Ord 1383 11/21/2022 Runoff Election V j►= p - TE X AS "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ORDERING A MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTION_ TO BE HELD .ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2023, FOR THE PURPOSE.OF AN .RUNOFF ELECTION FOR THE POSITION OF MAYOR; PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER, : . THETERM.' OF SUCH OFFICE WILL BE .FOR THREE (3) .... .... ... YEARS TERMINATING WHEN THEIR.' SUCCESSOR IS ELECTED AND QUALIFIED;. PROVIDING THE DETAILS THEREFOR AND PROVIDING FORA PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE OF SUCH GENERAL ELECTION. . WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas, regular municipal.election for Mayor was held on November 8th, 2022; and WHEREAS, on November 8th, 2.022 no mayor candidate received a-majority of votes required by Section 5.04 of the Cibolo City Charter to win the election; and WHEREAS, the Cibolo City Charter states the city-will conduct a runoff election with the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes; and WHEREAS, the.'Texas Constitution, the Texas Election Code (the "Code'), and the City Charter are applicable to said Runoff Election(hereinafter referred to as the"election"), and in:order to comply with applicable laws, an ordinance is required to call the elections and establish procedures consistent with the Constitution,the Code, and the Charter;and WHEREAS,the election will.be held jointly with Guadalupe County on January 3, 2023 .pursuant to Section 271.002(x) of the Texas Election Code; and WHEREAS, Guadalupe County and entities desire that a joint election be held-in order - to provide a convenient, simple, and cost-saving-election to the voters in their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City will enter into an agreement with setting out respective duties and responsibilities for'the January 3, 2023 election; 1 NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED. BY THE CITY; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY,TEXAS... SECTION 1.: A municipal Runoff Election is hereby ordered to be held on Tuesday, the 3rdof January 2023, at which ime shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City the following election; MAYOR. " .(ALCALDE) VOTE FOR NONE OR ONE (VOTE PARA NINGUNO O UNO) For Mayor: o Summer-Marie.Brown ❑ Mark Allen SECTION 2. The Mayor candidate for elective office obtaining the highest number of votes shall be elected:to said office for a-three (3) year term:when the City Council has canvassed the election results.and enters an order.stating the same. SECTION I. As soon as practicable after the election and the declaration-by the Council that the votes have been canvassed, the City Secretary shall certify'to the Secretary.of State an authenticated copy:showing the results.of mayor's election. SECTION 4. The foregoing municipal election is.hereby,ordered to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd of:January.2023 in accordance with the laws of Texas, and:the provisions of the Charter of the City of Cibolo, and the official ballots for said election shall be prepared in accordance with'the Texas Election Code for the election. SECTION 5. The election ordered herein shall be held as prescribed .by law, at the following locations and times listed in Attachment A. SECTION 6. Voting at said election shall be conducted as determined by the County Elections Officer of Guadalupe County, Texas. The equipment necessary,for voting shall be.available.at the voting site for the purpose of conducting early :voting by personal appearance and at the Election Day voting site established for the purpose of voting by personal appearance on Election Day, Tuesday, January 3, 2023. The County Elections Officer of Guadalupe County, Texas is authorized and charged to perform the functions provided by law in the casting.of early ballots cast commencing on.December 19, 2022, and ending on December. 23, 2022, and starting again on December 261h ending on December 30th all in the method, manner and time made and provided by the Statutes of the State of Texas on this subj ect.'Lisa Hayes, Elections Administrator will be appointed as early voting clerk in compliance Section 27.1.006 of the Texas Election Code. Other deputy early voting clerks will be appointed as needed to process early voting mail and to conduct early voting at the Schertz Election Office. Any qualified,voter for the Joint Election may vote early by personal appearance at the Branch Early Voting Location at the Schertz Election Office, 1101,Elbel Road, Schertz; TX or at the Main Early,Voting 2 location at the Sequin Election Office at 215 S: Milam St, Seguin, TX. On January 3, 2022 elections will be held at the following voting sites: Justice of the Peace.Court, Pct 1, 2405 E. US Hwy 90, Seguin The Silver Center, 510 E. Court St., Seguin Schertz Election Office, 1101 Elbel Rd., Schertz Fire Station#2, 3864 Cibolo Valley Drive, Cibolo SECTION 7. The Mayor and .City Council shall contract with Guadalupe County through the.Guadalupe County Clerk's Elections-Office for the conduct of this election. The Guadalupe County Clerk's Elections Department shall appoint-the election officers to hold.said election, in accordance with State Election Law, including an Early Balloting Board, Signature Verification Committee and the Central Counting Station representatives which shall count and canvass the early ballots cast at said election. SECTION 8.. Notice of said election shall be given by publishing a:substantial copy of this ordinance in a daily newspaper of general circulation published_in the City not earlier than the 30th day or later than the 10th day before the election: SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage: PASSED AND APPROVED this 2.1 st day of November 2022. APPROVED: Stosh Boy Mayor ATTEST: �l Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary 3 ICA JANUARY 3, 2023 (3 DE ENERAO DE 2023) RUNOFF ELECTIO City of Ciboio,City of Schertz;City of Seguin District.8 (SEGUNDA ELECCIf1N Ciudad de Ciboio, Ciudad de Schertz Ciudad de Seguin Distrito 8) r�a '(TQting]Sates a>rxd'Hours'7 (Fechas v Horarios de Votacion Anticipada) Monday,December 19th through Friday,December 23=d,2022.............................8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Lunes,19 de Deciembre:hasty el Viernes,23 de Deciembre de 2022.........................8:00 dela manana a las'5:00 de la . tarde Monday,December 26stthrough.Friday,December 30th,2022....................... ...8:00 a.m.to 5:00_p.m. Lunes,26 de Deciembre de 2022 pasta el Viernes,30 de.Deciembre de 2022..........8:00 de la manana a las 5.00 de la :. tarde . Main Early Voting Polling Location (Lugar Principal de Votacion Anticipada) SEGUIN ELECTIONS OFFICE 215 S.Milam St.,Seguin,TX 78155 :. . 830-303-6363 Emergency and Limited ballots available only at the main location.(Boletas 11mitadasy de emergencia solamente estdn disponibles en este lugar.) cio sn of Braihch': atirigFolling oeaions.. (Luh de I Sucursales de Votacion para la Votacion Anticipada) SCHERTZ ELECTIONS OFFICE ANNEX 1101 Elbel-Road,Scliertz;TX 78154 Applications for Ballot by Mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran adelantada por correo deberan.enviarse a.) Lisa Hayes,Earlffoting Clerk,215 S.Mi ani St,.Seguiri,Texas 78155 or P.0.Box 1346,.. Seguin;TX 78156-1346. ear wotingclerk@c6.madalu, e.tx.us Applications for Ballots by Mail must be received no later than the close of business on December 23,2022. (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votarah adelanta.da por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas-de negocja e123 de Deciembre 2022. �. JANUARY 3, 20 22 t7 CS or City of Seguin District 8, City of Cibolo, City of Schertz Election ay Polling Locations: '11 wftm-7:00 a m tv 4 m . Guadalupe County willbe using Vote Centers for the:Runoff Elections'. Any Guadalupe County registered voter registered to vote An one of the Guadaluue County jurisdictions holdingg-a Runoff Election may vote at any Guadalupe County Election.Day Location. V. ._ Justice.of the Peace Court, i'YPct 1,2405 E.US H, 90 Se in y , . g. NrC#18_ The Silver Center, 510 E.Court St., Seguin Schertz Elections Office, 1101 Elbel Rd.; Schertz - '�#34'x' Obolo Fire Station#2;3:864 Cibolo Valley Drive, Cibolo