Min CC 12/08/1998 r MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,C1BOLO, TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM H. ROLL CALL. All members present, Staff represented by Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath,City Attorney Ron Flake,Assistant City Secretary Claudia Schneider,and Public Works Supervisor Robert Arenas M. INVOCATION Invocation was led by Bob Glisar. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge led by Mayor Sam Bauder V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None Vl. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10,1998 Motion to approve by Jeff Miller,seconded by Paul Buell,approved - B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24,1998 Tabled,not ready VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESIGNATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBER AND APPOINTING NEW MEMBER Mr.Ross Knoll had advised Parks Chairman Mr.Buell that he had resigned. Mr.David Pevoto,of Deer Creek,had applied for the position, Paul Buell motioned to approved Mr.Pevoto's appointment,seconded by Chuck Ridge, approved VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FILLING TWO VACANT POSITIONS ON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Mrs.Rebekah Campbell and Mr.Patrick O'Brien have applied for the two vacant positions. Motion to approve by Gail Douglas, seconded by Paul Buell, approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON EXTENSION OF WATER LINE ON RAWE AVE Robert Arenas plans to cut off the line at the T and leave present 6"line capped for future use. Would run line in an alternate route from Main. This would allow an extra valve for turn off and would allow more sections of town to have water in period when main line breaks are being repaired. Mr.Andrew Tolle advised that he has talked to a man who already is licensed by Railroad to do work on railroad property. He is willing to donate his work to the City. Would try to locate this individual for City to talk to. Bob Glisar asked if a sleeve would be installed so the pipe would be removable for future repairs. Was advised yes. Motion to do alternate line and research the repairs to be done under railroad made by Paul Buell, seconded by Bob Glisar passed. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PURCHASING DUMP TRUCK A 1979 Dump Truck has been presented to Council, Truck need tires,muffler and paint job. Owner Mr.Larry Schulz has lowered price from original$5,500 to$5,200. Motion made to purchase truck after having it looked at by mechanic, made by Bob Glisar,seconded by chuck Ridge, passed. M. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PURCHASING BACKHOE This item tabled. Council directed that purchase of backhoe be put out for bids. A set of Specs.will be obtained from State and approved by City Attorney Ron Flake -e XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT COST INCREASE List and approximate costs of items needed to complete Niemietz Park Project,along with change orders,was presented to Council. There are some items that City feels needs to be billed back to City Engineer. As of date,nothing has been heard from Texas Parks&Wildlife on extension of contract. An amount of$22,000 will be needed to complete this project. Motion to approve budget amendment and backcharge City Engineer made by Paul Buell, seconded by Chuck Ridge, approved. M. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSURANT TO SECTION 551.074,(1),(A)OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING CITY EMPLOYEES A. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FILLING VACANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY POSITION City Council recessed for Executive Session at 7:45 PM B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION Reconvened in open session at 8:20 PM No action taken at this time XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath provided Council with a copy of Van Horn Property on Green Valley Road. Development of property into 5.01 acre tracts. This development will be blocking planned thoroughfare to IH35. Royal Oaks II is possibly being sold to a new developer. A re-plat will be coming in to move property line on two adjoining properties. There has been a draw submitted by All Const.Without certified payroll. Employees possibly are not being paid wage amount set out in contract. Keith has notified All Const.That no draws will be accepted without certified payroll. FEMA paperwork needs to be submitted. City Engineer is working on that. Attended TXDOT meeting. Dietz Road project will probably me delayed until March 1999. Ed Ford has been asked to include drainage in project making it a Pedestrian Access. Paul Buell asked if an extension on contract has been applied for by All Const. Will obtain something and present it to Council at next meeting. XV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Jeff Miller commented as to Breakfast Taco sale at Fire Dept.on Saturday. Ron Flake briefly commented on Edwards Aquifer lawsuit. Judge in Austin has ruled the water allocations ruling of Aquifer Authority unconstitutional. He stated we still need to work on a deal with Green Valley. Kirk Timke of the CVFD asked to speak at this time. Talked of water issue during time of flood. Something needs to be done as a back up should city have to be without water again. Pumps need to have back-up Was advised that pumps that went down did not belong to city,we had no control over these. Probably need something,would work on this. XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder stated that had planned to cancel December 22 meeting,but as there are issues that need to be presented, meeting would be held. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM �J� APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON /L 2 DAY OF D�i7t4, i-e, 1998 Sam Bauder,Mayor ATTEST: Claudia Schneider,Ass't City Sect'y