MAY 9, 2000
1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—Councilman Campbell had an excused absence. All other members
of Council were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5. Citizens to be Heard—Mr. Gerald Wilson,P.O. Box 163, Schertz, TX spoke to
the condition of his property on Rhea Street. Mr.Wilson told Council that he is
in the process of cleaning up the property, has contracted to have the brush
cleared and placed a dumpster there to facilitate the clean up. Mayor Bauder
explained to Mr. Wilson that the City has been communicating with him since
August of 1999 as to the violations of City Ordinances on his land and the
condition of the house. In fact,there have been monthly letters sent to Mr.
Wilson advising of the City's intent to clear the property if he did not take
action. Mr. Wilson explained he had injured himself in February and that had
contributed to the slow pace of compliance with the City's letters. Mayor
Bauder explained that the property would be an agenda item on the Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting of 16 May. Based on the recommendation of
the Commission Council would be prepared to take action at the May 23rd
meeting. In the mean time if Mr. Wilson would show substantial progress
towards cleaning up the property Council may be inclined to extend the courtesy
of more time to complete the clean up. If substantial progress is not made by the
23rd then Council would take action to abate the violations that exist on the land.
Ms. Nancy Berry and Ms. Mary Ann Zitterkopf both signed to speak but
declined to address Council when asked by the Mayor.
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the April 25, 2000 Council Meeting
Motion to Accept the Minutes: Councilwoman Tokar
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
7. Discussion/Action on contribution to the Prescription Assistance Program,
Guadalupe Valley Hospital
Discussion centered around the appropriateness of a contribution to this
program and if it would place the City in a position to contribute to any and all
charitable organizations to request contributions from the City. City Attorney
Posey opined that this would not place the City in a position of supporting other
request. Each request could be entertained on their individual merits. Some
discussion centered on the number of Cibolo residents that could be helped by
this program. At this point Ms. Berry, Director of the program, spoke up to
state many in the community could be helped by the program and further, the
Program Director would lead the action of informing the residents of the
prescription benefit available to them.
Motion to contribute$2,500 to the Program: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge
Second: Councilman Glisar
For: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge & Councilman Glisar
Against: Councilwoman Tokar& Councilman Buell
Vote is two for and two against
Mayor Bauder voted for the measure, broke the tie, motion passes
8. Discussion/Action on appointment of two members to the Canyon Regional
Water Authority Board of Trustees.
Mayor Bauder appointed Councilman Glisar and Mr. Eddie Williams to the
positions. They are the current members.
Motion to Confirm: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
9. Discussion/Action on revision of City Ordinance Number 472, dated June 25,
1996, Water Reduction Stages of the Demand Management Plan.
After a brief discussion on the merits and lack of options in the plan adopted by
the Edwards Aquifer Authority and the San Antonio Water System, the new
Ordinance defines the three Stages of mandatory water reductions. Based on
the last digit of the house number will define the days residents will be allowed to
water their landscape. By adopting these rules residents will be able to
determine the Stages by what is either in printed or electronic media from San
Motion to adopt: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
10. Presentation of Budget Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000-2001
Council accepted the schedule without revision.
11. Issuance of Certificate of Election
Mayor Bauder issued Certificates of Election to Councilman Glisar,
Councilwoman Tokar and Mayor Pro Tem Ridge. Certificates indicated the
May 6, 2000 election date and were executed and signed by the Mayor.
12. Execution of the Oath of Office, three Council seats
Mayor Bauder gave the Oath of Office to the following duly elected officials;
Councilwoman Tokar
Councilman Glisar
Councilman Ridge
The term of office is for two years from May, 2000.
13. Discussion/Action on recommendation for award of banking services contract
for the City of Cibolo.
City Treasurer Ms. Yvonne Griffin presented a spread sheet comparing the
charges and retained balances required by the three banks that bid on the
contract. The bidders were: Schertz Bank, State Bank and Wells Fargo.
After some discussion on charges Mayor Bauder asked for Ms. Griffin's
recommendation. She recommended Schertz Bank.
Motion to award to Schertz Bank: Councilman Glisar
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Ridge
For: All Against: None
14. Comments by Staff:
Chief Riffe
a. Briefed on the application for a grant for Police Officers salary for the year
2001. Council and the Mayor encouraged the application.
b. Stated the second new Police Car has been "found" by the dealer and will
be picked up this week. This completes the capital purchases authorized for
the Police Department in the current fiscal year.
a. Commissioner Wolverton stated that construction on Cibolo Valley Drive
will begin on the week of June 9,2000. This will pave the section from IH
35 to Green Valley Road.
b. May 17th depositions will be taken on the facts as to a portion of Deer
Creek being in the 100 Yr. Floodplain. TML lawyers will move to dismiss
the suit at the conclusion of the depositions.
c. Water pressure in the Deer Creek Subdivision is very near the minimum
required in p.s.i. by Texas State Law. On the meeting of 23 May we will
have a recommendation on how to correct this problem.
d. Administrator will be in class 10-12 May. Subject: Labor Law
e. Wilson property will be an agenda item on the next P&Z meeting for a
recommendation to Council on the disposition of the building.
E Executive Session will be scheduled for the meeting on 23 May to review
the Administrator's contract.
g. GrantWorks will present a plan for two grant applications at the next
Council meeting..
City Attorney
a. Will be out of town for the 23rd meeting. He will provide a prosecutor for
the Municipal Court on 25 May.
15. Comments by Council Members
16. Comments by Mayor
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilwoman Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken oberts
City Administrator