Min CC 01/26/1999 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,JANUARY 26,1999 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER- Meeting RDERMeeting was called to order at 7:00 PM 2.. ROLL CALL. All Councilmembers were present. Staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake,Chief of Police Mark Riffe, Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath and Assistant City Secretary Claudia Schneider 3. INVOCATION. Invocation was led by Councilman Bob Glisar 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Mayor Sam Bauder 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Ron Steves of Teamco asked permission to park possibly 8 mobile homes on Schlathers lot across street from his business for approx 30 days. Council consented to allow 30 days starting Jan.29, 1999. If too many complaints are received,council will look at situation again. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 12,1999 Motion to approve with correction Jeff Miller,seconded by Paul Buell. Approved 7. DISCUSSIONIACTION ON OFFER FROM CRWA TO PREPARE CCR REPORT FOR CITY David Davenport of CRWA briefed the council on CCR requirements of report due October 1, 1999. CRWA has offered to do preparation of the report for Cibolo along with 6 other entities that have agreed to participate. The report is quite lenghty and involved. Time and effort will be saved by the combination of reports. Costs of preparation will depend on number of participants,number of employees CRWA has to use and printing costs. Motion to approve by Bob Glisar,seconded by Paul Buell. Approved 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST FROM JAPHET HOMES TO ENCROACH INTO FRONT SETBACK AT 104 BRUSH TRAIL BEND Motion to approve request of variance of approx 6"encroachment of corner of house made by Gail Douglas, seconded by Jeff Miller,approved. 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SENATE BILL 1—SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS REGIONAL WATER PLANNING GROUP David Davenport advised the council on the purpose of this request. SCTRW is wanting the city to submit our plans for future water resources. He recommended writing them a letter stating we are using Edwards wells and are developing a plan working with the CRWA for treated water. He stated that he didn't know just how much power this requirement holds as far as not allowing those who didn't respond to be allowed water. Ron Flake stated he thought a letter should be drafted that Cibolo has plans to open its well and are having difficulty getting it permitted. 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT a.) Keith Gilbreath stated that a meeting was held on Jan. 13 with Ed Ford, Sia of All Const.,the electrician on job, Andrew Tolle and several others. Keith asked Ed Ford three times,do you have a schematic drawing,are you going to draw one,does the electrician have enough information in written form to do the work,if not a schematic is required. Keith stated he never got an answer on either question It was left up to our engineer and the electrician to get together and work it out and get it accomplished. The electrician has made a drawing and load calculations. A change order was originally approved for$22,000,$3,000 was for electrical. An additional change order for electrical has been received for$13,062. The change out of transformers will be by GVEC at no charge with 6—8 weeks order time. Panels will take 4—6 weeks. There was more discussion as to how did the electrician bid the job with incomplete information and he should have foreseen problems would arise from this. The council agreed that the electrical company,the city engineer and the general contractor should share the blame. Keith Gilbreath was instructed to tell them the city is not going to pay the additional$13,062,that the mistakes is theirs,and it is their responsibility to fit the problem. Ron Flake agreed to call Ed Ford and to tell him the city is looking to him to take care of this problem. b.) The plumbing rough in was done wrong,was roughed in for floor mount instead of wall mount. Getting rebate on difference of cost of materials. c.) The wages in the contract made reference to Section 22000 which was left out of the contract. Ron Flake stated that city requires the contractors to pay the prevailing wage rate. Certified payroll sheets must be submitted,from day one,before any more draws are going to be paid. d.) The walking nature trail was constructed in the wrong place and not as detailed. The contractor stated he hit concrete when digging, so he took it upon himself to move the trail. Also,the walking trail was to be constructed by digging down and filling with specific material and then topped. The trail was laid on top of the existing ground and put caliche as topping instead of sealcoated. 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR NIEMIETZ PARK PAVILION The original contract extension has ended. The council decided to grant a 30-day extension to Feb. 15, 1999. Motioned by Bob Glisar and seconded by Gail Douglas. 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SETTING DATE FOR MEETING TO DISCUSS PLANNED THOROUGHFARE Keith Gilbreath informed the council,due to attending school last week,and will be in school all of next week,he has been unable to prepare list of landowners. Jeff Miller stated that he had contacted Hal Baldwin,Mayor of Schertz as they had been through this with their masterplan. Mr.Baldwin was not mayor at that time but Mr.Chuck Sharp and Mr.Earl Herzog were involved and would be able to assist Cibolo with this. Ron Flake advised the council that a committee should be formed to compile the list and inform landowners of meeting. Mr.Fritz Schlather offered to compile list of landowners,with the assistance of Mr.Eric Strey of the County Appraisal Office,and prepare notice for mail out. Workshop was set for Tuesday,Feb. 9, 1999 at 7:00 PM and the regular council meeting for that night would start at 6:00 PM. 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF Claudia Schneider informed council that Norma of the City of Schertz had contacted Cibolo regarding joint election for the General Election on May 1, 1999. The County Election Office would like to have only one voting place, which will be at the Elections Office on Elbel Rd. Council agreed this was approved. A thank you card had been received from the family of Mrs.Hedwig Meek for the plant sent to funeral. The bid notice for the backhoe was faxed to the Herald and is to be in next weeks paper,opening of bids is Thurs.Feb.11, 1999 at 10:00 am Mark Riffe advised the council that the two new police cars have been received. He briefed the council on the progress of the new warrant system. Have collected$5,424.75 in fine money. $853 in bond money had been posted. This was accomplished with only twelve hours of overtime. Keith Gilbreath advised that he had received one of the two retired police cars. The other car will be for the new City Administrator. Keith asked if the council still intended to give the old staff car to the fire dept. Council agreed this was the intent. Keith informed council that by law,city cars have to be marked. He would get a quote on this. There is a change of intent as to implementing the meter reading system. We would like to take the money budgeted for transponders and instead go ahead and buy the software and two hand-held units. The readers would manually punch in the readings and then they would be feed into computer. The wand reading would be installed at a later date. He gave council his schedule for the next couple of weeks. Of the$651,000 Flood Damage report where the 0 c city would have to pay$159,000. FEMA representative stated that much of this report was for repairs in Schertz, which was not our responsibility. It was also discovered that 745 ft.north of the Dietz Creek bridge,is recorded at the county as a Maintenance Agreement by the City of Schertz. This was probably when Don McCrary was working on Dove Meadows for the run off of this subdivision. FEMA will not pay for any work done in this area. Keith has a meeting tomorrow with CCMA for work on their lines. With all the cuts by FEMA on work that was reported that is not Cibolo's responsibility,the amount goes down to$23,622 making our portion about$6,000. Ed Ford charged the city$5,000 to prepare this report. Council agreed that Ed Ford should figure number of hours actually spent on preparation of report and also figure amount based on percentage of report that was actually ours. City will figure which way is the less and that amount will be paid. Ron Flake introduced Mr.Frank Posey. He will be helping Ron on some work and possibly will be working on items for the city. 14. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Jeff Miller asked on progress of application for City Administrator. Was informed that so far 23 applications had been received. Chuck Ridge had reviewed those and has passed them along to Paul Buell for review. Paul Buell asked the mayor if he had scheduled a meeting with Green Valley Water. Bob Glisar offered to contact Dorothy Mills and schedule a date and time that all could meet. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder commented that there were rumors about conflict of interest between City Attorney and Mr.Van Horn property. He stated that Ron had done work for Mr. Van Horn over the past several years but was the City Attorney and was representing the city first. 16. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS DAY OF , 1999 SAM BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: (Lj�' CLAUDIA SCHNEIDEWASSISTANT CITY SECT'Y