Min CC 09/28/1999 }
1. Call to Order—Mayor ProTem Ridge called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in
the Municipal Building, 109 South Main Street, Cibolo, TX
2. Roll Call—All members of City Council were present,Mayor Bauder was absent
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar offered the invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor ProTem Ridge led the pledge
5. Citizens to be Heard—
(a) Mr. Mark Buell- Chairman of the Cibolo Parks and Recreation
Commission, spoke on the coming activities of Ciblofest. He went on
to solicit support for the Fest and to ask for volunteers to help before,
during and after the event
(b) Mr. Tony Krasnai-Asked Council to carefully consider the offer to
lease additional water from the Edwards Aquifer Authority. He cited
occasions in the recent past where his water pressure dropped to an
unacceptable level. Mayor ProTem Ridge assured Mr. Krasnai that
the City has had in the past and will continue into the future to seek
additional water for our citizens.
(c) Mrs. Dot Harborth-presented Council with a proclamation for
National 4-H week. Several members of the local chapter were on
hand to distribute 4-H bulletins, buttons, etc. Mrs. Harborth son, the
current local President, read the proclamation for the record. Mayor
Bauder will sign the document and it will be picked up by Mrs.
Harborth on Wednesday, 29 September.
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of September 14, 1999, Public Hearing and
Council Meeting
Motion to Accept as Written: Councilman Glisar Second:Councilperson Tokar
For: all Against: none
7. Discussion/Action on City of Cibolo "Junked Car" Ordinance
After a brief discussion on time allotted owners to correct nuisances that
exist due to their vehicles remaining in a state of disrepair, led by Councilperson
Tokar. Acting City Attorney Posey offered clarification on some of the points of
the proposed ordinance. Motion was made to accept the ordinance.
Motion to Adopt: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilperson Tokar
For: all Against: none
8. Discussion/Action on City of Cibolo Municipal Court Technology and Security
Fee Ordinances
Motion to Adopt Both: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Glisar
For: all Against: none
9. Discussion/Action on Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation
Approval/Disapproval of Final Plat, Springtree Subdivision, Unit H
After review of the plat and the resolution of the two conditions placed on
recommended approval(Certification of Water Availability from Green Valley
Water Supply Corp. and completion of Cibolo Valley Drive throughout the Dym
property), Council took the following action.
Motion to Approve Final Plat: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Glisar
For: all Against: none
10. Discussion/Action on Edwards Underground Aquifer Authority's Offer to Lease
Additional Water
No action-Item tabled until further notice.
11. Discussion/Action on Request For Nomination for a Representative to the South
Central Texas Regional Water Planning Group
After a brief discussion of possible nominees, City Administrator Roberts was
nominated for the position.
Motion to Nominate Roberts: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell
For: all Against: none
12. Discussion/Action on Request for Nomination for a Representative(s) to
Guadalupe County Appraisal District
Councilman Jeff Campbell volunteered for the position
Motion to Nominate Councilman Campbell: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Buell
For: all Against: none
13. Discussion/Action on Interlocal Agreement between City of Cibolo and
Guadalupe County on Road Construction/Maintenance
No action taken, issue tabled until further notice. City Administrator is directed
to renegotiate with the County to attempt to improve the City's position.
14. Discussion/Action on Acquisition of Property at FM 78 and South Main Street
After a lengthy discussion on the price for the property, access to FM 78, utility
of the area adjacent to the property in question and the suggestion that the City
may want to attain an appraisal of the property, the following action was taken.
Motion to defer purchase: Councilman Buell Second: Councilperson Tokar
For: all Against: none
15. Comments by Staff
City Administrator:
(1)Delivery of the chipper has been delayed until the week of 16 October
(2)Will resume classes at SWT University on 7-8 October in the Certified
Public Manager's Course
(3)Announcements for two positions in the Public Works Department and the
one position in Municipal Court will appear in the paper next week
(4)Publication of the City Budget is scheduled for completion next week
(5)City Offices will close on 11 October in observance of Columbus Day
(6)Capital purchases will be made in the coming fiscal year as dollars become
available. This to avoid moving any dollars from Texpool or other funding
currently in an interest bearing account.
Chief of Police:
No Comment
Code Enforcement:
(1)There are sixty-one houses under construction in Cibolo
(2)When Springtree gets under way there will be the potential for one hundred
and forty eight houses to be constructed.
16. Comments by Council Members
Councilman Buell asked if there was any progress on Thistle Creek Drive. He
was informed there is no change or progress
Councilperson Tokar asked for support via volunteerism at Cibolofest
Mayor ProTem Ridge asked that the ordinance on "per lot"variance costs be
prepared for the next Council meeting.
17. Comments by Mayor
18. Adjournment
Councilman Glisar moved for adjournment Second: Councilman Buell
For: all Against: none
Sam Bauder
n Roberts
City Secretary/Administrator