Ord 1380 09/27/2022 UDC Article 1,3,20 Of C/� O '` 11 CJ; r� 0 a F rhe".4in+amm�lnnn„""```` Te x As "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 1380: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITYOF CIBOLO, TEXAS, APPENDIX A — UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLES 1, 3, AND 20 TO ADOPT ADDITIONAL APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CERTAIN PLATS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND CLARIFY EXISTING.APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR SAME; DECLARING A PUBLIC PURPOSE; INCORPORATING RECITALS; PROVIDING A REPEALER AND SAVINGSCLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND:SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Cibolo, Texas(the "City”) is a home-rule:municip.ality; and WHEREAS, Section 3.7 of;the City's Unified_ Development Code ("UDC") establishes a process for adopting amendments thereto; and WHEREAS, the City.Council has determined that certain revisions to the UDC are necessary to clarify the purpose of certain'provisions and adopt_additional approval criteria for development- concept:plans, land studies, etc.; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that such revisions.are necessary and appropriate for the. efficient administration of the City's.zoning and subdivision rules, 'as set forth in the UDC, and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the UDC amendments described herein; with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & .Zoning Commission on . September 14; 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall and the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on September 27, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed"UDC amendments described herein; and WHEREAS, legal.notice.notifying the public of both public hearings on.the property proposed- to be rezoned, was posted on the City's official website and published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general:circulation in the City of Cibolo, on September 11, 2022; and WHEREAS, on September 14, -2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission, after due . consideration of this ordinance; -including all -matters listed in .Section 3.7 of the .UDC, recommended that the City Council approve the proposed amendments to the UDC; and 1 AMENDING THE UDC PLAT/PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8 DM#2857516.4 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments to the:UDC are-consistent with the City's Comprehensive Master Plan and shall not interfere with any existing use of any property in the City or the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction;.and NOW THEREFORE, the Cibolo:City Council has considered the effect of these amendments and has determined them to be appropriate, necessary and in the public interest; NOW,. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF: THE .CITY OF CIBOL0; TEXAS: SECTION 1. AMENDINGSUBSECTION 1.403) OF UDC From and after the-effective date, Article 1 General.Provisions of the Unified Development Code; Section 1.4 Jurisdiction; Subsection(13)(5)(a), shall be revised and shall hereinafter read as follows: Article 1 —General Provisions Section 1.4 -Jurisdiction B. Jurisdiction within Extraterritorial Jurisdiction The City extends to its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) the regulation of subdivisions and. property development adopted under TLGC Chapter 212. Unless otherwise authorized by State law, within its ETJ,the City may not regulate: 5. The size; type, or method of construction of a water or wastewater facility that can be constructed to serve a developed:tract of land if: a) The facility meets the minimum standards established for water or wastewater facilities by state and federal regulatory entities er and SECTION 2..AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3.12.A OF UDC - From and after the effective date, Section 3.12 Public.Infrastructure Improvements, Construction Plans and Facility Agreements, Article 3 — Procedures and Applications, of the City's Unified Development Code, shall, be amended at Subsection_ 3.12.A Applicability to add the language indicated with underlines below, and shall hereinafter read as follows: Section 3.12 - Public Infrastructure Improvements, Construction-Plans -and Facility . Agreements A.Applicability 2 AMENDING THE UDC PLAUPLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA - 7362/8.DM#287516.3 Every subdivision or.development which requires the installation of public infrastructure- improvements to serve the proposed subdivision or development is required to submit construction .plans to ensure that the requiredimprovements are constructed in accordance with all applicable _standards.of this UDC or any other codes of the City pertaining to the construction and- installation of the improvements: All public infrastructure improvement construction plans shall he submitted and approved prior to an .application for- a final plat. For any final plats in the ETJ -that involve public infrastructure for water or wastewater:utilities that are.intended to be serviced by an entity separate from the City of Cibolo, the City shall be provided a letter from the service provider affirming that: the service provider has reviewed and approved all associated public infrastructure improvement construction plans necessary to be constructed to provide adequate water or wastewater services: Timeframes of said infrastructure .improvements shall be expressly provided as part of -the application package that is reviewed by the Cily prior.to approval of a final plat. SECTION 3.:AMENDMENTS.TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the effective- date, Subsection 20.1.3(b); Article 20 - Subdivision Regulations, of the.City's-Unified Development Code, shall-hereinafter read as follows to add-the language indicated with underlines below: Section 20.1.3 Authority of the City; Extension to Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ); Purpose. b. Purpose. In order to achieve orderly, efficient and environmentally sound: development of land, the City must be provided with appropriate guidelines and development management mechanisms. This Article, in conjunction with anyother land use:control tool as may be adopted by the City, provides those guidelines and mechanisms. The purpose of this Article is to promote sound planning in the subdivision of land, and to provide consistent rules, which protect the public health, safety, and welfare while allowingthe he legal