Min CC 05/11/1999 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 11,1999 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Sam Bauder,Councilmembers Jeff Campbell,Chuck Ridge,Jeff Miller and Ron Flake,Mark Riffe, Keith Gilbreath and Claudia Schneider represented staff 3. INVOCATION. Jeff Campbell led invocation 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Sam Bauder led pledge 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 27,1999 Motion to approve made by Jeff Miller,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 4,1999 SPECIAL MEETING Motion to approve with corrections made by Jeff Miller,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO-TEM Item was tabled due to the absence of two councilmembers 8. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO REVIEW CITY ENGINEERING PROPOSALS AND BRING RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL The council decided that they would meet in a special workshop on May 25, 1999 at 6:00 P.M.to review the proposals 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL OF CONTRACT TO COMPLETE SIDEWALK IN DEER CREEK TO CONNECT TO WATTS ELEM. SIDEWALK Motion to accept the bid by Montiel&Sons made by Chuck Ridge,seconded by Jeff Miller,approved 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CONSTRUCTING A PARKING LOT ON CITY PROPERTY ACROSS FROM CITY HALL Ron Flake expressed his concern of people having to cross Loop 539 if they used this parking lot. Mayor Sam Bauder Stated that staff could use new lot on court day,which would leave lot next to city hall open to public. There will not be a sign designating this new area as a parking lot. Motion to approve made by Jeff Miller,seconded by Chuck Ridge, approved 11. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION OF JULIE SMITH ON PARKS COMMITTEE AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW COMMISSIONER GAIL DOUGLAS Motion to approve by Jeff Miller,seconded by Chuck Ridge,approved 12. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CAPPING OF WELL ON CITY PROPERTY Motion to approve by Chuck Ridge,seconded by Jeff Miller,approved r 13. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT Keith Gilbreath briefed council on current problems,cracked sewer line needs repair,track(around football field only) gets treated sealer,and volleyball court still needs the work that the city will do. Chuck Ridge and Sam Bauder stated they were under the impression that all but the nature trail was to get sealant. Chuck Ridge stated that he was talking to Sia while standing on the part of the track by the pavilion and Sia stated that it would be nice when he rolled and sealed this part of the track. Misunderstanding is to be discussed between Ron Flake and Sia. There are still some rough spots that are not in the area to be sealed that will need rolling. Playground equipment is installed,but landscaping needs to be done. It was asked who would be doing landscaping work. Goalpost still needs to be ordered. 14. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath stated he had been talking to Chief Riffe and when school is out,they will try to get community service people to work in Deer Creek from about 8 am to noon,clearing flood debris so area can be mowed. Deer Creek developers have submitted 6 plats for approval with a total of 152 lots,plan to be built out by end of this year. Keith and Bob Glisar attended the Green Valley Water meeting. Green Valley will be charging an additional$800 for a total of $2375 impact fee for anyone building inside Green Valley service district. Keith stated that in the service line lawsuit, Shells prerequisite is for city to furnish addresses where repairs were done due to inferior pipe. This goes back to about 1985,no records were kept. Ron Flake will talk to the lawyers on this. Nothing has been heard from Brad Gaylo on Thistle Creek Drive completion. Chuck Ridge believes that he still has the letter from Brad Gaylo guaranteeing the road to be completed before Jordan School opened. Will find and get copy to Ron. Mayor Bauder asked Keith about basketball ordinance. Keith hasn't been able to work on this. Keith is still hying to locate David Wittham from FEMA on Ed Ford's submittal. 15. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Jeff Miller complimented Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept.on supper. Chuck Ridge did the same. Ron Flake stated that court is becoming a problem. Not enough room. 16. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam Bauder welcomed Jeff Campbell to council,stated supper was great,pavilion was nice,and glad it was great weather. 17. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 2 5- DAY OF 11999. SAM BADDER,MAYOR ATTESTED: � LaL-1, YJ GLJ..L4---, CLAUDIA SCHNEIDER,ASST. CITY SECT'Y