Min EDC 02/17/2022 Workshop ' X ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COR''-8: - 200 South Main Street,P.O.Box 826,Mob,Texas 78108 Phone:(210)658 9900 Fax:(210)658=1687 www.cibolotx.gov Cibolo:Ee'onomic Development Corporation Workshop CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S.MAIN FEBRUARY 17,2022 6:30 P.M. Minutes 1. Call to Order:=Meeting was calledto order by Chairman Mr. Thies at 6:31 pm. 2: Roll Call and Excused Absences—Members Present: Mr..Thies, Ms. Walker,Mr. Mattingly, Ms. _. Qaiyyim,Mr..Hamann;Mr.Gardner, and Mr. Triesch. 3. Introductory Comments from-Board President EDC President Mr:Thies ave a short comment. He thanked all:the member for being here as this is a very'special'time for the EDC. Mr. Thies thanked and welcomed Westwood.for coming:out this evening to give this presentation to the EDC _. . _. :members. . 4. Presentation/Discussion from Westwood En_in�g_—Mi.Miller,W.Coppel,' and Mr.Dambrink from Westwood passed out to all the members diagrams.of the property that the EDC had purchased off of FM 78 next to Niemietz Park. The diagrams showed:5.miles, l.mile, and a_10-minute walk from the site location. EDC Members were also even three different concepts,of the site and what . it could look.like. Members had the opportunity to ask questions on each.option-. After much discussion the members decide to have Westwood bring more details option B & C. EDC would like the hotel to be 3 to 4 acres,entertainment away from Red River residential area,and placement of the.park in the center of the tract., 5. :Adjournment—Mr. Hamann made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m: Motion was seconded by Ms.Walker. For:All;Against:None.- Motion:carried 7 to D. . PA ED AND APPROVED THIS 17TH DAY OF MARCH 2022. Robert Thies,.Chairman' Cibolo EDC