RES 1075 03/19/1985Ce R E S O L U T I O N NO. 1075 WHEREAS, the San Antonio-Audt<n and I-10 corthtdoh aheaA phovide an .idea nett-ing boh economic ghowth bort many yeahA to come, and WHEREAS, the Gheateh Randotph Ahea dA <deatty A.ituated aA the "W.indow To The Conh.idoA" and i.6 Atxateg.icatty tocated near. the eonvehgence ob a mayors .inteAztate txandporttat<on`netwv&k, and WHEREAS, the Gheateh Randotph Ahea haA both Atabte pot-itEcat ct.imate and Au.itabte tand ahea; now THEREFORE, the Ciboto City Counc t o5 the City ob C,iboto, TexaA, heheby extendz an invitation to Sea Wohtd, Inc. to toeate.;.itA jxtit'fie.S to the Gheateh Randotph AAea. r ;� PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED,THIS 19TH- DAY OF MARCH, 1985. . a ATTEST: <ull c� CI SECRET Y zL1 LITTLE, MAYOR