Min CC 02/23/1999 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1999 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER- Meeting RDERMeeting was called to order at 7:00 PM 2.. ROLL CALL. All Councilmembers were present;staff was represented by Mark Riffe,Ron Flake,Keith Gilbreath,Robert Arenas and Claudia Schneider 3. INVOCATION. Invocation was led by Bob Glisar 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Sam Bauder 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present to be heard, Joyce Jones and son were present for project in government class 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9,1999 Tabled,not ready B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 9,1999 Motion to approve by Paul Buell,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL OF ANNUAL AUDIT Motion to approve by Jeff Miller,seconded by Gail Douglas,approved 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE EFFORTS TO LOCATE AN ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS IN NORTHEAST AREA Motion to approve by Gail Douglas,seconded by Bob Glisar,approved 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AWARDING BID FOR BACKHOE Motion to approve bid for Ford/New Holland Backhoe with combination,option I—backhoe buckets&option IV— ROPS cab by Bob Glisar,seconded by Gail Douglas,approved 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1 PHASE 4 Motion to approve by Bob Glisar,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1 PHASE 5 Motion to approve by Bob Glisar,seconded by Paul Buell,approved 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF REPLAT OF DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION SECTION 1,PHASE 3 Motion to approve with corrections by Bob Glisar,seconded by Paul Buell,approved Y 13. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MESA VERDE There was a right-of-way issue in approving this plat. Needed orderly flow of traffic at turn at Green Valley Rd. and Kove Lane.Developer is giving 11' on his side for right-of-way;another 11'is still needed across road. Jeff Miller felt no approval should be given without total 42'dedication of ROW. Keith Gilbreath stated that the county would review all necessary information as to the road problem as this is a county road. Developer is dedicating cash in lieu of parkland. The thoroughfare issue through this property is not settled. Motion to approve subject to all convections and Thoroughfare Committee findings made by Paul Buell,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 14. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE REGIONAL WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT GROUP Ron Flake gave a brief on this matter. The costs will be according to use. The number of users will determine the annual dues. At this time,dues are not set. Recommended the city participate. Motion to approve by Bob Glisar,seconded by Jeff Miller,approved 15. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THE APPOINTMENT OF A COMMITTEE FOR THOROUGHFARE PLANNING Mayor Bauder stated that the committee would be made up of volunteers. Committee to consists of Fritz Schlather, Councilmember Gail Douglas,Police Chief Mark Riffe,P&Z Chairman Charles Ruppert and Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath. Don McCrary was asked to donate his engineering experience,County Commissioner Jim Wolverton was invited to attend as county advisor and Mayor Sam Bauder will also sit in. Motion to approve by Bob Glisar, seconded by Paul Buell,approved 16. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK City Engineer Ed Ford made an apology to the City Council as to his statement that the interest of the staff was not in the best interest of the city. Larry Dublin stated he had met with Sia on Feb 22nd. One week from Friday, (3-5-99)the project would be ready for a punch list to be prepared. Last week the electrical sub met with GVEC to make arrangements for transformer. All should be back on track. The General Contractor wants to hold off on finishing the walking track till closer to completion time,it will need to be re-sealed. At the next council meeting(3-9-99),an update on progress and possibly a date of completion. All Const.has agreed to work on this. The electrical work is being done;the cost of the change order has not been resolved. Ron Flake has talked with the attorney of All Const. They will deal with this after project is completed. Andrew Tolle asked as to a final completion date. Larry Dublin said probably middle otMarch;all will hang on GVEC delivery of transformer. 17. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath asked Ron Flake on directions as to handling the Robert Hunt issue. He was directed to send a letter asking for payment. Keith attended the FEMA meeting, last Wed.on handling monies received from them for disaster relief. FEMA gave city 75%of the total cost of repairs as estimated by FEMA. If the City can get repairs done at a lesser cost;the city will not have to put in the 25%. Mr.Arturo Troncoso has asked for city help in putting in a culvert at their driveway. City Attorney has instructed that city money cannot be used to improve private property. Keith was in court with the Attorney General on the Jacky Keith issue.Keith is looking to solve this issue by possibly replatting the land into rural subdivision lots. Keith told them that the city would work with them. There is still no access into this area. Community Development has informed the city that if the city does not apply for a grant in the next couple of months,we will be excluded from any grant application for the next 2-'/2 yrs. The city can apply for a grant for looping sewer or water lines. We should apply,even if we know we don't qualify. Keith will attend a GVEC meeting on Thursday regarding deregulation. Sam Bauder asked about process on Thistle Creek Dr.completion. Keith has spoke with Sam Bledsoe. He is trying to get a buyer for this section. It would be up to buyer to complete road. Mark Riffe stated that$2749 had been collected in warrants,will have a full report next meeting. 18. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Gail Douglas stated that in was in the newest legislature brief that a proposed bill isin works to put amount to go out for bid back to$5,000. Paul Buell thanked Fritz Schlather for his help on the thoroughfare committee. He feels that this is a definitely need project. .J 19. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder also thanked Fritz Schlather for his help,looking forward to an update at possibly next council meeting. 20. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE DAY OF 1999. am Bauder,Mayor ATTEST: c� �Jme-,J,, Claudia Schneider,Asst. City Secretary