Min CC 03/28/2000 MINUTES OF THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 28, 2000 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building, City of Cibolo, TX. 2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present. 3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the pledge. 5. Citizens to be heard—There were no citizens that asked to speak. 6. Discussion/Action on minutes of the March 14,2000 Council Meeting. Motion to accept the Minutes as written: Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 7. Discussion/Action on Election Order, declaring unopposed candidates are elected and the May 6, 2000 Election is cancelled. Motion to pass the Election Order: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Buell 8. Informational briefing, Schertz, Cibolo and Universal City Independent School District on the upcoming School Bond Election. School Board Member, Mr. Terry Hinze and School District Public Information Officer Ms. Patty Gonzales gave a detail briefing on all aspects of the Bond and its five propositions. The election will be held on May 6th. Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge asked about the Districts position on the current ISD Police Department. Board Member Hinze stated that the District will retain the current arrangement of supervising their own Police Department. He went on to say the proposed idea of hiring off duty Police Officers to patrol the schools was no longer an option. Mayor Pro-Tem Ridge also questioned the need for elevators and an additional press box at the stadium. Americans With Disabilities Act was sited as the reason for the additional requirements. Mayor Bauder thanked Mr. Hinze and Ms Gonzales for their informative briefing. No Formal Action Required or Taken ti t, 9. Discussion/Action on the future of the Cibolo Parks & Recreation Commission. To include comments by Mr. Eddie Williams, Commissioner for Parks & Recreation. Mr. Williams gave his views on the merits of continuing the Commission into the future. He stated that he understands that with the current vacancies on the Commission, there can be no meetings due to the lack of a quorum. Mr. Williams asked Council to delay any decision on the Commission for thirty days. This, to allow him additional time to seek volunteers to fill the vacancies. Councilman Buell, Councilperson Tokar, Mayor Bauder and the Administrator all stated that dedicated workers are the only acceptable candidates Mr. Williams should seek to fill the vacancies. Further, Councilperson Tokar stated, that in her view, the City needed to lend even more support to Cibolo Park maintenance and to Cibolofest. Motion to postpone action for 30 days: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilperson Tokar For: All Against: None 10.Discussion/Action on status of hand cutoff valves on or near City water meters. The Administrator briefed the Council and Mayor on the data requested at the March 14, 2000 Council Meeting, i.e. the number of homes without hand cutoff valves and the expected costs to provide them. Total costs are estimated to be in excess of$2,600 for those without valves and the homes that have valves located in the City owned meter boxes. This figure would include the cost of the valve and the labor for installation. Under further analysis, the Administrator stated that if the Council should decide to continue to support the installation of transponders, lock boxes for the water meters and the additional equipment required to read the meters electronically, the City would need to expend an additional $77,000 dollars. Given the time it would take to recoup this investment, he recommended that the City maintain the current electronic handheld devices and hold, in suspense, those dollars programmed in the current and next fiscal year for reapplication to other City priorities. Motion to suspend expenditures & hold funding: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on Budget Performance Review for the period October 1999 through December 1999 (First Quarter FY 2000) City Treasurer, Ms. Yvonne Griffin, briefed the Council on the monies expended against budget line items in the General and Revenue Funds. She also provided copies of the check registers for these and other City accounts. After offering explanations for items of variance and entertaining questions on individual accounts, she was commended by the Mayor for the outstanding job she has done since assuming the position. She informed Council and the Mayor that the Budget Review would be provided on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Administrator reminded Council and the Mayor of Ms. Griffin's training requirement as the City Investment Officer and the training required for the two personnel working in the Municipal Court. No action required, no action taken. 12. Comments by Staff Chief Mark Riffe: (a) Reported that one of the new Police patrol cars is operational and the second unit is to be provided by the vendor shortly. (b) Interview process to hire additional policemen is underway. He stated he has some good candidates and should select and hire very shortly. City Administrator (a) Meter reading will continue to be a parallel system of manual and electronic for the next couple of months. This to insure the accuracy of readings and billings to the customers. (b) Class at Southwest Texas University will resume on 6 & 7 April. (c) Bids for the 1985 Dodge truck will be accepted through 31 March. (d) Training requirements for new personnel will begin in the very near future. (e) Commissioner Wolverton has stated that the County crew will not be able to construct the fence lines along the new road. This statement was not well received by the Council. Administrator directed to get clarification on this statement BY THE Commissioner and report back to Council. (f) Bids for Dietz Road project are in excess of$2.2M. Original estimate of cost of the project was $700K: Administrator will inform Metropolitan Planning Organization that this City is not in a position to support any more than the 12.5% matching fund requirement of the original estimate. Additional funds must come from another course than that of Cibolo. 13. Comments by Council Councilman Campbell asked as to the cost and feasibility of placing a center stripe along Main Street. Administrator will get an estimate and report to Council at the April meeting. 14. Comments by Mayor Mayor Bauder had no comments. 15. Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilperson Tokar For: All Against: None 9. �""�— VLI Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: en Roberts City Administrator