platting of land: SECTION 4. ADDITIONAL AMENDMENTS TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the effective date, Subsection 20.3.2 — Overall Development .Concept Plan/Land Study/Master . Plan/Mixed Use Concept Plan, Article 20 - Subdivision Regulations, of the City'.s Unified Development Code, shall- hereinafter read as follows to add the language indicated with . underlines below: Section 20.3.2 Overall Development Concept Plan/Land Study/Master: Plan/Mixed Use Concept Plan. (E) Criteria for Approval..The Planning and Zoning Commission, in its review, and the City Council, in considering final action on an Overall Development Concept Plan/Land Study/Master Plan/Mixed Use Concept Plan, should consider the following criteria: 3 . AMENDING THE UDC PLAT/PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8 DM#2875.16.3 1. the Study/Plan will be consistent:with all zoning requirements for the propeily, if within the City corporate limits, or any development regulations approved as part of a Development Agreement; 2. the proposed provision-and configuration'of roads; water,.wastewater,-drainage and parkfacilities will be adequate to serve each phase of the development; 3. the schedule of development is feasible and prudent and assures that the proposed development will progress to completion within the time limits proposed or allowed prior to Study/Plan expiration; - 4. if the land lies within the extra territorial jurisdiction and/or is part of an approved Development Agreement, the proposed-Study/Plah conforms to the provisions of the Development Agreement and is consistent:with the:incorporated Conceptual Plan .or any development regulations contained in the approved Development Agreement; and 5. the location, size and sequence of.the phases of development proposed assures orderly and efficient development of the land subject to the plan. ffILand Study Requirement Not Required 1. The requirement to obtain approval of a Land Study prior to beginning the platting process of a development may not be required when the Planning and Engineering Director'or his/her designee determines that the scope of the development can fully be resolved through the platting and site plan review processes or-in those instances where plats. are filed. in accordance with a previously approved Land Study. SECTION 5. AMENDMENTS TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the effective date, Subsection 20.3.3 Preliminary Plat,:Subsection D, of the City's Unified Development Code, shall hereinafter read as follows to include the addition of-the following underlined provisions: 20.3.3 Preliminary Plat D. With the Preliminary Plat Submittal additional reports, data and information; shall be. submitted.under separate cover identified as an Engineering Report and will include the following: 6. Developer must also provide the Standard.or Non-Standard Service Agreement Letters and Wastewater Capacit�ysis required in Section 19.1.F.l.f of this U. I. Approval Criteria for-Preliminary Plat Application 4 AMENDING THE UDC PLAUPLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8 DM#287516.3- In exercising its authority under the preceding subsection; the Planning and Zoning Commission, in reviewingthe he application and making its recommendation, and the. City Council, in considering final action on a preliminary plat application, should consider the following criteria: 1. includes all information and supporting documentation required under applicable state and local laws; 2. .if approved, plat will comply with all applicable .zoning . and subdivision regulations promul atg ed by the City and/or County (where applicable); 3. conforms with, and is not contrary to, the City's Comprehensive Master Plan; _- 4. includes template forms for all required easements and dedications including all conveyances relating to public utilities, and documentseg nerally evidencing ability to obtain same from grantor or power of eminent domain along with letter of approval as to,form from the utility provider; provides for the installation and dedication of adequate .public improvements, including water and wastewater services as required by Section 19.1(F) of the UDC. 6. includes all existing sewers, water mains, gas mains, electric and telephone lines, culverts .,or other underground structures or utilities 1 within .the tract and immediately gdjacent thereto with pipe sizes and locations indicated,- as well as the direction, distance and size of water or sewer mains not within or adjacent to the tract;: 7. includes the size and location of all proposed roads, streets,public and private drainage facilities; public parks, and.public utility infrastructure and easements, including water and wastewater distribution main; 8. includes a Conditional-Letter of Map Change ("CLOW") issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agencyy("FEMA"). if any lots within-the proposed subdivision will be located within an existingfloodplain, including a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (as designed or based on fill) ("CLOMR" or "CLOMR- F") or Conditional Letter of Mqp Amendment("CLOMA"), as applicable; and 9. complies with all terms and conditions of a Public Improvement Agreement, if applicable, which.may: be evidenced by a certified letter, issued by an attorney representin the he applicant, affirming that the:applicant has reviewed the 'entire Public Improvement Agreement and determined that the proposed development is in compliance. 5. AMENDING THE UDC PLAUPLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8 DM#287516.3 f SECTION 6. AMENDMENTS TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the effective date; Subsection 20.3.5 Final Plat, Subsection D, of the City's Unified Development Code, .shall hereinafter read as follows to include the addition of the following underlined provisions: 20.3.5 Final-Plat G.:Approval Criteria for Final-Plat Application 8. In exercising its authority under this section, the Planning and Zoning - Commission, in reviewing the final plat and making its recommendation,and the City Council, in :considering final action on a final plat application,. should consider the following criteria: a. includes all..information and supporting documentation required .under applicable state and local laws; b. -if approved, the completed development will comply with all applicable zoning and subdivision regulations proinul atg ed by. the City and/or County ,(where applicable);. c Icompliance with all terms and conditions of a Public .Improvement Agreement, if