Min CC 06/22/1999 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,JUNE 22 ,1999 AT 7:05 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council members Jeff Campbell,Bob Glisar,Paul Buell,and Mayor Pro- Tem Chuck Ridge. City Attorney Ron Flake,City Administrator Ken Roberts,Chief of Police Mark Riffe and Code Compliance Officer Keith Gilbreath represented staff. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Mr.Pope spoke to the subject of Item 16, Spring Tree Subdivision. Mr.Pope offers that the Council and the City must be considerate of atmosphere of the property surrounding the proposed Spring Tree Subdivision. We must use caution and planning to insure that growth is done correctly and the planning is sufficient to avoid urban sprawl that could ruin the current balance in the City. VI. CONCENSUS ITEMS: A. Approval of the Minutes of the Council meeting of June 8, 1999. Motion to Approve: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell For:All Against: None VII. CCMA IMPACT FEES FOR CITY PARK, SECOND READING Letter of explanation of the fees was received from CCMA on 17 June, 1999. Mayor Bauder expressed his surprise at the amount of the fees and additional cost to the City for bringing the Park on line. Discussion followed from Council and the consensus was the bill is to be paid at the City's earliest convenience. VIII. ACCEPTANCE OF COUNCILMAN MILLER'S REGIGNATION AND RECOGNITION OF HIS SERVICE TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO. Mayor Bauder thanked Mr.Miller for his years of service as a Councilman from 1988 through 1999. Councilman Miller was also recognized for his years of service as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to his service on City Council. Councilman Miller was presented with a plaque and his nameplate as a token of appreciation on behalf of the citizens of Cibolo. Councilman Miller made a brief statement as to service and his reasons for resigning his seat. IX. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ON NOMINATION TO FILL MR.MILLER'S UNEXPIRED TERM Councilman Glisar nominated Ms. Judy Tokar for the unexpired term;Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge seconded nomination. For: All Against: None No other nominations were offered,Ms.Judy Tokar was seated to fill the unexpired term of Mr.Miller. Mayor Bauder welcomed her to the Council and thanked her for volunteering to serve. Ms.Tokar will be sworn in at a formal ceremony at the July 13`h Council meeting. X. ACCEPTANCE OF MS.HOLT'S RESIGNATION FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Motion to accept Ms. Holt's resignation: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None M. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ON PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO FILL THE VACANT POSITION. Motion to appoint Mr.Todd Burnett to the Parks&Recreation Committee made by Councilman Buell and Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All Against:None XII. PRESENTATION BY MR. GLINSER,F.E.M.A. SUBJECT:FORD ENGINEERING Mr. Glinser gave a brief overview of his involvement in the post flood area and his observations of the ability of F.E.M.A.to utilize the estimates and damage assessments provided by Ford Engineering. One of his comments centered around the fact that the entire report that assessed the damage in Cibolo was addressed to the City of Shertz. Per Mr. Glinser,the damage report for the four F.E.M.A.projects was derived from an on-site tour of the damages directed by Mr. Robert Arenas Sr.,of the Cibolo Public Works Department. Mr. Glinser stated he was unaware of any arrangement between the City and Ford Engineering and that was not of concern to F.E.M.A. However,the damage assessment was derived from Mr. Arenas tour and not the engineering report. Mr. Flake,City Attorney,asked as to the correctness of the data in the Ford Engineering report. Mr. Glinser stated that there were reports on damage in adjacent cities included as if the damage were in Cibolo. Rendering the engineering report useless for FEMA purposes. Further,engineer estimates of damages were not even close to the FEMA estimates. Mayor Bauder thanked Mr. Glinser for his effort to address the Council and for his providing answers to questions that had gone unanswered for quite some time. XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY RE-PLAT OF DEER CREEK, SECTION 2 PHASE 1 Ryland Homes as a representative for both homeowners(Taylor's&Lyon's,lots 28&29)in an effort to relocate the property line to save a large oak tree. Motion to approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None 2 XIV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF DEER CREEK,SECTION 1,PHASE 4A Motion to approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None XV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF DEER CREEK,SECTION 1,PHASE 5A Motion to approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None XVI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF SPRING TREE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1. Discussion centered on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation to disapprove the plat as submitted. The plat does not meet the minimum lot frontage of sixty(60)feet. Most of the lots,per the plat,are fifty-five feet. Council reviewed the plat and states that the lots must meet the sixty-(60)foot frontage requirement. Developer is encouraged to resubmit the plat with correction. Motion to disapprove: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Clisar For Disapproval: All Against Disapproval: None XVII. COMMENTS BY STAFF City Administrator briefed the Council and Mayor on the following topics: a. Though Sia Engineering has promised to stripe the basketball court at the new pavilion,there is no specific mention of that fact in the contract. b. In a meeting with Overby Engineering,it is the Administrator's view that the completion of the road to the school from Thistle Creek Subdivision will be at the developers pace and not as soon as the City would like to see the road completed. c. Request for direction on payment to Sia Engineering is that until all documentation on equipment is in the City's possession,all items on the"punch list"must be complete,the floor in the meeting room and kitchen are brought to an acceptable level of appearance and the stripes are on the basketball court;no money shall be paid and the bond shall not be released. d. SV 4xg-1411 Water Supply Corporation has advised of a rate increase to take effect on 1 October that will bring the rate to$1.38/1000 gallons of water. The current rate is$1.10/1000 gallons or a rate increase of some 25%. e. Personnel Manual has been re-written and staffed within the City. It is now with Mr.Flake for legal review. We should have it for Council approval in a July Council meeting. f. Beck Waste did an excellent job in cleaning up after the storm. He brought large containers for those who were capable of taking their debris off their property.He also ran special trucks to clear debris from in front of homes. Beck was mast responsive and did a fine job. Keith Gilbreath briefed the Council on the addendum's for the right-of-way letters to property owners in the area of the proposed thoroughfare. Those letters were mailed to the owners on Monday. Chief Riffe spoke to his department being two officers short,due to recent resignations and has had one officer on military leave for some three weeks. Old warrants will be worked very soon. If all continues as planned,two new officers will be introduced to Council in July. 3 XVIII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilman Glisar asked about the progress of the railroad cleaning up their mess along the tracks in town. Councilman Buell asked about the performance of the new City Engineer. M. COMMENTS BY THE MAYOR The Mayor had no comments. XX. ADJOURNMENT Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor ProTem Ridge: For: All Against: None APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE lj4 DAY OF ��y 11999. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAYOR 744 n Roberts, CITY SECRETARY 4