Ord 1378 09/15/2022 Budget ttVIONT!n2irCr� O r== o t .r tt '���riiiuigminiigO tOtP "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. 13 7 8 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO,GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2022, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2023, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE 'OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES;- PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Proposed Budget for the period commencing October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023, has been prepared and submitted by the City Manager in accordance with Article VII of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, a public he was ordered by the City Council and a public notice of said• hearing was duly posted and published in the Seguin Gazette in accordance with applicable• state law and Section 7.05 of the City Charter and the City Council held a public hearing on the Proposed Budget on September 15, 2022; and WHEREAS, during said public hearing, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, after which said public hearing was closed; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that all provisions pertaining to the adoption of the budget contained in the City Charter have been in all things complied with; and WHEREAS, after full and final consideration, the City Council is of the opinion that the budget is in accordance with Section 7.07 of the City Charter in that the estimated expenditures will in no case exceed proposed revenue plus available fund balance and said budget should be approved and adopted; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The Proposed Budget herein presented and attached to this Ordinance for all funds for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023, is hereby approved, and adopted. SECTION 2 The Annual Budget of the revenues of the City of Cibolo and expenses of conducting the affairs thereof, providing a financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022, and ending September 30,2023, as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager of said City, and the same is in all things adopted and approved as 'Exhibit A- All Funds Summary" incorporated by reference herein. SECTION 3 The sums below are hereby appropriated from the respective funds for the payment of expenditures for fiscal year 2022-2023 on behalf of the City government as established in the approved budget document: General Fund $22,087,638.00 Debt Service Fund $5,590,396.00 Utility Fund $14,405,255.00 Drainage Utility District Fund $1,185,577.00 Economic Development Corporation Fund $1,268,639.00 Special Revenue Funds Cibolo Public Facility Corporation Fund $0.00 Grants- ARP Fund $4,346,000.00 Special Events $57,150.00 Water-Impact Fees $760,000.00 Wastewater Impact Fees $655,000.00 Transportation Impact Fees $5,000.00 Drainage Impact Fees $20,000.00 Park Land Fees $600,000.00 Court Technology $7,000.00 Court Security $4,000.00 Police Forfeiture Fund $1,000.00 Police Education Fund $0.00 Police Special Fund $0.00 Child Safety Fund $15,000.00 Street Maintenance Fund $1,240,600.00 Fleet Replacement Fund $468,000.00 IT Replacement Fund $74,600.00 Total Expense $52,790,855.00 SECTION 4 The City Manager is hereby authorized to contract for expenditures without further approval of the City Council for all budgeted items not exceeding the limits set by the State of Texas and to transfer unencumbered appropriations within and between departmental operating budgets absent further approval of the City Council without exceeding total net fund appropriations established by this adopted budget. SECTION 5 CUMULATIVE CLAUSE , That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Cibolo, Texas, except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such other ordinances, in which even the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 6 SEVERABILITY That it is hereby declared to-be the intention of the City Council of the City of Cibolo that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance should be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases,clauses,sentences,paragraphs or sections of the Ordinances, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council . without incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrases, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 7 EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force at 12:00 a.m. on October 1, 2022. PASS AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 15TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2022. St a or ATTEST: Y Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary `:. 0 CC V z r==° - y�'wHiiipirrrnOiiiNnjlt - - TEX .IN , Propose Bu get This budget will raise more.total property taxes than last year's budget by$2,005,242 (15:8%),and of that amount$485,995 is tax revenue to-be raised from new.property added to the tax roll this :year. Table of Contents GENERALFUND:::.............::::..............,:::............................................................................................,..........4 CityManager...........:.................................................................. .................................................. 6 PublicRelations......................................°.......:.......................................................................... .......... City Council.:..................... .......................... 10 12 City Secreta Police Department-Administration...:.................. .... ........... Police Department—SRO Program...........:.:...................................._ ......... ................................ ....................... .. . 1:8 Police Department_Records.............. ••••••......••••• ......•• 20 Police Department—Investigations..................................................::....................................................22 Police Department"Patrol....::................ ............................................... ...::......................................24 Police Department—Traffic/Warrants:............................ ........... ................................................ 26 Police Department-K=9 Program................................................... ........... ............. ......... 29 Police Department—Crime Prevention......................: ................. ..... .30 Municipal Court ......32 34Pla . .: . . nnin :Services .............. ........... ..........:..............::.:.......... ....::............:.::............ Planning and Engineering Services-Planning.......................................... .............. ......... ......... . 37. Planning,and Engineering Services=Development Services................ Public Works-Streets................... ............................................................:................ .. .....41 - PublicWorks_Ad min istratio n.........::.::..............:..................................................:..................................44 Animal Services........................................................................ ............. ....................:.. 46 .... Public°Works-Parks................................................:...:.................:..:...........:.:...... 48 EconomicDevelopment................:.:................,........................................................................................53 InformationTechnology..........................................:.................................................................................57 .. . Human Resources .................................59 Fire Department......:.:........................................................:..:.........:............. .... .....:.......... 61 Non-departmental:..:.............:..:.............................................................................................................. 64 DEBTSERVICE FUND.......:::....................................................:...............................:....................:................67 WATER AND SEWER FUND................................................................................................................... ................... 68 Utility Fund Summary....................:.... ................................ .......... .... ....................... 69 .DRAINAGE UTILITY DISTRICT.........................................................................................................:............. 2 8 :ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION................:................ ............................... ................. .....87 . : .. EDC FUND SUMMARY.:::.................. . ............................... ........... 88 SPECIALREVENUE FUNDS..............................:......................................................:.......................... .......91 CIBOLO PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION...........:.;................ .......... ............. ............ ...... .... ....................92 SPECIAL EVENTS...............................................................................:...................................I..................93 WATERIMPACT FEES.......................................................................................................a.......................94 WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES........:.................... ...............95 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES.................::. .. ........................... 6 STREET I M PACT FEES.............................. ...............:...................:.............................:................................97 DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES.............. :....................................................:......................................................98 PARK LAND FEES........................................................................:....................................................:..... ...99 COURT TECHNOLOGY.........................................................:..............:... ..............:::.............:.::.............100 COU RT SECU RITY....:.:.................. ..................................................:.:::............:.:..:....... 101 POLICE SEIZURE FUND.........:...:.............:................:........................:.........:.................:....................:....102 POLICEEDUCATION...............................................................................................................................103 POLICE SPECIAL FUND .....104 CHILDSAFETY FUND.......,.:..............:..:::..................................:...........:....:....:........:..:...............:::.........105 STREET MAINTENANCE FUND.....::................:.............. .....................:............:................:.................. 106 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM............................................... ....107 ....:.............:..:................................ 2 oJF ; . :. ® GENERAL FUND The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City and is always classified as a, major fund. The general fund.is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Major revenue sources include property taxes, charges for services, intergovernmental revenues, and investment of idle funds. Primary qi penditures are for general administration, law enforcement,fire suppression; code enforcement,street maintenance and park maintenance. 2 DESCRIPTION 2021 Actual 2022 Adopted Budget 2022.EOY Estimate . 2023 Proposed Budget. BEGINNING BALANCE 7,115,116 9,060,950 9,060,950 8,156,014 - REVENUES: _EES IGENERAL TAXES A_N_D FRANCHISE Fit 17_7;073 X12 459;770 13343;596 15;266,9151 PERMITS,LICENSES,AND FEES:`.5- ' ' 2,888,484 f .~2,766,573 -`» 3,105,264! 2;931,187. iAN_AL SERVICES . _ _ 22;910 20,302_ 7,953 - 7,953} i _ _ . _ ._.�. _, _._ COURT AND.ALARM FEES :187,_173 _ 158,038 _235,841 _^ _191,655 INTERE5TAND:MISCELLANEOUS. w 5 •343,194 231,194 280,100 :12- 0,6251 _ - ,_ __ - _ _.. STr _ _ ..8 PARKS AND GRANTS _55,424: 51,372: : 51,300 48,300, ., {I NTERGOVERNMENTALAND.TRANSFERS 915;006 1227,731 51,348;587 1,244;573 � - �._.-._._ -._. _ OTHER FINANCING SOURCES w a w -10,715 0 1,500 :1,500 f - TOTAL REVENUES 15,599,979 16,914,980:.: :18,374,141 :. 19,812,707: EXPENDITURES: _ _ C M AGER -:_ _ _ X363,406 532,129 -- .422,083-� 663;968 .- PUBLIC RELATIONS. 95,562 _125;608 103,917 Y 121,251 CITY COUNCIL 34,550 Y� 83;190 - 34;5_90 106,040,' CITY SECRETARY i :462,915 _ 766,682 626,596 w 733,647 POLICE ADMINISTRATION• � _�_ _ ' 83_6;074_ _ P77 9_18,717 _ 750129 5 12_61,900 :. POLICE SRO 330,276 334;541_ 364,739~ 405,263. POLICE RE_COR_DS M 'T 101,980 ~115;779 103,638 �y 118,530 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS' :540,611 -- Y ~530,980 612,841 :620,187 POLICE,PATROL 2;030;291 2;448,6_41 2 569,995. 2+-~ 79955545 POLICE TRAFFIC WARRANTS M �80;626 � 84;446 _ 92,650 v 102,256: . _ (. ;POLICE K79 56,959 _0 0 µ' Ol POLICE CRIME PREVENTION 48,060 103,510 .:11,200 ti 14,000 `sIVLUNICIPAL C0URT44 �' 166;452-'T 187,528 176,153 ;203,239; ' PLANNING ADMIN- 203;698 365,359. 672,897 . 1,193,631. __ ,_ IPLANNING AND ENGINEERING _ y _ _ „ 233;330"yam M 365411 _ 0 0{ BUILDING AND INSPECTIONS_ 274,578 :733,462 ^.974,664 1,177,535 ,P,UBLICWORKS;STREETS _ _ _ 1380;890~^ � 1,3_01,2_51 1028,40_0 1,427,801 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN~� 273,351 y 361,346 SA 234,489 . 386,380 1,ANIMALCONTROL ­25-9 126 y m ..250.923 403,63 PARKS 1233,371 .1,116,116 _ ; r _ 1;225,441 , t _._ 25,534 EODEVELOPM_ TT 128,444 305,819{ _ .._ FINANCE _ _ 77', _ 433,090 457,792. 468,193 . u _ 681,094: {FORMATION TECHNOLOGY77 807,050:_ 1,241,417 1,119,927 1,425,698 HUMAN RESOURCES 248,110, 378,284 339,406 478,087 I E DEPARTMENT c 3,016;889:' 4,009745 4,290,666 4,860,210 _ _._ _. ._... __ _ NONDEPARTMENTAL 645,870 3,232,247 2,786,421 5 X1,372,472 TOTAL:EXPENDITURES 14,030,529 .20,530,585 19,279,077 22,087,638 ENDING BALANCE 8,684,567 5;445,346 .. 81156,014 5,881,084 RECURRING OPERATING EXPENDITURES 20;475;438 ONE-TIME OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1,612,200 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE(35%) 61747,677 . 7,166,403 UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE_(28%) 51733,123 4 _ .General Fund 40-City Manager Function: The City Manager_is appointed by Council and serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City. The City Manager is responsible to the City Council for the execution-of the laws and the administration of the government.:and all _departments:of the ;City. This position sees--that all state laws.and City ordinances-are effectively.enforces-.-The City Manager prepares and recommends to the council the:annual budget and capital program and provides information to the Council to facilitate its ability to make_informed,policy decisions in the best interest of the community. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 CitysManager: :.: _..__ _._.._ Assistant City Manager _ 0 0 1 -CIP Manager t 0 i 1 1 . -City Manager's Executive Assistant j �1 !� 1W�—1 City'Manager's Intern i 0 i 1 1 4 5 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimate 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 40-City Manager: :SALARIES 455,859 272,945 348,179 270,444`i -__ LONGEVITY 480 240_ - ___ 5,000.... 9.000 8,300_. - OVERTIME 0 2,000 2,000- 1,583 `PHONE-AL, CM00 2,280 2,240 UNEMPLOYMENT1,260--�---.YRM•`�_780 _ _ 4447 288 SOCIALSECURITY-MEDICARE _ w __ _ _____.. 34,910 _a, -_2_0,07_1 ` _ 19,714 y� 20,689 TMRSLL 53,213- 32,394 40,022 --36,005 RETIREMENT NATIONWIDE 457(B), 7,500 7,500 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 28,877 12,120 26,846 12,652 : WORKERSCOMPENSATION 943 404 _- 572, _ _ 391'' SALARIES AND,BENEFITS 589,043 353,453 446,059 352,592 `IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 600 0 0, 0 CONTRACT SERVICES . _ 40,000 . 10,00_0 15000 0 (PUBLICATIONS 1,400 - - 289 _ _ 200 �-_:190 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 11,850 ^� - " 6,000 i 6,150 _ 1,000 �___ _ _ - __ __ _- DUES;FEES AND LICENSES 5,400 5,000 5,325 2,950 LEGAL SERVICES" 34,667 .34,500 Pf FESSIONALFEES 1,600 _ V 2,486 .*14,900..'- A 2,000 TELEPHONE 3,825 2,550 i 2,550_. ~_:1,160 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 64,675 60,991 78,625 _ ^7,300 f UNIFORMS 700 0 0 0 "OFFICE SUPPLIES - - -- - - --1;500 _:T:__.�.._. 450 .�_`-- _ _500= .��>.__.. 588• OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 300 318 300 100 (OTHER SUPPLIES 150 ,. 500 500 250 POSTAGE 100 _ 50 _125 _x65 MEETING EXPENSE _ 7,500 5,300 M Y-5,000 1.72i, _ -., w_-- -- EMPLOYEE AWARDS PROGRAM` 0 0 0� TO ''.GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIR$, .30 250 6;618 _.6,425 .2,724! .' NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 2,000 0 0 0 r P1TAL OUTLAY 0, CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL 0 -- 0 0 0 'TRANSFTO CAP[IT REPLACEMENT 1,020 1,020 790 TRANSFERS 0' 1,020 1,020 790 TOTAL 663,968 422,083 532,129 363,406 - 5 6 :General Fund 40-01—Public Relations .Function: The City of.Cibolo Public Relations Department establishes and-maintains beneficial relationships between.the City of Cibolo and the public.The department has.a responsibility to raise awareness about the City of Cibolo and allow the city to define,:control,and distribute the message,both internally and externally:The core components of the Public Relations departmentare media relations,crisis communication;content development; and social:media management. Personnel Schedule: Position Title • FY 2021 - FY 2022 FY 2023 Communications Manager 6 _ 7 DESCRIPTION. 2023 Proposed Budget EOY 2022 _ 2022 Budget . 2021 Actual 40-01 Public Relations: S°CARIES v 61,30_5 59;211 60,541 57,0_49 LONGEVITY- 480 480_.. 480 _360 ;PHONE ALLOWANCE 600 720 .720 UNEMPLOYMENT 252 252 95 144: _ . SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE 4,719 4,253 4,019 4,364 _�.. . __ter_ _ TMRS .... ._.: 7,273 6,936 ,:_ 6,332 7;200 7,1495,507yy 6,100 6,058:0 WORKERS COMPENSATION _ 1.27 _ 78 121 70 ;SALARIEANENEFITS S D Bx 81,206 77,317 78,408 75,964 -IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 735 •..:: ;CONTRACT SERVICES 2,500 1,250 2,500 500 PUBLICATIONS 51000 2,500 5,000 600: CONFERENCE/TRAUEL/TRAINING` _ 5,000 5,000 T, 5,000 DUES, FEES AND LICENSES 150 . .. 150 150 - ,TELEPHONE . 460 460 460 465 ; NEWSLETTER/MARKETING _ 24,000 12,000 24,000 12,000' ;SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 37;845 _ 21,360 37,110 ^33,565; _.�r UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 300 ..: 150 . :: 150 ` - OFFICE 1,000 ___- -_ -1,000 -�- 1,000 950,• OTHER SUPPLIES_: 300 -300 300 ... 150: 'POSTAGE - 100 50 100 36 i OSTAGE _ �.. _.... y_. .__.. 500 - - MEETING EXPENSE • 500 500 500_ •GENERAL SUPPLIES AND:REPAIRS; y 2,200 - 2,000 2,050 �. -1,636 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 2,000 • 200 2,000 1,781 `CAPITAL ANNO_N.CAPITAL r .2,000 _ 2,000 D 1,787 TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT Y 3,040: 6,040 _ µ 2,610 TRANSFERS 3,240 6,040 4397 TOTAL 121,251 103,917 125,608 . 95,562 7 8 - General Fund 41-City Council Function: The City Council operates under. a City Council Manager-form of government. The City-Council is composed:of Mayor that is elected at-large:and seven:council members elected by district for staggered two=year terms..The Council is charged with the.responsibilities of enacting local legislation,adopting.the budget, setting - policies and appointing the City Manager. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Mayor _�— - .1 1 1 1 Council Member. �_ 7. `�� .7 7 i 8 8 l 8 8 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed-Budget 2022 EOY Estimate 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 41-City Council: 777" SALARIES __._ ._. _ __. _ _ . . . 10,200 ___...�._ 4,900 ._ 4,900,;,'. ADVERTISING. .' ~6,500_ . 6,500 E 6,500tµ 2,415- �CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/1RAINING 14,000 8,000 &000 NIING _._ _.. PROFESSIONAL FEES 50,000 .0:.: 50,000 20,000: . . TELEPHONE _ _ 54_0 _ 540 540.; 540x: SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 810240 j ~19,940 69,940 25,000 "ONIFORM AND= 2,800 1,600 ter_ - OFFICE SUPPLIES : • 600: 450 450 521, `PRINTING r 30p _ 100 300' 68 ....OTHER-SUPPLIES_ :3,500 800 _:; 800 4,650 ;MEETING EXPENSE ~• 3,000 !- y 7-3,000 3,000 1,695; _ __ _--- SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSES: - 61500 5,000 5,000 : 100: :AWARDS _ 4,500 500 _ 500 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND�RE_PAIR,S y _- ____ -•- - -21,200 __ . 11;450 ~ 11,650 __.7;5_6_8 FNON CAPITAL OUTLAY<,$9,999. 1,600 600, - 1 ' 0. 723 _-- _ _ _. __ _ CAPITAL AND NUN CAPITAL': 1,6001,600 0 :_ 729_ 0` TRANSFTO,CAP/IT REPLACEMENT ~2,000 x10600 1,600 `1,260 2,000 _ 1,600-�_ 1,600 1,260' TOTAL 106,040 34,590 83.190 34,550 10 General Fund 42-City Secretary Function:.The City Secretary is appointed by Council. The City Secretary serves as custodian of all official records of the City Council: The City Secretary's Office coordinates preparation:of Council agendas :and the official minutes, prepares legal notices for publication.and posting, maintains the City seal and attests all city_documents, is responsible for oaths of office, maintains boards, commission agendas and minutes and receives bids.The City Secretary also oversees all City elections. Personnel Schedule: Position:Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 City,Secretary Assistant City Secretary: Open Records Clerk. 0' 1 - 2 I_,_�... 3 3; . . 10 11 2022 EOY DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget : 2022 Budget: 2021 Actual Estimate 42-City Secretary . (SALARIES 197,272; 186,454 281,738 153,949 LONGEVITY 3,000 2,640 2,640 240 '._CAR ALLOWANCE OVERTIME . 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,799 PHONE ALLOWANCE PUNEMPLOYMENT ��_._..__ __� ...____ ..._____._ •---_--- `756 T Y--_ 592. 277�-_ _ 277 - .288 . . SOCIAL SECURITY -MEDICARE _ _ 15,32114,119 11,_748 11,971 TMRS 23,612:: � 22,471 _ � 18,505- - 19,884 HEALTH--LIFE INSURANCE 21,223` 14,239, 12,200 12,149 WORKERS COMPENSATION 414 260 354 683 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 264,597. 243 216 -329i962! 201,962 DATA PROCESSING -IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS CONTRACT SERVICES 35,000 - 45,000 45,000 20,023 <EMPLOYMENT COSTS -PUBLICATIONS -600 600. 600 - iADVERTISING 8,000. Y 8,000 J --_ 8,000"^_T 6,491-11 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING.: 7,000: :6,000 6,000: 508 DUES,FEES AND LICENSES _•,_ : 15,000 _ R 15,000 15,800LL - _ 10,119 t GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 11OTHER'INSURANCE GCAD/GCT'AC LEGAL SERVICES ._.�..__ 230,000 -„200,000,' �- 200,000 �- 179,138 y : LEGAL SERVICES-SPECIAL ITEMS 100,000 50;000 100,000 27,685: PROFESSIONALFEES _. DESIGN,STANDARDS - - 'ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT = ENGINEERING SERVICES. UTILITIES .. STREET LIGHTS/TRAFFIC SIGNALS - - _ __.. _ ALS TELEPHONE 1,000. _ --1,000 _ 1,000,. _^ 973,? . NEWSLETTER - SERVICES UTILITIES AND-TRAINING 396,600 X325,600 376,400 �w249,436 . ... UNIFORM AND:CLOTHING: 450 200 200 - �OFFICE SUPPLIES 900 900 900.. ' „___,2,207 PRINTING: JANITORAL SUPPLIES _ - OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT , OTHER SUPPLIES 7,000 5,200 6,200 2,431 POSTAGE 300 300: 400 264 :.;` BUILDING MAINTENANCE OFFICE_EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - - MEETING'EXPENSE. _._ _._.:.. __. :.800 700 700 360 ELECTION 55,000 39,000 39,000 3,626 11 12 ;SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSES- 7,000 8,500 1,699 PARKS COMMISSION EVENTS - - -------- ;_. _ . _..... 