officer Hubert Locklear. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. VIII. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE 1998 TAX ROLL AS REPORTED BY MS.TAVI MURPHY,GUADALUPE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR. Chuck Ridge motioned to accept the tax role as reported. Paul Buell seconded. Approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CITY GARBAGE SERVICE CONTRACT BIDS Tom Newman presented a bid packet for City solid waste service,noting a late addition that allows bidding on front-loading vehicles as well as side and rear loading ones. Some discussion followed on the potential for damage to City streets by front-loading vehicles,and Tom Newman informed Council of the bid process schedule. Chuck Ridge motioned to go for bids,and Paul Buell seconded. Jeff Miller questioned the exclusivity clause,and clarified that City businesses could use their own vehicle to supplement their waste removal,but other contractors could not be used during the contract period. Approved. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON OPENING CITY WELL Tom Newman presented new cost calculations for opening the City well,including the cost of a longer connection line,and based on new figures provided by Green Valley. The City could not come close to recouping the cost in the,two year interim rights period. Even if we could pump our total 300 acre feet allocation for both years,the City would still be over$93,800 in the red. Discussion followed on various options for the well,and Paul Buell observed that it would not be prudent to open the well now. Tom Newman pointed out that some options,like winning our contested case hearing,or buying rights,are still viable. Paul Buell motioned not to open the well at this time. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESOLUTION TO ALLOW TRANSFER OF INTERIM EAA WATER RIGHTS Tom Newman informed Council that the resolution allows but does not mandate the transfer of the City's interim rights,and suggested considering requests from neighboring communities at the prevailing market price. Paul Buell motioned to proceed with investigating the option of transferring our interim rights. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CITY POLICE UNIFORMS Chief Riffe displayed a new City police uniform for Council's consideration. The new uniform is about $30 less per set than the current one. The change will not affect the budget. Paul Buell motioned to approve the new uniforms. Bob Glisar seconded. Approved. XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON MUNICIPAL JUDGE COMPENSATION Ron Flake requested Council consider an increase in pay for the Municipal Judge,from$200 to$300 per session,due to longer sessions,and to keep pace with the market. Paul Buell motioned for approval. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF Tom Newman presented the attached Administrator's Report. Chief Riffle reported the bids are out for patrol cars,and they will be opened next Friday. Jeff Miller inquired if the City could piggyback on other cities' contracts. The Chief replied we can,but he would like to see how the independent bids come out as well. Officers will begin writing actual citations rather than warnings on the County roads. Keith Gilbreath requested Council set a minimum dollar amount for items to be included in the City inventory. He invited LCRA to attend Cibolofest. The contractor wants to work until Thursday night,then clean up on Friday. His new phone line is working well. There has been a request for speed humps on Buffalo Trail. Mark Vaughan has elected not to build Royal Oak Acres II,which affects the developer behind it. The City is declining to be involved in connecting the line. The Thistle Creek developer has been told to construct Thistle Creek Drive before any new sections. 2 XV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Paul Buell reminded everyone to help out Cibolofest as much as possible. XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR None. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE_,ZZ_DAY OF (�G �� , 1998. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: R:�()/111 THOMAS A.NEWMAN,CITY SECRETARY 3