Min CC 08/08/2000 i r • MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 8, 2000 1. Roll Call—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. All Council Members were present. 2. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the pledge. 4. Citizens to be Heard—Ms. Cathy Duggar raised a question as to the procedural soundness of Council's action to approve the rezoning action of the Schlather tract at the intersection of FM 1103 and Fm 78. Specifically on the majority required by the Zoning Ordinance as to whether a% majority or a simple majority of the Council Members is required when over 20% of the property owners object to the rezoning. Mayor Bauder informed Ms. Duggar that the City Attorney was reviewing the matter. When the matter is resolved the Council would either reverse the rezoning or sustain the action. Mr. Art Arthur spoke to the potential for progress and his willingness to serve in organizing Cibolofest since the Parks and Recreation Commission had voted not to hold the event. 5. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the July 25,2000 Public Hearing (Second Hearing) on Requests for Rezoning. Motion to Approve Minutes: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the July 25,2000 Council Meeting. Motion to table the action: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 7. Discussion/Action on Resolution in support of the Texas Solid Waste Grants Program. Motion to Approve: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None i 8. Discussion/Action on Resolution to support and implement the County Wide Burn Ban declared by County Judge Sagebiel. Motion to Approve: Councilman Ridge Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None 9. Discussion/Action on Cibolofest and the future of the Parks and Recreation Commission. After some discussion the City Administrator will head the effort to organize and execute Cibolofest for 2000. The date for the celebration will be 21 October. Parks and Recreation Commission will suspend their meetings until after Cibolofest. At that time, a decision will be made as to the desire and need to continue the Commission. Motion to continue Cibolofest: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None 10. Comments by Staff. City Administrator reported on the following items. a. City of Garden Ridge has expressed an interest in purchasing the City water well. b. Advised Council on recent Attorney General Decisions warning"elected city officials should be very hesitant to gather in a quorum for any reason," unless they conform to specific guidelines. c. Second Budget Workshop will be held following the August 22nd Council Meeting. d. Edwards Aquifer Authority has been asked to brief the Northeast Partnership on September 14th. This is in response to the Resolution in opposition to the Edwards raising their management fees October 1St by 100%. e. Reported on the progress on the new contract for water to Cibolo from Green Valley Water Supply Corporation. 10.Comments by Council Members; Councilman Ridge asked if signs could be erected to warn motorist that school begins on August 10th and the speed limits in the School Zones will be strictly enforced. 11. Comments by Mayor; Mayor Bauder had no comments 12. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None BUDGET WORKSHOP A. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:42 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, TX. B. Discussion/Action on proposed revenues and expenditures for all City Departments (Except Public Safety), Fiscal Years 2000-2001. The general condition of the budget was acceptable to the Council and Mayor. Instruction was given to find an additional $50,000 to set aside for street improvements. All "franchise" fees will be held in a capital improvement account for streets and rights-of-way. The 5% cost of living adjustment for all City employees was agreed to. The $10,000 in General Fund and the$10,000 in the Revenue Fund are set aside for any position pay adjustments that Council may deem required in the coming fiscal year(s). Certification pay, of an hourly adjustment, was likewise approved. Additional duties for the Treasurer were approved to assign the tasks under City Secretary to the Treasurer's position. These will be incorporated at the rate of $2.50 per hour adjusted to an annual salaried position. By assigning these duties of the City Secretary the City Administrator will assume the title of City Manager. Consensus was reached to approve, in principle, the City Budget for all Departments except Public Service. Also receiving the Council's approval were the projected tax rate and water unit price increase projected in the draft contract. C. Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: Ken Roberts City Secretary