'AWARDS EMPLOYEE AWARDS PROGRAM ;GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 72,450 53,3 - 55,900 10,587 1 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY,<$9,999: - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT.TRANS - - ,CAPITAL PARK FUND.EXPENSES - - FEMA GRANT REPAIRS - - - CAPITAL AND NON.CAPITAL - - - TRANSF TO.CAP/IT REPLACEMENT - 4;420 4,420 930 2003 CONSTRUCTION-BOND - - - 2003 CONSTRUCTION -INTEREST - - - TRANSFERS " .. . . - 4,420 4,420 930 TOTAL 733,647 626,596 766,682 462,915. 12 13 General Fund Police Department-Administration Function: The Police Department is responsible for the.protection of life and property,as well as the enforcement of local, state and federal laws. The overall goal of the Police-Department.is to foster community partnerships and joint problem-solving techniques within the community that will preserve the quality of life for our residents. Personnel Schedule: Position Title — FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Police Chief: Police Lieutenant Police _Sergeant Executive.Assistant 1 1 1 - Property Room Manager 1 a 1 1 t Public Relations:Officer 13 .DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimate 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 43-00 PID Admin: SALARIES444,570,. 299,949 236,621 216,692 LONGEVITY _6,8_40 4_,320 4,320 (600) CERTIFICATE PAY_ ..___ �- -8,320 3,812 -~5;200 i3,108 ON-CALL PAY _ - _ _.___.--- __ _._ _ OVERTIME 3,000 1,720 ' 3,000 3,678{ ._ _ --- - _ _a PHONE ALLOWANCE40 160 P 'STIEND__..^• _ l __. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE - _._ �UNEIVIPLOYMENT 1,512 __.._. _ 875 426_8._ 432 . 35;169 21,731.. 18,102 15,587..: SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE . �_ _ _ __ _ 54,202 '. 35,726 Y 28,513 27,628 _.__. HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE - 43,636 - 19;435 . - 18,700 16516 WORKERSCOMPENSATIO_N - - -- -�~ 343 3,611 _ 1,947 SALARIES AND BENEFITS _ 597,593 :391,179 : 316,869 286,187, _ MEDICAL:EXAMS _ DATA PROCESSING IIT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS. CONTRACT SERVICES. 34.500 30,000 30,000 -34,227 (EMPLOYMENT COSTS r.. V„__ ._�...__.. �_._ ..__._e ._: ________. .____ - ____._._ _._-_ •� PUBLICATIONS:= - . CON FERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN.I:NG' 6,000: 6,500 8,000:.: 3,_53.0 DUES; EES AND LICENSES_ 4,000 T _ 3,000 . _4,000 2,276} _ _ _ _ _ _ GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE LPROFESSIONAL.F.EES -� _ "6;500' Y il6,500 5,000- ` 3,150 MEDICAL&LAB: ' 'UTILITIES _ 57,000 ' 50,000 5_7,000 _ 49,686 I TELEPHONE- 26,000 v �26,000 T� 26,000 21,335 21,335 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 134,000 _ 122,000 T 130000V 114,203; UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 2,000 . 1,500 V 2,000 11090 ;OFFICE SUPPLIES; 3,000 2,000 1,600_ PRINTING - ___ __ �OTHwER SUPPLIESi _ _�. w _._ 2,000 1,000T 900 POSTAGE IOFFICERSEQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES -� y 2,000 1;500 _ 1,700 _ _ _ SWAT:FUNDING INVESTIGATIVE SUPPLIES y - L _ _. CRIME PREVENTION SUPPLIES NGSUPPLIESy_ MINOR TOOLS&:EQUIPMENT _. BUILDING MAINTENANCE 25;000 20,000 20,000 17,869. OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ?VEHICLE OPERATION.•EXPENSE VEHICLE FUEL 8,00.0 6;000 6,000 .21592 _ _ ____ K__;_._--__ �VEHICLE.REPAIR 8,000 _ - _-7,250 7,250 . _ _4301 MEETING.EXPENSE ~. 7,000 4,500 r 4,500^ 4,063: GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS _ 57,000 430750 43,950' 30;647 �. }NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,994.,. .. CAPITAL OUTLAY - - CAPITAL REPLACEIVIENTTRANS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - ICAPITALAND NON:CAPITAL NARCOTIC GRANT: - CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES,.:,v LEOSE TRAINING EXPENSE SCHERTZ EMS;CONTRACT M f' PUBLIC SAFETY.DISPATCH _ _° 168,000 :163,200 163,200 :160,000 [CRIME VICTIMS LIAISON;. ,_.45,000 _vY »,r' _30,000 W 30,000^ ^ 6,250`: CIBOLO VOL FIRE DEPARTMENT r j�SCHERTZ FIRE CONTRACT - JAILtOST . :: �SSET FORFEIT EXPENSES - _..�_ _OTHER EXPENSES 213,000 193,200 193,200 166,250 GRANT EXPENDITURES GRANT EXPENDITURES _ tTRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT• V 3,323 7,4 3 TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 260,307 231,375 231,375 . 231,375 kTRANSFERS T 260,307 � � 234,698 238,788 .L... �.- _ ..._-.._w...r ..._. s v_._........_..-..__+...._r-..._...-�,.r.._._..__._n.._.._._... �.rl�.. - - �..._i�...._ A CAPITAL LEASE PAYMENT - - DEB -SERVICE TOTAL 1;261,900 750,129 918,717 836,074: 16 General Fund -Police Department-SRO Program- Function: Our School Resource Officers (SROs) are assigned to patrol the multiple schools within Cibolo during the school year, although their primary locations are Steele High.School and Dobie Junior High. These officers are liaisons between the School District and the PD and are responsible for,not only the enforcement of laws within the schools, but also the-establishment of relationships with the students and teachers within the schools. The SROs take:reports for all criminal matters that occuron school property. These officers also provide security for after-school events as requested by the school district. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 =FY 2022 FY 2023. Police Sergeant Police Officer 3 3 3 4 v 4 4- 16 17 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimate 2022 Budget. 2021 Actual 43-01 PD SRO SALARIES_ 259,708.80 245,85_1.42 217,402:00 216,414._88? -_-- --_ LONGEVITY 3;240.00 ^3,240.00 3,240.00 X240.00 [CERTIFICATE PAY. - _..__ 8,320.00 _- „p 8,436.00 9,360.00 962400, :....--__ b. . _.. __- _ _ �� _ ON-CALL PAY 0.00 _ 0.00' OVERTIME 8,OD0 00 9,216 72 M Y 8,000.00 11,739 49 PHONE ALLOWANCE - 0.00 0.00 jUNIFORM ALLOWANCE - 0.00 UNEMPLOYMENT. _ _ 1,008:00 1,008.00 392.00'' _575.98 50CIAL SECURITY MEDICARE - y 20,752.06 - X17,204.30 16,632 00 15,96315; TMRS _ _ 31,982.59 30,485.50 26;197.00 291238.47 rHEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 28;304.76 20,973 59 23,900.00, 23,900.321. . WORKERS COMPENSATION _7,287.15 _ _5,012.99_ 5,098.00.E 3,7_20:8_4 ;SALARIES AND BENEFITS _ 368,603.36 341,428.52 �� 310,221.00 311,417.13! CONTRACT SERVICES 1;800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -1164.00 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING _ 2,000.00 4,000.00 _4,000_.00 _ 246896; TELEPHONE 2,860.00 2,860.00 2;860.00 2,776.60 _ , -- jSERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING Y 6,660 00 m 7,860 00 :' 7,860.00V ;6,409 56' UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 2;000.00 1,650.00 . 1,600.00 1833.95 �_.2262_._ ;MARKETING/PROMOTIONAL.SUPPLIES •,400.00 800.00 400.00 0.06" :_. ._ .._ -_, r OFFICE� MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 � _:.____-- , -_ _-- ---- __--- , _�.. _ _ 4AFFICER'SEQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000 00 3,000.00 2020:834 .-._ 2622._ VEHICLE.F_UEL 8,000.0_0 5,000.00 3,500.00 2;525.85 ;VEHICLE REPAIR ..__.M- -_-- 2226. 2622 2622 :- 5,000.00 -~ --5,0_00.00 -_ j_5,000_.00.-~--2,5_78_25; GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS- 15,450.00 13 18,400.00 -�--y ,500.00' 8,958:88 _...-_ �2262_2222_ _ _ ?NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 0 OOt - CAPITAL AND_NO_N'CAPITAL . : 0:00.. 0.00 0.00 0.00. .` _ -_. ._ _•_ 2222 �.__.-__-__ TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 11600.00 2,960,00 3,48_9 96 _ - :. _:---: _ _::. ..�..__�� _--_2626 2222____ TRANSFERS 11,600.00 0.00 2,960:00 3,489.96 -6226_-__ _,�,_.,._ ;�._,_-- _-- 2:266_._ -_--• .,�.__._______.._.�.- _- - -6266_ .__,__.._ .__-22,22-6262 TOTAL -405,263.36 364,738:52: 334,541.00 : 330,275.53. ..: 1 18 General Fund -•Police .Department—Records Function: The Records Division of the Police Department is responsible.for the clerical functions of theagency.. . . This division handles any.and all incoming open records requests, alarm permits;:animal registrations and walk-in assistance to citizens:requiring police assistance. They are responsible for the preparation of all criminal case files and the preparation of the yearly_Unifor'ni Crime Report that is filed with the Texas.Department of Public Safety and the FBI. They maintain all records within the Police Department excluding personnel records. Personnel Schedule: . . Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 _ FY 2023 Records Clerk 2 J 2 - 2 18 19 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022.EOV Estimate 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 43-02 PD Records:: SN LES 67,912 .64,373 65,437 63,014 LONGEVITY. 1,800 3,960 3,960 (240) OVERTIME 500 500' 500 - UNEMPLOYMENT 504 678.'. 118 - 288.- SOCIAL SECURITY :MEDICARE 5,333 . 4,585, ' 5,006 4,558 TMRS 8,219 7;635 7,881 7,829 -HEALTH'--LIFE INSURANCE 14,118 10,911 12,100 11,543 ...u.. - WORKERS COMPENSATION 144 . 95... 151 .... 89 - S'b1lb1RIESAND BENEFITS 9€1,530 92,738 95,159 87,080 CON FERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 2,000 1,500 2,000 1,237 TELEPHONE 1,800 - SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 2,000 . 1,500; 3,800 1,237 UNIFORM AND.CLOTHING. 600 400 600 355 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12,000 8,000 11,000 9,880 POSTAGE 2,000 1,000 .2,000 709. MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 500 500 433 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 15,100 9,400 24,100. - 11,376 CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES 1;200 937 OTHER EXPENSES: - 1,200 937 TRANSFTO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 2,900 1,520 1,350: TRANSFERS: -- 2,900 1,520 1,350 TOTAL 118,530 :.103,638 . - : 115,779 101,980, - - - - 19 20 General Fund -Police.Department Investigations Function: The Criminal Investigations Division (CID).is responsible for the investigation and submission to criminal. court of all criminal cases handled by the Police.Department. The investigators within the division are provided advanced training in:criminal and forensic investigation, as they are subject to call-out for aggravated felony offenses and death investigations. CID is also responsible for maintaining and securing the property/evidence room where alFseized evidence and.abandoned property is stored. Our detectives are additionally responsible for:sex offender registration for convicted sex offenders who live in,Cibolo. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Police.Lieutenant 1 Police Officer 2 -� 5 5 20 21 DESCRIPTION 2023.Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual -03:PD Investigations: SWR ES, 412,261 415;153 -323,669.: 352,690 LONGEVITY 3,000 8,400 8;400 120 CERTIFICATE PAY _ 8,320 ; _ 12,160. 8,320 9,720 OWCALL PAY 4,820 5,200 : 5,080: OVERTIM E': : : 20,000 :1.4,431 20,000 12,725 PHONE ALLOWANCE - - - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3,000.. 3,000 3,000 .. 2,000.: UNEMPLOYMENT: 1,512 1,778. 583. - : 937 : . SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 32,404 32,231 . : 24;761 27,3 11 TMRS 49,940 52,197 39,002 .46,744 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE . 42,571- 32,145 37,900: - 36,345 -- WORKERS COMPENSATION 11,379 6,426 6,759. 6,509 SALARIESAND BENEFITS 584,387 -582,741 477,594 . 500,183 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 6,000 8,000.: . - 11,000 8,424 PROFESSIONAL FEES MEDICAL&LAB - - TELEPHONE 4,520 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 6,000 8,000 15,520,.;; 5,424; UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 2,000 1,600 1,500 520 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,200 350 1,077 OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT OTHER SUPPLIES - 900 300 900. 748 POSTAGE . : OFFICER'S EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES . 8,000 6,000 : 8,000 -6,209 ;MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT VEHICLE FUEL 10,000 8,000 10,000 6,228: . VEHICLE REPAIR 50000 -5,000 , ; 5,000 3,886 MEETING EXPENSE - - GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 25,900: 22,100 25,750 : 18,668: NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<.$9,999 - - CAPITAL.OUTLAY CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL TRANSFTO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 3,900 4, 3,940 5,160- TRANSFERS .-3,900 - 3;940 5,160 PRINCIPAL:-FY 19 LEASE. 7;899 7,622 INTEREST-FY 19 LEASE - 278 -: 554 DEBT SERVICE 8,196 8,176 TOTAL 620,187 612,841 530:980 :540,611 21 22 General Fund Police Department Patrol Function: The Patrol division is responsible for being the first responders to emergency calls for service related to criminal and civil issues,,traffic collisions, public assistance and assistance for other first responder agencies. The Patrol division patrols the streets of the.city in an effort to deter crime, provide protection of-life and property and enforce local,state and federal laws. As the visible representatives of the Police Department for the majority of citizens,the Patrol division acts as the ambassadors of the agency and foster positive community relationships with the citizens of Cibolo. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 : J FY 2022 FY 2023 Police Lieutenant ter,. - - -— - - PoliceSergeant ---� - 5 .:' 5 5 Police Corporal I 1 Police Officer 19 19 19 _.Poli_.___.__ 1 �l_ Public Safety.Officer. — 1 Crossing guard:(seasonal part-time) 7 .7 _ r . 7 . . 34 34 34 _ 22 23 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 my Estimates 2022 Budget* 2021 Actual -05:PD Patrok. ,SALARIES 1;735,517 1,662,600 1,431,205 1,216,764 LONGEVITY 14,040. 15,840 15,840 11320 :CERTIFICATE PAY . . . 27,040 30,252 30,160 26,832 OVERTIME 150,000 137,233 130,000 139,220 ;PHONE'ALLOWANCE - - UNEMPLOYMENT 8,568 9,094 2,524 4,385 -SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE . 135,910 131,967 . - 107,220 99,977 TMRS. 204,633 207,134 164,470 163,643 F�EALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 190,885 120,599 130,500: 116,684 . WORKERS COMPENSATION- 46,353 27,762 32,362 28,489 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 2,512,945, 2,342,481 2;044,281 1,797,283. CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 4,000 : 15,000 15,000 10,128 TELEPHONE: 19,620 - SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 4,000 15,000 34,620 10,128 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING . . 25,000 18,000 23,000 ..:: 15,677 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - OTHER SUPPLIES 2,000 2,000 2,000' 1,661 POSTAGE - - OFFICER'S EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES 52,000 45,000 45,000 38,726 SWAT FUNDING 15,000 22,000 22,000. 6,500 CRIME PREVENTION SUPPLIES - - MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 500 500 500 30, OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - - VEHICLE FUEL 70,000 60,000 119,200: 44,115 iVEHICLE REPAIR 35,000 25,000 35,000 27,041 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 199,500 172,500 246,700 133,750. NEON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 - - CAPITAL OUTLAY .71;209 40;014 401000 11,880 °CAPITAL.AND NON CAPITAL 71,209 40,014 40,000 11,880 TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 11,900. 19,210 .:: 13,420 TRANSFERS11,900 - 59,210 13,420 2014 LEASE PRINCIPAL -LEASE INTEREST . " PRINCIPAL-FY 19 LEASE 61,664 59,508 INTEREST-FY:19 LEASE: : 2,167 4,322 DEBT SERVICE - - 63,830 63,830 TOTAL 2,799,554 2,569,995 2,448,641-- 2,030,291 23 24 General Fund Police Department-Traffic/Warrants Function:The Traffic/Warrants Division currently consists of one officer who is responsible for traffic enforcement . and.enforcement action for all outstanding warrants within the city. -This officer responds to citizen complaints related to traffic issues. This Officer also serves as a certified accident reconstruction officer for the'Department, and is responsible for the investigation of crashes involving serious bodily injury or death. In addition;this Officer serves warrants and arrests offenders within the city and surrounding areas and also performs the duties of Court Bailiff when Municipal Court is in session Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 : FY 2022_ -�_ FY 2023 Police Officer . 1 1w ve . .. ._.. _.. .� _..,....� ............._.. __� - 3 I�W 24 ... 25 2023 Proposed. DESCRIPTION Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget .2021 Actual 43-06 PD Traffic Warrants:: . 58,91 !SALARIES 61,214 3 50,131: 49,421 t LONGEVITY 1,320 1,320 1,320 : 120 .CERTIFICATE PAY 3,120 3,012. 3,120 3,108 OVERTIME 2,500 . 677 .21500 1,885 �PHONE'ALLOWANCE- - UNEMPLOYMENT _:: 252 252_ :' 89 144 5OCIAL''SECURITY MEDICARE ` 5,023 4,613 3,781 4,146 ._.__.__.t- --_- --- - - TMRS __ _ 7,741 5,956 6,842- 014-LIFE INSURANCE_w;.~� -�-- 7,072 - ____ 7)_327 5,469 J �Y6,400 6,052 _ __. . __--_ _ . . __- _ -.__-- WORKERS COMPENSATION �� 1,764 . 1,152 : 11159 - 912 ;SALARIES AND.BENEFITS 90,006 82,735 73 746 13 340 r CON FERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN ING2,500 3;000 3,000. 1,749 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 3,000 2,500 3,000 - 1,749 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 300 : 315 300 - .OTHER SUPPLIES _ 500. : 300 500 OFFICER'S EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES 750 . 600.:: 1,000- - -890 `MINOR TOOLS_&EQUIPMENT 200 200 200 _ _-_ ___-- _v...__. ____._. _._ VEHICLE:F.UEL _ 5,000 4,000 3,_000: 2,989 _____ ;VEHICLE REPAIRS _�` _ _ 2,500 ,� 2,000 _ 2,000_ . 1,059 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 9,250. 7,415- . 7;000 4,937 INON'CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 __ _ -: ___ __.._ -- •.__-- _ -_v-_-- __---�__-��--- -- CAPITAL OUTLAY - - `CAPITAL AND.NON CAPITAL - - TRANSF T.0 CAP/IT REPLACEMENT700 600 TRANSFERS. -' 700 600 TOTAL 102,256: 92,650 84,446 80,626 25 26 General Fund --Police Department-K-9 Program Function: The K-9 Division was dissolved in FY 2022. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 7 FY 2023 Police officer 1 T�� 0 _j 0 0 � 0 - 26 27 General Fund Police.Department-Crime Prevention Function: The function oft he Crime Prevention Unit is to provide a.myriad of programs.aimed at reducing criminal opportuniity.involving the citizens.and visitors of our community.-Some of.these include both child-related and adult-related programs such as the,:Junior Police Academy, Child ID clinics, Citizens' Police Academy, Cibolo. Citizens' Patrol; Blue Santa, cookies with Santa events.and-many more. The Crime Prevention Unit also does residential and commercial security inspections as well as presentations on,safety. . .: Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 . . f FY 2023 Police Sergeant � 0 -i 0 A` — — Police Officer - --------icer _:.._ _.__._...— --..i _ _1�.....__w l _ 0 ! 0. 27 - 2s DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Bridget 2022 EOV Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 43-08 PD Crime Prevention: 'SAIARIE5� 62,638 30,717 LONGEVITY --=600 (360) ;� �.c- CERTIF CATE PAY 2,080 1,170 OVERTIME 5,000 338- i"45 E A L�OVIlANCE FUNEMPLOYIVIENT 90 144 ISO�CIALSEGURITY MEDICARE 3,797 2,442 �..,�. TMRS. 5,981: 4,032: .HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 61300 3,971 -WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,164 959 SALARIES AND BENEFITS - _ 87,650 .; 43,411 .. CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 1,000 1,000 1,000 : 697. TELEPHONE : . :600 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 1,000 1,000 1,600 697 : . UNIFORM AND CLOTHING ..:: 1,000 1,000 1,500 - MARKETING/PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES 3,000 2,000 2,000 - OFFICE SUPPLIES 21000 OTHER SUPPLIES 500 : 500 117 OFFICER'S EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES 500 - -500 500: VEHICLE FUEL 1,000 1,000 1,000 190 VEHICLE REPAIR 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,189 MEETING EXPENSE: 11500 500 2,500 . . 105 SPECIAL EVENTS:EXPENSES 2,500 31-500 3,500 1,559 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 13,000 10,200 13,000 3,161 ;TRANSF TO.CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 1,260 790 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL - 1,260 790 TOTAL 14;000 11,200 10315.10 48,060 28 29 General Fund 44-Municipal Court Function: The primary responsibilities of the Municipal Court are to hear cases filed with the court to=determine guilt or innocence,to maintain accurate records of all cases processed by the court,set court.hearings and notify: the necessary individuals to.appear, issue warrants and summon citizens to appear for jury service when necessary.: . Personnel Schedule: Position Title_ FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Court Clerk l 2 2. 2 ... - --- -- --- - ��---------`------�- - 29 30 022 Bud udget DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2021 Actual 44-Municipal.Court: _ SALARIES 90,459' 80,588 82,597 - 82,8101 LONGEVITY2,760 2,640 2,640 240 ---------w. O _ 0 .'CERTIFICATE PAY ON-CALL PAY ,OVERTIME _ _ _ . _. ,. 2,000_ _. � _---2,000 2,000 10548 PHONE ALLOWANCE UNEMPLOYMENT 504 541 149 288 :SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 7;131 6,170 .: 6,319 6,131 sTMRS 10,991 9,167 9,953 10,392 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 14,076 101:181 12,600 ..:: 12,073:: !WORKERS COMPENSATION 193 107 190_ 296 MP SALARIES AND BENEFITS 128,114�R 111,393 116,448 113,778 JUDGE-PROSECUTOR _�_. _ _ 60,375_' 52,500. _ _52,500- -_ 44,5201:. JURY-FEES 1,200 . 1,100 1,500 `0: IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 SPUBLICATIONS 150 0 : � ._ 150_ __.._ Ow --___-- CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 4,000 2;500 4,000 815 tDUES;FEES AND LICENSES_ _ ._._. _ _ _ 300 _ 1 _ 210 300 2606 _ . _ MSB-OMNI 0 0: ..: =,GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 ' LEGAL SERVICES 0 s 0 ,TELEPHONE - 0 0 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING : 66,025 56,310 58,450..: 45,596 ,UNIFORM AND CLOTHING-- - y_ -- _µms 300 ,'_ --150 ` -Y-150 1,000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,000 : 1400 563 PRINTING00 _.4. n - 1,000_ _ 1,000 - OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT CF: 0 _OTHER SUPPLIES 0 0 POSTAGE _ 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,459 �GENERALSUPPLIESANDREPAIRS 4100 3,950 4350 3,010 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY5$9,999 - 0 0 �CAPITALOUTLAY 0. ' 01 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT TRANS 0 0 _.___.____0 __.� CAPITALAND NON CAPITAL ..:: _:: 0 0 0 0 CAR ALLOWANCE . 0 . . 0 CREDIT CARD.IVIACHINE FEES 5,000 4,500 4,000. : 3,048 ESECURITY FUND EXPENSE 0 0 TECHNOLOGY FUND'EXPENSE : : 0 0 4,500_ '4,000 __.._ 13,0481 TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 4,280 1,020 `TRANSFERS _ _ _._.__-..:_ _4 _ .. _- _... _ �: .__ -.. 0_ - --4,280 - 1,020 TOTAL 203,239 176;153 187,528.:' 166,452 30 31 General Fund Planning Services Function: Planning and Engineering Services is responsible for administration of the City's Unified Development Code, public infrastructure design and review, floodplain management, coordination of development of City's :infrastructure (water, sewer, drainage, streets) with .Public Works, coordination of all other;aspects of new development with all.City departments and State statutory and Yegulatory requirernerits. Personnel:Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Planhtng:Director. Assistant.Director of Planning 1 1 1 _ g. Long'Range_Planning:Manager. 