Min CC 03/23/1999 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 23,1999 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO, TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. 2.. ROLL CALL. Gail Douglas had an excused absence;Paul Buell arrived at 7:10 P.M. 3. INVOCATION. Invocation was held at the Public Hearing 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was held at the Public Hearing 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 9,1999 Jeff Miller motioned to approve,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION FOR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT Motion to apply for grant using the project from Deitz Creek on FM 78,up to the house west of Norwest Bank and possibly from Timber Tech west into the ETJ made by Jeff Miller,seconded by Bob Ghsar,approved 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON EMPLOYEE DENTAL BENEFITS Bob Feike advised the council that the cost to the city till the end of fiscal year would be$846. This would be dental insurance through CompDent This would be$9.40 per month per employee. Motion to approve made by Bob Glisar, seconded by Jeff Miller,approved 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESOLUTION REQUEST BY CIBOLO VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR BURN BAN Fire Chief Roger Niemietz withdrew this request for now since some rain has been received and more possibly on the way. If conditions warrants,this request will be resubmitted. 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT Ron Flake advised council that Sia of All Const.has been working on items listed on the punch list. Ford Engineering and All Const.has been working on who is responsible for which items. The 600 AMP box is due for delivery shortly. Andrew Tolle has been at the park with his equipment helping All Const. Mr.Tolle has two generators lined up for use if _ necessary. He asked the question that if the generators were needed,who would take the responsibility of payment. Council advised that the city would take care of payment(bill would be approximately$800) 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR BOARD OF MANAGERS AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR CRWA Sam Bauder was elected to the Board of Managers,to be replaced by the City Administrator when hired. Bob Glisar and Chuck Ridge were elected to the Board of Trustees. Motion to approve by Paul Buell,seconded by Bob Ghsar. 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THOROUGHFARE COMMITTEE MEETING FINDINGS Keith Gilbreath gave a brief on the progress of the committee. They have come up with a plan to use most of the original master plan. IRC,Waelti representative and Mr. Dean are agreeable to donate R.O.W. Mr. Stapper and Mr.Borgfeld are also agreeable. The two owners on the comer of Kove Lane and the only areas left to negotiate. 13. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR FLOOD DAMAGE REPAIR FUNDS AND EXPENSES Budget adjustment is needed for a pass through of the$19,287.25 that will be received for flood damage repair. If all of the amount is not used,the city can keep the balance. 14. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REGIONAL WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT GROUP FIRST QUARTERLY ALLOCATION WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT Bob Glisar offered to contact David Davenport to get some advice on this report. 15. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST TO ENCROACH INTO FRONT SETBACK OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT ELM STREET AND PFEIL ROAD This building was built a couple of months after the 25'setback ordinance was passed. This building is.76'past the setback on Pfeil and 1.22'past on Elm. Motion to approve made by Jeff Miller,seconded by Paul Buell,approved 16. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF ADDRESS CHANGE OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT ELM STREET AND PFEIL ROAD Request was made to make the address 100 Elm St.instead of issuing an address on Pfeil. Motion to approve made by Chuck Ridge,seconded by Bob Glisar,approved 17. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF DEER CREEK SECTION 1 PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION Motion to approve with necessary corrections by Bob Ghsar,seconded by Paul Buell,approved 18. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF DEER CREEK SECTION 1 PHASE 5 SUBDIVISION Motion to approve with any necessary corrections by Bob Glisar,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 19. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF MESA VERDE This plat has been withdrawn until the thoroughfare is decided on. 20. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath advised the council that the old backhoe has been repaired. Ewald had told us that it would have to be split in half for repairs,the ones that the city bought it from were called,and repairs have been made. Will use this backhoe as a backup. Keith is getting bids on the Deer Creek flood damage project. Brad Gaylo wants to come to council with a proposal to plat the rest of Thistle Creek in sections and will also finish Thistle Creek Dr. in section. If he can sell the balance of Thistle Creek,the new owners will build the road. This road will not be finished before the Dietz Road project is started. Andrew Tolle stated that All Const.is involved in trying to finish park project. He hopes it keeps going as well. 21. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Chuck Ridge advised council that he has distributed copies of applications to all members. They are to rate them in order from 1-10. 22. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder thanked Mr.Tolle and Keith Gilbreath for all their work on the pavilion project. He stated that there would be a special council meeting on Tuesday,March 30,1999 at 7:00 P.M.for executive session to discuss the final three applicants. 23. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:48 P.M. p / 4 PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS QDAY OF 1999. go"c Sam Bauder,Mayor ATTEST: �h�l )J�J- Z, CLAUDIA SCHNEIDER/ASST. CITY SECT'Y