Min CC 05/25/1999 ✓ 4 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 25,1999 AT 7:00 PAL AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER- Meeting RDERMeeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. 2.. ROLL CALL. Mayor Sam Bauder,Council members Jeff Campbell,Bob Glisar,Paul Buell and Chuck Ridge were present. Jeff Miller had an excused absence. Ron Flake,Ken Roberts,Claudia Schneider,Keith Gilbreath and Mark Riffe represented staff. 3. INVOCATION. Invocation was led by Bob Glisar 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Pledge was led by Sam Bauder 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) No citizens were present to be heard 6. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 11,1999 Motion to approve was made by Chuck Ridge,seconded by Jeff Campbell,approved 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO-TEM Bob Glisar nominated Chuck Ridge;Chuck Ridge nominated Bob Glisar. Motion to elect Chuck Ridge as Mayor Pro-Tem was made by Bob Glisar,seconded by Paul Buell,approved 8. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DEER CREEK SECTION 1 PHASE 4A Preliminary Plat approved by the Planning&Zoning. Buildingline missing. The common area was listed as lot 21 on plans. This is the 30'gas line easement. Ron Flake stated that this needs to be clear on final plat. This area is not for sale for building. Asked who would be responsible on maintaining this area Keith Gilbreath stated he assumed that the HomeOwners Association would,this is not city property. Fees were paid on this lot 21,which will be refunded Bob Glisar made motion to approve with exception that statement added to plans that lot 21 is not to be sold or built on and contingent upon engineers approval of plat. Seconded by Paul Buell,approved 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DEER CREEK SECTION 1 PHASE 5A Planning&Zoning approved this plat. This plat has lot 38 as part of 30'gas line easement. Bob Glisar motioned to approve with same conditions as Section 1 Phase 4A,seconded by Paul Buell,approved 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NIEMIETZ PARK PROJECT Mark Buell stated that the Parks&Rec. Commission would like the contract,along with punch list&city list of item completed A group of Scouts have volunteered to do part of the landscaping. Mark would like Ken Roberts to delegate responsibility of remaining projects. He added that there is a goal post that will serve as football&soccer combined Sam Bauder stated that we need to be sure that we stay out of the way of Sia's way as they are completing their part of the project. Sia still needs to stripe the basketball court,do something about the floor in the meeting room and finish the track. It was mentioned that there might be a possibility of asking Sia not to do the work on floor in meeting room and allow the city to tile this area in exchange for a rebate from him. Parks&Rec. Commission will make the recommendation to council to ask for this. City is still holding Sias bond until all is completed Mark Buell reminded everyone of the upcoming Golf Tournament and needs everyone's help. He asked that all members of the council,P&Z and Parks commission to obtain one hold sponsor per person. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.072(1)(A)OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING CITY EMPLOYEE AND CITY ENGINEER Council went into executive session at 7:25 P.M. Council reconvened from executive session at 7:45 P.M. A. NEW CITY ADMINISTRATOR/CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT Bob Glisar made motion to approve contract,seconded by Paul Buell,approved- B. pprovedB. SELECTION OF NEW CITY ENGINEER Motion to approve HDR Simpson as new City Engineer made by Paul Buell,seconded by Jeff Campbell,approved. Sam Bauder directed Ken Roberts to notify engineers. C. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION 13. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath asked Ron Flake as to status of right of way letters for thoroughfare. Ron stated he would prepare a form letter for Keith to mail out. As to right entry letters for flood,Ron will provide these to Keith also. Keith stated that Mrs.Krasnai had complained of high weeds on lot next to her. Keith had contacted owner and was informed that there was some sort of abstract judgement on this lot,that his name was still on title but it really wasn't his. Ron Flake stated that it was still his and he needed to mow. Keith informed council that a new business is building in Industrial Park,Cougar Trucking. Keith was still working on FEMA letter as to submittal of Ford Eng.report. The Planning&Zoning had voiced concern that was there was supposed to be a public hearing held before the thoroughfare change. Ron Flake stated that the action recently taken was just to define area of thoroughfare and no public hearing was needed Keith informed council that he had a meeting with the Attorney General on June 8 concerning the Jackie Keith property. On June 21 st there would be a motion to appoint receivership on this property. Sam Bauder asked Keith if there had been any more action on the Thistle Creek Drive completion. Keith stated he had heard nothing. Chuck Ridge stated that he had found the letter from Brad Gaylo promising to complete the road by August, 1998,would get copy to Ron. Mark Riffe informed council that Police Officer Brad Mathis had resigned. On the warrants,over$3,000 had been collected They are getting ready to start working on the old warrants. Sam Bauder asked as to the status of the Adm.Car. Mark stated that it was scheduled to start taking equipment off on Wednesday. 14. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Paul Buell asked as to status of Kove Lane. The last Sam Bauder heard was that County Commissioner Jim Wolverton was working with the owners on a program where the county upgraded the road and payment was spread out over several years. 15. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Sam welcomed Ken Roberts to the city. 16. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 P.M. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS DAY OF o K.�C 71999. 1 -L1✓�Q Sam Bauder,Mayor ATTEST: Ke oberts,,, icy Administrator/City Sect'y