0. 0 1' Planner II G.radguate.En in'eer ! 1 1 0 � Senior Infrastructure Inspector --� — '1 Planner l Code Enforcement Officer. 2 2 —� -2 Developmerit Coordinator 1 1 Infrastructure Inspector _ 1 �^ V 1 1 Executive'Assistant :Planning Technician 1 1 12 12 31 . DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimat0s 2022 Budget: 2021 Actual 45-00 Planning.Admin:- SALARIES 706,520 471,089 224,661 129,124' LONGEVITY 5,280 4,920 1,320 - 0 _ ---- IICERTIFICATE PAY ON-CALL PAY OVERTIME 2,000 1,009: 1,000 491>' „PHONE ALLOWANCE - 2;420 1,220 '720 480 .. (UNEMPLOYMENT 3,024 2,626• 370 _- 576'. SOCIAL SECURITY--:MEDICARE- 54,4534 34;076- 15,722 10;051 83,921_ ^- 53,833 ^� ' 24,765 16,627 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE . 84,983 40,107 191100 12,175 WORKERS COMPENSATION -� 1,966 _ 738. : 599 2374 TEMPORARY WORKERS 0 :SALARIES AND BENEFITS 944,567 609,617 288,257 169,760 . MEDICAL EXAMS - _ 'DATA PROCESSING._ _.-_r_��_� ___�._ _- - - --• - 0 _.._ _ _ __-_-- -:__� _ _- _ -_.- _. IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS -20,000 0 _ .: }}CONTRACT SERV ICES -�~ _ 71000 . 1,250. 383 - 5101 INSPECTION SERVICES CONTRACT _ .0 PUBLICATIONS 1,000' - 1,000 500 0� _ _ _ __-- .- _.------__ �L _ __ `- _ - - -- .__ _ 1,00 _ _ _ w ADVERTISING 500 500..:: .. - 0. ADVERTISING/POSTAGE DEV REIM 110. __--...__.� _ CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 13,000 12,500 4,500 405 DUES,_FEES AND LICENSES ^2,800 ,2,200 - 1,200 - T 429 __ - - - LEGAL SERVICES - �-0 - PROFESSIONAL FEES-DEVELO_PR:RMB _� _ aw_ _ _ PROFESSIONAL FEES 150,000 23,170 10,000 T 0 (ENGINEERING-MASTER:PLAN GIS/CAD_MAPPING SERVICES JUTILITIES' _ 0 TELEPHONE1,460 460 920 896 SERVICES UTILITIESANDTRAINING `- - - 195,760 41,0_80 17,503 2,35_0 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 2,500Y4ww 800 l _ ~500 1_53; OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000 1,000 1;000 765 PRINTING 1,700 700 300 0 IOFFICE-MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT. .0 u4- �J- 5,000- u T^u �„ -„^ 4,7004 ---^ - 700 -327 _OTHER SUPPLIES 500 250 250 .0 POSTAGE 11000 1,000 w. -._ - --200 1201 MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT _ 200 200 .; 200 0 - BUILDING MAINTENANCE 0? !_ VEHICLEOPERATION EXPENSE: 0 rVEHICLE FUEL 4,300 2,50p: - 2 VEHICLE REPAIR ,000 - 0.. +MEETING.EXPENSE _6 , _ 35_0' .._..._..._ -.____._ 00 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 20,800 11,500 30400 1365 ..____...__...____._._ 5500 NON•CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999,•;; 1125; CAPITAL OUTLAY 0'- CAPITAL REPLACEMENT TRANS - ----- -. __. a_:_6s` COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 0 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL: `"^ _ - 5,500 1,12531 CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES - 40,000 28;558 � -- 40,0_00-._ 28,55_8; OTHER EXPENSES- __ _ __ TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 4,400 10,700 10,700 540 ;TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT .28,1041! 0? _ _...�__.,._ TRANSFERS 32, 4 10,700 10,700 . 540 50 TOTAL. . 1;193,631 - 672,897_ 365,359 203,698 34 General Fund Planning and Engineering Services- Planning Function: The Planning division is responsible for administration of the City's.;Unified- Development Code, . Comprehensive.Master Plan and State statutory and regulatory requirements. Specific- areas of responsibility Include: annexation,,rezoning of property, subdivision of land, site plan review, residential and non-residential -signage,variances to development requirements,City-developer agreements and GIS mapping. Personnel Schedule: Position Title. FY 2021 FY 2022 --FY 22023 Assistant Director of Planning Planner.11 Planner I 34 35 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 2021 Budget 45-01 P&E Planning SALARIES 0 236,876 00 171,367.69 260,480:34 LONGEVITY 0 3;600 00 0.00 3,000.00 - _ _ _ OVERTIME _ _ _ 0 _1,00000 , 9.13s 1,000.00 :PHONE ALLOWANCE T 0 720.00 480.00 720.00 _ _�.- -. - `UNEMPLOYMENT _ _ 0 __ -_490 00 _ 719.97; 450.00 SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE — ---` ______ - 0 20,798 00� 12,943.70 20,287.83. TM RS 0 32,761.00 2175418', 33,468.28 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 0 31,600.00. : 20,190.51' 30,297.36 WORKERS COMPENSATION " 0 A _626.00 , 229.12] 455.40 SALARIES ANMBENEFITS _ _ - 0 _ 328,471.00 227,694 30 350,159.21 _ ..__ 0.0-6 . 0.00 . ,IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS O PUBLICATIONS 0 225.00 ; 0:00 500.00 ------- _- -- _ _— - r_ ADVERTISING/POSTAGE-DEV REIM 0 775 00 0.00 500.00 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 0 8,000.00 375.80 5,000.00 !DUES;FEES AND LICENSES 0 1,000.00 784.001 1;000.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES-DEVELOP.R RMB 0 _ _ : : = 0.00 0.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES - 0 - 13,170.00 2,657.5� 13,170.00 _.-----F__._ _ -. __.�. __------ __-.�__ .___ TELEPHONE` 0 460.00 303.92 .460.00 SERVICES•UTILITIES_ANDTRAINING. 023,63000 4,221.22 ) 20,630.00 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING _ 0 300.00_ 123.25 :: 300.00 'PRINTING -' _ _.. _. _.. 0 _ _ _400.,00 _ 0.00 400.00 OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT. 0 4,000 00. 189.62 4,000.00 !POSTAGE - 0 O.00f 0.00:.: VEHICLE FUEL 0 - 0.00 0.00 . ,VEHICLE REPAIR 0 _ 0.001 0.00 MEETINGEXPENSE 0 100.00 61.42 100.00 f GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 0 •4 800.00 374 29, 4,800.00 TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT ` :0--- _ 8,510.00: 1,140.00 1,710.00 CAPITAL AND NON.CAPITAL _ _ _0 -8510-00µ, � _1;140 00 1,710.00 TOTAL . . . 0 365,411:00 233,329.81: 377,299.21 35 36 General Fund -Planning and Engineering Services-Development Services_ Function: The Development services AMsion is responsible.for administration,:enforcement and inspection of. . construction activities in the City in-compliance-with the:City's Unified Development Code, Building Codes and State statutory and regulatory requirements: Specific areas of responsibility include: construction"permits and inspections,and code enforcement. Personnel Schedule: - Position Title FY 2021 _ FY 2022 FY 2023 Senior Building Inspector../Code Enforcement �� 1 E — 1 i 0 . 1 Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 0 code�Enforcement officer.. I_ 1 1 !I 0 Permit Clerk -- . -- . MI 1 J _ 0 I . Executive.Assistant. ii 1 1 0 5 is 5 I 0 # The Infrastructure:lnspector position was previously funded 50%from Planning and Engineering and 50%:from utilities operations. 36 37 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 4542 Building Inspections: . . ''5ALARIES' 215,552.^ � ^ 217,585u 122,245' LONGEVITY __ 4,200 4,200 469 , 1,000 . PHONE ALLOWANCE 700 960 640 ::UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ` UNEMPLOYMENT 1,307 419 709 `SOCIALSECURITY-MEDICARE 13,861 17,793• 9,396 ; TMRSy. 22,068 28,027 15,652 HEALTHLIFE INSURANCE _ _ _.� '_ - 17,646 -A__- 17,800._- LL10,918 WORKERS COMPENSATION 793.: 995 821 SALARIES AND BENEFITS• - - ._ __ ._._,�•^276,595 288,779_ -_'1 0,381 IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 35,000 500 500 +CONTRACTSERVICES 1,062,535 1,475 , 993 _ �._ _. _.� _ _. _ INSPECTION SERVICES CONTRACT 587,875 392,875 64,026 _._.. ;PUBLICATIONS 11000' 103 F ADVERTISING/POSTAGE-DEV REIM CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING M _ 3_60 3,0_00 95 DUES,FEES AND_LICENSES _ ^T- _ _ 1,000 _ 1,000 831 1 2 600 -3, ,840 - ,171 !TELEPHONE. .. . .. _ SERVICES UTILITIES AND,TRAINING 10097,535 .594,810 402,208 66,226 sUNIFORM AND CLOTHING 300 1,000. 160 OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT - 700 :� - 784 iOTHER SUPPLIES 272 250 155 POSTAGE ,MINOR TOOLS&.EQUIPMENT 500 5011 VEHICLE FUEL: .4,700 7,000 2,355 VEHICLE REPAIR - 687 : - ^� 3000 R 809 GENERALSUPPLIES'AND REPAIRS - 51959' .`12,450 4,763: .° TRANSFTOCAP/IT REPLACEMENT �_'_ -' 1,600 ' ` 10,400 1,567 TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 15,700 19,625 13,083 •CAPITALAND NON.CAPITAL,.. 17 300 30 1 _ ! r- 025...-. .----! .:4,650 CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES 80,000 80,000 28,558 = TOTAL 1,177,535 974,664 733,462 274,578 . 37 38 General Fund 46-00--Public Works-Streets Function:.The primary responsibility ofthe:streets division is to maintain the best possible road infrastructure for the city: This includes maintenance of road surfaces, right-of-way safety, mowing right-of-way frontage, school zone safety,sidewalks,traffic control_signals and street signs. Personnel Schedule: Position Title �— —� FY 2021 FY 2022 !�FY 2023 P _. . _ superintendent 1 1 -. 1 _Crew Leader 3 3 Maintenahce Worker II ' 1 3 Maintenance Worker I + -8 I 8 h 8 15 — 38 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget. 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 46-.PW Streets:. SALARIES 594,930 518,242 589,222 670,976 i LONGEVITY 8,760 7,560 7,560 . 240 CERTIFICATE PAY ON-CALL PAY - - 'OVERTIME 10,000. 5,395 8,500 14,5421 PHONE ALLOWANCE 75 - 900 'UNEMPLOYMENT :3,780 4,153 1,060 3,183 __ . SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 46,182 42,418 45,076 50,028 TMRSi - ------ -- ----- =--- =- ----------- . _ :71,175 - - ---68,721 - 71,001:` 84,411_i HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 105,398 69,472 79,250 91,6681 WORKERSCOMPENSATION 23,185 18,338 - 31,797_ 16,858 i. SALARY SAVINGS - SALARIES AND BENEFITS 863,411 734,375 833,466:: 932,806 .___.._.._.-.-__. .__ MEDICAL EXAMS - - ilTMAINTENANCE•CONTRACTS CONTRACT SERVICES. 36,400. 36,100 43,600 7,607.; !CONTRACT MAINTENANCE-SIDEWALKS CONTRACT-FALL/SPRING CLEANUP CONTRACT SERVICES-SIGNALS 9,000 9,000 7,500 i CONTRACT MAINTENANCE - - (EMPLOYMENT COSTS, - - PUBLICATIONS - �ADVERTISING CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 1,000. 750 - 17,000 .. 2,423 !DUES,FEES•AND LICENSES 500 . . 500 500• 592 { LEGAL SERVICES - - - - r-_-___..�__ -____ E'E__.-- 10,000 7,500 7,500 3,483 i (PROFESSIONAL FEES -- ---- -:__-__ --- -- ----_--____ --- ENGINEERING SERVICES - 7,800 1UTILITIES 16,500 16,500 12,000 7,4311 STREET LIGHTS/TRAFFIC SIGNALS -. - 18500 - - _ _18,500 18,500 14,456 . .---- ----- ---------- -- -- 5,600 6,447 iTELEPHONE SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 91,900 88,850 112,200 50,240' UNIFORM AND CLOTHING :-----___-- _12,000 � 12,000 _ ^_ 12,000 -- --11,497 I SAFETY SUPPLIES 3,000 2,800 2;800 2,046 (OFFICE SUPPLIES ^.- - _ -- - -_-: _ 4- - 600 --- 500 600 356 PRINTING 50 50 50 35 iJANITORALSUPPLIES 200 150 200- - I OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 500 500 500 37 r._.,_.r.____ ,_____..____..___-_.._. _ _�. 105.E (OTHER SUPPLIES - ------- __: _ -------:3 __._.--_--_--- ._ --- - -__..._--....__-. POSTAGE 200 200 200 54 AMARiENANCE SUPPLIES-PW - - - MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES-SIDEWALKS 52,000 52,000 52,000 51,478 WAINTENANCE SUPPLIES-STREETS 15,700 - 52,265,, DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE - - RENTAL 16,000 15,900 9,485 MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 5,000 3,500 4,000 3,110 STREET/DRAIN PROJECT. BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,959 MACHINERY MAINTENANCE 18,000 15,000 18,000 15,038 i VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE - - >VEHICLE FUEL 55,000 47,500 51,000 29,507 VEHICLE REPAIR 7,500 7,500- 22,500 10,171 1SIGNS MAINTENANCE 16,500 16,500 16;500 14,513 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 206,250 178,100 193,835 196,736 NON CAPITAL OTL UAY.<$9,999 : 22,975 24,490 7,095 CAPITAL OUTLAY 222,000 105,000 166,553 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS _ CAPITAL REPLACEMENT TRANS LCAPITALPARKFUN DEXPENSES STREETS-CAPITAL PROJECTS - DRAINAGE-CAPITAL PROJECTS TA DB GRANT EXPENSES __ _ `COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - - _ 4,100. - _T .9,000- CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL - -" - 226,500 27,075 y138,490��- :173,648 LBON D EXPENSE COST BOND CONTINGENCY- 1S BORGFELD DRNG-CONST COST _,,•..,-._.._�_;�.-�.•�.__ --;-.-w-_. '_ _'. "-.`- _ - -__7 S BORGFELD DRAINAGE-ENG COST. - - a2006.DRAINAGE PROJ�CONST COST 2006 DRAINAGEPROJ=ENG.CO_ST _ - 105ESTRIAN BRIDGE-CONST COST PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE-ENG COSI _ ICIBOLO VALLEY DRIVE-REIMB. OTHER EXPENSES - - 'TRANSfER TO UTILITY FUND TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT. _. 3,010 :.. 3,960 ITRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT: '� 39,74_0 20,250 23;500 TRANSFERS 39,740- - 23,260 :21,460 12014:LEASE PRINCIPAL" -� _� LEASE INTEREST_ (PRINCIPAL FY 19 LEASE �--� _-- - - _.._..,__ _• _ n, __ _ --.-; INTEREST-FY 19 LEASE ICAPITAL LEASE PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 1,4271801 1,028,400 1,301;251 1,380,890 41 General Fund 46-01-Public Works-Administration Function: The primary responsibility of public works administration is to manage the public works divisions of streets, parks,Utilities and drainage operations. Personnel Schedule: Position:Title FY 2021 , FY 2022FY 2023 Public Works Director Fleet Mechanic 1 1 _ 2 Executive Assistant .Administrative Assistant 0 41 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget- 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 46-01 PW Admin: 257,246 -157,415 : 254,426 190,276' LONGEVITY 1,440 ' 11680 1,680 2,040' ILO E':, - 2,800 v" ~ 2,500 _." ~- 2,500 2,200ji - PHONEAGLOWANCE - - 690 ~ 1,380 : y900 UNEMPLOYMENT,: _1,260 --690_ -- _ 372 288. SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 19,189 12,123 15;793 14,556 . .: 'eTMRS � -M^29,920 - T9,39_8 � 24,876 ~24,013 � t_ _ _ _ __ __-- _�-- - __- _ HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE " �~ 24,813 : 7;577 19,000: 18;987 iWORKERS COMPENSATION'. 2,077 1,683 2,286 1,381 1 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 339,346 203,756 322,813 254,641 IT MAINTENANCECONTRACTS' - CONTRACT SERVICES 1,200 9608,960 480 {CONFEE/TRAVEL/TRAINWG. 3,200 u _1;_500^ ?. - 1,50_0 _ 239 ERNC DUES,FEES AND LICENSES -750 . 750v 750 475 LEGAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL FEES 7,500 7,500 7,500 {ENGINEERING SERVICES TELEPHONE 2,400.: 1,860.: 1,860 1,600 sSERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING X15,050 - _v 12,570 . 20,570 ^8,294 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 650 400" 400 200 _. -. .-77-7 -y.) . OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 50025 [_- CE SUPPLIES _ .._ ._ _ v.. --- 400: ..: 200 400 PRINTING __ _ OFFICEMACHINERY/ECRUIPMENT `y -rt 3,000_ µ_ �- J1,500_ 1,50G. µ ,200' OTHER SUPPLIES 400 _ 400 : 400 _ 175 (POSTAGE •200 __ v _200 '. 200 _ 56`"r VEHICLE FUEL 1,600 V 1;400 1,100 825 ,VEHICLE REPAIR Rte" 750 750 750 60 1 _ _ 1 MEETING EXPENSE y _..-"-- 1,400 `--�-y `1,000 �< 1,000 `- �---900 GENERALSUPPLIES'ANDREPAIRS 8,900 6_,350 6_;250 66i 2,666 L.___. . ,-_ _ _ �. _ � NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 5,000 4,200 T 4,200 - 6Pl1'AL OUTLAY, _ 1 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ __ 2,300. 2,200_: 2;100 1,800 (CAPITAL AND NON.CAPITAL :�_ -7,300_ : 6,4_00 �Y �V 6,300` 1,800 j TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 2,900 2,163 2,163 2,700 ITRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT L 12,884 3;250 v 3,250�' 3,250 ;: w� TRANSFERS 15,784 5,413.. 5,413: 5,950: TOTAL 3861380 234,489 361,346 273,351 43 General Fund -Animal Services Function: The primary responsibilities of Animal Services are to protect public health and.welfare while enforcing .:humane treatment.of animals in accordance with.city ordinances and.county, state and federal regulations; provide safe;humane shelter for unwanted,stray,abused or impounded animals;and to educate the public about responsible animal care. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 ! FY 2022 j FY 2023 _ Animal Services'Ma'nager, 1. 1 _i� 1 Animal Control Officer 2 2 2 Kennel Technician0 2 i 2 .: Kennel Attendant(part-time) _ 1 _.._-._ Attendant nt__n--� _. .... . — �. _---- - - T._ 43 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimate 2022 Budget: 2021 Actual 47-Animal Control: --8888-- -7787-- 7880- �--- •--.-8888_- r �--------••------8888----°;----�8888- --•-;:--- - --___._:_._.�,�__._�-.--_-8777__-0708_-_._v_-----.___.rte. � (SALARIES 218,272 121,578-', 162,957 ' . 130 075 _ _ . " 7700 7000__8077__ _ --_ -_ _.__z LONGEVITY120 360 600 (240) _._ 10ERTIFICATE-PAY`-- _x..7007. .:_`.._...: - t --- - -- --0 ON-CALL PAY 0 . 4,970 7,800 5,100° �_______.,. _�.-,7777.__ _. 0777•,.__� -�_�_807,7-___..__._.__8000 __ ,7777_._-.__ _• _,-_ _�_.� _ '13,700- 6,708LOVERTIME2,500 11,830 PHONE ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 �__-__--- A 7777_-_ '000 8--__-•--7888-7770_..-.-:__ -.____., 'UNEMPLOYMENT _ �_ __1_764- - - - -- - 1,756 i� - - --- 253-------1,193_ " t _--8888-• SOCIAL SECURITY:=MEDICARE 16,707 9,919 10,733 10,331 --___-- -- ---8888-------------- ----r----8888---8888-1 IITMRS 058 22,400 10,720 13,196 12, 1 7707___ _ 058 HEALTH=LIFE INSURANCE - .35,113 10,758. 15,600 13,299; r---_-_•-----------,7088 _ !WORKERS COMPENSATION _ 7,022 4,133 4,489, 3,958 L_-__-_�_,_________ 7707_ SALARIES AND BENEFITS 303,898 176,023 229,328 182,482 _ 70008070_.- 1DATAPROCESSING 7888 7878 0 0- 0 CONTRACT SERVICES 720 _ 720 �. 720 773 . ..,-_______.._ _____.___.__._.__�--..�.-._-_..._-_-_„_..-._______-.-_.__._..____.__--__._-7778777:0- 7077-.--0708,-..8778_ jCONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING _ 3,000 1,.000 3,000 _1,342:_1 PROFESSIONAL:FEES _ - - - 35,000 301000 33,000 T 28,487 ,0707•., ._ LMEDICAL&LAB --- - 00.77: ,T:0 e __ _�� _�__��� 01 UTILITIES 10,000 10,000. 5,107 •8888-_-7777---�-88 88-��_--- -- --..--------______,--__-___---=-------._._:;____ !TELEPHONE - ._3,180 --- 3,180�--T3,156,i SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 38,720 44,900 . :." 49,900 38,865 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 000 3 3,000 _ , -3, '1 - - -_ 8707 ^ 000 3,417___. ._._. 7777_. 0707 SAFETY SUPPLIES": 1,500 .1000 1,000 754 - _ (OFFICE SUPPLIES. ---'7000--:--_ 7707___^_.-•-_���v_7877_..__i ,.--=---=-7788--____------.-•-- -------:---7707--�•-r---•7788-8808-- __- - -- _PRINTING:..: _ -- -----,-_-:�.-__.------:8888--888880 88---8888-- -- - -8888--".:---- -78888888---• --- c---------- -,__:__��_ -- 8888-. . . . OFFICE MACH IN_ERY/EQUIPM-• • ENT �--8888_ ._. - 888888 88-----•--- ---8870,--_--__-7778__•8877 7078-•-=--- _--8888-- --_-•---.. -•---• - - ---_.�._ -_._s OPERATING SUPPLIES 18,000 1-4,000 13,295Y 8;441 --- -------------- -- _ _ --- - BUILDING MAINTENANCE _. -`-: 5,000 4,0004,000 1-'745 8888-• - ____..._.--87,70_ 0888-- 8888--. . 8888- --_�.�-- . -8778-- - 8888-_ VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE - - ---7887-__-_:8788-------=-----•---, �___�_-8888---,.7778---8888._•_-____--__-_--__-_,��-- ------;--_8888=-=-8888-- iVEHIGLE FUEL 4 500 5,000 4,000 2,133•. 8777 _ � _ _ '4,500' --__ _ _ 7707__ 7777_._ _7077-- _ VEHICLE REPAIR V 4,000 3;000 3,205 �.1,621 8888_._ GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 36,000 30,000• : ' 28;500 '18;110 :. - ------• - 8888 __�_� _ .__._--- -- - NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999., _ 4,000 - 12,534 9,269 CAPITAL OUTLAY -� - - - - 12,466 1_ CAPITAL REPLACEMENT TRANS - - --- - ,_------------._--_� COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT. = - -• -- -�-•---8888-- CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL,: 4,000 - 253000 9;269 r--__.__v.____-_,.-_--7778-•------•----8888-- .. . ,. _ 'CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES ,.�. __- 7777__"____,_____ �.___ _--•__-. 8.788 --•-__-8887__ 7777_-- . ._ 7807 -__-_.__�__.__._,--•--7770__.; OTHER EXPENSES ---.-_-v- ._-_---___..-- ----r---------_--:--.-:.____.__ __.�__.-7777_. __.P--_. _.___...._.��.___,______..-_•.,_.._ �. 1TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 5,800 5,951 3,150 ------- 0770___-_.7077_ 77'5, 50- TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT - 15,218 14,935 -7,250 T 8787 7,780__.__ 0000_-8888--=-----------,:,.-�--- - , ._-.--�---- 8888__• : 8870__ r-.RA_-,._NSF_--�---8878 7070 21,018 20,886, CAPITAL LEASE PAYMENT - - _ !DEBT'SERVICE - - • -- � r._-- ._888.8-8888 8888--� 7070. _-_ - 008888 88=---•-- - 8888-- --•---- ---8888----__-�._.._•..._- .__.___..__. __7077_•878 8 7078 8888-__, TOTAL 403,636 250,923 353,614 259,126 45 General Fund -Public Works -.Parks Function: The primary:responsibility of Parks.is to maintain all city.parks and:facilities.:This includes:'maintenance of all city facilities and. Main Street to include mowing, landscape maintenance, special turf naintenance and general repairs.and maintenance. Personnel Schedule: Position Title : FY 2021 ! FY 2022 . FY 2023 Superintendent _ � 1 _�_ — Crew Leader 2 2 ( — . 2 Maintenance Worker II 3 ! 3 3 Maintenance Worker I: 4 4 4 Gardener (part=time) L _ Custodian 12 — 12 — 12 45 DESCRIPTION 2023-Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget!. 2021 Actual 48-Parks __F_,, SALARIES 481,336 430,9_47 472,576_ 416,376 LONGEVITY 6,120 Vi7;560- Y_F7,560. 240 _ -- -._ _..y CERTIFICATE PAY,"'! ON_-CALL PAY _ - rOVERTIME _ 2,000 13,682.- 12,000 . • • 13;590 i PHONE ALLOWANCE p : _�: 720 600 . 720 (UNEMPLOYMENT V _ _- 3;024 _ 3,120'" ~-_- 851 - 1,825-11 SOCIAL SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 37,290.: 32;200 36,152: : 30,749 ffTMRS 55,447 . ' 50,567 52,842;. 51;753 4 HEALTH_-LIFE INSURANCE 77,342 50,888 . " 611000 57,181{ - : {WORKERS COMPENSATION w ,- -^ _155;924 y� V A� 7,786; -_� 10,187 `_5^,786 SALARIES AND BENEFITS v ^ - _ 679,204~M 597,349 653,168 - 578,220 n.-_-E - _ - - MEDICAL EXAMS SIT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS+ __'__ -.__�._..___w_.__.,_.___-�_.___________�_ � ______-_ J✓_ _�^_V _� _-_�� CONTRACT SERVICES 11300 1;300 1,300 R 2,580 ADVERTISING CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING _10,500 _ 7,500.T _ 7,500 _ 5,225 DUES,FEES AND LICENSES - _ ' 1,800 , ��� 1,950. _ X1,950 : - 32_4 j d. PROFESSIONAL FEES V ~ . ~' �. 12,00014,700 _ 14,700, -4,628 _ _ -_ T UTILITIES -_ _� _ 10500 -� yu� 10,500 10;500 ,T 8,664 i TELEPHONE: 2,460 4 2,460y -2,460 Y 2,402 ISE 1_hCES UTILITIES AND.TRAINING 38,560 38,410 38,410 23,822 UNIFORM AN_D_CLOTHING - 11,000 :11,000 9,500 -��8,111 SAFETY SUPPLIES 2;500 �2,5002,5.00-� :1,534 OFFICE SUPPLIES 750 750 X750 165 PRINTING 600 V _. 300 600 :346 JANITORAL SUPPLIES _ _. : 300 200 w.200 - 95 - ppOFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT � �� �' Y �~� - OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 1,000: 1,000 1,000 _. _ _ OTHER SUPPLIES__ __^,-_-__' �.�_ __. - °_....._. __._ • �___ _:_ ..�._ �-. ��_.� .POSTAGE .: 50 1MAINTENANCE REPAIR i. RENTAL 5,000 ..5,000 5,000 .41683 .... MINORTOOLS,&EQUIPMENT r 6,000 5,500•, 5;500 _4,4_52 -PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR _ 3,500 4~ 2,500 _-~ 2,500_ - 2,341 IRRIGTAION REPAIR 6,000 6,000• 6;000 5,17 [ _. ��. __rte _ _ CHEMISTRY 28,000 28,000 J28,000 27;425 , __ _ __ --------------- (BOTANICAL SUPPLIES -4 _ 15,000 10;000 :�� 12,0867, 39 PARK SUPPLIES 7,500 6,000 6,000 4,736. LCIBOLOFEST EXPENSE _ _ - BUILDING MAINTENANCE 21500 �J 4,000�~ 5,900 . Tu�3;330 'MACHINERY MAINTENANCE 9;000 9,000 V: 9;000 16,823.i MACHINERY OPERATIONS - - MACHINERY VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE - y---~�-_--�_ 000 23,000 .' : : 21,000 17,253 !VEHICLE FUEL . , 25, VEHICLE REPAIR 2,500.