Min CR 05/27/2021 �F CB
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City of Cibolo
200 S. Main Street
May 27, 2021
6:30 PM
1.;.Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mr. Hetzel at 6:30pm.
2. ;Roll Call and Excused Absences—Members Present: Mr. Hetzel, Ms. Cunningham, Ms. Qaiyyim, Mr.
Johnson, Ms. Hen, Ms. Walker, Mr. Hendrix, and Ms. Latimer; Members Absent: Mr. Hicks.
3:. Moment of Silence/Invocation—Mr. Hetzel ask for a moment of silence.
4.-Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the only time during the committee meeting that a citizen can address the Charter Review
- •,Committee. It is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Charter Review Committee on
any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior
to the start.of the meeting. The Charter Review Committee may not debate any non-agenda issue, nor
may .any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time; however, the Charter Review
Committee may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General
Opinion-JC 0169) (Limit of three minutes each). All remarks shall be addressed to the Committee as
a ,body -and not to any individual member thereof. Any person making personal, impertinent, or
slanderous remarks while addressing the Committee may be requested to leave the meeting.
No citizens to be heard.
6. Consent Agenda—Consent Items (General Items)
A. Approval of the minutes of the Charter Review Committee meeting held on May 14, 2021.
Mr. Hendrix made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Ms.
Latimer. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 8 to 0.
7. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Review of Chapters 12-14 of the current City Charter.
Charter Review Committee had already completed this review at the last meeting.
B. Discussion/Possible recommendation to City Council on the following items:
• Bond Language(Sec. 3.17)
• At-Large Districts
• Conflict of Interest
The group discussed the three items and Mr. Johnson made the motion to approve the changes
as discussed. Motion was seconded by Ms. Qaiyyim. For: Mr. Hetzel, Ms. Latimer, Ms.
Herr, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Walker, Ms. Qaiyyim, and Ms. Cunningham; Against: None;
Abstained: Mr. Hendrix. Motion carried 7 to 0 to 1.
C. Discussion/Review of all possible recommended changes to the Charter.
Ms. Latimer made the motion to direct the Chairman and Vice Chairman to prepare a presentation
on all changes to present to the entire committee at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by
Ms. Qaiyyim. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 8 to 0.
D. Discussion/Action of future meeting dates and agenda items.
Committee will meet on June 10, 2021 to go over the presentation that will be presented to City
Council on June 29' by Mr. Hetzel, Charter Review chairman and Ms. Cunningham, Charter
Review Vice Chairman.
8. Adiournment
Ms. Latimer made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38pm. Motion was seconded by Ms.
Qaiyyim. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 8 to 0.
Dick Hetzel
Charter Review Chairman