APRIL 25, 2000
1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—All Council Members were present
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5. Citizens to be Heard—There were no citizens that asked to speak.
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the April 11, 2000 Council Meeting
Motion to accept minutes: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
7. Presentation on the Prescription Assistance Program, Guadalupe Valley
Hospital, by Ms. Nancy Berry
Ms. Berry informed the Council of the existence of the program to assist
those less fortunate in receiving their prescription medications. There are some
qualifications that must be met prior to citizen participation. However, she
assured the Council that the Program Administrator Ms. Yolanda Griffith is
most knowledgeable and will assist all that apply. In conclusion Ms. Berry asked
if the City of Cibolo would entertain a request for monetary support to keep the
program going. Specifically, any contribution would be appreciated, the amount
could vary from $1,000 to $5,000. Mayor Bauder thanked her for her
presentation and stated that as we draw closer to our budget preparation the
Council would discuss the possibility of contributing to this very worthwhile
8. Discussion/Action on the Cibolo Parks & Recreation Commission. Presentation
by Mr. Eddie Williams on nominees for membership on the Commission and
nominee for Commission Chairman.
Mr. Williams presented the names of the following residents for membership on
the Parks & Recreation Commission;
Charlotte Davis Jim Taylor
Monty Glaze Jay Mitchell
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Mr. Williams stated that the position of Chairman would be filled from the
ranks of the Commission at their first meeting in May.
Mayor Bauder thanked the new members for volunteering and appointed them
all to the Commission.
Motion to Confirm Appointments: Councilman Buell
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge
For: All Against: None
9. Second Quarter Budget Execution Review,Ms.Yvonne Griffin, City Treasurer.
Ms. Griffin presented a comprehensive review of the actual performance of
expenditures as compared to individual line items for the period October 1999
through March 2000. There were no items that required Council action. All
variances were explained to the satisfaction of the Council. Each member was
provided a check register for the same period. Ms. Griffin informed Council
that the quarterly reviews would continue and that check registers would be a
monthly reporting item. Mayor Bauder and the Council thanked Ms. Griffin
for her presentation and stated she was doing an outstanding job.
10. Discussion on the Dietz Road Project—The City Administrator gave an update
on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Grant for the improvement of Dietz
Road. Essentially, the bids opened at over three times the amount of the original
estimate ( $2.2M vs. $700I). The matching fund requirement of 25%, shared
equally the City and County are three times the amount reserved for the project.
TxDOT after reviewing the bids has moved the project out of the current
funding year. After some discussion on the continued need for the upgrade of
the current road and the lack of additional funding in the budget, consensus was
that the project is still very much needed. The Mayor stated that we should
continue to pursue all available funding sources to attain the dollars to complete
the project. These funds are not now or are they expected to be in the future
available from City resources.
11. Comments by Staff
City Administrator reported the following;
a. On May Yd there will be a meeting on the extension of the current
Weiderstein Road. Participants will include Commissioner Wolverton,
representatives from Green Valley SUD, City Engineer, the developer and
the proposed builder for Springtree. The expected outcome to is establish
the start date of the road construction.
b. City has received final notification of the "official" removal from the class
action lawsuit against PPG&E on the faulty water pipe. This to complete the
action of Council in the April 11, 2000 meeting.
c. Cibolo has passed the final audit from Texas Department of Parks & Wildlife
for the grant utilized in Cibolo City Park. Audit was completed on 12 April.
d. Recommendation for award of a banking service contract will be an agenda
item for the 9 May Council Meeting.
e. Administrator will attend the TML Human Resources Conference 10
through 12 May.
f. Administrator will graduate as a Certified Public Manager on 5 June.
g. Executive Session on the May 9th agenda, subject; Administrator's
Employment Contract.
There were no other comments from City Staffers
12. Comments by Council Members
Councilwoman Tokar asked as to the progress on a City Ordinance to require
house numbers on all residence within the City. Administrator responded that
the task was scheduled for completion. No date for completion was stated.
13. Comments by Mayor
14. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken Rob s
City Administrator