JANUARY 25, 2000
1. Call to Order- Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—All Council Members were present
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge
5. Citizens to be Heard—There were no citizens to be heard
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the January 11,2000 Meeting
Motion to Approve Minutes as written: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilwoman: Tokar
For: All Against: None
7. Discussion/Action on Appointment of two Council Members and one member of
1, the City Staff to a working group to develop an action plan for future
improvements to the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department.
After some discussion as to the need to begin a planning effort to bring the fire
department up in manpower, equipment and structure to meet current and
future needs for the City Mayor Bauder asked for volunteers to serve from the
Council. Councilmen Buell and Campbell volunteered their services. Mayor
Bauder offered that along with the City Administrator, Chief Riffe should also
be on the working group. The Mayor stated as the Chief of Police also functions
as the Director of Public Safety it would follow that he should have a major voice
in the planning process.
Motion to Accept Councilmen Buell & Campbell Mayor ProTem Ridge
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
8. Discussion/Action on recommendation to approve/disapprove preliminary plat,
with revision, of Deer Creek Subdivision, Section 1, Phase 6 by the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
After review of the plat and the recommendation to approve when the lot width
of those lots identified are corrected to meet the minimum specified
requirements in the Subdivision Ordinance. The following action was taken.
Motion to Approve Plat w/revision: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
9. Discussion/Action on recommendation to approve/disapprove preliminary plat,
with revision, of Deer Creek Subdivision, Section 2, Phase 5 by the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Discussion on the width of some lots within this Phase not meeting the
minimums as established by the Subdivision Ordinance need correction.
The revision to lot widths will be required prior to approval of the final plat.
Motion to Approve Plat w/revision: Councilman Buell
Second: Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge
For: All Against: None
10. Discussion/Action on Proclamation in support of Blue and White Sunday to
honor Peace Officers, 13 February, 2000.
Motion to Approve: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
11. Executive Session, Pursuant to Section 551.074(1), (A) of the Texas Government
Code, Council will adjourn into Executive Session to be briefed on pending
litigation, by the City Attorney,Mr. Frank Posey.
Mayor Bauder Adjourned the Council to Executive Session at 7:12 P.M.
12. Action on Executive Session, as required
Mayor Bauder convened the Council to Open Session at 7:39 P.M.
13. Comments by Staff
City Administrator spoke to the following topics;
(1) Provided a copy of the letter to TxDOT asking their reconsideration of the
start date of the Dietz Road Project. Signed By Mayor Bauder,Mayor
Baldwin and Dr. Steele.
(2) Provided copy of the road dedication warranty deed that completes the
acquisition of the rights-of-way from IH 35 to Green Valley Road. This will
complete the County construction of the northern portion of Cibolo Valley
(3) Briefed on the Haz-Mat Public Hearing conducted at San Antonio City
Council Chambers on the evening of 24 January. Included the comments
on behalf of Cibolo to eliminate all Farm to Market Roads as primary
routes for hazardous cargo. Advised that Cibolo may consider drafting an
ordinance to prohibit Haz-Mat within the City limits for other than local
(4) Advised that our annual audit should be briefed to the Council by the
second meeting in February.
14. Comments by Council Members
15. Comments by Mayor
16. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken Roberts
City Secretary