Min CC 04/27/1999 S r MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 27,1999 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO, TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sam Bauder at 7:00 p.m. 2.. ROLL CALL. All Councilmembers were present except Bob Glisar,excused absence. Staff was represented by Ron Flake,Keith Gilbreath,Mark Riffe and Claudia Schneider 3. INVOCATION. A moment of silence was observed 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Sam Bauder 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Ken Kneupper spoke in favor of extension of Kove Lane. He is donating 60'of R.O.W. Recommended approval of thoroughfare and of plat approval for Mesa Verde. Dean Danos disagreed with Planning&Zoning recommendation for plan"A"of thoroughfare. He questioned law enforcement of road and stated taxes would be higher along thoroughfare due to new road. Tom Maher,resident of Royal Oak Acres opposed to plan"A". Feared that it would turn into a 3009 at some later date. 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 13,1999 Motion to approve by Jeff Miller,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved B. PROCLAMING MAY 1999 COMMUNITY ACTION MONTH Motion to approve by Gail Douglas,seconded by Jeff Miller,approved C. RESOLUTION REQUEST FROM AACOG ENDORSING THE REGIONAL AIR QUALITY PLANNING POLICIES Motion to approve by Gail Douglas,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SIGNING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BEXAR COUNTY&CIBOLO ON THE CIBOLO CREEK CLEAN-UP Ron Flake reviewed the interlocal agreement. Council had previously approved the involvement of Cibolo in the project but did not have the agreement to sign at that time. Motion to sign agreement by Gail Douglas,seconded by Paul Buell, approved 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT Mark Buell,Chairman of Parks Commission,stated that clean-up day would be Saturday,May 1 at 9 a.m.,rain or shine. Reminded everyone of Sausage Supper on May 8 and that the Parks&Rec Commission was sponsoring a Cibolofest Golf Tournament at Northcliff Country Club on Sat,June 26. Keith Gilbreath stated that the park project was close to finish,parts for the lift station were still needed. The air conditioner had a problem but hoped to have it resolved tomorrow. The thermostats had to be changed out. The ones specified were approx. $115 and would be changed out to standard thermostats. The track was being rolled again. There was still a lot of dirt and ground work to be done,lights to volleyball court still needed,wiring of lift station needs to be done. Ron Flake stated that the disputes seemed to be resolved. Sia was very co-operative in his efforts to get project at a point where the sausage supper could be held. 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AMENDING THE MASTER PLAN TO CHANGE THE THOROUGHFARE ROUTES - Three proposals were presented to the P&Z for approval. The P&Z approved plan"A",council would like for all three to be approved in case of problems that might arise in one and then could go to the next. Motion to approve"A',`B",& "C"and to have city attorney draw up a letter of agreement to landowners until engineering study is done,made by Paul Buell,seconded by Gail Douglas,approved 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF MESA VERDE Questions arose as to drainage being affected by the plat. Study will need to be done by city engineering;it was stated that TXDOT Bill Turpa and Don McCrary are studying this situation. Paul Buell made motion to approve with correction of corner R.O.W.,subject to appropriate drainage study and 20' of easement for thoroughfare,seconded by Chuck Ridge, approved 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST FROM FLAIR HOMES TO ENCROACH INTO REAR SETBACK AT 400 DEER MEADOW Approval recommended by P&Z,they also stated that this problem is happening too often. Motion to approve by Paul Buell but builders are to be given notice that council will not be as lenient next time,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST FROM FLAIR HOMES TO ENCROACH INTO SIDE SETBACK AT 116 WINTER FROST Motion to approve with notice given by Paul Buell,seconded Chuck Ridge,approved 13. DISCUSSION/ACTION TO EXTEND THE WARRANT SERVICE TO INCLUDE THE OLDER WARRANTS Chief of Police Mark Riffe updated council that as of date,$18004.35 in warrants had been collected while only using 40- hours overtime. On the older warrants,will still have to send 30%of fees collected if they had already been turned over to MSB. Motion to approve by Jeff Miller,seconded by Gail Douglas,approved 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath advised council that he and Mark Riffe had attended the TXDOT meeting. Dietz road project will begin in January,2000. He should have more on Thistle Creek Drive extension by next council meeting. So far has only had a reply from one engineer for proposals for new city engineer. Deer Creek Blvd is finished and sidewalk from Watts Elem. to Winter Frost will be city responsibility. Ron Flake stated that Keith Gilbreath and Andrew Tolle have been on top of park project. Pavilion is basically finished. Sia had requested acceptance of building and will honor warranty. Sia will waive claims and liquefied damages. When vapors are gone off track,city will sign of on track. A different material will be used on the track,will not be able to be walked on for 3 days. Posting of sign will be needed. Paul Buell asked about sand for volleyball court and striping for bisketball court. These will be done after sausage supper. The meeting room will be tiled at city cost. A notice to bond company will be sent. Sia requested a personal recommendation letter. Ron will write letter. 15. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Gail Douglas commented that it had been pleasure being on council, will be helping out with Park Commission. Paul Buell thanked Gail and good bye. Thanked Fritz Schlather for time and effort put towards thoroughfare. Also thanked Sia for his work. Looking forward to the sausage supper. Chuck Ridge thanked Gail for all her work on council Jeff Miller stated that he would be going to Houston Saturday. All council bid Gail goodbye 16. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder stated that still need something to be done about Ed Ford's FEMA study. Thanked Gail for her participation on council. 17. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. ,R ✓ PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS I ( DAY OF 1999. Sam Bauder,Mayor ATTEST; Claudia Schneider,Asst. Ciry Sect'y