- 4,000 6,500 3,342 _, 11,500 13,327:1 =SPECIAL EVENTS,EXPENSES_ _ GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS -- ^ --' 126,150 -.Y M"M 118,750: --133,586 - 120,574 - :CAPITAL 20,574 - CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999Y -� _ _- - 2,000- ___ `1,307 I CAPITAL OUTLAY19,000 w 32,800 32,800' 161479 RICH PARK IMPROVEMENTS CIBOLO VALLEY PARK-IMPROVEME - - - ,BUFFALO CROSSING PARK IMPVMNTS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - - - :;CAPITAL REPLACEMENT-TRANS CAPITAL PARK FUND.EXPENSES. - - COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 4,500 - ,4,000 5,000 CAPITALAND NON CAPITAL 63,500 38,800 57,300 17,786 kGRANTEXPENDITURES __ XFER TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT -.. !OTHER EXPENSES f TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND _ tTRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT - 1;490 _` _ 1,490_ 4,290 1,010 TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT --- 22,720 ~� 21,000 21,000 20,875 TRANSFERS 24u;210 '-- 22;490 25,290 '--^21,885' it PRINCIPAL. FY 19 LEASE 28,851_ 28,851.:: 28;852 28,011 �INTEREST�FY 15 LEASE'Yv-` ~ 2,066 - -2,066 4„ 2,065�� y 2,034 1 _ CAPITAL.LEASE PAYMENT DEBT SERVICE:r _ $0,917 30,917 �� 30;917. _ 30,046); CONTRACT SERVICES _ fCONFERENCE/TRAVEL/T.RAINING:_ -� PROFESSIONAL FEES. - UTILITIES ,. ; 31,000 w, �-28,000 , . 31,000 29,692 f TELEPHONE - !SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING :. 31,000 28,000, 31;000 29 692 �_� UNIFORM AND CLOTHING.' SAFETY SUPPLIES "- OFFICE SUPPLIES _ POSTAGE _ (MAINTENANCE REPAIR - MINOR TOOLS&EQUIPMENT . +PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 2;500..• 2,000 2,000 1,838,5 W -_ _ CHEMISTRY:: _ -PARK SUPPLIES • -_ --__._.�._ -- -;�j CIBOLOFEST EXPENSE (BUILDING MAINTENANCE`- �` J y ,2,500 y' 36,997 _ 38,500 5,672 _ _ v._ MACHINERY'MAINTENANCE MACHINERY OPERATIONS ', ,= • � MACHINERY REPAIR !VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE - ' VEHICLE FUEL. - LVEHICLE REPAIR' GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 5;000_ 38,997 _ .40,500 7;510 ;[NON CAPITAL`OUTLAY<$9 999 - s CAPITAL OUTLAY) _ RICH PARK IMPROVEMENTS Cl BOLO VALLEY PARK-IMP.ROVEME y CAPITAL.REPLACEMENT TRANS- C FP L PARK FUND EXPENSES COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT !CAPITAL AND.NON CAPITAL - GRANT EXPENDITURES ' XFERTO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT OTHER EXPENSES - - - - CONTRACTSERVICES UTILITIES _ _. 42,000 38,000 42,000: 43,987 ' 1SERVICES.UTILITIESRND TRAINING 42,000 38,000 42,000 43,987 i S-ANDT--TRAINING,----- _.__-._____�_--_•___,000_. OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT - RENTAL PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 2;400 2,000 2,000 1,680 CHEMISTRY�:�; ___� �__ __ri •�.� _ __�_ _� �_._,_- _�_-:_,.^__ :_ - - _��_ BOTANICAL SUPPLIES IPARKSUPPLIES P ' - BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,000 ^2,000~ 2;000 .:1,941 -. IGENERALSUPPLIES AND'REPAIRS 4;400 4,000 4,000 3,621 _.: NON.GAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL PROFESSIONAL FEES UTILITIES 12,000 10;000 _12,000" 12;661 LSERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING., 12,000 10,000 12,000 12,661 j PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 2,400 2,000;`: .2,000 1,953: (BUILDING MAINTENANCE Y_ _ _ . 11,500 . 6,236 7,500 1,500 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 3,900. 8,236 9,500 3;453 58;00_0 - - 50_,000 : ' 58,000 --- 13,486 3 - SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 58000 60,000 . A 58,000- -MY13,486 iPARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR. : 3,000 3,000 . 3,000 3,072 j CHEMISTRY i BOTANICAL•SUPPLIES _ BUILDINGMAINTENANCE 2,000 _ 15,467 16,500 4,940 jGENERAL:SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS:- _! 5;0_0_0 _ 18,467 19,500 :8,012'1 UTILITIES 15,500 :14,000 14,500 8,381 iSERVICES UTILITIES Al D_TRAINING .. 15;5_00 _ 14,000 � 14,500 :8,381' PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR J w 1,500 - - 4 1;200 �� -1,200 761 (CHEMISTRY '.. BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,500 _ 1,500.' ' 1,500 1,791 jGENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS - 3,000 y: 2,700 _ 2;700 �: -2,551--1. ,.- -.,v_ _ _ _..- ___.. ;____ _._ S ',, _ __ r . _ UUTILITIES 9,000 8,000 9,000 3;171 TIL( (SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING - '' _ „ ,9;000 8,000 9,000 3,171; PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 1,200 ,1,000 Y 1,000 585 BUILDING_MAINTENANCE M _ 5_00_ 500%; 500 T. 31 " GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS1,700 --1,500 1,500µ � 616 'UTILITIES 2,000_- _ _2,000 2,0_00 - SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 2,000 ~~� 2,000 : �~ 2,000 - PA_RK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR y%000 2,500 _2,5_00_ BUILDING MAINTENANCE V-- 1,500 e1,500µ 1,500 - Rio iii 4,500 -^ 4;000. -_� _ 400_0 _ - UTILITIES 2,000 : 2,000 X2,000_ 1,267 (SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING: '_2,00_0 . ; 2,000. 2,000 _ 1;267 PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR" J� 2,500 2,000 _2,000- 1891 jGENERALSUPPLIES.AND.REPAIRS 2;500 2,000 2,000 1,891•x: UTILITIES:" _ _14,000. 11,000 14,000 13,295 ,SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 1_4,000 11,000 14,000 13,295 r PARK MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 1,000 y 500 : : 500 [BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1;000__ 500 „^___-- --_-_--500 - -- 500; GENERAL SUPPLIES AND_REPAIRS2,000 1,000 1,000_ 511 CONTRACT SERVICES _ 7,500 7,500 7,500 ADVERTISING 2,500 2,500 - NDTRAINING- 7,500 10,000 10,00_0 OTHER SUPPLIES.y 2,500 . 2,500 2,500 - FRENTAL-SENIOR CENTER, -: _34;40012,_000 12_,000 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS -36,900 14,500 T .14,500 - iNONCAPITALOUTLAY<-$9,999 1,000 V1,000 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL 1;000 1,000 1,000 - TOTAL 1,225,441 1,116,116 1,233,371 946,438 50 General Fund 49-Economic Development Function: The primary responsibility of Economic Development is to attract retain and expand desirable jobs and.. development.for Cibolo which enhances quality of life. Personnel Schedule: Position.Title FY 202.1_ FY 2022 FY 2023 Economic Development Director Deputy Economic Development Dir ~� - 1 0 I 0 Business.Develo ment Coordinator i 1 ' 1. 1 71 p - -- =.3- -�-- 2 _� 2 - 50 51 ...: DESCRIPTION: 2023 Proposed Budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2422 Budget 2021 Actual 49-Economic Development: ,SALARIES 192,628 61,029 162,822 109,448.. . .:LONGEVITY 240 120 240 - `CAR ALLOWANCE - OVERTIME :PHONE ALLOWANCE UNEMPLOYMENT 504 254 293 288 r•o:� �4 - ;SOCI•AL SECURITYMEDICARE 14,754 4,492 12,456 8,185 TMRS 22,739 6,997 19,620 13,S38 ;HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 14,255 5,550 11,700 8,854 ' WORKERS COMPENSATION 399 202 375 607 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 245,519 78,644. : : 207,506 140,920: MEDICAL EXAMSDATA PROCESSING IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 15,000 10,000 10,000 - CONTRACT SERVICES - - PUBLICATIONS 200 . 200 200 130. -ADVERTISING 7,000 _.3;800 3,500 157 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 10,000 9;700 10,000 3,023 DUES,FEES AND LICENSES .. . 9,000. 9,000 9,000 ..::• 7,843 MARKETING AND BUSINESS SVCS - - TELEPHONE 1,000 744 1;000 973 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING .42,200 . . 33,444 . 33,700 12;126 ;. . UNIFORM AND CLOTHING ' 350 350 350 89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000 2,000 2,000 451 PRINTING 500 500 500 139 :OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT. - r ZT. - OTHER SUPPLIES - - POSTAGE 100 100 100 - RENTAL 2,000 . 1,476 1,700 :1,386 MINOR-TOOLS&EQUIPMENT. 1,000 . 1,000 1,000 792 VEHICLE FUEL 400 - 400 400. 62 „ ;VEHICLE REPAIR 1,000 1,000 1,000 15 MEETING'EXPENSE 2,750 3,810 3,810 449 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 10,100 10,636 10,860 ; 3,382 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999- 3,000 1,800 1,548.s - CAPITAL OUTLAY - CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL 3,000 11800 1,548. - GRANT EXPENDITURES - OTHER EXPENSES _ TRANSF TO.CAP/IT REPLACEMENT. 2,000 920 81920 920 TRANSFER TO FLEET-REPLACEMENT 3,000 3,000-- ..3,000 3,000 !TRAFERS 5,000 NS3,920 11,920 3,920 TOTAL 305,819 128,444 265,534 160,349 51 52 , General.Fund 50 Finance :Function:The primary responsibility of Finance is to maintain the City's accounting and:financial systems including accounts payable, accounts receivable,: payroll, cash management, and fixed assets..The department is also responsible for the oversight of human resources, purchasing and utility billing andcollection: Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Finance Director 1 ! 1 ! Accounting Manager ( 1 1 1 Giant Writer(LTE) i. '0. Procurement Specialist _ j 0 + 0 1: Accounts Pa able/Purchasin Clerk. i 1 1 i 1 3. 3 5 52 . 63 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed:Budget 2022EOYEstlmates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual, 50-Finance: :SALARIES _ 3_54_,05_7_ 189,388 198,078 i-178,686^ LONGEVITY _ 240 600 600 (840) IOVERTIME 1000 469 PHONE ALLOWANCE - 360; UNEMP,LOYIVIENT 1260 888 357. 6551 SOCIALSECURITY-MEDICARE 27,104 10,274 15,153 .12,178 .TMRS _ _ _ 31,750 14,781 23,868 21,152.'. HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE --_._-�- •-�� -a--�-----28,301: •-�• �__�._-_._--10,572 15,200 15,171~ , ,. WORKERS COMPENSATION 732 _ 231 456 1,098 _ _ - _ _ SALARIES AND BENEFITS 444,444 ^227,203 - 253,712 228,459 ;DATA PROCESSING IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - 6,476 .CONTRACT SERVICES . 10,000 3,500 2,500 22,930 r -EMPLOYMENT COSTS = - :PUBLICATIONS . . 150 _ CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 5,000 `185 61750 1,804 _DUES,FEES AND LICENSES 1,000 - 80- � _ 1,200'., 725 GCAD/GCTAC155,000: 165,000. 150,000 141,289: :.:' PROFESSIONAL,FEES -- - - --- 5,000 . ._ ._.___6;500 6,500.:----1,500 AU_DITSERVICES 50,000 60,000 25,000 25_,725 HONE 500 6 'TELEPHONE --- -, T�' .-" ' . - '_--_800~'P�� -460. � 45 .; - _ -_. _ _ SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 226,500 236,065 192,560 200,906: UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 1,000 175 250 . 140 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11500 1,500 .. : 1,500 :11484 ;PRINTING OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 250 750 750 .;OTHER SUPPLIES.__.___--_ POSTAGE, 1,600 1,400 1;600 1,281 'OFFICE.EQUIPMENT,MAINTENANCE - GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 4,350: 3,825 4,1_00 : _ 2,905 ITRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT _ 5,800 -� 1,100.-,•_� 7,420 _ ,820; TRANSFERS 5,800 11100 7,420 820_ TOTAL 681,094 468,193 457,792 433,090 . 53 ': 54 General Fund 51-Information Technology Function: The,primary responsibility of Information Technology is to plan for the City's future technology infrastructure requirements, as well as,security and maintenance of our current network.These costs benefit all city departments. Personnel Schedule: Position Titlei. FY 2021 FY 202.2 -- FY 2023- .. _ �� Information Technology Director W 1 1. -Technology Specialist II Technology Specialist _ _ _. -GIS Coordinator0 I 1 GIS Technician - ! 1 _` 0 Y I 2 I 3 54 55 DESCRIPTION: 2023 Proposed Budget 2022:EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actuai 51-IT: [SALARIES -- j ~ .323,368 ~- 161,680 1987,339 146,508 } LONGEVITY : 480 240 240 (360) rOVERTIME 1,500 2,793 5,000. •� 5,501, PHONE ALLOWANCE" ;UNEMPLOYMENT 1,260 624 265 288 SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE .24,774 ,308 11,241 11,454 12 _38,182 _ 19,436. __.v _-__--17,705 18,908 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 35,354 11,708 12,700 11,410 .WORKERS COMPENSATION 670 268 339 763,1 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 425,588 209,058 245,829 194,472 ;IT MAI NTENANCE'CONTRACTS - _ - 529,375 �- _ 527,175 _ - 527,175 480,438 „ CONTRACT SERVICES 89,870: y 9,000 23,765 2,060, EMPLOYEEMENT COSTS CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 12,000 6,000 ~. 6,000 5,143 iDUES,FEES AND.LICENSES 1,940. 1,940 500 190 PROFESSIONAL FEES _---- ----___ � -----.__.-- __. ?TELEPHONE.. 30,000 v - ----= - :-25,000` -- ---30,00031,977 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING .663,185 577,270 587;440 .519,808 'UNIFORM AND,CLOTHING 750 300 300 183 '. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000 1,000 : 1,000 999 OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT: 10,000,__ _ _ _ _ _ 8,500, . _ 10,000 7;155 , iOTHER SUPPLIES'' -3,000- _-- - -_"3,00_0 3,000 , 2,253 i MINOR TOOLS:&�EQUIPMENT.V_,.____-- .-- _ .-.----- ------1,000--,�--_^. aw1,000 .----_-�_---1,000.-� ----'-758 1OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE_ __ _ 5,000 _ _-� 5,000 _ 5,000 1,945 '• MEETING EXPENSE;.; = ,,...rte...�..... GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS _M 20,250 _ X20;300 _ _ 20,300^^_ _13,294; NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 28,000 41,908 56,458 - CAPITAL OUTLAY.- ._ Y __. ' 195,000_ _ _ 174,876 .`_•_ _ 2_34,876 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL, .µ V 223,000. - _i M 216,784: 29_1,3_34 _ ITRANSF TO CAP IT REPLACEMENT 93,675, r -^ 96,515 , -- w96,514',. � 79,476 TRANSFERS 93,675 96,515 96,S14 79,476 TOTAL 1,425,698 1,119,927 -1,241,417 807,050 55 56 General Fund 52-Human Resources Function: Human .Resources: is responsible for maintaining the personnel policies of the City,-employee- recruitment,benefits,compensation,.risk management,developing staff through training opportunities as well as fostering an environment of teamwork.These costs benefit all city departments. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 FY 2022 : FY 2023 Human-Resources,Director Human Resources Project Administrator + 0� 0 1 Human Resources Business Partner i .1. 2 2. File Clerk 1 0 0 33 —� 4 56 . . . 57 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed budget 2022 EOY Estimates 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 52-.HR T -- _ _. 308,326_ _ 181,,082 184,619- 156,451 LONGEVITY: 360 1,320 11320 240 %bViRTIME _" 0 _23 1,000 7_261 PHONEALLOWANCE 0 409 720,.: 720 UNEMPLOYMENT _�_ _" -. 1,008RV� - 1,008, _ _ 319 .713"i " SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 23,614 13,081 13,563 :11,872 ;TMRS 36,394 20,518 21,364 18,683? .. HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 28,372 10,767 18,000: 10,438: ;WORKERS COMPENSATION 638 ' 273. 409 420; SALARIES AND BENEFITS . 398,712 228,481 241,314 200,263 PREEMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAMS 00 3,000 3 000 4,379 MEDICAL EXAMS : 1,500 7504 _ 1,500 800 .IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 0 0 0 0' CONTRACT SERVICES: 2,500 60,000 60,000 6,843 EMPLOYMENT COSTS 75 75 300 0 __ _ _ 1;000 1,000 ADVERTISING 2,000 _ _ 0 ?CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING9,000 ��- 4-4,000 W-� 5,000 . " - 700 DUES,FEES AND LICENSES 500. 0__; 1,000 : :. 214 -77 OFE : *PRSSIONAL FEES -_O 0 0. 0 0__--__-- .__O__-- -- O_ -_;_. 0 :TELEPHONE :.: _ _ _ _ _ SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING ^18;575 - _ 68,825 T 71,800 -12,935; UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 400 r 0 900 474. {OFFICESUPPLIES: -__-•-- --,_ ____-_--- ------- a _;_--1,000 _700 _.._.� _._. 1,000 J_525: . : .:PRINTING _ 700 0 _ __ 0 0 IOFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT . 0 350 1500 487 _ _--- _ __- --- , __..__. - _ OTHERSUPPLIES 0: 0 150.:: 0 ;POSTAGE_ _ 100_ 100 100` 100. Y�.--- -- -- - MEETING EXPENSE 250^ 0 . 250- - 139 __._ ___ -_ +EMPLOYEE AWARDS PROGRAM•___ 11850 a. r _-_450 - - -_.850` 864 2200 271500.-- EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT 27,500: _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27,364 !STAFFTRAINING&INCENTIVES 27,000 `7% J X17,000_ �ONBOARDING 2,000 - 1,000 -2,000 2,777 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS _ X60;800 _T _42,100 -_61,250 34,0921 NON:CA_PITALOUTLAY<$9,999 0: _ 0 '_0 .C�IPITALAND_N_ON CAPITAL -o -0 0 _ 0�_ TRANSFTO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT �0 '3,920- 820 ;TRANSFERS 0 .0'' 3,920. 820 TOTAL 478,087 339,406 378,284 248,110 57 58 General Fund 53-Fire,Department Function: The primary responsibility of the Fire Department is to provide continuous fire protection to the City of Cibolo and areas of Guadalupe County. The Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) assists in these goals. :, The Fire Department budget includes funding.for the CVFD and Schertz Emergency Medical Services contract. Personnel Schedule: Position Title FY 2021 L . . FY 2022. . FY 2023 �. Fire Chief j 1 1 1 Executive Assistant I 0 .Assista;nt Fire.Chief(part time) Battalion Chief3 0 ��I i 3 _ �fire,Marshal Fire Lieutenant 6 9 9 - Fire Apparatus:0 erators ;, l 6 �- 9 9 18 � 15 Firefighter 12 58 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget : 2022 EOY Estimates. 2022 Budget 2021 Actual 53-FD: SALARIES .2,586,603 2;061,487 1,785,521 1,429,185:1 LONGEVITY 16,800 18,700 18,720 3;000 CERTIFICATE PAY _- �� - _- X29,120 M- ^20,152 YV 16,640`_ - 16,728 ON-CALL PAY _ - _ - LOVERTIME_!-� m w^ 150,000 - ~: 260,591 _� 275,000 192 :1 PHONE ALLOWANCE 2,880 77 4,000 3;000 2,880: UNEMPLOYMENT _ _ 9,828 ~ yd`µ ^� 9;265 2,932 . SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE. 201,388 : 167,706 :. 124,627 ... 117,728: TMRS _�r.., V_ _ _ 310,37,5- 271,216. "192,909 y 199,88:3 HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE" 269,012 171,302 182,800 169,691 .: LWORKERS COMPENSATION .76,687 -`F `41;800 - 26,755' 21,439 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 3,653,813 3,025,218 .2,628,785 . .: 2,158,265 22,5001.'-' F 20;000- 21,000 -w 14,894 DATA PROCESSING - lIT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT$ CONTRACT SERVICES 55,000 : 521-690 52,690 36,573 tPUBLICATIONS�µ�rn , _5,000 _�- .4,000 4,600y; ADVERTISING CONFERENCE/TRM EL/TRAINING `_. ,J.w- 26,500. - 15,000 _ - ^'15,000 ___ 11,333_1 DUES,FEES AND LICENSES 6,500- 5,000 5,000 : . 2,659 G OFESSIONAL_FEES MEDICAL&LAB UTILITIES . -~ x•58,000 50,000 50,000 33;761 TELEPHONE 9,200 -8,680 Y _ 8,680.1 .6,427 ,SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING-._` __-- 182,700 ! ti 155;370 156,970 µi_ 107;8541 ... . . . _ UNIFORM AND CLOTHING _ 22,000 15,000 : .15,000 11,772' .: . _ _ SAFETY SUPPLIES 16,000 ~1_1,000. 11,000 V 7,503: OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,000 �yP1,700 - 1,500 337 . rLPRINTING K _ u 800 _ 400 4004 JANITORACSUPPCIES _ _ 7,500 7,500 ..: 3;675 10,000 OFFICEIN -MACHERY/EQUIPMENT _ 3,500 1,200 1,200 ^ + 770; OTHER SUPPLIES _ _600_ 400 _ y400 173. MOFFICER'S EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES 38,500 �~ 31;500 _ 32,000 27769 MINOR TOOLS&.EQUIPMENT 15,500 �- 8,300 ` 8,300:_- w 4,9961 BU.ILDING'MAINTE NANCE. 25,000 _ 15,000 15,000 w_ 7,772 ;VEHICLE OPERATION-EXPENSE' VEHICLE FUEL : 45,000 46,500 38,000,~ 20,270 VEHICLE REPAIR 55;000 y 35;000 M�35,000 33,459:. MEETING EXPENSE 21000, , 1,000 �' 1,000 -� 1,478 GENERALSUPPLIES AND REPAIRS: : - 237,900 '174,500 , 166,300 M1119,975 1 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 9,500 8,000 8,000 4,715 -CAPITAL OUTLAY, ; 185,000 360,000 358,790 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS �COMMUNICATION.EQUIPMENT_ 7,000 _ �__. 6,000` 6,000 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL - 201500 ^374,000 _ 372,790 7,374 . ISCHERTZ EMS CONTRACT,. : . 557,333 529,044 529,044 473,115 CIBOLO VOL FIRE DEPARTMENT 10THER EXPENSES _ __. »557,333 .w..�_ 529,044„yam X529,044-- JY473,115� TRANSFTO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT 6,500 13,080 13,080 17,310--- }TRANSFER.TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 20,464', . : 19,454. . 19,454 9,875•., TRANSFERS 26,964 :321534 32,534 27,185 (PRINCIPAL-FY-17 LEASE 113,823 - :113,863,; -- ---- _. -- 7--77 - - - - - - - _ -- ---- ----------- --- - - -- _ -- - -- - INTEREST=FY 17 LEASE 9,499 9,258 DE �_._BT SERVICE .. 123,322 121 - . - TOTAL4,860,210 4,290,666 4,009,745 3;016,889: s1 General Fund 99-Non-Departmental Function: The non-departmental budget was created to reflect expenses that are not department specific, but -benefit all city departments. Expenses were previously char ed to the city. budget.: .. 61 62 DESCRIPTION 2023 Proposed Budget EOY FY 2022 2022 Budget 2021Adual 99-No n Departmental SALARIES (561,299)` (659,277) 344,70200 - LONGEVITY. -CALL PAY - OVERTIME - - sP..HQNE ALLOWANCE' - - UNEMPLOYMENT - ---- - - - - SO-IAL SECU RITY=MEDICARE TMRS - HEALTH 'LIFEINSURANCE WORKERS COMPENSATION - SALARY SAVINGS - _ - (600,000)- - PAY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION - :SALARIES AND BENEFITS _. _ _._ _(561,299) . _ _ (659,277) (255,298) IT.NIAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 13,771 ;CONTRACT SERVICES - - 825,700 161000 16,000 - - 11,040_ CONTRACT MAINTENANCE " - tADVERTISING CON FERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAINING 5,631 4,800' HUES,FEES AND LICENSES 1,000 700 1,000 _669 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 175,000 170,500 126,000 125,434 ;LEGAL SERVICES--SPECIAL ITEMS - PROFESSIONAL FEES - --- _ -- - - -.-- ------ - _-- - .- - - - --- ---- - -- - -- • --- - ----- - !UTILITIES - _ _ 80,000 _ 31,224 - 40,000 ---41,736: STREET LIGHTS/TRAFFIC SIGNALS - - TELEPHONE NEWSLETTER SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 1,095,471 224,055 187,800 178,879 JANITORAL SUPPLIES 9,000 3,700 3,000 2,575 ?OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT.------ - -- -- ------ - -- - ---- - _- -- i. OTHER SUPPLIES '15,000 7,500 6,000 6,197 POSTAGE " RENTAL ;BUILDING MAINTENANCE 75,000 30,798 20,000 131,661_ VEHICLE FUEL 1,000 655 500 ;VEHICLE REPAIR 300 105 120 28, SCUCISD•INTERNSHIP 8,000 10,000 . ;GENERAL'SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 100,300 50,758 -- -_ 39,620- - - 140,986 NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 7,500. 6,500 - _-55,000 - - - - - - 4CAPITAL OUTLAY 325,000 .380,000 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - - CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL 7,500 _ 331,500 435,000 - CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES - iFkQSPRING CLEANUP BEXAR WAST - - LIBRARY DONATIONS 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 - LOSS CONTINGENCY - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE 315,000 294,260 280,000 280,880 r;. XFERTO CAPITALREPLACEMENT _ _ . _ - - - _ _ ' TRANSFER TO EDC - - TRN SALES TAX TO DEBT SERVICE - _- TRANSFER OUT=2007 GO TAX - - OTHER EXPENSES _. r_-:___ . 355,000 334,260 320,000 320,880 LAND PURCHASE - - OTHER EXPENSES• - - - TRANSF TO CAP/IT REPLACEMENT TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 5,500- 5,125 5,125 5,125 ; 62 63 TRANSFER TO 2015 GO BONDS TRANSFER TO 2020 C0 BONDS Y M_ V _ _ 2,5000D0 2,500,000 TRANSFER TO STREET MAINTENANCE FUND 370,000 375,500 :, -- .2,505,125 __._ 2,505,125 _v - - 5,125 CAPITAL LEASE PAYMENT - DEBTSERVICE - TOTAL .1,372,472 2,786,421 3,232,247 645,870 63 64 Nr DEBT SERVICE FUND The Debt Service fund is used to account for ad valorem taxes assessed and.collected fbr.the purpose of servicing long=term debt of the govern mental.funds: 64 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY.2022 EOY FY2023-Budget BEGINNING BALANCE-.DEBT SERVICE $ . 687,990.00 $ 773,114.00 .