Min CC 07/25/2000 - Public Hearing MINUTES OF SECOND PUBLIC HEARING
JULY 25, 2000
1. Roll Call—All Council Members were present.
2. Citizens to be Heard—Twelve Citizens signed up to speak.
a. Ms. Cathy Duggar of 113 Comanche Circle passed out a list of concerns and
requested concessions to all members of Council. She then spoke to each of
these. They included but were not limited to,safety issues, restricted access
to the property of the proposed business, buffer zones, walls, trees to protect
against noise and maintain property values along her residence and
questioning the location of the business on the property when there is an
underutilized business/industrial park directly across FM 1103.
b. Mr. Andrew Tolle owner of the Cibolo Mini Storage spoke to the advantages
of having an environmental cleanup company within the City limits.
c. Carolyn Tauzin of 120 Comanche Circle spoke against the rezoning based on
the lack of adequate drainage on the property.
d. Glenn Beicker spoke against the rezoning, stating that the property value of
the homes in the Comanche Circle area would drop if the business were
allowed to locate on this property.
e. Annette L. Hernandez spoke against the rezoning siting the proximity of the
school to the proposed business. She went on to point out that the homes in
this neighborhood were older, the neighborhood was more established and
that this change would adversely effect their potential resale value.
f. Charlotte Ceeko spoke against the rezoning stating she supported the
addition of new business. However, not in her backyard.
g. Vicky Hall also spoke against the rezoning due to the proximity of the
proposed business to her home.
h. Gil Breethe spoke in opposition to the rezoning. His concern was the
potential contamination of water in Town Creek.
i. Philip Lelplce opposed the rezoning due to the proximity of the proposed
business to his home.
j. Robert Johnston raised the question as to why this business could not be
located in any of the Industrial Parks rather than the'.property that is
requested for rezoning.
k. James Jarvis asked if there had been an environmental impact statement,
TNRCC report or other issues issued or completed for the State.
1. Several other members of the audience spoke in opposition of the rezoning
request. Unfortunately,they had not signed the sheet to speak on the topic.
Hence their names and comments are not included.
3. Receive comments on request to rezone Schlather Tract on FM 1103 from "R-2"
to commercial.
a. In addition to the items in 2 above,Ms. Duggar requested the following
r conditions be imposed on the construction should the rezoning action be
Construction of a solid wall around the property.
Placement of trees to absorb noise.
Restriction of outside paging.
Nontoxic waste storage for a period of no less than fifty years.
b. Several citizens spoke to issues and asked questions as to operation, business
practices and historical data on Eagle Construction. The Company
President attempted to answer the citizen's questions. The text of these
discussions was not audible in all cases and is thereby omitted from these
4. Receive comments on request to rezone the Brown Tract from "R-2" to
Todd Burnett requested that the issue of overhead lighting be addressed at the
plat review. In his opinion, to avoid the blinding of drives at night along FM 78.
5. Adjournment.
Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
Sam Bauder
en Ro erts
City Secretary