FEBRUARY 8, 2000
1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—Councilman Paul Buell was absent, all other Council members were
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5. Citizens to be Heard—There were no citizens to be heard.
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the January 25,2000 Council Meeting
Motion to Accept Minutes as written: Councilwoman Tokar
Second: Councilman Campbell
7. Presentation by Mr. Marcus Pridgeon, General Manager and CEO of GVEC, of
the annual Franchise Payment to the City of Cibolo.
Mr. Pridgeon made remarks to the effect that GVEC is proud to be the provider
of electrical service to the City. Made mention of the joint venture for economic
development via construction of a "shell" building in the Schneider Industrial
Park and asked if there were any questions he might answer on behalf of GVEC.
There were no questions from Council. Mayor Bauder accepted a check in the
amount of$34, 824.23 representing the amount owed the City for the use of
rights-of-way by GVEC in the provision of power to the citizens of Cibolo.
Mayor Bauder thanked Mr. Pridgeon on behalf of the City for the check.
No Action on the part of Council was required.
8. Discussion/Action on the notification by CCMA of their intent to raise their rates
effective 1 October, 2000.
Council was provided with CCMA's documentation and financial data that is in
support of their rate increase of 12.5% (Current Rate is $1.40/1000 gal. New
Rate will be$1.60/1000 gal.). After some discussion Mayor Bauder stated that
based on the financial data and the fact that CCMA has not had an increase in
the past fifteen years this increase, though unexpected, seemed to be reasonable.
The City Administrator advised that the increase of 12.5% cannot be absorbed
in the City Budget. Since this is a "pass through" fee, i.e. CCMA bills the City
the City collects from the residents and pays CCMA,we must pass the entire
cost of the increase onto the citizens.
No Action taken, citizens will be informed well in advance of the rate increase.
9. Discussion/Action on Full and Final Release and Settlement Agreement on Class
Action Suit against PG&E Gas Transmission Co. et. al.
City Attorney led the discussion on the merits of the Ordinance and Full and
Final Release and Settlement of the Class Action Suit. Mr. Posey stated that
Ordinance, Number 512 is sufficient to provide for continued Franchise Fees
from the Gas Transmission Companies, attain settlement and final release of the
Motion to Accept Settlement& Release Councilman Glisar
Second Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
10. Discussion/Action on Ordinance Granting PG&E Gas Transmission Company
to operate, use and maintain the PG&E Pipeline System within the City in
return for a one-time, lump sum payment.
Discussion in and during Item 9, above.
Motion to Pass Ordinance Number 512 Councilman Glisar
Second Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
11. Comments by Staff
Chief of Police, Mark Riffe introduced Officer Judy Malone to Council and the
Mayor. Officer Malone is the newest Officer to be added to the Cibolo P.D.
Mayor Bauder welcomed her on behalf of the Citizens and the Council.
City Administrator briefed on the following:
(1.)Reminder of the upcoming Council election in May. Three seats will be
on the ballot. Councilwoman Tokar, Councilman Glisar and Mayor Pro-
Tem Ridge seats will be up for election. The election will be run by
Guadalupe County with shared costs between Cibolo, Schertz and the
School Board.
(2.) The CPA will outbrief the Council and Mayor on the annual audit during
the Council Meeting of 22 February, 2000.
(3.)First meeting of the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department Working Group
is scheduled for 6:00 P.M. on March 14, 2000.
(4.)Burn Ban in Guadalupe County remains in effect.
(5.)Construction on Cibolo Valley Drive is with Guadalupe County.
(6.)On 9 February,Administrator has been asked to participate on a board to
select the new Chief of Police for Shavano Park. He will be out of the office
most, if not all, of the day.
(7.)New sign for City Park is in place. Texas Parks and Wildlife is tentatively
scheduled for 15 February.
City Attorney—Mr. Posey informed the Council of a recent decision by the
Attorney General that states if the Council,Mayor or members of City Staff
have reason to believe that a subject will be discussed at a Council Meeting and
that a "reasonable person"would have the same knowledge of that discussion,
provision for that item must be made on the agenda.
12. Comments by Council Members
Councilman Glisar reported on his recent experiences at the Water Board
on and about the Canyon Region Water Authority. He stated that right-of-way
acquisition for the proposed pipeline has begun. Canyon Region is still a long
way from pumping water towards Cibolo.
13. Comments by the Mayor
Mayor Bauder had no comments.
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken Roberts
City Secretary