Min CC 12/22/1998 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22,1998 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm H. ROLL CALL. All Councilmembers were present, Staff represented by Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath,Chief of Police Mark Riffe, City Attorney Ron Flake and Utility Administrator Claudia Schneider III. INVOCATION. Invocation was led by Bob Glisas IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Mayor Sam Bauder V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Mayor Sam Bauder took this time to present Amando Jimenez with a plaque for 10 years of dedicated service to the City. Before Citizens were heard,Mayor Bauder advised the citiZens present that the item on Sierrea Village Unit 1 would not be taken action on. Developer has not completed the filing with the city. Council will only affirm that the Planning and Zoning Commission took some action on the item. There were a few questions by citizens as to what the next step is on this development. Ron Flake informed audience of the fact that this area is in the ETJ,they were not subdividing and therefore the city has limited authority. The county has authority over the septic systems, Green Valley would be responsible for providing water and CCMA would provide sewer. At this time,it appears that this development may be dead for now. V1. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24,1998 Jeff Miller motioned to approve,Paul Buell seconded,approved B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 8,1998 Jeff Miller motioned to approve,Paul Buell seconded,approved VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON DONATION FROM BUFFALO VALLEY LIONS CLUB FOR FUNDING OF PICNIC TABLES FOR NIEMIETZ PARK James Purcell of the Buffalo Valley Lions Club presented the Council with a check for $600 as a donation to help make up for funds lost due to flood and cancellation of Cibolofest VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON TMRS SERVICE CREDIT AND ANNUITY BENEFITS UPDATE This Ordinance will make this action automatically renewal annually. Gail Douglas motioned to approve, Chuck Ridge seconded,approved IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REQUEST BY ALL CONST.FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR NIEMIETZ PARK PAVILION Chuck Ridge made motion to extend present contract to January 15, 1999,seconded by Gail Douglas,approved X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON VARIANCE REQUEST TO INSTALL SEPTIC TANK ON PROPERTY AT FM 1103&N.MAIN Present sewer line is too shallow for sewer use,only way for connection is to install pumping station. Motion to approve septic tank by Gail Douglas,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved. Ernie Schlather thanked the council XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVALMISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SIERREA VILLAGE UNIT 1 SUBDIVISION Council took action on approved the action by P&Z of disspproval,Jeff Miller motioned,Chuck Ridge seconded approved XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPONTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO FILL VACANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECT'Y POSITION Mayor appointed Paul Buell and Chuck Ridge to work with the Mayor on a committee to start proceedures for advertisement of p0000sition. Bob Glisar motioned to approve, Gail Douglas seconded,approved XIII. COMMENTS BY STAFF Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath advised council that he has received flood damage report from Ed Ford in the amount of$651,000. There was some confusion,part of the City of Schertz damage was included in this report. Will be returned to Ford Eng.for corrections. Park update-still waiting on Ford Eng.for electrical schematics to wire panels. Advised that Mike Castro of Garden Ridge had called as to the selling of Cibolos water rights for 1998. EAA called that Cibolo had no ability or right to sell these rights because Cibolo did not have a pumping history. EAA was to send Garden Ridge a ruling on this subject. Ed Ford is approving the draw request from All Const. Without certified payroll sheets. We are going to liable if workers are not paid the required rate to workers. Was advised by council that no draw request will be paid without these. Two Units in Deer Creek are to asphalted tomorrow. Wished all Merry Christmas. Paul Buell asked status on bill back to Ford Eng,for problems at Niemietz Park. Ford has been advised of this. Sam Bauder expressed the need to amend Subdivision Ordinance as to when payment of Plat filing fees must be made. Ron Flake advised fees should be paid when plats are brought in to be filed. Plats should not be considered officially filed with the city until payment is made. If all necessary work and payments are not received by agenda preparation time,this item will not be included. Chief of Police Mark Riffe presented to council an update on the warrant process. $1580 has been collected with a cost to the city of$83.68. $950 of this in bond money. Warrant process is going good so far. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Gail Douglas wished all a Merry Christmas. Thanked audience for coming. Same wished by Bob Glisar,Paul Buell, Chuck Ridge and Jeff Miller. Jeff Miller expressed feelings that it was good to see a crowd. XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Sam Bauder was glad to see crowd. Wished Merry Christmas XVI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE / Z DAY OF J1999. SAM BAUDER,MAYOR CLAUDIA SCHNEIDER/ASSISTANT CITY SECT'Y