Min CC 08/10/1999 - Budget Workshop (2) r" - MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP AND COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 10, 1999 BUDGET WORKSHOP 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the Budget Workshop Meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. 2. Roll Call—All members of City Council were present 3. Third Review of Proposed City Budget, Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Mayor Bauder led the discussion on fiscal soundness and how the City must live within our means. Two budgets were presented, one with the current tax rate and one with a proposed increase of approximately .017 cents per hundred. All the capital expenditures are funded from current year assets, estimates for increases in health insurance coverage have been reduced to a 25% projected increase (down from the previous estimate of 40%) based on information provided by our current insurance agent. Council was advised of a budget line that is to repaint, carpet and place new window coverings in the Municipal Building. Neither budget presented was in balance. Both have revenues in excess of expenditures. Under the current tax rate there is estimated to be approximately a $3,000 excess and under the recommended rate that would rise to approximately $20,000. Council declines the offer to raise the City contribution rate to TMRS to a 2 to 1 ratio. Statements indicate that the current 1.5 to 1 ratio is sufficient and generous rate for matching funds. Contingency balance on General Fund Budget includes the amount to pay, should it come due, the amount due to GBRA/CRWA. Mayor Pro Tem Ridge introduced a pay increase plan that does not follow a straight 5% pay raise. Mayor Bauder stated he had no problem with the plan. The discussion then turned to Capital Improvement Purchases. Specifically, the size of the shredder was in question; i.e. twelve-foot may be too large. Direction was given to re look the requirement for the tractor and the size of the shredder. Mayor Bauder questioned the need for two new pickup trucks, in light of the total Capital Outlay of some $385,000. Some time was expended on the isolation of amounts to be drawn from the "reserve" account from past as well as current years. Mayor pointed out the obvious absence of dollars for general street repairs. Stating that with all the new vehicles (2 new Police Cars, 2 new pickup trucks, a tractor and a mower)we must address a fund for repairs of current street surfaces. Direction was given to establish a fund of$50,000 for general street maintenance, re look the requirement for tractor/shredder and the need for two new trucks in Public Works. Direction was further given to assume the recommended tax rate make an agenda item for the next Council Meeting to approve the budget and there will be no need for another Budget Workshop. Mayor Bauder adjourned the Budget Workshop. Council Meeting 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the regularly scheduled Council meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call—All members were present 3. Invocation— Councilman Glisar led the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge 5. Citizens To Be Heard—Mr. Nathan Gray spoke to the proposed extension of Main Street to 11135. His concerns were communicated as to what impact this might have to existing neighborhoods, increases in traffic and the increased number of residences in the area. Further, he raised questions as to the timing of the proposed annexation along with the fact that he questioned the value added for the City to bring the property into Cibolo. Mayor Bauder thanked him for his comments and informed Mr. Gray that the Public Hearing on the proposed annexation would be at the Council Meeting scheduled for 24 August. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of July 27, 1999 Budget Workshop and Council Meeting. Motion to Approve: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None Minutes approved as written 7. Discussion/Action on Proposed City Personnel Manual—Amended to include changes to the original submission on Military Leave, no payment from the City while employee is on Military Duty and addition of"spouse" to bereavement leave category. Probationary period was reduced from the original of 12 months to a period of 6 months. Some discussion on the"floater holiday"was entertained, no change to that day was recommended. Motion to Approve: Councilperson Tokar Second: Councilman Buell ` For: All Against: None 8. Discussion/,�pt�n on Amendment One to Cibolo Subdivision Ordinance, re. Pre and Post Construction Fees/Fines. On advise and supervision of the City Attorney, the Amendment One addresses ,`Ot a fee structure for developer/owner/builder requested variances to the {� Subdivision Ordinance. Fees for Pre-Construction remain at $100.00 per variance request. Fee for Post-Construction are hereby set at $1,000.00 per request. Council retains the right to reduce or waive the Post-Construction Variance fee based upon the circumstances. Motion to Approve: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilperson Tokar For: All Against: None Council gave instruction to develop Amendment Two to the Subdivision Ordinance to cover variance requests in multiple construction to cover developer instigated request for an entire development. Essentially creating a fee structure on a per lot basis. Mayor Pro Tem and the Administrator shall develop this amendment for presentation at a later date. 9. Discussion/Action on Request for Annexation, David Meditz 11.78 Acres at 130 Kove Lane t Mr. Frank Posey,Attorney for Mr. Flake briefed Council on the particulars of annexation in general and specifics on the two properties requesting annexation. No action was taken on this request at this time. Petitions will follow for consideration at the August 24, 1999 Council meeting. This and item #10 are for notification of the Public that this action is being considered. 10. Discussion/Action on Request for Annexation, Dym Family Partners, LTD. Springtree Subdivision. No action was taken on this request at this time. Petitions will follow for consideration at the August 24, 1999 Council meeting. This and item #9 are for notification of the Public that this action is being considered. 11. Executive Session Pursuant.to Section 551.074, (1), (a) of the Texas Government Code to discuss Legal Matters with the City Attorney. Prior to retiring to Executive Session, Mr. Flake, City Attorney, stated real estate was to be a subject of discussion, point of clarification. Mayor Bauder Adjourned the Council to Executive Session at 7:35 P.M. 12. Action on Executive Session Mayor Bauder reconvened the Council into regular session at 7:55 P.M. No action taken discussion ONLY on possible land acquisition and possible law suit in the near future. 13. Comments from Staff L'ev�vo+l�t P-SoV lo.-/bio ;;;3 City Attorney Flake again reminded Council of his retirement at the end of the month. Comments from the Attorney states it is not required for the City to seek bids for his replacement. 14. Comments by Council Councilman Glisar introduced Mr. Eddy Williams as a volunteer to be appointed to fill a vacancy on the Water Board. This will be an action item for the meeting of 24 August, 1999. 15. Comments by the Mayor No further Budget Workshops are required. List as an action item for budget approval on the meeting on the 24th of August. 16. Adjournment Motion: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None Approveif-. Sam Bauder, Mayor Date: Attes enneth . Roberts City Secretary Date: