MAY, 23, 2000
1. Roll Call—All Council Members and the Mayor were present
2. Invocation— Councilman Glisar gave the invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge
4. Citizens to be Heard—Mr. Charles Ruppert spoke to his concerns on the current
delay in the TxDOT/MPO project on Dietz Road. After some moments of
presentation, Mayor Bauder explained to Mr. Ruppert that the City originally
set aside the required $100,000 in matching funds and an additional $47,000 to
offset the costs of utility relocation required to complete the project. When the
bid opening reflected a cost of$2,200,000 (2.75 times the original estimate), the
price was outside the City's ability to fund. Mayor Bauder went on to explain
the City is still firmly behind the project and that the City has reconfirmed this,
on several occasions to the MPO, since this remarkable price increase. Efforts
continue to get the project completed. The 2003 time frame recommended by
TxDot is far from when this City envisioned this high priority project being
5. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the May 9,2000 Council Meeting
Motion to approve Minutes as written: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
6. Discussion/Action on presentation by GrantWorks; Mr. Eric Hartzell, Vice
President, on consideration of application for sewer along FM78 and for city
planning studies.
Mr. Hartzell reminded Council of the current application for grant monies
under the "Owner Occupied" home improvement program. He stated that the
rating process is scheduled to complete prior to the June Board Meeting of the
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. He will inform Council
of the outcome. After briefing on the application process and the matching fund
requirement, Mr. Hartzell displayed examples of the products available under
the City Studies Grant Program. Following some discussion by Council and
their personal review of the maps and other data, the following motion was
Motion to apply for both sewer and City Planning Grants—Councilwoman
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
7. Discussion/Action on Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem
Current Mayor Pro Tem Ridge declined to be nominated.
Councilman Buell nominated Councilwoman Tokar as Mayor Pro Tem
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion
Councilman Glisar moved to close the nominations
Councilman Ridge seconded the motion
For: All Against: None
Mayor Pro Tem Tokar was the unanimous choice of the Council.
Mayor Bauder congratulated her on her selection and informed that he would be
absent June 13th and she would be in charge.
8. Discussion/Action on recommendation to correct substandard water pressure in
the Deer Creek Subdivision.
City Administrator spoke to the drawings and City Engineer projected costs
estimate to correct the increasing problem in lack of sufficient water pressure.
After review of the facts and the presented estimate, Council asked as to the
source of funding for the requirement. The current balance of Water Impact
Fees is sufficient to defray the cost of the project. With this in mind, the
following motion was made;
Motion to proceed with Request for Bids: Councilman Campbell
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
For: All Against: None
Council will review, approve and award the actual contract at the completion of
RFP process and City Engineer recommendation.
9. Discussion/Action on recommendation of the Wilson property to abate building
code violation. IAW recommendation of the Cibolo Planning and Zoning
During the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 16,
2000, they recommended that the City begin action to abate the hazard created
by the current condition of the property on Rhea Street. Administrator
presented Council with pictures taken the afternoon of 23 May and compared
them to previous pictures of the same structure. Council agreed that substantial
progress had been made in a short amount of time. Recommendation made to
allow Mr. Wilson a continuation of 30 days or until 23 June 2000 to complete the
abatement without the City taking action. At the end of the 30 days Council will
again be advised of the condition of the building and grounds. At that time
action will or will not be taken by the City.
Motion to grant 30 day extension: Councilman Campbell
Second Councilman Glisar
For: All Against: None
10. Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.072 (1) (A) of the Texas Government
Code to discuss pending matters of litigation and to discuss personnel matters
concerning city employees.
a. Two pending matters of litigation
b. Contract and performance review of the city administrator
Mayor Bauder adjourned the Council to Executive Session at 7:28 P.M.
' Mayor Bauder called the meeting back to Order in open session at 7:50 P.M.
On item a. there was no action taken
Item b: a motion to approve a contract as proposed and to extend the period of
two years with an annual performance review.
Motion: Councilman Buell
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
For: All Against: None
City Administrator thanked the Mayor and Council for their confidence in his
performance and stated he would do his best to insure that the confidence is not
11. Comments by Staff
Chief Riffe- spoke to the fact that the second new police car is in the process of
having the equipment installed to convert it to an operational unit. Interviews
and background checks are ongoing. Chief Riffe stated that the hiring process
for the vacancy of a police officer should be filled in early June.
City Administrator
a. As per previously agreed the City would purchase the materials to erect the
fence along Cibolo Valley Drive. Approximate cost will be $1,850.00
b. Ms. Griffin has completed her training as Investment Officer to meet the
audit finding of last year.
c. Six month performance reviews will be presented on June 13th for Ms.
Griffin, Ms. Beall and Ms.Murphy.
d. Owner of Shady Meadows Mobile Home Park has been cited for code
violations. His Municipal Court date is 25 May.
e. A resident of Santa Clara Street has been cited for code violation.
12. Comments by Council Members
Councilman Buell—asked as to the progress on Thistle Creek Drive. He was
informed that Council would get the plat for approval when all recommended
corrections were made. This to include the road being on the plat and that no
building permits will be issued until the road and drainage structures are
Mayor Pro Tem Tokar—Thanked the Mayor and Council for their confidence
in electing her to the position of Mayor Pro Tem.
13. Comments by Mayor
Informed the new Mayor Pro Tem that he would be out of town on the June 13th
meeting and that she would be in charge.
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
Ken Roberts