Min BOA 10/3/2016 y OF C/0 V O Te % PS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. Main St. October 3,2016 6:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Chairman Pedde at 6:02pm 2. Roll Call—Members Present:Lesley Pedde,Joel Hicks,Dick Hetzel and Mike Wk, Members Absent:Angela Dodd,Melvin Hicks;Mr. Joel Hicks made motion to excuse the absence of James Tibbets. Motion was seconded by Mr.Hetzel. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 4 to 0. Staff Present:Mr.Klein,Ms. Gonzalez,Ms. Cin:ics,Ms. Valdez 3. Moment of Silence—Ms.Pedde requested a Moment of Silence from all those in attendance. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Board of Adjustment on any issue. The Board of Adjustment may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however the Board of Adjustment may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC 0169)(Limit of three minutes each). No citizens signed up to be heard at this time. 6. Discussion/Action A. Discussion/Action regarding a variance request for the continuance of a nonconforming use, per UDC Article 5.2(5),for property located at 502 Country Lane. This iters:was briefed by Ms. Gonzalez The applicant,Maggie Rickard,spoke of her request. D.Hetzel questioned whether a variance expires.Ms. Gonzalez answered by saying that a property that has been granted a non-conforming variance cannot continue after being vacant for more than 6 months. J.Hicks made a motion to approve a variance request for the continuance of a nonconforming use,per UDCArticle 5.2(5),for property located at 502 Country Lane. Motion was seconded by M. Wk. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 4 to 0. B. Discussion/Action regarding a variance request for the continuance of a nonconforming use, per UDC Article 5.2(5),for property located at 675 Country Lane. This item was briefed by Ms. Gonzalez The applicant,Mrs. Barnett,spoke of her request. J.Hicks made a motion to approve a variance request for the continuance of a nonconforming use,per UDCArticle 5.2(5),for property located at 675 Country Lane. Motion was seconded by D.Hetzel. For:All,Against:None. Motion carried 4 to 0. 7. Adjournment—Mr.Hetzel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:24pm. Motion was seconded by M. Hk. For:All;Against:None.Motion carried 4 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20 Dick Hetzel Vice Chairman Cibolo Board of Adjustment