Min CC 11/10/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 10,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM II. ROLL CALL. All members were present except Paul Buell. Staff was represented by City Administrator Tom Newman,City Attorney Ron Flake, Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath,Chief of Police Mark Riffe and Utilities Administrator Claudia Schneider III. INVOCATION. Invocation was led by Bob Glisar IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Mayor Sam Bauder V CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 27, 1998 Jeff Miller motioned to accept,Chuck Ridge seconded,passed VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION TO SELECT CITY MEDICAL BENEFIT PROVIDER Bob Feike made a presentation on the bids for medical provider. Current provider Humana,bid was for considerably more than current rates. Wellchoice HMO Plan was with$5.00 co-pay,also available was a plan with $10.00 co-pay. Was reccommended to stay with current Life Ins. Co.with no rate increase and a two year rate guarantee. Motion to stay with same Life Ins. And go with Wellchoice$5.00 package made by Bob Glisar, seconded by Gail Douglas, passed. It was also asked that Council consider passing an extension of policy that when a city employee retires,they are able to continue medical coverage through the city insurance policy,at no cost to the city. Mayor Bauder replied that would have to be looked at a little more before consideration. To be considered at later date for new ordinance to be written. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION TO AWARD CITY SOLID WASTE CONTRACT Summary of bid results,listing advantages&disadvantages of each bid was supplied to council. Included was a summary of current problems with current contractor. Mayor Bauder questioned if it was bid with same summer pickup schedule as we have now,which it is. Gail Douglas asked about curbside recycling. Was informed that Volunteer Fire Dept. does it now as a revenue source. Waste Management did offer to include it in their bid. Mayor Bauder did remind Council that this is a service contract and it must be kept in mind that all angles of it, not just the cheapest price for any one individual service but entire package must be considered.. Councilman Chuck Ridge prepared chart according to features that were important to the city and rated each bid accordingly. Chuck Ridge made motion to accept bid by Beck Waste, seconded by Gail Douglas,passed. Ben Davis of Beck Waste thanked council for their decision. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON GREEN VALLEY WATER CONTRACT City Attorney Ron Flake interrupted the letter from Green Valley Attorney. Basically because of the allocation made to everybody, Green Valley is having diffuculty serving their retail customers, City of Cibolo is in a secondary catagory. Green Valley anticipates not having enough water to meet all of their requirements. Our contract provides that Green Valley has the right to terminate the contract if we become detrimental to their service. Based on water consideration, they have the right to terminate service. The contract is old,made sometime in the 80's. There is a comflict in the contract as to how much water they have to supply to Cibolo. One place says it is 12 million a month,another place says not to exceed 1 'h million a day. No where does it say that the 1 '/z million per day is cumulative. That apparently is a single daily rate not a monthly rate. Ron Flake thinks that Green Valley wants to transport water to us under our allocation for water to be purchased elsewhere, at a transport rate. They want Cibolo to use our allocation of water to free up theirs. There is lawsuit calling for allocations to be thrown out. We have been put on notice that Cibolo has to do something about the water sitution. There is a conflict that possibly our use allocation is included in Green Valleys'allocation. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK DEDICATION It was discussed that the dedication date for the Niemietz Park improvements would be set for Saturday May 8, 1999 during the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept. Sausage Supper. Date on plaque would be dedication date. Motion made by Bob Glisar seconded by Jeff Miller, passed M. DISCUSSION ON SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT This was in regards to a letter from Fritz Schlather requesting possible sewer line installation along FM78 Council decided that this should be discussed in a workshop to be set at a later date. X1I. COMMENTS BY STAFF City Administrator presented the thanks from a citizen thanking the prompt response of the police to a report of a possibly breakin,which turned out to only be roofers getting ready to reroof that house. Also,informed council that Steven Steinmetz in undergoing rabies shots to possibly exposure from a cat scratch. Wayne Snow is getting pre- exposure shots. GCAD meeting discussed flood situation and taxes for those victims. The GCAD decided to make no adjustments to 1998 taxes,but will take into consideration devaluation in 1999 tax year. Have 2 applications for vacancies on Planning&Zoning. Keith Gilbreath advised council that the city has filled out forms for Publis Assitance on some extensive damage done in Deer Creek Subdivision during the flood. These damages were to sidewalks and roads.The situation at park,the 7'/z ton single phase A/C compressor that was originally engineered is not available. Will have to go to two 3 '/z ton units for single phase. Money wise,the pavillion is 61%complete,structurally it is 85%complete. Contractor will be submitting extension request for 33 rain days. Tom Newman has sent request to Texas Parks& Wildlife for a rain delay extension for this project. Mayor asked if red iron has been painted. Not yet,keep in mind this needs to be done.Aurea Subdivision-Attorney General has proceeded ahead with lawsuit. Chief Mark Riffe advised that two patrol cars have been ordered and ad has been placed in paper to replace Officer Locklear. XIII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Chuck Ridge asked about wood waste and trash next door at the cabinet shop. Keith Gilbreath advised he has talked to them and a dumpster has been delivered. Jeff Miller thanked Police Dept.and EMS from Schertz for their quick response to the call from his wife when he had a medical emergency due to diabetic problem. XIV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder went to Fire Dept.Board Meeting Wed. Advised Fire Dept. had quite a bit of expense due to rescues during the flood. They did a wonderful job. XV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE �' DAY OF ' 1998 MAYOR BAUDER ATTEST: CLAUDIA SC IDER,ASSIST. CITY SECT'Y