Min CC 06/21/2021 Special Joint . 1 MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING June 21,2021 A Special Joint Meeting was held by the Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation,the Schertz City Council of the City of Schertz,and the Cibolo City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas,on June 21,2021,at 6:30 p.m.at Cibolo City Hall,200 South Main Street,Cibolo,TX 78108.The following members present to-wit: Present: Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez; Schertz Mayor Pro-Tem Jill Whittaker; Schertz Councilmember Mark Davis; Schertz Councilmember Michael Dahle; Schertz Councilmember David Scagliola;Schertz Councilmember Allison Heyward; Schertz Councilmember Tim Brown;CVLGC President Justin Murray;CVLGC Vice-President Garth Coursen; CVLGC Secretary Lesley Pedde,CVLGC Executive Director Scott McClelland;CVLGC Schertz Ex- Officio Michael Dahle; CVLGC Cibolo Ex-Officio Ted Gibbs;Engineering Consultant(Walker Partners)John Winkler,Engineering Consultant(Walker Partners)Hunter Garza;Attorney Art Rodriguez; CVLGC Admin/Operations Manager Jackie Gaines;Engineering Consultant (Utility Engineering Group)David Kneuper; Cibolo Mayor Stosh Boyle,Cibolo Mayor Pro- Tem Joel Hicks, Cibolo Councilmember Jennifer Schultes;Cibolo Councilmember Reggie Bone,Cibolo Councilmember Ted Gibbs; Cibolo Councilmember Mark Allen;Cibolo Councilmember Tim Woliver Absent: Councilmember Rosemary Soott,City of Schertz,Councilmember Steve Quinn,City of Cibolo i City Schertz City Manager Dr.Mark Browne; Schertz Assistant City Manager Charles Kohn;City Staff: Secretary Brenda Dennis;Deputy City Secretary Sheila Edmondson; Cibolo Interim City Manager Chief Bryan Hugghins; Cibolo City Secretary Peggy Cimics; Cibolo Public Works Director Tim Fousse;Cibolo I.T. Chris Martinez Call to Order-Justin Murray,President Justin Murray,President Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation called their meeting to order at 6:33 pm. 1. A.City of Cibolo Mayor Stosh Boyle called their meeting to order at 6:33pm and thanked everyone for attending. Mayor Boyle stated that Councilmember Jennifer Schultes and Councilmember Steve Quinn were absent.A motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem Joel Hicks to approve the absence of Councilmember Steve Quinn.The vote was unanimous.Motion passed. Councilmember Jennifer Schultes arrived a few minutes late. B. City of Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez stated there was a quorum called their meeting to order at 6:33pm. 2. Pledge of Allegiance All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Welcome/Opening Remarks-Stosh Boyle,Mayor of Cibolo&Ralph Gutierrez,Mayor of Schertz. Mayor Boyle,City of Cibolo thanked everyone for coming tonight and wanted to commend all those who stepped up and volunteered their time. Mayor Gutierrez,City of Schertz thanked everyone for attending tonight's meeting. Cities cannot do things by themselves,and sometimes it takes partners to get things accomplished,that is why we are working together with CVLGC. President Justin Murray asked the two appointed representatives from both City Councils to share their thoughts on participation in the last couple of meetings. Cibolo Councilmember Ted Gibbs stated there were three areas of concern for the City of Cibolo. 1.Increase water volume by year 2024.2. Ownership and control of water sources.3. Security andhDivvackrsity,diversity of multiple water sources and the security that water systems do not get Schertz Councilmember Michael Dahle explained that development of water resources is a very long term and very challenging effort with the multiple regulatory agencies in addressing the needs of these two cities. CVLGC will be updating their Strategic Plan and had some frank discussions about how they can meet everyone is needs and doing in a way that works for everyone. 4. Introductions-Justin Murray,President President Justin Murray introduced Scott McClelland as the new Executive Director.Mr. McCleIland took over for Ms.Amber Beard . He also thanked CVLGC Admin/Operations Manager Jackie Gaines for all her hard work. 5. Discussion of Strategic Plan update for the CVLGC Project-Scott McClelland,Executive Director and John Winkler,Walker Partners Executive Director Scott McClelland and Engineer Consultant John Winkler provided a PowerPoint presentation covering the following information and addressed comments and questions from audience. Organizational Structure: Board Members: City of Schertz:Justin Murray,Brian Edgington City of Cibolo: Garth Coursen,Lesley Pedde B&-Officio Members: City of Schertz:Michael Dahle City of Cibolo: Ted Gibbs CVLGC Staff: Scott McClelland,Executive Director Jackie Gaines,Administrative Assistant CVLGC Consultants: Accounting.Jennifer Reisinger,Reisinger Business Solutions LLC Engineering:John Winkler,Walker Partner Legal:Art Rodriguez,Russell Rodriguez Hyde&Bullock,LLP . Water Lease Services:Rene Moulinet Jr.FIRM Land Acquisition Solutions Workshop Outline: ■ Summary of CVLGC Year ■ Introduction to the Strategic Plan Update ■ Review Scoring Criteria and Weighting ■ Potential Project List • Plan Forward ■ Questions Summary of CVLGC Year: ■ Master Services Agreement with City of Schertz in FY 20-21 ■ Shifted to quarterly Board Meetings in FY 19-20 ■ Maintained all current water leases ■ Officially began the Strategic Plan Update in