Min CC 08/22/2000 - Budget Workshop 4
AUGUST 22, 2000
1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX.
2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance- Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5. Presentation by Time-Warner Representative re. "Home Town Heroes"
Nomination—Ms. Maricela Espinoza-Garcia gave a brief presentation to
encourage the City of Cibolo to nominate an individual from the City to this
program. She stated that the nominee should be someone who has contributed
to the efforts for the betterment of the City's children. Winners will be
recognized at a dinner in the fall of 2000. Mayor Bauder thanked the her and
stated the City would support a nominee.
6. Discussion/Action on Previous Rezoning Action on the Schlather Tract at FM 78
and FM 1103—Frank Posey, City Attorney stated that due to an administrative
error on the part of the City it is necessary to rescind the rezoning action on the
subject property and declare the action void. Specifically, two effected property
owners were not formally notified of the action and the hearing dates. Mr. Posey
went on to state that the rezoning action would, if requested by the property
owner, have to begin the entire process again. After some discussion the Mayor
requested a motion to correct the error.
Motion to rescind and render the rezoning action void— Councilman Campbell
Second - Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
For: All Against: None
7. Citizens to be Heard—Ms. Carolyn Tauzin, 120 Comanche Circle, asked as to
the specifics of how the rezoning process would begin anew. City Attorney Posey
answered that the process would be handled as if the, now void action, had never
8. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the July 25,2000 City Council Meeting.
Motion to accept the minutes as written: Councilman Campbell
Second: Councilman Buell
For: All Against: None
9. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the August 8,2000 City Council Meeting.
Motion to accept Minutes as written: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
Second: Councilman Ridge
For: All Against: None
10. Discussion/Action on recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission
to Approve/Disapprove Masterplan for the former Stapper property.
Based on the recommendation of Planning and Zoning at their August 15, 2000
meeting to approve the Masterplan of the former Stapper property, Mayor
Bauder asked for a motion.
Motion to approve: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
11.Discussion/Action on recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission
to Approve/Disapprove final plat approval for Thistle Creek, Unit Six, with
conditions to insure completion of Thistle Creek Drive to Borgfeld Road.
After some discussion on a "reasonable" amount of time to allow the builder to
complete Unit Six, a decision was made that one year after construction begins
on Unit Six, the builder must complete Thistle Creek Drive through to Borgfeld
Road or post a Surety Bond in an amount sufficient to complete Thistle Creek
Drive. Mayor Bauder then asked for a motion.
Motion to Approve with condition: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
12. Discussion/Action on recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission to
Approve/Disapprove Springtree Subdivision,Units One and Two. Request is for
re-approval, due to delay in construction of Cibolo Valley Drive.
Motion to Approve: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Ridge
For: All Against: None
- 9
13. Comments by Staff,
City Administrator reported on the progress towards Cibolofest and requested
donations for the silent auction. He reminded Council of the current Stage H
water restrictions and asked for their continued support.
Chief Riffe briefed on a recent arrest that has resolved several auto and house
break-ins in Cibolo and surrounding areas. He and all his officers were
commended for their efforts in solving these crimes.
14. Comments by Council Members;
Councilman Campbell—requested cross walks be painted at all street crossings
near schools.
Mayor Pro Tem Tokar—asked as to the traffic problems that residents are
experiencing around Watts Elementary and the intersection of FM 3009 and
Dietz Road. Chief Riffe stated he would follow up and get back with Ms. Tokar.
15. Comments by Mayor—None
16. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn—Councilman Glisar
Second - Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
Second Budget Workshop
FY 2000-2001
A. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to Order at 7:52 P.M. in the
Municipal Building of Cibolo, TX.
B. Discussion/Action on directed changes from previous Budget Workshop and
approval/disapproval of all City Departments Budgets, other than Public Safety.
After some discussion, direction for minor adjustments, change of descriptive
language for contingency and payroll adjustments and combining of road
project funding, Mayor Bauder called for a motion.
Motion to approve with modification: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
C. Discussion/Action on Public Safety Budget submission and approvaUdisapproval
of the Public Safety Budget.
Chief Riffe gave a line by line explanation of his budget to Council. He deferred
to last the discussion of increased funding for the Fire Department. After a
discussion and input from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief and President of the
Cibolo VFD Board, the Mayor called for a motion.
Motion to Accept the Public Safety Budget: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Glisar
For: All Against: None
D. Discussion/Action to set Public Hearings on Effective Tax Rate and City Budget
for FY 2000-2001.
Consensus was reached on the following dates and times for Public Hearings on
Budget and Effective Tax Rates;
1St Hearing: 6:30 P.M. 12 September, 2000
2nd Hearing: 6:30 P.M. 26 September, 2000
Effective Tax Rate is Established at .38/$100 of property value
This is a proposed increase of.0101/$100 of property value.
Motion to approve rate and dates: Councilman Campbell
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
For: All Against: None
E. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: Allinst: None
?Ait AIX
Sam Bauder
Ken Roberts, City Secretary