$ 773,714.00 $ 745,989.00: PROPERTY TAXES:-CURRENT: $ 4,312,000.00 $ 4,698,051.00 $ .4,698,051.00 $ 5,456,599.00 PROPERTY TAXES-DELINQUENT $ 7,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00. PROPERTYTAXES-PENALTY AND INT $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00: $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $ - $ $ - $ - CASH OVER/SHORT $ - $ $ - $ - INTEREST INCOME $ . : 15,000.00_ $ 3,500.00 : $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 UNREALI2ED GAIN/LOSS ON INVEST - TRANSFER IN FUND BALANCE $ - $ TRF IN-POLICE FUNDS $ - $ - BOND PROCEEDS $.: - $ BOND PREMIUM. - MISCELLANEOUS OUTSIDE CONTRIBUTIONS $ 165,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 165,000.00 TRANFER FROM GENERAL FUND. $ : - $ - : $ - $ TRANSFER FROM UTILITY FUND $ - $ -- $ - $ - TRANSFER FROM EDC $ 125,525.00 $ 122,675.00 $ 122,675.00 $ 112,875.00: TRANSFER FROM WATER IMPACT $. - $ - TRANSFER FROM WW IMPACT . $ - $ $ $ - TRANSFER FROM DRAINAGE IMPACT - . $ - $ TRANSFER FROM STREET MTCE TAX $ 399;500.00 $ 457,750.00 $ 457,750.00 $ 590,600.00 TOTAL REVENUES-DEBT SERVICES $ 5,036,525.00 $ 51461,476.00 $ .5,46i,476.00. $ 6,343,074.00 BOND ISSUANCE COSTSPAYMENT TO ESCROW AGENT LOSS ON DEFEASEMENT - PAYING AGENT FEES $ - $ 3,500.00 $ 3;500.00 ..$ 3,500.00 2012 GENERAL OBLIG BDS-PRINC $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ - 2012 GENERAL OBLIG BDS-INT $ 30,525.00 $ 27,675.00 $ 27,675:00 $ 2013 GENERAL OBLIG,BDS PRINC $. : . 375,000.00 $ 385,000.00. $ 385,000.00 $. - 2013 GENERAL OBLIG;BDS-INT $ 211,844.00 $ 202,331.00 $ 202,331.00 2014 GENERAL.OBLIG BDS-PRINC $ 130;000.00_-$: 130,000.00 $ . : -130,000:00" $ 135,000.00 2014GENERA LOBLIG BDS-INT $ .68,375.00 $ 64,475.00 $ 64,475.00 $ 60,500.00 2015 GENERAL OBLIG BDS PRINC: $ 625,000.00 $ 810,000.00 $ 8101000.00 $ 670,000.00 2015 GENERAL OBLIG BDS-INT $ 239,375.00 $ , 257,275.00 $ 257,275.00. $ 1981925.00 2016 GO BOND'PRINCIPAL $ 150,000.00 $ 1551000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 155,000.010' 2016 GO BOND INTEREST $ - 73,975.00 $ 70,925.00 $ 70,925.00 $ 67,825.00 2017 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION $ 115,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00 2017 CERT OF OBLIGATION--INT $ 62;659.00 $ 58;135.00 $ 58,135..00 $ 53,515.00 2017 GOR BOND PRINCIPAL $ 760,000.00 $ 770,000.00 $ . 770,000.00 $ - 2017 GOR BOND INTEREST $ 137,935.00 $ 126,448.00 $ 126,448.00 $. - 2018 GO BOND PRINCIPAL $ - 125;000.00 $ 135,000.00 . $ 135,000.00 $ .140,000.00 2018 GO BOND INTEREST:: $ 116,013.00:: $ 1091-512.00 $:: 109,512.00 $ .102,638.0.0 .2019 CERT.OF OBLIG-PRINCIPAL $ - $ 45;000.00 .$ 45,000.00 $ - FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET : . FY 2022 EOY - - FY2023 Budget 2019 CERT OF OBLIG-INTEREST .: $ .. 170,600.00 $ 219;225.00. $ 219,225.00 $ : 170,600.00 2019 GO REFUNDING BD-PRINCIPAL $ 370,000.00 $ 390,000.00 $ 390,000.00 $ 400,000.00 2019 GO 143,100.00 $REFUNDING BD-INTEREST $ 158;400.00 $ 143,100.00 $ 129;350.00 2019 GO BOND PRINCIPAL $ 160,000.00,. $ 350;000.00 $ 350,000:00 $ .365,000.00: 2019 GO BOND INTEREST $ 376,600:00 $ 363,850.00 $ 363;850.00 $__ 345,975.00 2020 CERT OF OBLIG-PRINCIPAL' $ - $ 305,000.00 $ 3051000.00 :$ " 445,000.00 2020 CERT OF OBLIG-INTEREST $ 399,500.00 $ 152750.00 $ 152,750:00 $ 145,250.00: 2021 GO REFUNDING BD-PRINCIPAL $ _ : - $ - $: - $ 1;200,000.00 2021 GO REFUNDING BD-INTEREST $ $ - $ - $: 306,450.00 2022 TAX NOTES:-PRINCIPAL $ - $ $ - $ 340,000.00 . 2022 TAXNOTES-INTEREST $ - $ - $_ $ 35,868.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES-DEBT.SERVICE $ ' 4,950,801.00 $. 5,489,201.00 $ .5,489;201.00 $ 5,590,396.00 ENDING BALANCE-DEBT SERVICE $773,714.00 $745,989.00 $745,989.00 $1,498,667.00. 65 . . WATER AND SEWER FUND The Water-Sewerfund accounts for revenues and expenses related to the acquisition and distribution of water resources, collection anddisposal of wastewater and collection and disposal of.solid waste. 65 DESCRIPTION 2021 Actual 2022 Adopted Budget 2022 EOY Estimated FY 2023 Proposed Utility Fund BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 5,763,763 $ 6,149,997: $ 6,250,373 $ 6,420,490: tt GENERALTAXES AND FRANCHISE FEES $ X12,784,649 $ w13,872,185 $ 13.790, 6 $ 'Y 14,457,880 FEES AND RENTALS_ $_ 178,352 $T"vYhY" 204,700 $ 256,200 $ 342,300 _ _ _ INTEREST AND,MISCELLANEOUS $ 13SV,123 �$ 'u �:_ w� _ 115,100 $ - 135,100 $ . -143,OOQ7 TOTAL REVENUE : $ 13,101,124 $ 14,191,985 $ 14,181,500 $ 14,943,180 SALARIES AN[)BENEFITS � �� _$� _ 851,538 $ -�v 1,089,652 15_ v$µ- 887,0 $` � "� 1;262,92_1 E SERVICES UTILITIES.AND TRAINING _$; _ 25_0,531 $ _ 345,214 $ _3_12,030 $ �. 37_9,5_60 IGEAL SUPPLIES AND'REPAIRS M $" M : ~~209,878 $ 317;300 $ _ 303,400 $ 342;200 NER CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL _$ 167,373 _$ _ _140,416.:'$ 133,400,,$ 124,000 . O 6 THER EXPESES Ny_W_ $�^ 3;081,309$ 3,602,170 _ CONTRACTED WASTEWATER $ .: 2,785,477 $ 2,987,_000_$_. 3,055,000 $ 3_,150,000 ICONTRACLED WATER $� � _ $ 3,8684,002,980 " -3-,-979;141 $ M-4023,418 , 30 .TRANSFERS -:: $ 133,730 $ 690,680.: 68_8,980 $ 366,706 yDEa ERVICE - $ •1,232;074'.,,$ 1,050;247 $w ' 1,050,247 $ 966,450�a ; TOTAL EXPENSES $ 12,714,890 $ 14,091,609 $ 14,011,383 $ 14,405,255 rUTILITYADMINISTRATION+ ' - $ ,_3,461,641 $ � -4,306;272 $ ,4,299,357 .$_.w 4,282;141 _,..� GENERAL UTILITY OPERATIONS _ $' 905,563 $ _1,527,636 $ _ 1,306,115 $ 1,597:;247 tWASTE;WATER OPERATION$ $^ ^^_2,812,353 $'„ 3,072,500 $ 3,140,500 3,y242;500„ WATER OPERATIONS $ 4,336,E5. $_ 4,168,9_30 .$ 4,249,141 . $ 4,322,918. fNONDEPARTMENTAL w` $^t „ ;1,19$698 $ 1,016,271 $ y �. 1,016,271 TOTAL $ :12,714,890 .$: 14,091,609 :$,: 14,011,383 $- 14,405,255 ENDING FUND BALANCE $- 6;149,997 $ . 6,250,373 $ 6,420,490 $ 6,958,414 67 Water-Sewer Fund 42.—Utility Billing Administration Function: Utility billing administration is responsible.for the billing:and collection of approximately 9,500 utility accounts. Tasks include billing, collection, work orders and.customer :relations. Direct costs of solid waste collection are included in this budget, Personnel Schedule- os itio n chedule:osition Title FY 2021- �i FY 2022 FY 2023 Utility Billing Manager ! 1 ! 1 1 Senior Utility Billing Clerk 1 1 1 Utility.Billing Clerk - 2 �' T.z zt —�-2. 67 68 2023 Proposed . .2022 Projected FY22 Adopted DESCRIPTION Budget EOY Budget 2021 Actual Admin: f _ ME 214 757.. 164,029 162,468 166,050 _----. __- _- w. - -____-- LONGEVITY- 5,280 5,400 5,400 480 'CERTIFICATE PAY.: - = ON }OVERTIME 500 390 500 144 PHONE ALLOWANCE - - - rUNEMPLOYM'ENIr " 1,008 1,172- m _294 - �. 576 SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE: - 16,833 11;990 12,467 12,290 TMRS 25,325 19,134 19,637 20,423 ; HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 28,203 19,524. . 25,950 24;311 WORKERS COMPENSATION 455 238 376 220 1 SALARIES AW BENEFITS. 292,361: 221;877 227,092 224,495 ;DATA'PROCESSING - OUTSIDE REPAIRS - - - - ILAB FEESIT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - 49,680 �- 43,200 - -43;200 -- 26,885 ;CONTRACT SERVICES 2 400 - 2,200- 2,047 DUES,FEES AND PERMITS .---.- ADVERTISING/LEGAL NOTICES - - - - - TRAVEL-TRAINING : _ _ _1,500 750 . 750_ _ 477 IBILLING SERVICE-_DATA PROSE _ _ Y 22,00019,0_00 - - -X19,000_ - 18,243 I GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE - 35,000_ - 35,000 35,000 -- 31,026 LEGALSERVICES 20,000 .20,000 20;000 14,714 LEGAL SERVICES-COLLECTION 1,000 1,000 _ 1,000 1,476 :°PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - - - ENGINEERING-MASTERPLAN - - - MDITSERVICES -12,000 10,000 -_10,000 -- 9,525 UTILITIES - - - - - -TELEPHONE AGENT FEES Y _ SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 243,580 128 950 131,150 104,393 ! UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 600 500 500 350 !OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,300 . 2,000 2,000 1,538 PRINTING _ 2,500 _ 2,500 2,500 _ 2,218 'JANITORIAL SUPPLIES�_________ _.__. - _ �_ `-- -• - - __ ---_�_____._ __ _4 OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT - - - a, --- -- •----•-- - 'OTHERSUPPLIES. - POSTAGE-: 45,000 50,000 47,800 46,0.99_ MAINREPAIRWATER _ y MINOR TOOLS[EQUIPMENT - - - BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOWER SITE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE VEHICLE REPAIRS - - - GENERALSUPPLIES AND REPAIRS: 50,400 55,000. 52,800 : 50,204 !NONCAPITALOUTLAY<_$9,999T' -- --- - _. �_--___ __._ �__---- ----..--_.------ ----_----•--` CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - 68 69 CRWA WATER LINE CAP PROJECT CAPITAL REPLACEMENT TRANS - - - - ILANDPURCHASE. W/S EXTENSION PROJECT - 1NJS EXTENSION PROJECT ENGINEER WATER TWR-PROJECT - - iWATERTWR-ENGNR CAPITAL OUTLAY NEW METERS `C.PITALAND NON CAPITAL - - :DEPRECIATION - BOND COST AMORTIZED BOND ISSUE COST - AMORTIZATION-WATER.RIGHTS CAR ALLOWANCE _ _ CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES �-65,000N- 75,000 - - 75-,000 FALL/SPRING CLEANUP-BEXARWASTE ^� 70,000 - - - ---_--_ __. TRANSFERTO.GENERAL/ADMIN ~ 290,000. 262,170 .262,170 -197,629 ,TRANSFER FOR FUTURE WATER ACQ EDWA_RDS AQUIFER AUTHORITY - - - - I BEXAR MET LEASE CONTRACT- . .GREENVALLEYSUD IGREEN VALLEYSETUP FEE - - - _ - = ! -REGIONAL WTR DEV GRP. - iRIVER MILL WATER RIGHTS BEXA_R_WASTE_CONTRACT 2_,9.00;000 2,900,00_0,: _ 290 _, _0,000, 2_,_6.46,4_66 : :. {REFUSETRANSFERTO GENERAL -� . 65,000 �-65,000 T 65,000- 62,270 CRWA _.. . _ ?CIBOLO VALLEY LOCAL GOVT CORP 400,000 ' ,300,000_ _ 300,000 - 99,999 RESERVE WATER:LEAS_E - ��RECYCLING GRANT-AACOG TRANSFERTO DEBTSERVICE (CHARGE OFF WATER ACCOUNTS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - - - ICONTINGENCY__.___ _ 777, TRANSFERTO FUND BALANCE ITRANSFERTO RECYCLE PROGRAM OTHER EXPENSES 3,790,000 3,602,170 3,602,170 - v 3,081,309 �TRNSF TO DEBT-WAT.ER IMPACT TRNSFTO DEBT-W WATER IMPACT WATERSEWERBOND _ _ SERIES 1985 INT t L TRANSFERTOGENERAL FUND - 290,000 -290,000 - rTRANSFERTOif,REPLACEMENT Fl) - 5,800 "__ _ 1,360 _ 3,060 1,240; TRANSFERTO-WATER ACQ FD - - - 1NATER SEWR BOND,INTEREST = TRANSFERS5,800 291,360 293,060 1,240 -- _ ----------- - - _- - -- - -- _ - --- - TOTAL 4,282,141 4,299;357 4,3.06,272 3,461)641 69 70 Water-Sewer Fund 46-Utility Operations-General Function: Utility Operations;-General is the cost center for the shared costs of operations of the City's.water and wastewater systems. Staff ensures the health and well-being of the citizens of Cibolo by providing a safe supply of water,a:sanitary sewer system and maintaining the distribution systems of both. Personnel Schedule: Position TitleFY 2021 FY 2022 FY202 _ __. Assistant Public.Works-Director 1 1 Utilities Foreman Utilities Crew Leader 3 3: "3 Utilities Operator II 3 I_ 3 3 Utilities Operator 1 3 _3 6 Utilities Apprentice.-— 0 2 .2 Senior Customer Service Representative Customer Service Representative 1 1 1 13 15 15 .. - 70 DESCRIPTION Proposed 2023 Budget 2022 Projected EOY 2022 Adopted Budget 2021 Actual General Utility Operations: !DEPECIATION -' -.-- - ---- - LOSS ON DISPOSAL OFASSETS ',AMORTIZATION OF;BOND ISSUE COS - - - SALARIES 685;669 468,686 645,273 429,101 1LONGEVITY 5,160 6,120. -- ----6,120.---- - ---- ---960 CERTIFICATE PAY - - - ON-CALL PAY --_- - --• - 5,200 •_ - - - 5,120, 5,400 _5,180 i I-- -A[ -- - T_ -- ----= - -- -- -- -- ---- - OVERTIME 24,000 24,000 24,000 26,985 540 UNEMPLOYMENT _ 3,780 2,774 881 1;698 FOCIALSECURITY-MEDICARE -_ ,- 52,829 ' ' -34,675 37,479 59 TMRS 79,726 57,341 = ,035 _ 56,585_ HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 100,313 58,562, 70,100 . -63,769 WORKERS COMPENSATION 13,883 7;861 14,272 10;077 ISALARIESANDBENEFITS y- -✓ - '' 970,561 -- --665,139- - 862,560 - -- 627,043 t MEDICAL EXAMS. - - - - iTA-PROCESSING -- -- -- N ---= - - _-=--- -- - - - - - i OUTSIDE REPAIRS - ------ ---- ------ -`- - -- _ ------_____.._-.._ ._._ _ IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - - - d CONTRACT SERVICES 20,780 25,080 25,080 . 7722 TRAVEL-TRAINING 14,800` -- - -- 14,800 - - -- 11,784- rt - .-- 6;792.1 DUES,FEES AND PERMITS -_ 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3,347 rPROFE5510NAL SERVICES - _12,000 7,500 `7,500 GIS/CAD MAPPING SERVICES UTILITIES -_ -7,200 6,000 6,000 TELEPHONE 7,200 7,200 7,200 : 7,293 ISERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING, 64,980 63,580 60,564 30,751` UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 11,000 10,000 10,000 8,047 &AFETY.SUPP-LI ES 6,000 6,000 ' 6,000 3,881 i OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500 1,250 1,250 730 PRINTING - •- 500 `--.,. ------ ---500----_-=_ 5001.- �� --=•-•---- --�- 35•' JANITORIALSUPPLIES 400 400 400 - &FICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 12,000 , 2,000 12,000 OTHER SUPPLIES 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,664. 400 .250 250 90' MAIN REPAIR SEWER - - ffMINOR TOOLS[EQUIPMENT 4,500, 5,500 5,500 5,765; BUILDING MAINTENANCE. 4,000 3,500 3,500. 3,574-: LIFTSTATION MAINTENANCE - MACHINERY MAINT 31,000 25,000 25,000 23,376 VEHICLE OPERATION EXPENSE :VEHICLE FUEL 45,000 31,000 41,100 24,418 }VEHICLE REPAIRS 12,000 - 9,500. -- - 9,500.. -_-T-6,052 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 130,800 97,400 117,500 77,631 ANON CAPITAL OUTLAY 5$9;999 - ---•-:__-_.- '---- 11,000__,_. .,6,500 _ 6,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,500 37,800 37,800: - _-.�__ _._ _ T- iBUILDING IMPROVEMENTS-_--_ CRWA WATER LINE CAP PROJECT - - {VI'IATER-LINE WATER LINE PROJECTS - - - - ISEWERLINE PROJECTS CAPITAL REPLACEMENTTRANS iCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 4,500 4,000 11,016 - CONTRA CAPITAL ACCOUNT - - - - CAPITALAND NON CAPITAL 64000 48,400' 55,416 3,672 f DEPRECIATION - = - _ - 16"WATER LINE-:WIEDNER-CON - - - d16-WATER LINE TWIEDNER-ENG TGWW LINE-CONST COST - - - BENTWOOD RANCH OVERSIZE LINE _ ---------- TC ___TC WW LINE-ENG COST - - - - �FM:1103 WTR FEEDER LINE ENGNR - } METER CONVERSION COST LAND ACQUISITION;. .._.-ems.. w�.� _.� _,.:�_ _._....., �---w �_�e.• _.._ OTHER EXPENSES ITRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND +- X300 000 364,020 �"` X364,020 _R� 101850 p TRANSFER TO IT REPLACEMENT FD 8,000 3,600 3,600 2,920: TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 52,906 4_ ,30,000, 30,000 27,720 TRANSFERS360,906 397,620 397,620 132,490 012 LEASE PRINCIPAL _ =.t 2012-LEASE INTEREST - 2014 LEASE PRINCIPAL 2014 LEASE INTEREST �PRINGIPAL-.FY 19 LEASE • _-- 32,SZ3 32,823 31,676 -_ . _ m r INTEREST-FY 19 LEASE 1,153 1,153 2,301 _77 -^ DEBT SERVICE1'SA - 33,976 33,976 33,976 FETYSUPPLIES 7 1_ - _ - - TOTAL 1,591,247 1,306,115 1,527,636- 905,563 72 Water-Sewer Fund 54=Utility Operations-Wastewater Function:Utility-Operations=Wastewater:accounts forthe,separate direct costs related to the wastewater services and distribution7 system in the City. 72 73 2022 Adopted DESCRIPTION Proposed 2023 Budget 2022 Projected EOY Budget 2021 Actual- Waste Water Operations: ;;SALARIES' LONGEV -- ---: _.�_ - -__---- - $--- - --- - •-_ _ --".__.$ ---�- ---------- $_ --..__.-- __-$._ .___.'_ _.__. ITY rCERTIFICATEPAY: - - -$ - - ---- -$ - --- — - -$ . . ---.--- ON-CALL PAY PHONEALLOWANCE UNEMPLOYMENT $ $ - — --- ---$ ---- ---$ -- - - -` - _ - - - - -- - - ---------- - SOCIALSECURITY-MEDICARE - - - - HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE WORKERS COMPENSATION -- - - $ --._•.__-__ .__ __.�" $ _.._ _.,__-- ----$-.___ _-.-----$____-_-.___ ._ _..i SALARIES AND BENEFITS LAB FEES - ----------- $- - -- - - -- - - -_ ----- -- - ---$ -- - - ---- $ -- - --- IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS CONTRACT SERVICES _ . _.__.- -----.______.._� _.-- --._ $__ .__._-- _-�- _ -$-- _.---- __- -$ -_-. 200 - -' TRAVEL-TRAINING - DUES,FEES AND PERMITS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GIS/CAD MAPPING SERVICES UTILITIES $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 : $ 7,990 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 UNIFORM AND CLOTHING SAFETY SUPPLIES - - _ _ $ OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING __-__ _---- -------•---- -- • - --- ..-_v. _ -�. ._. .--_- $ $ JANITORIALSUPPLIES - OFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT - OTHERSUPPLIES POSTAGE - `MAINREPAIRSEWER _ $- _ _ 30,000 $ -25,000 $ _- 25,000 -$- _ 4,633 RENTAL $ 4,500 $ 4,000 4,000 $ 858 OR TOOLS/ _ _ __._. _ "-_-_-$•- - - .._ _.__ CHEMISTRY $ 18,000 $: : 16,500 $ 16,500 $ 7,305 BUILDING MAINTENANCE_ -• $r_._., _- _._�__._$= - -- ----- --- $._... - $- - LIFTSTATIONWAINTENANCE $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $ 5,889. MAGHINERYMAINT - - -- -- - -- ----- -- - -- ---- - - - -- -- iVEHICLEREPAIRS __,_------ GENERA-LSUPPLIESANDREPAIRS $ 68,500 $ 61,500 $ 61,500 $. 18,685. . NON CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999CAPITAL OUTLAY . COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - CONTRA CAPITAL ACCOUNT - CAPITALAND NON CAPITAL __..$-.__. __. __._.._ $_"_. -__-...__-__-- -- -$.__--- -.__--_ - -.$-..•-_- _-- -- CCMA - -._. -. $ 3,150,000 $ 3,055,000 $ 2,987,000 $ 2,7851477 :.: -- ---- --- . - - :_.._- - $ -== 30150,000_$.. •_..__.__3,055,000 $-- 2,987,000..$_ ----2,785,477 , 73 74 TRANSFER TO GENERALTUND $ TRANSFER TO ITREPLACEMENT FD $ - $ $ " TRANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT m ;TRANSFERS $__.__.,._._.._ 2014 LEASE.PRINCIPAL : $ - •---------------------- -: _-_ -------, 2014 LEASE INTEREST -_------- PRINCIPAL-FY 19 LEASE -_ ?INTEREST-FY'f LEASE - --- DEBT SERVICE SAFETY SUPPLIES $__•_--•-._._.__ $___-_ TOTAL $ 3,242,500 $ 3,140,500 $ 3,072,500 $ 2,812,353 74 75 Water-Sewer Fund . ss-Utility Operations -Water Function: Utility Operations=Water accounts for the separate direct costs related to the water supply and distribution system in the City. 75 76. Proposed 2023 DESCRIPTION Budget- 2022 Projected EOY 2022 Adopted Budget 2021 Actual Water Operations LAB PEES _$- , 22 500 21,000 21.000 21,000 $ �M 8,956 i _ $ _ 1_000 $ _. _ _ CONTRACT SERVICES . : _ $_ $ __ _ . - $ _ = $ _ x1_5,672 ,PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $$ 72,000_ $ _�� 22,00_0^ $ � 56,000 $ 28,555 UTILITIES $ 52,500 $ 52,500 $ - 52,500 $ 53,414 ._.�__.__..____-._.:__.________�___---___-- :['SERVICESUTILITIESAND TRAINING "$ .147,000, ' $ 95500 $ 129,500 $ 106,597' MAIN REPAIR WATER. : - _ ?$ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 43,099 _ 4,500 $ _ .__4,500 CHEMISTRY $_ 7,500 $: 7,000 $. : 7,000 $: : 3,514 ; TOWER SITE MAINTENANCE $ 20,000 $_ _18,000 $ _ _ 14,000 $_ 1_6,648 �T .__SITE E _.._ - GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS $ 92,500 $_ . _ 89_,500_$ _ 85,500 $ 63,358 CAPITAL OUTLNEETERS w _ _ _ $ 45,00_0 _$ P_ 65,000 _$ _^ -65,000 $- _43,713 AY- W Ma TRANSPONDERS . $ 15,000 $: _ ^20,000 $ _ 20_,000 $: :_1_1_9,988: __w_�.�___.___._� CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL �_ ._$__ 60,000 $�_� _ 851000 $ `85,000 9___163,701 'I WATER PURCHASED-LK DUNLAP y w $ . 460,000 $_ _ 4_301000_ $ 430,000_. $ 426,055 VCRWA BONDS-LK DUNLAP CIBOLO $ - 231,790 $ w- -223;680 $� ~^ 223,680_$ 219,304 �._ _ 1111_-_ _ _ CRW_A BONDS-LK D_UNLAP SAWS/DSP $ $ _ _- __$ rr CRWA BONDS MID CITIES CIBOLO, $$ 232,198--'$-i� 225,731 $ _225,731$ ti 219,651 [...1_1_xfC� ------ ---.--._ _ _. _ ._ CRWA BONDS-MID CITIES SAWS/DSP ~$ 132,684 $ 128,989 $- T 128,989. $ 125,515 _.._�- CRWA BONDS-WELLS RANCH:CIBOLO $ 1,070,775 .$ �� _ 1,064,233 $ _ _ 1,064,233 _ _. W--- - --- CRWA BONDS-WR CRYSTAL CLR LSE $ .: 416,033: '$_ 409,770 $ .y, 409,770 $ 395611 CON_T_R W_A_TER-LAKE DUNLAP CIBOLO _T _ $�,-222,750 y$ � 211,950 $ _ _ 211,950 $4 203,842 1C1ONTR WATER-LK DUNLAP SAW-:_SS//_DTSP $,1 $ _$ C_ONTR_WATE_R-MID CITIES CIBOLO ­CONTR WATER-MIDCITIES,-SAWS/DS.P. $, . -, $ _ _-�_ $ -_ - $ CONTR WATER-WELLS RANCH.CIB0L0 $ 335,000 $ �_- _x361,614 $ 361,614 $ 349;256 7_ 111.1 -_-_ -. _ _ __ _w__•- 1111_ CONTR WATER-WR CRYSTAL CLR LSE $ 135,000 $ 135;268 $ 135,268 $ 130,645 'PLANT M&O=_LAKEDUNLAP CIBOLO_ $ 104,960 $ 96,168 $ 96,168 $ 227,658.; PLA_NTM&0-LKDUNLAPSAWS/DSP --.$ V _$ - $ PLANT M&0-MID CITIES CIBOLO $_ 84,600 $ � 94,770 $ _ -94,770- $ 98,162 _. -_ _ PLANT M&O-MID;CITIES SAWS/PSP $ 48,3_50 $ _ 54,154 $ 54,154' $. . _56,093 LPLANT M&O-WELLS RANCH CIBOLO _ R_$-: 166,400�$V _,187,651. $ ^131,782$190,560 PLANT M&O-WR CRYSTAL CLR LSE $. 62,250 $ 70,190 $ 49,296 $ 71,282 CRWAADMIN-LAKE DUNLAP CIBOLO $ v. X64,255 $ - _61,195 $` _ 32,503 $ -_� 55,240 CRWAADMIN-LK DUNLAP SAWS/DSP $_ _ $1`111 _-_ $ - iCRWAADMIN-MIDCITIESCIBOLO_ TM $ ~,19,530- $_ 18,600 $y Y 19,670 $ 18,169,? r_ _.. IDCI _ �_ __ � CRWAADMIN-M I D CITI ES SAWS/DSP : - $. _ 11;162 $ 10,630:$ _ 11,240.: $_- _10,382 CRWAADMIN-WELLS RANCH CIBOLO 94,731-$__ `-90,311�$ x'90,311 $ 88,732 - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - CRWA ADMIN-WR CRYSTAL CLR_LSE_ =_: _$ �: :35,950 $:. :34,23_7 $_ -27,80_1 $ 34,160,,: !WATER CONTRACT-CITY OF SCHERTZ $- ^J 95,000 NP$ .L Y70,000 $ - 70,000+ $_^ 7_0,359 4,023,418 $ M 3;979,141 $ 3,868,930: $ 4,002,980 TOTAL $ 4,322,918 .$ 4,249,141 •$ 4,168,930 $ . 4,336,635: 76 77 Water,Sewer Fund 99=Non-departmental Function:.The non=departmental budget was created to reflect expenses related to debt service'and expenses which are not department specific. . 77 78 Proposed 2.023 2022 Adopted DESCRIPTION Budget- 2022.Projected EOY Budget 2021 Actual Non Departmental: SALARY SAVINGS . 0 0 Oi r. ..._.__-- _ _. ____ __ __-__-_ _—_—_-- _..__ _ PAY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 0 0.. 0 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 0. 0 0 PAYING AGENT FEES 0 0 600 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 0 0 0 G00; 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY — - 0. A'CAPITAL ACCOUNT 0 0 CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL .0: 0 0 16EPRECIATION 0 �___--- -- ----__ _._ 0 OTHER EXPENSES0 .0 0 . ', __---------_,___.____ _ •_ ____w_.._.,.—___. . -_-- +2006TEN YREVENUE BDS-INT 0V_ — 0 ..___ . _01 ft 2006 20-YR REVENUE BDS-INT_ 212,981 — V210,308 T 210,308 212,290 - t. 0. 0 0 0� 12007 -GEN OBLIG BOND-INTEREST r 2012.REVENUE BONDS 455,719 510,388 510,388 695,017 2015 GO REFUNDING 201,500 201,950 201,950 196,75 2019 CERT OF'OBLIG-PRINCIPAL 501000 0 0 0 - ------ j2019 CERT OF OBLIG-INTEREST `y 46,250 _ 93,625 — 93,625-: 94,041; DEBT SERVICE 966,450 1,016,271 1,016,271 1,198,098:. _ EB _--__-__— _______--_-----_------_-_---_-______—_-_ TOTAL 966,450 1,016,271 1,016,271 1,198,698 78 79 DRAINAGE UTILITY DISTRICT The Drainage Utility District was created-in 2011 to account for revenues and expenses related to the maintenance of drainage ways of the City. 79 81 .Drainage Utility District 46=Drainage:Utility District Function: The primary responsibility of the Drainage Utility District is to maintain drainage ways in the City. Personnel Schedule: . Position Title —_-FY 2021 (V FY 2022 . ! FY 2023 _ 1 Superintendent Crew Leader —� 1 _( 1 ( 2 Street Sweeper-. _i-�-- Maintenance'Worker II 2 2 2 ' Maintenance Worker I 3 3 4 . . . T�. 8 • S1 DESCRIPTION 2021 Actual 2022 Adopted Budget 2022 EOY Estimated FY 2023 Proposed BEGINNING FUND BALANCE. 2,948,162 2,980,992 .2,963,435 . 3;117,522 Drainage Utility District: DRAINAGE FEES-RESIDENTIAL .643,323 665,300 776,408 811,346 DRAINAGE FEES-COMMERCIAL 102,669 106,600 163,680. .171,046 . . INTEREST 564 1;000 1,200 1,400 TOTAL REVENUE 746,556 772,900 941,288 9832792 SALARIES AND BENEFITS : 411,291 441,277 .435,461 656,952 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 35,464 64;440 69,150 110,200 GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 80,647 120,200 118,700 124;300 ...CAPITAL AND NON CAPITAL 114,533 92,750 92,200 .:213,500 OTHER EXPENSES 14,931 15,100 15,000 : 15,000 TRANSFERS 56,860- 561690 56,690 65,624 TOTAL EXPENSES 713,726 790,457 787,201 1,1851577 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,980,992 -2,963,435 3,117,5212 2,915,738 DESCRIPTION Projected 2023 Budget 2022.Projected EOY 2022 Adopted Budget 2021 Actual DUD-Expenses: SALARIES 461,076.38 310,681 300,000 288,0821 LONGEVITY 6,360.00 5,300 5,300 1,080 OVERTIME`_.