Min CC 09/26/2000 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call—All members of Council and the Mayor were present. 3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. 5. Citizens to be Heard—There were none. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the September 12, 2000 Public Hearing. Motion to accept the Minutes as presented: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None 7. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the September 12, 2000 Council Meeting. Motion to accept Minutes as presented: Councilman Ridge Second; Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 8. Discussion/Action on the Validation of the Ordinance to Levy and Assess all taxable property within the Corporate Limits of the City of Cibolo for the year 2000. Motion to Validate: Councilman Buell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 9. Discussion with County Commissioner Wolverton on paving schedule for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2000. Commissioner Wolverton shared his plans to do the following paving projects in and around Cibolo in the coming year; A. Weiderstein Road from its current termination point to Dean Road in April- May of 2001 B. Dietz Road from Fawn Ridge to Borgfeld to include culverts,widening and resurfacing. This job would be after the end of the school year. C. Green Valley Road to Town Creek Road for a "level up" and seal coat. There was no specified time announced for this project, but to be completed during the 2001 work year. Mayor Bauder thanked the Commissioner for his presentation. Council members had no further questions of the Commissioner. 10. Discussion/Action on the Green Valley Special Utility District contract to provide water to the City of Cibolo. After some discussion on the term and unit price of water the motion was made to accept the contract as presented. Motion to accept: Councilman Campbell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission to approve/disapprove a request for variance to the setback requirements at 126 Industrial Drive. After discussion of the recommendation of Planning and Zoning to approve the setback variance and defining the setback encroachment to the depth of 2.8 feet, Council considered the request favorably. Motion to approve variance: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 12. Discussion by Mr. David K. Fluker, Director of Auxiliary Services, Schertz, Cibolo and Universal City Independent School District on the proposed site of the new high school. Mr. Fluker directed Council's attention to the proposed location, approximate distances to the sewer and water hook ups and their intent to begin the process for a Special Use Permit to facilitate the rezoning required to build the school on the proposed site. After a period of specific questions from Council Members and the Mayor, Mr. Fluker was informed that the process to rezone would require a joint hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council. This action would follow an announcement, in the paper of local circulation and certified letters being sent to effected property owners within a 200 foot radius of the property. These notices must be conveyed a minimum of fifteen days prior to the hearing date. Following the hearing Planning and Zoning would then make a written recommendation to the Council on their position on the request. Council would then approve or disapprove the action. 13. Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.072 (1) (A) of the Texas Government Code to discuss personnel matters concerning city employees. A. Action on resignation of Steven Dreyer from the Police Department. B. Discussion with Chief of Police Riffe. 14. Action on Executive Session, as required. A. Motion to accept Dreyer's resignation: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None B. Motion to join the Alamo Area Drug Task Force: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None 15. Comments by Staff Administrator; 1. Reminder of rezoning joint hearing at 6:00 P.M. 10 October 2000 on the Schlather tract on FM 1103. 2. Reminder of requirement to select Contract Manager for the HOME Program Grant during the 10 October 2000 Council Meeting. 3. Further reported on projected start dates for Thistle Creek Drive, Cibolo Valley Drive and Robles & Son permanent structure at FM 1103 and Main St. 4. Reported that the local Sign Ordinance#348 is in draft for re-write. Chief of Police; 1. Thanked the Council and Mayor for their continued support and for the move to join the drug task force. 16. Comments by Council Mayor Pro Tem Tokar asked about the absence of an Ordinance to prohibit dove hunting within the City Limits. Chief Riffe explained as long as the hunters are at least 100ft. away from a residence hunting is legal. He went on to say that some years ago there had been an unsuccessful attempt to prohibit hunting in the City. Councilman Glisar reported on the progress of Canyon Regional Water Authority and their efforts to condemn/construct the Mid-Cities Pipeline rights- of-way. It appears progress is under way. 17. Comments by Mayor—None 18.Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: en Roberts ty Administrator