Min CC 11/23/1999 y
NOVEMBER 23, 1999
1. Call to Order—.Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—All Council Members were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the Invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5. Citizens to be Heard—There were none
6. Discussion/Action on the Minutes of the November 9, 1999 Council Meeting
Councilperson Tokar made the motion to approve the Minutes
Councilman Buell seconded the motion
For: All Against: None
7. Discussion/Action on Request by the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department to waive
rental fees on Niemietz Park for use by Fire Department for party.
Motion to Waive all fees/requirements: Councilman Buell
y Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
8. Discussion/Action on Texas Department of Transportation Letter, informing of
the intent to delay the Construction on the Dietz Road Project until August,
Mayor Bauder led the discussion of the impact of this delay will have on parents,
teachers and the children of the schools. The City Administrator was given
instructions to involve the City of Schertz, the School District and the County to
form a unified effort to attempt to advance the start date of this project.
Progress towards this tasking will be an agenda item for the December 14th
Council Meeting.
9. Discussion/Action on Recommendation to Approve/Disapprove Final Plat of
Springtree Subdivision,Unit III.
Motion to Approve Final Plat: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilperson Tokar
For: All Against: None
10. Discussion/Action on Recommendation to Approve/Disapprove the Zoning of
Springtree Subdivision to "R-2".
Motion to Approve"R-2"Zoning: Councilman Buell
Second: Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge
For: All Against: None
11. Comments by Staff:
1. The City Budget for FY 2000 is published and each Member was given a
2. Intern candidate has accepted a position with the Austin Police Department
3. Strategic planning will now be done with in-house resources. The timing
will be extended due to workload. Questionnaire content will be edited by
the Council prior to distribution.
4. Letter from Green Valley Water District was presented to the Council.
Attachments show that our usage of water is up over previous periods and
that it is reasonable to assume our costs will rise into the outyears. As the
details become more available and the GVSUD water contract clears their
legal review, Council will be asked to take the proposal for action.
5. TML Convention in Dallas was interesting, however the Administrator
states that a return to further TML conventions may not be required.
Chief of Police
1. Two new patrol cars have been ordered. Delivery date is yet to be
2. Good applicant pool for current vacancies in the patrol force. Background
investigations are underway. Selection process is ongoing.
3. Officer Jimenez is recovering after major surgery and is at home.
12. Comments by Council Members
1. Councilman Buell asks that an evaluation of the current City Engineer be
presented at the December 14th meeting.
2. Councilman Buell requests that the City conduct a review of the septic
systems that are in operation within the City with an eye towards bringing all
citizens on sewer service.
3. Councilman Buell asked as to the status of the thoroughfare, i.e. does the
City have all the paper work completed for rights of way, etc.
4. Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge complimented the ladies on the wonderful
Thanksgiving luncheon that they prepared for the folks. He also
complimented them on their color selection and additions of carpet; window
treatment and painting that have enhanced the appearance of City Hall.
5. Councilperson Tokar stated that the ladies did a wonderful job on the
improvements to City Hall.
13. Comments by the Mayor
Mayor Bauder thanked everyone for attending the meeting,wished all a Happy
Thanksgiving and stated we would reconvene in December.
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilperson Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken Roberts
City Administrator