applicable, which may be evidenced by a certified letter, issued by an attorney representing. the applicant, affirming that the applicant has reviewed the entire Public Improvement Agreement and determined that the proposed development is in compliance. d. includes a Conditional Letter of Map Change (CLOMA, CLOMR,-or CLOMR-F) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, if @Lny lot within the proposed subdivision will be located within an existingfloodplain. d. conforms with, and is not contrary to, the Ci 's Comprehensive Master Plan; e. includes fully executed agreements for all required easements and dedications, including any conveyances relating to public utilities or other public infrastructure; f. includes complete- plans and specifications, approved in writing by all entities having_jurisdiction over the :proposed improvements, for the installation, maintenance and. operation of adequate water utility.service as required by Section 19.1(F) of the UDC, including a final engineering report certifying the availability of sufficient surface water and/or ground.water to satisfy the ultimate needs of the subdivision and evidence that sufficient water rights have been obtained and dedicated, .whether through acquisition or wholesale water supply. agreement. 6 AMENDING THE_ UDC PLAUPLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8:DM#287516.3 g:- Where-wastewater treatment is to be provided by an existingrpublic utility, as that. term is defined by §13.002(19); Texas Water Code, the applicant shall furnish evidence of a .contractual agreement between the applicant and a retail public utility in substantially the form attached in Section 20.6. Before final plat approval,.an appropriate permit to dispose of wastes shall have been obtained from the TCEQ and complete plans and . specifications for the installation, maintenance .and operation of adequate wastewater collection and treatment facilities, as required by Section 19.1(F) of the UDC,,shall have been approved by all entities having jurisdiction over the proposed project: h. Where there is no existingrpublic utility to.construct and maintain the proposed sewerage facilities,-the applicant shall establish a retail public utility and obtain a CCN from the Public Utility Commission. Before final plat approval, a wastewater treatment permit authorizing the treatment-of the wastewater for the ultimate build-out population of the subdivision shall have been obtained from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and complete plans and specifications for the proposed wastewater facilities shall have, been approved by all entities having_jurisdiction over the proposed . . project. 9. Disapproval of Final Plat. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not recommend approval of, nor shall the City Council approve of, any final plat that does not include the following as applicable: . a. Applicant has demonstrated that adequate public.improvements have been , constructed which- .are sufficient to service -the needs of the. propose subdivision and all lots -therein. Such public improvements shall include public streets, roads, alleyways, parks, drainage and other such infrastructure as are necessary and sufficient to provide adequate service the entire subdivision and which have not been designed or installed in a manner that is inconsistent with any provision of the City's Comprehensive.Master.Plan or other applicable law. b. Applicant has demonstrated that sites for adequate water-and wastewater facilities have been dedicated to the appropriate retail public utility_ responsible for operation and maintenance of the facilities; c. Applicant has provided adequate evidence that adequate water and ... wastewater facilities have been constructed and installed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, pursuant to plans and specifications approved by all appropriate entities having_jurisdiction over the facilities being City, County, other public utility provider, and/or TCEQ, including any change orders; AMENDING THE UDC PLAUPLAN_ APPROVAL CRITERIA . 7362/8 DM#287516.3 d: Applicant has :obtained .all necessary permits for the proposed water facilities and wastewater facilities (other than for OSSF permits on individual lotswithin the proposed subdivision). and has : entered: into a financial agreementwith the:City or other public:utility provider, secured by a bond or otheralternative financial-guarantee such as a cash deposit or letter of credit, for the provision of adequate water and wastewater facilities in compliance with the requirements of the UDC; and e. The final plat, or an en ing eenng_report attached thereto, must discuss the availability and methodology -of providinadequate water and wastewater services to each-individual lot within the development, including a detailed cost estimate per lot for any unconstructed water or wastewater facility. necessary to serve each lot within the development.:The plan shall include a construction schedule for each-significant element needed to provide adequate water or wastewater facilities, including any required financial guarantees. NOTE: All remaining sections of the UDC shall remain unchanged. SECTION-7. PUBLIC PURPOSE. The City Council finds that the amendments to the UDC are in the.public interest and are necessary to promote the health, safety.and welfare of the. public. SECTION.8. INCORPORATING RECITALS. The City Council approves the recitals hereto and incorporates them herein as findings of fact. SECTION 9. REPEALING:ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT.AND SAVINGS CLAUSE. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the'extent of such conflict with all remaining portions not conflicting being saved from repeal herein. SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is.for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision shall not affect the-validity-of the remaining sections of this ordinance. The:City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,.subsections, sentences,clauses or phrases be declared void. SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance .shall be effective immediately following publication as required by law. ORDERED this `? day of Jae 4 e-M Lz__ 2022. 8 AMENDING THE UDC PLAU/PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8.DM#287516.3 By: STOSH B Mayor : :ATTEST: PEGGY CIMICS,TRMC City Secretary :APPROVED AS TO FORM: ZDT- , C' Attorney 9 AMENDING THE UDC PLAUPLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA 7362/8:DM#287516.3