___.-.___...._..._._ -._-:__._. - -- •--.-.•.---••-8,500.00 ._ .. _,_.. ..___ 5,219_.�. _,_._._.__...__.__.7,500 ..�_ _.__.:._._7,276; PHONE ALLOWANCE 0 0 . 0: 0 ;UNEMPLOYMENT TAX 2,520.00 2,181 558 1,152' SOCIAL SECURITY-MEDICARE 35,758.88 23;037 23,721 21,750 --- -- - "- - - -- - - __..------------------ ;RETIREMENT -------•RETIREMENT - 55,110.75 4` _ 36;938 37,365_ 36,560; HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE 69,674.59 42,138- 50,100 47,054 WORKERS COMPENSATION 17,951.80 9,967 16,733 8,338; PAY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 0 0 0 0 SALARIES 656,952 435,461 441,277 411;291' IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 0 0 0 1,956 CONTRACTSERVICES - - - - 10,200 8,640 8,640 12,231 CONTRACT DRAINAGE:MAINTENANCE 30,000 32,210 30,000 0 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,9691 DUES,FEES AND PERMITS: 300 300, d 300 111 {GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE .6,700 6,500 6,500 6,518, LEGALSERVICES 0 0 0 0 - _ _ _ -------- ---- ----- --- -------- - -- - ------- -- ---- _ --- FPROFESSIONAL FEES -- -- - -- __.. _- --- - ---- __-- -- - -- --- -- -- --2,930' ENGINEERING-MASTER PLAN 0 0 0 0 {ENGINEERING SERVICES -" 50000 7,500 7,500 1,867; -------- L_.___. UTILITIES 8,500 9,500 7,000 5,937 r-•---------- --'•-'------------------•------- iTELECOMMUNICATIONS2,000 2,000 '2,000 1,9461 SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING 1101200 69,150 64,440 35,464 !UNIFORM AND CLOTHING - ti 9,000.. _ 8,500 - - 8,500 _- �-5,338; SAFETY SUPPLIES AND:EQUIPMENT. 3,200 3,000 3,000 3;132 OFFICE SUPPLIES 300 300. 300 221, j i-- PRINTING 500 500 500 35 'JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 200 200 200 21 OFM FICE ACHINERYANDEQUIPMENT 2,500 300 300 0 OTHER SUPPLIES 200 - 200 - - - -- --- 200 -_ -- - 361 POSTAGE 200 200 . . . 200 0 . . . DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE E. 30,000 27,500 30,000 3,345? EQUIPMENT RENTAL - 4,000- 4,000 4,000 318 i INORTOOLS AND EQUIPMENT _ T 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,316 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,500 4,000 3,000 3,249 jMACHINERY MAINTENANCE~ - __--~ - 28,000 --25,000- - - �- 25,000- ,. I__.___--- 28,888j SWEEPER MAINTENANCE 4,200 10,000 16,000 7,003 ----..-------_.--____-- __--___._. -.-- --•--- ____.__�_r _.___.. !VEHICLE OPERATION' 0 0 _' � 0 0' VEHICLE FUEL 32,000 29,50d 22,500 21,427 VEHICLE REPAIRS - - - - -__- 2,500 _ ----- --2,500 - - - -3,500 - -- ---_i - ----- - - 3,317]. GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 124,300. 118,700 120,200 80,647 NON-CAP 18;500 7,000 . 3,500 4,093? CAPITAL OUTLAY 190,500 81,000 81,000 110,440 ;BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - ---0 ---- --- --- 0 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - 4,500 4,200 4,000 0' ICONTRACAPITAL ACCOUNT -._ ..-- ---4250 - - ---~~--_J CAPITAL AND NON;CAPITAL 213,500 92,200 92,750 :114,533 DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 TRANSFER TO GENERAL/ADMIN 15,000 15,000 15,100 14,931 INTERGOVERNMENTAL _ --- _.. -.._ -_--_.-- - _. 0 0 0 CHARGE OFF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOU 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 15,100 14,931 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 45,150 45,150. 45,150-.- 45,150 ;TRANSFERTOUTILITY FUND 0 0 - _0 TRANSFER TO IT REPLACEMENT FD 2,000 620 620 . .790 17ANSFER TO FLEET REPLACEMENT 18,474 10,920 10,920 10,920 t 0,9 TRANFERS 65,624 56,690 56,69.0 56,860 0 -0! ASE PRINCIPAL _ --- .- __ _- _ __._ --__-• -- - 2012 LEASE INTEREST : .... 0 0 2014 LEASE PRINCIPAL 0 o; 2014 LEASE INTEREST 0 0 PROGRAM CHANGES TOTAL 1;185,576.52 . 787,200.65 790,457.00 : 713,726.27- 84. xa - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The Economic Development:Corporation was incorporated on April 11,2007 in accordance with The Development Corporation Act:of 1979 and governed by Section 4B to.promote commercial;industrial, and manufacturing .: enterprises,in the City.of_Cibolo. . 84:. DESCRIPTION. 2021 Actual 2022 Adopted Budget 2022 EOY Estimated FY2023 Proposed EDC FUND: . BEGINNING.FUND BALANCE 480,908 9151266 964,684 11219,870 ,EDC Fund _. - GENERALTAXES. . 775,330 782,288 9701528 1,141,566 ,::..::,.. w..:.., INTERESTAND:MISCELLANEOUS 8,600 1;000 8,600 -.8;600 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE: 783;930. 783;288: 979;128 :1,150,166'. EXPENSES. 349,573 733,870 : :. 723,942 1,268,639 TOTAL EXPENSES 349;573 733,870 723;942 - 1,268,639:. ENDING FUND.BALANCE 915,266 964,684 1,219,870 1,101,397 . DESCRIPTION SALES TAX 775,330 782,288 959,400 1,141,566 INTEREST 8,600 1,000 - 8,600 8,600- -, - - MISCELLANSOUS REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL'FUND. ' _ TOTAL 783,930 783;288 968,000 1,150,166 86 Economic Development Corporation .42-Economic Development Function:.The primary responsibility of the Economic Development Corporation is to work with the City to develop infrastructure projects critical.io economic development within the City. Economic development department staff provide support to the Board of Directors towards this mission. 86 2023 Proposed 2022 EOY 2022 DESCRIPTION BudgetEstimate Adopted 2021 Actual EDC Fund: (1,556); LONGEVITY - (480) ' ,UNEMPLOYMENT TAX - SOCIAL SECU RITY-M EDICARE = (155) ---- :.:•--__-------------- - _.---._..__ -__.__,_ -- ---------- - 1 -- -(259- ) ;RETIREMENT - " HEALTH-LIFE INSURANCE - - 253 ,„_,.,•,,,.:.,.�.-:,:--;-:-:.-_,-:w:.�._;.,__- (2,197) :SALARIES`AND BENEFITS - - IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 171500 13,075 13,075 5,000 ;ADVERTISING;MARKETING l PROMO 36,000 38,000 38,000 21,520 - 15,200 1,520 -15,200 1,893 3,850 2,545 $DUES,FEES AND LICENSES 17,550 15,055 15,055 3190 PROFESSIONAL FEES (ENGINEERING-MASTER PLAN " ENGINEERING SERVICES " .IMPACT FEE-STUDY _ LEGAL SERVICES. 75,000 75,000 82,000 39,347 :,GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 1,600 1,380 1,430 1,436 ---- -- - ---- -- _ - - ---- --- --- - - --_ e_ --- ..---- -- ----- - PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 135,000 - SERVICES UTILITIES AND TRAINING _ -__ 297,850 , -144,403 153,410 73,038 _--_ _7__0__ _'_ _ _ -_- UNIFORM AND CLOTHING 800 700 700 594 ;OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 500 125 PRINTING 1,000: 500 1,000 - iOFFICE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT - - - OTHER SUPPLIES ;POSTAGE 100 100 100 76 t VEHICLE FUEL 400 400 400 - ;MEETING EXPENSE_ _._ _ _ _ -_ 3,200- 3,560 3,560 - - _313 , GENERAL SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS - - 6,000 5,760 6,260 1,108 ;NON-CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,500 2 500 2,500 1,686 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 45,000 ?'LAND PURCHASE 318,914 318,914 318,914 35,250 i CAPITAL AND.NON=CAPITAL 321,414 321,414 . 321,414 81,936 )TRANSFER TO:GENERAL FUND 40,000 38,000 38,000 - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 40000 38,000 38,000 - `CIBOLO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - - RAILROAD LAND LEASE. 71000 6,190 6,611 6,010 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 523,500 1_23,500 ; 123,500 ^-_.63,560; TRANSFER TO DSF,-2008 CO-SALES TN/2021 GO Ref Bonds 112,875 122,675 122,675 _ 126,025 'INACTIVE EXPENSE 92 OTHER EXPENSES 643,375 __ 252,365 252,786 195,687 TOTAL 1,268,639 723,942 733,870 . 349,573 as R' • V .y. - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are•used to account.for revenue restricted to a specific purpose. Special Revenue Funds . maintained by the City of Cibolo includdU.bolofest, Impact Fees, Court:Technology and Security, Police Seizure and Education, Child Safety and Street Drainage Maintenance Tax. 88 FY 2022 ADOPTED ..: Description FY 2021 BUDGET . BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget CIBOLO PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION BEGINNING BALANCE $ 63,202.00 $ 16,228,00. $ 16,228.00 $ . 4,294,387.67 AGREEMENTS AND AMENDEMENT FEES $ 130000.00 $ 262,000.00 $ 4,528,118.67 $ 13,200.00 INTEREST INCOME $ 26.00. $ 25.00 $ 41.00 $ 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 13,026:00 $ 262,025.00- $ 4,528,159.67 $ 13,210.00 LAND ACQUISITIONS $ - $ $ $ - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ = 60,000.00 $ - $ - $ - TRANSFERTOGENERALFUND $ 250,000.00- TOTAL.EXPENDITURES $ 60,000.00 $ $ 250,000.00 $ - ENDING BALANCE $ 16,228.00 $ . 278,253.00 $ 4;294,387.67 $ 4,307;597.67 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget BEGINNING BALANCE $ - $." 31,545:00 $ 310545.00 $ 31,528.00 CIBOLOFEST CREDIT CARD FEE $ - $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 INTEREST INCOME $ - $ 50.00 $ . 100.00 .$ 100.00 SPONSORSHIPS-DONATIONS $ - $ 30,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 40,000.00 CIBOLOFEST $..: $ - . : $ 120.00 $ : .. -BOOTH RENTALS $ - $ 7,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 MERCHANDISE $ - $ 3,135.00 $ - $ 3,135,00 TICKETING $ - $ 50000.00_ $. $. 50000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ - $ 45,335.00: $ 42,870.00 $ 55,885.00 CONTRACT ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSE $ - $ 35,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 31,000.00 ADVERTISING,MARKETING,PROMO. $ - $ 1,500.00 .$ 11500.00 $ . - PRODUCTION $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ - SAFETY AND SECURITY $ - $ 2,000,00 $ - $ 2,000.00 TALENT $ - $ 6,000.00 $ " - $ 6,000.00 CLOTHING&.UNIFORM $ _. - $ 5,250.00 $ 5,250.00 $ EQUIPMENT RENTAL : $ - $ 9,650.00: $ 3,000.00 :$ 6,650.00 FUEL. .. $ 2,000.00 $ - $ 2;000.00 CREDIT CARD MACHINE $ - $ 200.00 $ - 200.00 $ 200.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - $ - $ 69,600.00 .$ 21,950.00 $ 47,850.00 DOWNTOWN MARKET CREDIT CARD FEES $ - $ - $ 561.00 $ 600.00 . MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS $ 59.00 $ 75.00 BOOTH RENTALS $ : - $ .14,400.00 .$ 18,926.00 $ 20,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES- - $ - $ 14,400.00 $ 19,546.00 $ 200675.00 CONTRACT ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSE $:: - $ - '$ 5,035.00 _$" 5,100.00 OTHER SUPPLIES $ - $ - $ 1,815.00 $ 1,900.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ - $ - $ 975.00 $_ 1,000.00 CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES $ - $ - $ 622.00 $ 700.06 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ $ 8;447.00 . $ 8,700.00 CIBOLO SUMMER NIGHTS DONATIONS/SPONSORSHIPS $ - $ - $ - TOTALREVENUES $ - $ $ - $ _ CONTRACT ENTERTAINEMENT EXPENSE $ - $ 11;500.00 $ - $ - OTHER SUPPLIES $ _ - $ 500.00 $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ - $ 12,000.00 $ PARK EVENTS CONTRACT ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSE $ - $ 11000.00 OTHER SUPPLIES $. $ 3,000.00 $ 542.00 .$ 600.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $. 4;000.00 $ 542.00 $ 600.00 WINTER PARK CONTRACT ENTERTAINEMENT EXPENSE $ - . $ 45,000.00 " $ - $ - ADVERTISING,MARKETING&PROMO $ - $ 1,500.00 $ - $ OTHER SUPPLIES $ - $ 5,000.00 EQUIPMENT'RENTAL $ - $ 2,500.00 .$ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ : : - $ 54,000.00 $ - $ ENDING BALANCE $ - ($48,320.00) $63,022.00 . . $19,410.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget WATER IMPACT FEES BEGINNING:BALANCE_ $ 1,579,130:00 $ 2,564,080.00 $ 2,56.4,080.00 $ 2,887,177.00 IMPACT FEES-.WATER(2014). $ 1,010,195.00 : $ 640,000.00 $ .: 1,047,603.00 $ 1,200,000.00. INTEREST INCOME $ . 3,052.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 7,131.00 $ 7,300.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,013,247.00 $ 642,700.00',$ 1,054,734.00 .$ 1,207,300.00 ENGINEERING-IMPACT FEE STUDY $ 28,297.00 . $ - $ 1,408.00 $ 10,000.00 =WATER DISTRIBUTION-HAECKERVILLE $ .-. $ 642,700.00:..$ 730,229.00 $ 750,000.00 .TOTAL EXPENDITURES- $ 28;297.00 $ 642,700.00 $ 73.1-,637.00' $ 760,000.00 ENDING BALANCE $` 2,564,080.00 $ . 21564,080.00 '$ 2,887,177.00 .$ 3,334,477:00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 2,230,869.00 ;$. 2,0751105.00 $ 2,075,105.00 $ 2;385,349.00= IMPACT FEES-WASTEWATER $ 2,989.00 $ 750.00 $ 3,984.00 $ 8,000.00 IMPACT FEES-WASTEWATER(2614) $ .810;886.00.::$ 627,000.00 $.- 649,000.00 $ 800,000.00 INTEREST INCOME $ 2,454.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 6,068.00 $ 6,500.00 UNREALIZED GAIN/LOSS ON INVEST $ - $ $ - $= TOTAL.REVENUES $ 816,329.00 $ 630,350.:00 $ 659,052.00 -$ 814,500.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - $ 21,027.00 $ - $ - $- 20;000.00 . ENGINEERING-IMPACT FEE STUDY $ 28,297.00 $ -. $ 12,240.00 $; 15,000.00 SEWER LINE PROJECTS-FM 78. $ - $ 630,350.00 $ 116,169.00.: $ 150,000.00 -: SEWER LINE PROJECTS-FM 78 EAST $ 66,670.00 - $ - $ $_ 70,000.00 . CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ 856,099.00 $ - .: $ 220,399.00 $: 400,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 972,093.00 $- 630,350.00 .$ 348,808.00 `$: 655,000.00 ENDING BALANCE $ 2,075,105.00' $ .2,075,105.00: $ 2,385,349.00. .$ 2,544,849.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET . FY:2022 EOY. FY2023 Budget TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1,651,339.00 $ 1,993,254.00: $ 1,993,254.00 $ 2,607,528.00 IMPACT FEES:-TRAFFIC(NORTH) $ 2,928.00 $ 1;500.00 $ 5,856.00: $, 7,000.00 IMPACT FEES-TRAFFIC(NORTH 20 14) $ 358,728.00 $ 312,000.00. $ 917,081.00 $ 500,000.00 IMPACT FEES-TRAFFIC(SOUTH): $ - $ - $ 10,904.00 $ 10,000.00 IMPACT FEES-TRAFFIC(SOUTH 2014) $ 5,960.00 $ 5,900.00 $ - $ 7,000.00 INTEREST INCOME $ 2,596.00: $ 2,500.00 $ 5,612.00 $ 6;300.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL $ = $ $ TOTAL REVENUES $ 370,212.00 $ 321,900.00 $ 938,853.00 $ 530,300.00 ENGINEERING-IMPACT FEE STUDY $ 28,297.00 2,679.00 $ 5,000.00 LAND ACQUISITION _ $ $ .7 $ " CONSTRUCTION COST-HAECKERVILLE RD NORTH $ - $ : 321,900.00: $ 321,900.00 $. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 28,297.00 $ 321,900.00 $ 324,579.00 .$ 5,000.00 ENDING BALANCE. $ 1,993;254.00 $: 1,993,254.00 $ 2,607,528.00 $ -3,132,828.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET . FY:2022 EOY FY2023 Budget STREET IMPACT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 935.00 $ 945.00 . $ 945.00 $ 955.00 INTEREST INCOME $ 10.00 $ - $ 10.00 $ 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 10.00 $ $ 10.00 $ 10.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES ENGINEERING-PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ $ $ - ENDING BALANCE $ 945.00. $ 945.00 $ 955.00 $ 965.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY.2022 EOY_ FY2023 Budget DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 2,420,946.00 $= 2,676,284.00 $ 2,676;284.00 $ 2,993,834.00 IMPACT FEES-DRAINAGE $ 528.00 $ - $ 152,491.00: $ 175,000.00 IMPACTFEES-DRAINAGE(2014) $ 300,417.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 174,580.00 $ 175,000.00, INTEREST INCOME : $ 3,347.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 7,507.00 $ . 8,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 304,292.00: $ 243,500A0 $ .3j4,578.00 $. 358,000.00 ENGINEERING- IMPACT FEE STUDY $ 48,954.00 $ - - :$ 17,028.00 $ 20,000.00. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS-TOWN CREEK $ . - $ 243,500.00: $ - $:DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS-TOLLE ROAD: $ - - $ - $ $: ENGINEERING-TOLLE ROAD $ - $ - $ $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 48,954.00 $ 243,500.00. :$ 17,028.00 $ 20,000.00. ENDING BALANCE $ 2,676,284.00 $ 2,676,284.00 $ 2,993,834.00. $ 3,331;834.00 FY2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET . FY 2022 EOY_ FY2023 Budget PARK LAND FEES . BEGINNING BALANCE $ 690,657.00 $ 871,866.00 - $ 871;866.00 $ 935,667.00 INTEREST INCOME $. 1,209.00: $ $ 2,401.00. $ 2,600.00 PARK LAND FEES $ 24,600:00 $ - $ 11,400.00 $ 20,000.00 BUILDER PARK IMPROVEMENTS $ 155,400.00 $ - $ 5000.00 $ 150,000.00. TOTAL REVENUES $ 181,209.00. $ $ ..63,801.00. $. 172,600.60 LAND ACQUISITIONS- $ = $ $ CONSTRUCTION COSTS.-BALLFIELDS $ - $" $ CONSTRUCTION COSTS-SCHLATHER $ - $ CONSTRUCTION COSTS=TOWN CREEK TRAIL $ - $ - $ - . $ 600,000.00 CONSTRUCTION COSTS-PEDESTRIAN $ - $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ - $ $: 600,000.00 ENDING.BALANCE: - $ 871,866.00 $ .871,866.00 $ 935,667:00 $ $08,267.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED.. Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET . FY 2022 EOY'- FY2023 Budget COURT TECHNOLOGY FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 11;911.00 $ 9,082.00 $ 9,082.00 $ 4,980.00.. . COURT TECHNOLOGY FEES $ 3,155.00 $ 2;700.00 $ 3,895.00 $ 4,000.00 INTEREST $ :16.00 $ 15.00,; $ 3.00 $ 5.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,171.00 $ 2,715.00 $ 3,898 .00 IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS $ 6,000.00: $ - $ 8,000.00. $ 7;000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 61000:00 $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 7,000.00 -, ENDING BALANCE $ 9,082.00 $ 11,797.00 $ 4,980.00 $ 1,985.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description. FY 2021 BUDGET- BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget COURT SECURITY FEES BEGINNING BALANCE $ 18,377.00 $ 17,957.00 $ 17,957.00 $ 22,498.00:: COURT SECURITY FEES $. 3,713.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 4,641.00 $ 5,000.00 INTEREST $ 43.00 $ 40.00. $. 42.00 $ 45.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,756.00 $: 3,540.00- $ 4,683.00 $ . : 5,045.00: IT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS $ 4,176.00- $ 5,000.00 $ 142.00: $ 4,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,176.00 $ 5,000.00 $. ' 142.00 $ 4,000.00 ENDING BALANCE $. : 17,957.00: $ 16;497:00 $ 22,498.00. $ 23,543.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY:2022 EOY -FY-2023 Budget POLICE SEIZURE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE $ 161032.00 $ 67,080.00 : $ 67,080.00 $ 70,247.00 STATE FORFEITURES $ 55,458.00 $ 10;000.00 $ .3,776.00 $. 10,000.00 INTEREST $ 90.00 $ 60.00.. $ 164.00 $ 175.00. TOTAL REVENUES $ 55;548.00 $ 10,060.00 $ 31940.00 $ 10,175.00 . PERSONAL PROTEVTIVE EQUIPMENT. - $ 4,500.00: $ - $ 773.00 $ 1;000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,500.00 $ - $: 773.00 $ 1,000.00 . ENDING BALANCE $ 67,080.00_ $ 77,140.00 $ 70,247.00 $ 79,422.00 i FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY 2022 EOY FY2023.Budget POLICE EDUCATION FUND BEGINNING BALANCE $ 15,182.00 $, 17,788.00 $ 17;788.00 $ 20,797.00 . LEOSE FUND $ 2,566.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,965.00: $ 3,000.00 INTEREST $ .40.00 $ .30.00 $ 44.00 $ 50.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,606.00 $ 2,730.00 $ 3,009.00 $ - 3,050.00 .TRAVELAND:TRAINING, TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE $ 17,788.00 $ 20,518.00 $ 20,797.00 $ 23,847.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED. Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET . FY 2022 EOY FY2023 Budget POLICE SPECIAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE $ 14,828.00 $. 16,375.00 $ 16;375.00 $ 18,707.00 . POLICE DONATIONS $ 1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 655.00 $ 1,500.00 ANIMAL SERVICES DONATIONS $ - $ - $ = $ 500.00 DONATIONS-FIRE DEPARTMENT: $ 500.00 $ - $ 1,000.00 $ 1,500.00 .-ABANDONED PROPERTY - $ - $ 20.00 $ 644.00 $: 10,000.00 INTEREST $ 17.00. $ 20.00 $ 33.00 $ 40_.00 $00. 30 GRANTS=POLICE DEPARTMENT.: $ $. $ p - TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,547.00 $ 540.00 $ 2,332.00 $ 13,540.00 OFFICERS EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES $. -• $ $ $ OPERATING SUPPLIES. $ = $ - $ $ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ - $ $ $ OPERATING SUPPLIES $ - $ $ - $ " NON-CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ $ _ $ - CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ $ - $ ENDING BALANCE. $ 16,375.00 $ 16,915.00 $ 18,707:00 $ 32,247.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED. Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET FY 2022 EOY. FY2023 Budget CHILD SAFETY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE $ 62,714.00 $, - 69,740.00 $ 69,740.00 $ 93,772.00 CHILD SAFETY PROGRAM $ 31,947.00 $ 313200.00 $ 31,562.00 $ 32;000.00 INTEREST $ 172.00 $ '150.00 $ 206.00 $ 215.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 32,119.00 $ 31,350.00. $ 31,768.00 $ 32,215.00 NON-CAPITAL OUTLAY<$9,999 $ 7,135.00 - CAPITAL OUTLAY - $ - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND $ 17,958.00 $ 20,000.00. $ 71736.00 $ 15,000.00 -TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 25,093.00 $ 20,000:00 $ ..7,736.00 $ 15,000.00 ENDING BALANCE $ 69,740.00 $ 81,090.00' $ 93,772.00 $ 110,987.00 FY 2022 ADOPTED Description FY 2021 BUDGET BUDGET - FY-2022 EOY FY2023 Budget STREET MAINTENANCE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE . $ 1,325,208.00 $ 11573,152.00 $ 1,573,152.00 $ 815,826.50: . SALESTAX=STREET/MAINT $ 761,077.00 $ 930,250.00 $ . :970,527.50 :$ 1,141,565.40 INTEREST $ 782.00 $ 800.00 - $ 4,617.00 $ 5,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 761,859.00 $ 931,050.00 . $ 975,144.50 $ : 1,146,565.40 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE_ $ - $ 275,000.00 $ - :122,874.00 $ 150,000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ - $ 148,333.00 $ 500,000.00 . . CAPITAL OUTLAY=:CVD REHAB CIP PROJECT $ 1,003;763.00 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND $ 120,000.00 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FUND $ 393,915.00 $ 457,500.00 $ : 457,500.00 $ 590,600.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 513,915.00 $ 732,500.00- _$. 1,732,470.00 $ 1,240,600.00 ENDING BALANCE $ 1,573,152.00 $ 1,771,702.00 $ - 815,826.50: $ 721,791.90 r 104 `l . 1 . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 104 The following capital.improvem.ent projects are FY22 budget projects that are to be:completed in FY23. Therefore,the projects will be rolled forward into FY23. i I Project Budget I j I FY22 Projects:Carry Forward (All-Sources) FY 2023. 1 !Public Works Facility Expansion -$602,000; $602,000.001 City Hall HVAC and Municipal Buifding Renovation(Design Only) _ _ i-� _ — $80,000;:1_ $80,000.001 Fibber to City Facilities(ARPA) _ $500,000.001 $500,000.00 _ -- _ -_- _- _ - _ ___.._---- _ _ Town Creek Flood Mitigation Ph 113 $7,800,000.00, $7,800,000.00 Cibolo.Valley Drive.Rehabilitation(Active) _ $8,100;000.00. $8,1_00,000.00! WaterInterconnect(SSLGC&Schegz)(ARPA) _ _ _ l__- $500,000.00 -$500,000.00, I Falcon Crest Sewer(ARPA) `$160,000.00 $160,000.00 --- - __-- —__—_— _-_ - _ .. ------------------- AT&T ___ __ Fiber(ARPA) _ j $100,000.00 $100,000.00 FM78 West Water Main(Shady Meadows)(ARPA) 1 $400,000.00! $40Q000.00 --- - - --- 0 - -0. Lift Station Replacement(ARPA) i -- --$600,000 OOj $600,000:00: - 9 Other Roads Renovation 1 $2,500,000.0011 $2,500,000.00 - - - ----- - - -- - - - -- - - _ ------- --- -- - d.I GRAND TOTAL FY22 }.