Min CC 09/14/1999 - Regular/Public Hearing r-! CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING 1. Mayor Bauder called the previously announced Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1999 through 2000 and the Proposed Tax Rate of $.369900 per$100 of property value to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Municipal Offices, City Of Cibolo, TX. 2. Roll Call—All of Council except: Councilman Jeff Campbell were present. 3. Proposed Property Tax Rate of$.369900 Per$100 of Valuation—no citizens were present to comment on the proposed rate increase. Council discussed the matter very briefly. 4. City Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning 1 October 1999 through 30 September 2000—no citizens were present to comment on the Proposed Budget. Mayor Bauder asked if any Councilperson had a question or comment on the proposed budget or any of the line items. There were no questions or comments. 5. Citizens To Be Heard—There were no citizens present 6. Adjournment—Mayor Bauder adjourned the Public Hearing at 6:55 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING 1. Call To Order—Mayor called the Council Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX. 2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present. 3. Invocation— Councilman Bob Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard—Mr. James Taylor asked as to why the property tax rate was being raised. Mayor Bauder explained that the increase was necessary to support street projects and capital expenditures in the coming fiscal year. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of August 24, 1999 Council Meeting- Councilperson Tokar pointed out the omission of the word "days" after the (30) under item Number 15, "Discussion on selection of City Attorney,Action as appropriate". Motion to Approve,with correction— Councilman Buell Second to Approve with correction—Mayor Pro Tem Ridge For: All Against: None 7. Discussion on InterLocal Agreement Between City of Cibolo and Guadalupe County for Road Paving and Maintenance. Comments by County Commissioner Jim Wolverton - The Draft InterLocal Agreement given to Council has been replaced by Commissioner Wolverton's version. Discussion was brief. Council was asked to review the Commissioner's Draft, provide comments to the City Administrator and be prepared to address specific recommendations to Commissioner Wolverton on the meeting of the 28th of September. Mayor Bauder stated the City's position that the paving of the proposed thoroughfare must be balanced with increased responsibility for maintenance and repair of additional streets. This agreement must be of benefit to the City. No Action Required or Taken 8. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance 501, Amendment 1 to City of Cibolo Subdivision Ordinance (#464), dated 9 January, 1996—This is a repeat of an agenda item from the August 24th 1999 Council Meeting. Due to an error on the Agenda this item was listed on the 24 August Agenda as a"discussion" item. Hence, the previous "action" to adopt or ratify the Ordinance Amendment was not correct. The Ordinance Amendment was re-read and the correct Action was taken. Motion to approve: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 9. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 502, for Annexation of 11.78 Acres of Lisa and David Meditz- Motion to Approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilperson Tokar For: All Against: None a 10. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 503, for annexation of the 87.15 acres of the Dym Family Partners, Ltd.— Motion to Approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 504, Establishing Fees and Terms for Provision of Water, Sewer and Garbage Service— Motion to Approve: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 12. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 505, Adoption of Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 1999 through 2000. "We, the City Council of the Municipality of Cibolo do hereby levy or adopt the tax rate on $100 valuation for the City of Cibolo for the tax year 1999 (fiscal 1999-2000) as follows:" "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX RATE FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO FOR THE TAX YEAR 1999." "$.369900 TOTAL ADOPTED TAX RATE" "BE IT FURTHERMORE ORDAINED THAT, the City Council grants an exemption of$5,000 per qualified citizen within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo". "Qualifying exemptions are: sixty-five years or older, disabled and disabled veteran"." No discounts are allowed for early payment". READ INTO THE RECORD, BY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR Motion to Adopt: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 13. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 506, Adoption of the City Budget for Fiscal Year 1999 through 2000— Motion to Adopt: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None } 14. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance Number 507, Establishment of Standard Building Codes for Construction Within the City Limits— Motion to Adopt: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For : All Against: None 15. Recognition of Mr. Ron Flake as City Attorney from 1988 through 1999 Mayor Bauder presented Mr. Flake with a plaque in recognition of his Exemplary service to this City and our citizens as City Attorney. 16. Comments by Staff City Administrator: a. Custom Design Shutter has approached the City to ask if there is any prohibition against adding a second shift to his manufacturing business. he will measure noise levels, advise his neighbors and brief the Planning and Zoning and Council at their next scheduled meetings. b. Chipper should be delivered next week. c. Certified Public Manager Course,will begin next month. Code Enforcement a. Letters sent to residents re. "Junk Cars", expect fall out! Chief of Police a. Reported on progress of warrant collection program. Commended as an exceptional effort by the Mayor and Council. 17. Comments by Council Members Councilman Buell and Councilperson Tokar both commented on their appreciation of the outstanding contribution that Mr. Flake made during his tenure as City Attorney. 18. Comments by Mayor Again thanked Mr. Flake and invited all to a reception for Mr. Flake following the Council meeting T 19. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: en Roberts, City Secretary Date• �o iaZ