Min Historic 04/08/2019 d Or C/8 r o rezns "CIN OF CHOICE" HISTORIC COMMITTEE MEETING City of Cibolo 200 S. Main Street April 8,2019 6:30-8:30PM MINUTES 1. Call to Order—City Secretary Cimics called the meeting to order at 6.35p 2. Roll Call/Introductions -Members present. Cassandra Kearns, Judy Womack, Casey Meadows, Sammy Villela,Melvin Hicks, Julia Casey,Kinjatta Dobbins (Alt.), Jason Delgado (arrived later in the meeting). Members not present:Sandra Cleary. Council& Staff Present. Mayor Boyle, City Secretary Cimics, and Amanda Valdez, 3. Moment of Silence—All present observed a moment ofsilence. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Visit to Old School House at 201 Loop 539 Cibolo TX—All members present walked to the Old School House for a tour of the facility led by City Secretary,P. Cimics. 6. Citizens to be Heard-No citizens signed up to speak. 7. Consent Agenda—Judy Womack made the motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Casey Meadows. For:All.Against:None. Motion carried 7-0. 8. Election of Officers A. Chairman—Cassandra Kearns nominated Sammy Villela for Chairman. The motion was seconded by Judy Womack. There were no other nominations. For.All:Against.None. Mr. Villela was elected Chairman by a vote of 7-0. B. Vice Chairman—Jason Delgado nominated Judy Womack for Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Cassandra Kearns. There were no other nominations. For:All.Against:None. Ms. Womack was elected Vice Chairwoman by a vote of 7-0. 9. Discussion/Action A. Discussion of proposed projects and/or plans for the committee.—The committee's members discussed ideas for projects that the committee could undertake and agreed that the purpose was to collect and share the history of Cibolo. There was information shared about surrounding cities and the idea was presented to visit other historic committee's for direction and the possibility of inviting guest speakers to meetings in the future. The committee also agreed that some of the historical portions of the old school house should be preserved during the renovation. Peggy informed the committee that a time capsule had been buried outside City Hall during the 5011' anniversary of the City and the committee suggested a plaque to commemorate its location. 10. Future Agenda items and dates—Committee meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month. 11. Adjournment—Melvin Hicks made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:0Ipm. The motion was seconded by Casey Meadows. For.All.Against.None. Motion carried 7-0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF MAY 2019. Sam illela Historic Committee Chairman