April ■ Board held two workshops to work through the Strategic Plan Update Strategic Plan Update: Direction from last Joint Council Meeting was to periodically evaluate the economics of Wilson County Project vs.other projects ■ Last Strategic Plan was finalized in 2015 Current Project is the Wilson County Project Selection Criteria: Cost ■ Difficulty in obtaining Water Resilience to political,regulatory,and environmental changes • Length of time to complete ■ CVLGC Ownership • Diversity of Water Sources Selection Criteria: Weighting Selection Criteria Wei tin 1. Cost 30% 2. Difficulty in Obtaining Water 20% 3. Resilience to political,regulatory 15% and environmental changes 4. Length of time to complete 10% 5. CVLGC Ownership 15% 6. Diversity of Water Sources 100/0 Potential Projects: ■ Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation(CVLGC)-Wilson County Project(10,000 Acre- Feet) • Alliance Regional Water Authority(ARWA)-Phases 1,2,3 -(30,000 Acre-Feet) • Canyon Regional Water Authority(CRWA)-Wells Ranch Phase 3 -(7,000 Acre-Feet) • Guadalupe Blanco River Authority(GBRA)-Carrizo Project-(15,000 Acre-Feet) • New Braunfels Utility(NBU)-ASR Project-(10,818 Acre-Feet) ■ San Antonio Water System(SAWS)-Expanded Carrizo Project-(21,000 Acre-Feet) ■ San Antonio Water System(SAWS)-Vista Ridge-(50,000 Acre-Feet) ■ San Antonio Water System(SAWS) -Brackish Water Project-(70,000 Acre-Feet) ■ Schertz Seguin Local Government Corporation(SSLGC)-Brackish Water Project-(95,000 Acre-Feet) Plan Forward: • Finalize analysis of CVLGC needs • Finalize project list to evaluate • Using the Scoring Criteria and Weighting, evaluate eachproject ■ Board to recommend the best project for CVLGC to move forward ■ Present the Board recommendation to each City Council for approval' ■ Execute approved recommendation Question Session: Mayor Ralph Gutierrez thanked the CVLGC Staff for the presentation. Cibolo Councilmember Mark Allen asked about the Selection Criteria Weighting and thought the quality and the distance the water travels to get to Cibolo are important metrics to look at. He also asked about diversity of water sources and if we looking to pick more than one project. Executive Director Scott McClelland stated there isn't just one project to fit all the needs of both cities. Cibolo Councilmember Mark Allen asked for an update from the last meeting where there was some opposition with some water rights being sold to CVLGC.President Justin Murray explained that the area where they were wanting to purchase water rights had some opposition, so CVLGC stepped back from that particular project.He does believe if this is one of the projects they are wanting to pursue,opposition might stir up again. Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez asked what the number one challenge is in obtaining water. Engineer Consultant John Winkler stated that permitting is the most challenging aspect of obtaining water.President Justin Murray added that each project will have its own unique challenges and that's where weighting the criteria in all projects helps CVLGC select the best projects to pursue.Executive Director Scott McClelland added that on some projects,the most difficult part will be negotiating with those agencies to get a part of those projects.The challenges vary. Schertz Councilmember Michael Dable stated that this is where the ownership question comes into play in the weighting of a project.If we are currently receiving water from a source,but down the road that agency needs more water for themselves,this could create issues. Cibolo Councilmember Tim Woliver asked how the length of time on each project is calculated. Executive Director Scott McClelland explained the timeline is from when we start the project to when we get water. Cibolo Mayor Stosh Boyle asked about the 2-acre feet to an acre for water rights.President Justin Murray explained that Wilson County is 2-acre foot/an acre and for Wilcox County it is I-acre foot/an acre.Mayor Stosh Boyle asked why local land owners wouldn't want to sell water rights to help their own community. President Justin Murray explained there are several complex issues with that option to consider. Closing Remarks: President Justin Murray closing remarks included that tonight's meeting had a different focus. It was not about a specific project,but the focus on how we need to maintain the engines of our local economies which is growth.Water is required for that growth. Working as team and maintaining the integrity of this organization is key to the success of this project.He also asked for everyone to reach out to our representatives. Executive Director Scott McClelland thanked everyone for attending and thanked the CVLGC Board for all their work. Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez agreed that the two cities need to work to together and adjourned the meeting at 7:43 pm. Cibolo Mayor Stosh Boyle thanked the CVLGC Board for all their hard work and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.Mayor Pro-Tem Joel Hicks made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councibnember Ted Gibbs seconded the motion.All in favor,motion passed.Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm. Ralph G ie yor City of Schertz Stosh B yle,May C ty of Cibolo Si d I& Sign and Date Jus 'n Murray, resident of CVLGC ��— at rr and D ATTEST: Brenda Dennis City Secretary City of Schatz