$21,342,000.00; The following table provides all capital improvement;projects (CIP) as listed in the City's FY23=FY2027 CIP program list.The projects are in 6 categories: • Public Facilities • Quality of Life Drainage - • Water Projects • Sewer Projects - - -- - - Transportation " I Project Budget FY22-FY27 CIP Projects List (All-Sources) ;Flf 2023. I - - -- ------ _ -- - - Public Facilities _Old School House/New City Annex Rehab - - _ - _ _ $2,600;000.00j -- _ City Hall HVAC-Upgrade to Commercial System -_ _ _ _ _ _ $1,000,000.001 1 TOTAL $0.001 Public Safety 1 FD Quick Response(ARPA) " - _ - _ _ _ _ $220,0001 $220,000_00! {Critical Street Lighting - �1 $500,000`00( __ _ - ---------------------- -- Public Safety Facilities`IH-10(FS4 and PD Substation)(Design). $1,000,000.00; $1,0001000.00; Animal Control Facility Expansion/New Facility $980,000.001 Deer Creek Automatic Low Water Crossing Gates - _- $250,000.00, $250,000.00; { 1TOTAL , j $1,470,000.001 1Quality"of Life ` ---------- Schlather Park Expansion .:_ _.._ ..--- -- - - -- - $480,000.00; --- - - - Tolle Park Ph.I $250,000._00' - I Warbler Woods Preservation $31250,000.00: Downtown Parking $430,000.001 _ -- - Sports Complex Phase II-Additional.Ball Fields . 1 _ $4,500,000:00 _ I Tolle Park Phase II-Eco Center [_J $6,845,000.00, (Town Creek Trails Phase I (Sports Complex to City Hall)and Ph II (City Hall to Schlather Park) 1 $1,550,000.00;. $523,000.001 ITOTAL 1 $523,006.0011 Project Budget i i FY22-FY27 CIP Projects List (All-Sources) j FY 2023 Drainage- i . AFM 1103 Reconstruction P2-Drainage Upgrade 1 $2000 000.00i $2,000,000.00i Revise Detention Pond Outfalls City-Wide(Design Only) - $600,000.00 i 1I0ld Town Drainage Improvements .$8,750,000.00 _ — IToIIe,Road Drain.Imp rovements_Culvert Crossing on Country Lane__ $46Q,OW.00T ;�To`wn Creek East Phase II-Cibolo Valley Ranch to Gatewood $8,000,000.00. -- l l i own Creek Flood Mitigation Phase II T.-_ _ --- ; $15,000 000 00 — . 'Tolle Road Storm Drainage Culverts and Off Road Channelization;Ph II _ $6,490,000.00' ITolle_Road Regional Detention__ __ _ __ $3,600 000.00 _ _ - - Town Creek&.Santa Clara Creek Re-study&FloodplainMapping $500,000.00, - Charleston Park Drainage _ .. $500;000.00 i _. Deer Creek Drainage_(ARPA) ------ -- - -- - ---- - - ----- -- - -$500,000.00 ;$500,000.00! iGreeri Valley Low:Water Crossing Project(ARPA) $600,000.00; $600,000.001 (TOTAL i $3,100,000.001 _. --------------- [Water -------Water I 1 16"Water Line-_H_aecke_rville Rd.-FM 78 to Schaefer Rd. $78.0,000.W 1 - - Dobie Boulevard Water Line Improvements $608,727.00;tT j 12"Water Town Creekto Tolle Rd. 1 $1,500,000.00 12"Water Main-Turning Stone to Town Creek Rd - — __-_ ^ $800,000.001 $80_0_,000.00' 12"Water Main CVD to Town Creek Rd(Kove Lane) $400;000.00; - i_ -- -- - - - 16"Water Main Knights Crossing-FM 1103 to.Buffalo Trail $800,000.00, 112 Waterline along FM 3009 Memory Care Cntrto Deer Creek Blvd. j $350,000.00 $350,000.00: Automated.Meterin Infrastructure AMI 450000.00 j - 16"Water Main Knights Crossing North FM 1103 to Wiedner Rd_ _ _ 1 ;$1,250;000.00! �( ---- --- Interconnectto Neighboring Water Systems $500,000.001_ —A Water CCN Acquisitions - ---- - --- --- ---- - $2,500,000.001- I TOTAL 2,500000.00 ITOTAL I $1,1'50;000.001: I Watewater 1 --- - Sewer CCN Acquisition $2,650,000.001 ; - --_--Q--------------- —= -- - - --- - -- - - = �- - _---- ---- --- - - 130"WW Trunk Line from CCMATC Lift Station to FM 1103' j _$11680,056.00`. i ------ -- -- --- ——--_ — ---- -- -------- F SanitarySewer-Cibolo Service Area-Lower Seguin Rd.to-Bolton Rd. $10,000,000.001 j ------------------------ --------------- Sanitary Sewer-Cibolo_Service Area:-Bolton Rd.._ $4,300,000:00' 115"from Town Creek East Fork-Weidner Rd to Green Valley Rd. I $1,900,000.00# 21 WW G raVityr Main from Schaeffer Rd.to Lower Seguin Rd - $4;300,000_00, 115"WW Gravity Main from Steele Creek LS to Weill-Rd(Tolle Rd): $2;900,000.001 $1,250,000.00; Re Tonal WW S stem Haeckerville to Venado Venado Lift Station Com letion-Se tember: 3,500,000.00; TOTAL i_ $1,250,000.00; I Project Budget i FY22-FY27 C1 Projects List !(All-Sources) FY 2023 1Transportation { Main St.@ FM 78&Haeckerville Rd @ FM 78 Traffic Signals ! $0.00: 1 Green Valley Road Widening FM 1103 to Nortex Dr. i $5,680,000.00; $5,680,000.00; Wiedner Road(Hinge Falls to FM 1103) _$9751000.0-01-- ; .00 Wiederstein RoadCVD)Widening $4,825,000.001 -- ---- -- --- --- b ---- -- - - - - --- - --- ----- - - - �SchneiderIndustrial Park Street Reconstruction i $3,000,000.00] -Pavement Management Program Phase II $9,000,000.001- --- -------- -- -- --- - _ __----- --_.----------, — Haeckerville Road Widening_Town Creek to Lower Seguin Rd $17,571576.00' [Lance Crossing Town Creekto Tolle Road { $2,600,000.00; Dean Road-Green Valley Roadto Old Wiederstein Rd. j $2,900,000.00 Knights Crossing -Wiedner to FM 1103 _i^_ _ - _ $6,900,000.001 Main Street Widening-FM 78 to_Schaeffer Road - _ $3,810,600.001 _ _ - Lance Crossing-Main St to Town.Creek $1;600,000.001 _ Main Street Widening_FM 1103 to Buffalo Trail . _ $500,000:00. Ripps-Kreusler Road j $4,0361000.00; Green Valley Road -Turning Stone to Dean Road - - _ ! $2,000,000.pq j -- - Nolle Road Reconstruction and Draina a Im rovements j 2,000,000.061 _ -.__g_P __ _. __ . __._. _ $ Tolle Road Reconstruction and Drainage Improvements(Add Capacity) '$3,678,000.06 _ i ;Green Valley Road Widening-Cibolo Valley Drive to Dean Road - $31000,000.00 {Main Street @ FM 1103 Added Capacity and Traffic Signal $2,700,000.00 FM 1103 Reconstruction/Widening-FM 78 to Main St. - ! $17,605,000.00; FM 1103 Reconstruction-FM78 to Rodeo Way: -- $23,260,000.00; {FM 1103.Reconstruction-Utility Conflict relocatons --.-d $_2__,000,000.00; $2,000,000.001 Pvmt Management Program Phase I-Analysis Only i 125,000.00; FM 1103 Extension- Brite Rd to FM 78 Phase 1(2 Lane Rd and.UPRR Separated Grade.Crossing{ x$30,000,000.00 Green Valley Rd. East of FM 1103 Landmark Point to Nortex Drive $3,000,000.00: $3,000,000.00;: !Old Town Street Improvements _._+ - $6,500,000.00 -[FM 1103 Extension-Brite Rd to FM 78 Phase II (Added Capacity-,2 more lanes) i $20,000,000.0di { --- --- - - -- -- Knights Crossing-FM 1103 to Buffalo Trail $3,500,000.00; Main Street Extension from Schaefer to Haeckerville/Lower Seguin Road $15,500,00000; tuntry bie Boulevard Reconstruction i $1,500,000.00-- --- _ i --Club Dr. Green.Valley Rd to Scheitz CL $17,800,000:00; - Reverse Frontage Collector Phase I-FM 78 to FM 1103 Ext. ! $4,500,000.00; . Reverse Frontage Collector Phase 11-S Main St.to FM 1103 Ext. _ _ $3,750,000.00 Bp pProx)I Bo Road Im rovements Ph l-Santa Clara Rd.plus 3;000 feet a west` { 3,100,000.00' v ------- - --- ------ -- ----$ - -- Bolton Road Improvements Ph 11_Haeckerville Rd.:to Santa Clara Rd. $9,400,000:00 -- -- - - ----- --- Haeckerville.Road Improvements Town Creek to Lower Seguin_Road I $2,500,000_00, --- - — —_ —. —._---- — I Santa Clara Road-IH_10to Bolton Rd - { $2,650_,000.0_01 !Pfannstiel Road IH-10 to Bolton Rd _ $3,500,000.001 I $10,680,000.00;. ;TOTAL - - ---- - - - i GRAND.TOTAL FY23: ' $17,650,000.00 i 110 ....I lb TAX RATE INFORMATION 110 2022 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet • Taxing Units Other Than School Districts or Water Districts CiTY OF CIBOLO (210)65&9900 Taxing Unit Name Phone(area code and number) 200 S Main St:;Cibolo,TX,78108 www.cibolotx.gov Taxing Unit's Address;City,State,ZIP Code Taxing Unit's Website Address GENERAL INFORMATION:Tax Code Section 26.04(c)requires an officer or employee designated by thegoverning body to calculate the no-new-revenue(NNR)tax rate and voter-approval tax rate for the taxing unit.These tax rates are expressed in dollars per$100 of taxable value calculated.The calculation process starts afterthe chief appraiser delivers to the taxing unit the certified appraisal roll and the estimated values of properties under protest.The designated officer or employee shall certify that the officer or employee has accurately calculated the tax rates and used values shown for the certified appraisal roll or certified estimate.The officer or employee submits the rates to the governing body by Aug.7 or as soon thereafter as practicable. School districts do not use this form,but instead use Comptroller Form 50-859 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet School District without Chapter313 Agreements or Comptroller Form, 50-884 ToxRate Calculation Worksheet,School Distrid with Chapter313 Agreements. Water districts.as defined under Water Code Section 49.001(1)do not use this form,but Instead use Comptroller Form 50-858 Water District Voter-Approval:TaxRate Worksheet for Low Tax Rate and Developing Districts or Comptroller Form 50-860 Developed Water District Voter Approval Tax Rate Worksheet The Comptroller's office provides this worksheet to assist taxing units in determining tax rates.The information provided In this worksheet is offered as technical assistance and not legal advicaTaxing units should consult legal counsel for interpretations of law regarding tax rate preparation and adoption. 4 0 'e The NNR tax rate enables the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the prior year and for the current year based on a_tax rate that would produce the same amount oftaxes(no new taxes)ifapplied to the same properties that are taxed In both years.When appraisal values increase,the NNR tax rate should decrease. The NNR tax rate for a-county is the sum of the NNR tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies. While uncommon,it is possible for a taxing unit to provide an exemption for only maintenance and operations taxes.In this case,the taxing unit will need to calculate the NNR tax rate separately for the.maintenance and operations tax and the debt tax,then add the two components together. . . M r KNO-109 - ( ,Y:,,,*+„s :s, '� pmt i`"i i 14• '., ,K` 9N r� 1 2021 total taxable value:Enter the amount of 2021 taxable value on the 2021 tax roll today.Include any adjustments since last year's ' certification;excludeTax Code Section 25.25(d)one-fourth and one-third over-appraisal corrections from these adjustments.Exclude any property value subject to an appeal under Chapter 42 as of July 25(will add undisputed value In Line 6).This total includes the taxable value of homesteads with tax ceil-ings(will deduct in Llne 2)and the captured value for tax increment financing(adjustment is made by deducting TIF taxes,as reflected 2,748,068 902 in Line 17)! s ' 2. 2021 tax ceilings.Counties,cities and junior college districts.Enter 2021 total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings.These include the- homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled.Other taxing units enter 0.If your taxing unit adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2021 or a prior year for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled,use this step? - s 304,291, 88 3. preliminary 2021 adjusted taxable value.Subtract.Line 2 from Line 1. $2,443,777,814 4. 2021 total adopted tax rate. s- 0.4835 /4100 5. 2021 taxable value.lost because lcourtappeals of ARB decisions reduced 2021 appraised value. A. Original 2021 ARB values:........:............................::..............:...................... $ 1,600,000 B. 2021 values resulting from:finai court decisions.......................................................... -S 1,463,295 C. 2021 value loss.Subtract B from A?. s 136.75 6. 2621 taxable value subject to an appeal under Chapter 42,as of July 25. A' 2021 ARB certified value::.::............... . .... ...... ................................................ s B. 2021 disputed value:..................................................................................... -$ 0- C. 2021 undisputed value.Subtract B from A.x:.. 5 0 7. 2021 Chapter 42 related adjusted values.Add Line 5C and Line 6C. f 5 136.795 '7ex.Tax Code§26.012114) 'Tex.Tax Code 5 26.012(14) �Tex.7ax Cade§26.012(13) 'Tex.TaxCode§26.012(13), - - - Form developed by:Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts,Property Tax Assistance Division For additional copies,visit-.con ptrolier.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax 50-856.7-21/8 . .2023TaxRate.CalculationWorksheet_1)1AhgQftitsNOtRdriliahScho61DistrictsorWatefDl'strctsForm 50-856;j • °r x B. 2021 taxable value,adjusted for actual and potential court-ordered adjustments.Add Line 3 and Line 7. $2,443,914,519 .9. 2021 taxable value of property in territory the taxing unit deannexed after Jan.1,2021.Enter the 2021 value of property in deannelied territory.s 10. 2021 taxable value lost because-property first qualified for an exemption in 2022.If the taxing unit increased an original exemption,use the difference between the original exempted.amount and the increased exempted amount..Do not include value lost due to freeport,goods- In-transit,temporary disaster exemptions.Note that lowering the amount or percentage of an existing exemption in 2022 does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value. A. Absolute exemptions.Use 2021 market value:...................................................... $ 2.536,47 B. Partial exemptions.2022 exemption amount or 2022 percentage exemption .times 2021 value:........ : +$42,899.466 .: C. Value loss.Add A and B.6 s 45,427,873, 11. 2021 taxable value lost because property first qualified for agricultural appraisal(1-d or 1-d-1);timber appraisal,recreational/scenic appraisal or public access airport special appraisal in 2022.Use only properties that qualified in 2022 for the first time;do not use proper- ties that qualified in 2021. A. 2021 market value:............::.............................:..............:........................ $ 0 B. 2022 productivity or special appraised value:........................... ................. ._ =$ 0 C. Value loss.Subtract B from A.' S . '.. 12. Total adjustments for lost value.Add Lines 9,10C and 11 C $45,427.,873 .... ... .... 13. 2021 captured value of property in a TIF.Enter the total value of 2021 captured appraised value of property taxable by a taxing unit in a:tax: increment financing zone for which 2021 taxes were deposited into the tax increment fund.5.1f the taxing:unit has no captured appraised value in line 18D,enter 0. S 14. 2021 total value.Subtract Line 12 and Une 13 from Line 8, - I $2,398,486,646 15. Adjusted 2021 total levy:Multiply Line 4 by Line 14 and divide by$100: 51:1.596,682 16. Taxes refunded for years preceding talc year 2021.Enter the amount of taxes refunded by the taxing unit for.tax years preceding tax year. 2021 .Types.of refunds include court decisions,Tax Code Section 25.25(b)and(c)corrections and Tax Code Section 31.11 payment errors.Do not include refunds fortax year 2021.This line applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2021.9 s 98,662 17. Adjusted 2021 levy with refunds and TIF adjustment.Add Lines 1 Sand 16.10 $ 11.695.344 18'. Total 2022 taxable value on the 2022 certified appraisal roll today.This value Includes only certified values or certified estimate of values and includes the total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings.(will deduct in Line 20).These homesteads include homeowners age 65 or older or disabled." A. Certified values:. ...... .................................................................. $2,952,149,885 B. Counties:Include railroad rolling'stock values certified by the Comptroller's office:........................ +$ 0 C. Pollution control and energy storage system exemption:Deduct the value of property exempted for the current tax year for the first time as pollution control or energy storage system property:...:...:... -$_ 0 D. Tax iricrement.financing:Deduct the 2022 captured appraised value of property taxable by a taxing unit In a tax increment financing ione for which the 2022 taxes will be deposited into the tax increment fund. Do not include any new property value that will be included In Line 23 below. .................... $ 0 E. Total.2022 value.Add A and B,then subtract C and D. $2,952,149,885. 'Tex.TaxCade§26.012(15). - - 'Tm1U Code§26.012(15) Tex Tax Code§26.014(15) - - 'TexTaxCode§26.03(c) ' TexTa Code§26.012(13) .. 10Tex.TaxCode§26.012(13): :. -. _. ... .. .. - "TexTaxCode§26.012.26A4(c-2) - - - "TexTaxCode§26.031[c1 - - For additional copies,visit:comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 2 r_2522TaxRateCalculationWorksheet—Taxing'UnitsOtherThanSchoolDistrictsorWaterDistricts FormS0-856 19. Total value of properties under protest or not included on certified appraisal roll." A. 2022 taxable value of properties under protest.-The chief appraiser certifies a list of properties still under ARB protest.The list shows the appraisal district's value and the taxpayer's claimed value,if any,or an estimate of the value if the taxpayer wins.For each of the properties under protest,use the lowest of. these values:Enter the total value under protest.10.......::.:.. s 97,$23,943 B. 2022 value of properties not under protestor included on certified appraisal roll.The chiefappraiser gives taxing units a list of those taxable properties that the chief appraiser knows about butare not Included In the appraisal roll certification.These properties also are not on the list of properties that are... still under protest On this list of properties,the chief appraiser includes the market value,appraised value and exemptions for the preceding year and a reasonable estimate of the market value,appraised value and.exemptions for the current year.Use the lower market,appraised or taxable value(as appropriate). Enter the total value of property not on the certified roll.11.........: Q C, Total value under protest or not certified.Add A and B. 5 97,823,943 20: .2022 tax ceilings.Counties,cities and junior colleges enter 2022 total taxable value of homesteads with.tax ceilings.These include the home- steads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled.Other taxing units enter 0.If your taxing unit adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2021 or a prior year for homeowners age 65 or.older or disabled,use this step!" $326,946,722 21. .2022 total taxable value.Add Lines 18E and 19C.Subtract Line 20." I $2,723,027,106 22. Total 2022 taxable value of properties in territory annexed after Jan.1,2021. include both real and personal property.Enter the 2022 value of property in'territory annexed.'B $ Q 23. Total 2022:taxable value of new improvements and new personal property locatedin new improvements.New means the item was not on the appraisal roll in 2021.An improvement is a building,structure,fixture or fence erected on or affixed to land.New additions to exist- Ing.improvements may be included if the appraised value can be determined.New personal property in a new Improvement must have been . brought into the taxing unit after Jan.1,2021,and be located in anew improvement.New,improvements do include property on which a tax abatement agreement has expired for 2022.19 15 100,515,961: 24. Total adjustments to the 2022 taxable value.Add Lines 22 and 23: 5 100,5.15,961 25: :Adjusted 2022 taxable value:Subtract Line 24 from Line 21: 5 2,622,511,145- 26. 2022 NNR tax rate.Divide Line 17 by Line 25 and,multiply by$100.10 . S Q,4459/stun 27. COUNTIES ONLY.Add together the NNR tax rates for each type of tax the county Ievies.The total is the 2022 county.NNR tax rate.2'' S Q,QQQQ/5100 SECTION, o '•• • M. The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that a taxing unit may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.The voter-approval tax rate is split . Into two separate rates: 1. Maintenance and Operations(M&0)Tax Rate:The M&O portion is the tax rate that is needed to raise the same amount of taxes that the taxing Unit levied in the prior year plus the applicable percentage allowed by law.This.rate accounts for such things as.salaries,utilities and day-to-day operations. 2.. Debt Rate:The debt rate includes the debt service necessary'to:pay the taxing units debt payments in the coming year.This rate accounts for principal and interest on bonds and other debt secured by property tax revenue The voter-approval tax rate for a county is,the sum of the voter-approval tax:rates calculated for each type of tax the county levies.In most cases the voter-approval tax rate. exceeds the no-new-revenue tax rate;but occasionally decreases in a taxing unit's debt service will cause the NNR tax rate to be higher than the voter-approval tax rate. 28. 2021 M&O tax rate.Enter the 2021 M&O tax rate. S 0.3042/51oo 29. 2021 taxable value,adjusted for actual and potential court-ordered adjustments.Enter the amount in Line 8 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet $2,443,914,519 Tex-Tax Code§26.01(c)and(d) "TmTax Code§26.01(c) 'sTex.TaxCode§26.01(d) .." .. "Tex.Tax Code§26.012(6)(0) °Tex.Tax Code§26.012(6) _ "Tex.TaxCode§26.01207) - - - - "Tey.Tax Code§26.012(17)' - - iOTex.TaxCode§26.04W - "Tex.TaxCode§26.04(d) Foradditionalcopies,visit:comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 2022TaxRafe.CalculationWorksheet=TaxingllnitsO.ther1hanLSchoolDistrictsorWaterDJstricts _ _W+ _ Form S_0=85 30. Total 2021 M&O Ievy.Multiply Line 28 by Line 29.and divide by$100 $ 7,434,387- 31. ,434.387 .31. Adjusted 2021 levy for calculating NNR M&O rate, A. M&O taxes refunded for years preceding tax year2021:Enter the amount of M&O taxes refunded in the preceding year for taxes before that year.Types of refunds include court decisions,Tax Code Section 25.25(b)and(c)corrections and Tax Code Section 31.11 payment errors.Do not . Include refunds for tax year 2021.This line applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2021............... +$ 62,467 B. 2021 taxes in TIF.Enter the amount of taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the taxing unit if the taxing unit has no 2022 captured appraised value in Line 18D,enter 0.....:.................................................................................. _$ 0 C. 2021 transferred function.If discontinuing all of a department,function or activity and transferring it to another taxing unit by written contract,enter the amount spent by the taxing unit discontinuing the function in the 12 months preceding the month.of this calculation.If the taxing unit did not.operate this function for this 127month period,use the amount spent in the last full fiscal.year in which the taxing unit operated the function.The taxing unit discontinuing the function will subtract this amount in D below.The taxing unit receiving the function will add this amount in Dbelow.Other taxing units enter 0.......:.............:............................................... +/-S D. 2021 M&O levy adjustments.Subtract B from A.For taxing unit with C,subtract if discontinuing function and add if receiving function.,.................................................... $ 62,467 E: Add Line 30 to 31 D. q 7.496,854 32. Adjusted 2022 taxable value.Enter the amount in Line 25 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet $2,622,511,145 33. 2022 NNR M&O rate(unadjusted):Divide Line 31E by Line 32 and multiply by$100. $ 0.2858/$ioo 34. Rate adjustment for state criminal justice mandate." A. 2022 state criminal justice mandate.Enter the amount spent by a county In the previous-12 months providing for the maintenance and operation cost of keeping inmates in county-paid facilities after they have been sentenced.Do not include any state reimbursement received by the county for the same.purpose. $ 0' B. 2021 state criminal justice mandate.Enter the,amount spent by a county in the 12 months prior to the previous.12 months providing for the maintenance and operation cost of keeping Inmates in county-paid facilities after they have been sentenced.Do not include any.state reimbursement received by the county for the same purpose.Enter zero if this is the first time the mandate applies................. $ 0 C. Subtract-B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100............................................ S : 0.0000/Sion D. Enter the rate calculated 1n C If not applicable,enter 0. $—kQQQQlSioo 35. Rate adjustment for indigent health care expenditures.14 A. 2022 iniligent:health care expenditures.Enter the amount paid by a taxing unit providing for the maintenance and operation cost of providing indigent health care for the period beginning on July 1,2021 and ending on June 30,2022,less any state assistance received for the same purpose......... S Q B. 2021:indigent health care expenditures.Enter the amount paid by a taxing unit providing forthe maintenance:and operation costof providing indigent healthcare for the period beginning on July 1,2020 and ending on June 30,2021"less any state assistance received forthe same purpose....:............................................:.........I...................:... –$ C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100......:..................................... $_O—OaOQ/$Ioo D: Enter the rate calculated in C:If not applicable,enter 0. 5 0.0000/$100 P1[Reserved for expansion) "Tex.TaxCode§26.044 - "Tex.Tax Code§26.0441 For additional copies,visit:comptrollertexas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 4 022Tax.RateCalc"ul_ation worksheet-_aii$ U'hifs OtherThan Schoo D icts orWater Districts� ";- ' g='� r"' :=:r. f•• Form 50=.856 i 36. Rate adjustment for county indigent defense compensation.2S A. 2022 indigent defense compensation expenditures.Enter the amount paid by.a:county to provide appointed counsel for indigent individuals for the period beginning on July 1,2021 and ending on June 30,2022,less any state grants received by the county for the same purpose................ S B. 2021 indigent defense compensation expenditures.Enterthe amount paid by a countytoprovide appointed counsel for,Indigent individuals for the period beginning on July 1,2020 and ending on June 30,2021,less any-state grants received by the county for the same purpose. ........... $ 0 C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100............................................... S umoisloo ' D. Multiply 8 by 0.05 and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100................................................ $ 0.0000/$too E. Enter the lesser of C and D.If not applicable;enter 0. $ 0.0000/51oo 37.. Rate adjustment for county.hospital expenditures. 6 A. 2022 eligible county hospital,expenditures.Enter the amount paid by the county or municlpality to maintain and operate an eligible county hospital for the period beginning on July 1,2021 and 0. ending on June 30,2022. ................................................ S B. 2021 eligible county hospital expenditures.Enter the amount paid by the county or municipality to maintain and operate'an eligible county hospital.forthe period beginning on July 1,2020 and 0 ... ending on June 3U,2021. ........... ........... S C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100.....................:................:..... 5 0/51oD 0.000 D. Multiply B by 0.08.and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100..................:...............:.......... S 0.0000410D - E. Enter the lesser of C and D,if applicable.If not applicable,enter 0. $ 0.0000/Stao 38. Rate adjustment for defunding municipality.This adjustment only applies to a municipality that is considered to be a defunding municipality for the current tax year.under Chapter 109;Local Government Code.Chapter 109,Local Government Code only applies to municipalities with a population of more than 250,000 and includes a written determination by the Office of the Governor See Tax Code 26.0444 for more information. A. Amount appropriated for public safety in 2021.Enter the amount of money appropriated for public safety in the budget adopted by the municipality for the preceding fiscal year..................... B.:: Expenditures for public safety in 2021..Enter the amount of money spent by the municipality for public. safetyduring the preceding fiscal year.....................:...............:................:............... $ 0 . : . C. Subtract B from A and divide by Line 32 and multiply by$100 ....................:............:.:....... $ 0.0000/5100 D.. Enter the rate calculated in C..If not applicable,enter 0. $ 0.0000/t 39.: Adjusted 2022 NNR M&O rate.Add Lines-33,30,351),36E,:and 37E.Subtract Line 38D... 5 0.2858 woo 40. Adjustment for 2021 sales tax specifically to reduce property taxes.Cities,counties and hospital districts that collected and spent adc i- tional sales tax on M&0 expenses in 2021 should complete this line.These entities will deduct.the sales tax gain rate for2022 in Section 3.Other taxing units,enterzero. A. Enter the amount of additional sales tax collected and spent on M&0 expenses in 2021,if any. Counties must exclude any amount that was spent for economic development grants from.the amount ofsales tax spent...................................... .............. ............ ... ............ $ 0 . B. Divide Line 40A by Line 32 and multiply by$100........................................................ $ 0.0000/x100 C. Add Line 40BtoLine 39. :5 - 0.2858/5100 41.. 2022 voter-approval M&O rate.Enter the rate as calculated.by the appropriate scenario below. 5� �BJStao Special Taxing Unit.If the taxing unit qualifies as a special taxing unit,multiply Line 40C by 1.08. Other Taxing Unit.if the taxing unit does not qualify as a special taxing unit multiply Line 40C by 1.035. u Tex.Tax Code 9 26.0442 - u Tex.Tax Code S 26.0443 For additional copies,visit comptrollertexas.gov/taxes/property-tax Pages 202ZTaxRate.CalculationMy sh ;Units,OtherThanSchRORistricts.grWateLDistri'ctsP- ' '' -.''y jN—Y'47 7- ° '{ "Form 50-856 D41. Disaster Line 41(D47):2022 voter-approval M&0 rate for taxing unit affected by disaster:declaration.If the taxing unit is located in an- area declared a disaster area and at least one.person is granted an exemption under Tax Code Section 11.35 for property located in the taxing unit,the governing body may direct the person calculating the voter-approval tax rate to calculate in the manner provided for a special taxing unit.The taking unit shall continue to calculate the voter-approval tax rate in this manner until the earlier of 1)the first year in which total taxable value on the certified appraisal roll exceeds the total taxable value of the tax year in which the disaster occurred,or 2)the third tax year after the tax year in which the disaster occurred If the taxing unit qualifies under this scenario,multiply Line 40C by 1.08.-27 If the taxing unit does not qualify,don ot complete Disaster Line 41(Line D41). $ 0.0000/5100 42. .Total 2022 debt to be paid with property taxes and additional sales tax revenue.Debt means the Interest and principal that will be paid on debts that:- - - . - - (1) are paid by property taxes, (2) are secured by property taxes, (3) are scheduled for payment over a period longer than one year,and (4) are not classified in the taxing unit's budget as M&0 expenses. A. Debt also includes contractual payments to other taxing units that have Incurred debts on behalf of this taxing unit,ifthose debts meet the four conditions above.Include only anlounts.that will be paid from property tax revenue.Do not include appraisal district. budget payments.if the governing.body of a taxing unit authorized or agreed to authorize a bond,warrant,certificate of obligation,or other evidence of indebtedness on or after Sept.1,2022,verify if it meets the amended definition of debt before including it here:28 Enter debtamount......................................................... ........... ........... $ 5,312,521 1 21 B. Subtract unencumbered fund amount used to reduce total debt......e............ ............. $ 0 C. Subtract certified amount spent from sales tax to reduce debt(enter zero if none).........:........... =$ 0 D. Subtract amount paid from other resources.......................................................... $ 590,250 . E. Adjusted debt.Subtract B,C and D from A. $ 4,722,271 - 43. Certified 2021 excess debt collections.Enter the amount certified by the collector 29 $ 0 44. Adjusted 2022 debt.Subtract Line 43 from Line 42E $ 4,722,271- 45. 2022 anticipated collection rate. . . 100.0 A. Enter the 2022 anticipated collection:rate certified by the collector.70:................................... 0% B. - Enter the 2021 actual collection rate............:...............................................:........... . 9% . 98:3 C. Enter the 2020 actual collection rate... ........... ........... 98.92% D. Enter the 2019 actual collection rate........................................................................ 98-.02% E. If the anticipated collection rate'in A is lower-than actual collection rates in B,C and D,enter the lowest collection rate from B,C and D.If the anticipated rate in A is higher than at least one of the rates In the prior three years,enter the rate from A.Note that the rate can be greater than 100%.'-' 100.00 46. 2022 debtadjusted for collections.Divide Line 44 byline 45E. $: :4,722;271 47. 2022 total taxable value.Enter the amount on Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet $2,723,027,106 48. 2022 debt rate.Divide Line 46 by Line 0and multiply by$100. $ • 0.1734/Sico 49. 2022 voter-approval tax rate.Add Lines 41 and 48. $ 0.4692,8100- D49. .4692,$100D49. Disaster Line 49(D49):.1022 voter-approval tax rate for taxing unit affected by disaster declaration.Complete this line if the taxing unit calculated the voter-approval tax"rate in the manner provided for a special taxing unit on Line D41. Add Line D41 and 48. $ 0.0000/s100 "Tex.Tax code 626.042(a) "Tex.Tax Code§26.012(7) - - - - "Tex.Tax Code§26.012(10)and 26.04(b) "Tex.Tax6de§26.04(b)_;; - "Tex.Tax Code§§26.04(h),(h-1)and(h-2) - — -- For additional copies,visit;comptrollertexas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 2022 Tax Rate[alculation Worksheet--ng Units Other ThanSc of Districts or Water Districts 77 ':- Form 5Q 85.6 j 50. COUNTIES ONLY..Add together the voter-approval tax rates for each type of tax the county levies.The total is the 2022 county voter-approval tax rate. - S��QQQ/Stoo MI. • '•o • �• • �•• o • '-• - '. ee- Cities,counties and hospital districts may,levy a sales tax specifically to_reduce property taxes.Local voters by election must approve imposing or abolishing the additional sales tax If approved,the taxing unit must reduce its NNR and voter-approval tax rates to offset the expected sales tax revenue. This section should only be completed by a county,city or hospital district that is required to adjust its NNR tax rate and/or voter-approval tax rate because it adopted the - - additional sales tax. S1. Taxable Sales.'For taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November 2021 or May 2022,enter the Comptroller's estimate'of taxable sales for the previous four quarters.11 Estimates-of taxable sales may be obtained through the:Comptroller's Allocation Historical Summary webpage. Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November 2021,enter 0. :$- O 52. Estimated sales tax revenue.:Counties exclude any amount that is or will be spent for economic development grants from the amount of esti- mated sales tax revenue.l' Taxing units that adopted the sales tax in November 2021 or in May 2022.Multiply the amount on Line 51 by the sales tax rate(.01, 005 or.0025,as applicable)and multiply the result by.95.31 -or- Taxing units that adopted the sales tax before November 2021.Enter the sales tax revenue for the previous four quarters.Do not multiplyby.95.- . .. O S 53...2022 total taxable value.Enter the amount from Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet. :. $2,723,027,106 54. Sales tax adjustment rate.Dlvlde Line 52 by Line 53 and multiply by$100. -$ 0.0000/Stoo 55..:2022 NNR tax rate,unadjusted for sales tax ss Enter the.rate from Line 26 or 27,as applicable,on the No-New-Revenue:TakRote Worksheet. S 0;4459/s,oti 56. 2022 NNR tax rate,adjusted for sales tax. Taxing units thatadopted the sales tax in November 2021 or in May 2022.Subtract Line 54 from Line 55.Skip to line 57 if you adopted the additional sales tax before November 2021. S 0.0000/sloo 57. 2022 voter-approval tax rate,unadjusted for sales tax:a Enter the rate from Line 49,Line D49(disaster)or Line 50(counties)as applicable, of the Voter Approval Tax Rate Worksheet. s 0.4692/s,oe 58. 2022 voter=approval tax rate,adjusted for sales tax.Subtract Line 54 from Line 57. ( 5 0.4692,!$100 KOWGI1 • - '••ME 11 o W • A taxing unit may raise its rate for M&O funds used;to pay for a facility,device or method for the control of air,water or land pollut(on.This includes any land,structure,building; installation,excavation,machinery,equipment or'clulce that is used,constructed,acquired or installed wholly or partly to meet or exceed pollution control requ(renlents.The taxing unit's expenses are those necessary to meet the requirements of a permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ).The taxing unit must:provide the tax assessor with a copy of the TCEQ letter of determination that states the portion of the cost of the installation for pollution control. This section should only be completed:by a taxing unit that uses M&O:Mnds to pay.for a facility,device or method for the control of air,water or land pollution. 15 . . 59. Certified expenses from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.(TCEQ).Enter the amount certified In the determination letter from TCE0,"The'taxing unit shall provide its tax assessor-collector with a copy of the letter.lB $ : O. 60. 2022 total taxable value.Enter the amount from:Line 21 oftheNo-New-RevenueTaxliate Worksheet. 52,723,027,106 61. Additional rate for pollution control.Divide Line 59 by Line 60 and multiply by$100. 5 -0.0000/51oo 62. 2022 voter-approval tax rate,adjusted for pollution control.Add Line 61 to one of the following lines(as applicable):Line 49,Line 049 (disaster);Line 50(counties)or Line 58(taxing units with the additional sales tax). 5 0.4692/slop "Tex Tax Code§26.041(d) °Tex TaxCode§26.041n - .. .. .. Tex.TaxCode§26.041(d) - - - "TexTaxCode§26.04(c) 1°TexTaxcode§26,04(d °Tex Tax Code§26.045(d) . "Tex.TaxCode 526.045(q 7.- For additional copies,visit:comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax _ -,_ Page7 2022Tax Rate Calculation WorksheetYTaxing.Units OtherThan Schodi Districts or Water Distritts_`_ 4 u� _� _ ` _ Form 50=85fi+ The unused increment rate is.fhe rate equal to the difference between the adopted tax rate and voter-approval tax rate before the unused increment rate for the prior three years.as In a year where a taxing unit adopts a rate by applying any portion of the unused increment tate,the unused_increment rate for that year would be zero. The difference between the adopted tax rate and voter-approval tax rate is considered zero in the following scenarios: . • a tax year before 2020;40' • a tax year in which the municipality is a defunding municipality,4 defined by Tax Code Section 26.0501(a);41 or after Jan.1,2022,a tax year in'which the comptroller determines that the county implemented a budget reduction or reallocation described by Local Government Code - Section 120.002(a)without therequired voter approval.42 This section.should only be completed by a taxing unit that does not meet the definition of a special taxing unit 43 63. 2021 unused increment rate.Subtract the 2021 actual tax rate and the 2021 unused increment late from the 2021 voter-approval tax rate;If the number is less than zero,enter zero." . . S 0.0000is100 64. 2020 unused increment rate.Subtract the 2020 actual tax rate and the 2020 unused increment rate from-the 2020 voter-approval tax rate.If the number.is less than zero,enter zero.If the year is prior to 2021,enter zero. $ 0.0189/$100 65. 2019 unused increment rate.Subtract the 2019 actual tax rate and the 2019 unused increment rate from the 2019 voter-approval tax rate.If the number is less than zero,enter zero.If the year is prior to 2021,enter zero. $ 0.0000/$too 66. 2022 unused increment rate.Add Lines 63,64 and 65: S 0.0189 J$too 67. :2022 voter-approval tax rate,adjusted for,unused increment rate.Add Line 66 to one of the following lines(as applicable):Line 49,Line D49(disaster),Line 50(counties),Line 58(taxing units with the additional sales tax)or Line 62(taxing units with pollution control). g 0,4881/$too. The de minimis rate is the rate equal to the sum of the no-new-revenue maintenance and operations rate,the rate that will raise$500,000,and the current debt rate for a taxing unit_44 This section should only be completed by a taxing unit that is a municipality of less than 30,000 or a taxing unit that does not meet the definition of a special taxing unit 4s "v �b js. jh'p 68. Adjusted 2022 NNR M&O tax.rate.Enter the Yate from Line 39 of the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet $ 0.2858/Brno" 69. 2022 total taxable value.Enter the amount on Line 21 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet $2,723,027,106 70: Rate necessary to impose$500,000 in taxes.Divide$500,000 by Line 69 and multiply by$,100. S .0.01 H/$100 71. 2022 debt rate.Enter:the rate from Line 48 of the Vater-Approval Tax Rate Worksheet j $ - 0.1734/$)oo 72. De minimis rate.Add Lines 68,70 and 71. 0.4775 $ /Ston In the tax year after the end of the disaster calculation time period detailed inTax'Code Section 26.042(a),a taxing unit that calculated its voter-approval tax rate in the manner provided fora special taxing unit due to a disaster must calculate its emergency revenue rate and reduce its voter-approval tax rate for that yeai46 Similarly,if a taxing unit adopted a tax rate that exceeded lts.voter-approval tax rate,calculated normally;without holding an election to respond to a disaster,as allowed byTax Code Section 26.042(d),in the prior year,it must also reduce its voter-approval tax rate for the current tax year.41 This section will apply to a taxing unit other than a special taxing unit that: • directed the designated officer or employee to calculate the voter-approval tax rate of the taxing unit in the manner provided for a special taxing unit In the prior year;and the current year is the first tax year,in which the total taxable value of property taxable by the taxing unit as shown on the appraisal roll for the taxing unit submitted by the assessor for the taxing unit to the governing body exceeds the total taxable value of property taxable by the taxing unit on January 1 of the tax year in which the disaster " occurred or the disaster occurred four years ago. °Tex:TaxCode§26.013(x)" "Tex.TaxCode§26.013(c) P.TM Tax Code§§26.0501(a)and(c) Tex.Local Govt Code§120.007(d),effective Jan.1,2023 "Tex Tax Code 26.063(a)(1) "Tex Tax Code§26.012(8-a) "Tex.Tax We§26.063(a)(1) " "Tex TaxCode§26.042(b) - - 4Tex.TaxCode§26.042(() - - - - - For additional copies,visit:comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 8 2022TaxRateCal— c— u�I tion Worksheet�7aiEin UnitsOtherTha chooLDistricts orWater Distrit � In future tax years,this section will also apply to a taxing unit in a disaster area that adopted a tax rate greater-than its voter-approval tax rate.without holding an election in the pr)oryear. Note:This section does not apply if a taxing unit is continuing to calculate its voter-approval tax rate In the manner provided for a special taxing unit because It is still within the disaster calculation time period detailed in Tax Code Section 26.042(a)because it has not met the conditions in Tax Code Section 26.042(a)(1)or(2). 73. 2021 adopted tax rate.Enter the rate in Line 4 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet 5 9.0000/5too 74. Adjusted 2021 voter-approval tax rate.Use the taxing unit's Tax Rate Calculation Worksheets from the.prior year(s)to complete this line. If a disaster occurred in-2021 and the taxing unit calculated its 2021 voter-approval tax rate using a multiplier of 1.06 on Disaster Line 41(D41) of the 2021 worksheet due to a disaster,enter the 2021 voter-approval tax rate as calculated using a multiplier of 1.035 from Line 49. -or- If a disaster occurred prior to 2021 for which the taxing unit continued to calculate its-voter-approval tax rate using a multiplier of 1.08 on Disaster Line 41(D41)in 2021,complete the separate Adjusted Votes ApprovalTax Rate foi-Taxing Units in DisasterArea Calculation Worksheet to s 0.0000/5100 recalculate the voter-approval tax rate the taxing unit would have calculated in 2021 if it had generated revenue based on an adopted tax rate using a multiplier of 1.035 in the year(s)following the disaster.48 Enter the final adjusted 2021 voter-approval tax rate from.the worksheet. -or- If the taxing unit adopted a tax rate above the 2021 voter-approval tax rate without calculating a disaster tax rate or holding an election due to a disaster,no recalculation Is necessary.Enter the voter-approval tax rate from the prior year's worksheet. 75. Increase In 2021 tax rate due to disaster.Subtract Line 74 from Line 73. $ ,0000/5100 76. Adjusted 2021 taxable value.Enter the amount In Cine 14 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet $ 0 77. Emergency revenue.Multiply Line 75 by Line 76 and divide by$100. $ 0 78. Adjusted 2022 taxable value.Enter the amount in Line 25 of the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet 5 0 79. Emergency revenue rate.Divide Line 77 by Line 78 and multiply by$100.49 $ 0.00001Stoo 80. 2022 voter-approval tax rate,adjusted for emergency revenue.Subtract Line 79 from one of the following lines(as applicable):Line 49, Line D49(disaster),Line 50(counties),Line 58(taxing units With the additional sales tax),line 62(taxing units withpollution control)or Line 67 (taxing units with the unused increment rate). 5 0.00008100- a- :.SECT16N T& Indicate the applicable total tax rates as calculated above. No-new-revenue tax rate...................................:..............................................:........:.....:............... 5 .0.4459/s,00 As applicable,enter the 2022 NNR tax rate from:Line 26,Line 27(counties),or Line 56(adjusted for sales tax),Indicate the line number used: 26 Voter-approval tax rate.............. $ 0.4881/sloo As applicable,enter the 2022 voter-approval tax rate from:Line 49,Line D49(disaster),Line 50(counties),Line 58(adjusted for sales tax),Line 62(adjusted for pollution control),Line 67(adjusted for unused increment),or Line 80(adjusted for emergency revenue). Indicate the line number used: 67 Deminimis rate:.......................................................................................................................... 5 0.4775/Stao If applicable,enter the 2022 de minimis rate from Line 72. Enter the name of the person preparing-the tax rate as authorized by.the:governing body of the taxing unit.By signing below,you certify that you are the designated officer or employee of the taxing unit and have accurately calculated the tax rates using values that are the same as the values shown in the taxing unit's certified appraisal roll or certified estimate of taxable value,in accordance with requirements in Tax Code.so print here$' Daryl John Printed Name of Taxing Unit Representative sign a here 8-10-22 Taxing Unit Representative Date "Tex Tax We 926.042(c), "Tex Tax Code 526.042(b). . u Tex.Tax Cade 4§26.04(x2)and(d-2) For additional copies,visit:comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax Page 9