Min CC 10/10/2000 - Joint MINUTES OF JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANING AND ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 10,2000 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call-Mayor Pro Tem Judy Tokar, Jamie Casarez, Charles Rupert, and Dick Hetzel was absent. All others were present. 3. Comments by Mayor—Mayor Bauder stated that this meeting was for discussion only and no action would be taken. 4. Citizens to be Heard—The following spoke either for/against: Carolyn Epperson—Against Annette Hernandez—Against—Handed to Council Petition of those opposing the rezoning. Andrew Tolle—For Vicky Hall—Against Carolyn Tauzin—Against James Jarvis—Against Joe Walraven (Eagle Construction)—For Nettie Guel—Against Enrique Sanchez—Against Aileen Meche- Against 5. Discussion on the proposed rezoning of 8 Acres of the 15.008 Acre Schlather Tract located on FM 1103 from residential to commercial. It was discussed if hazardous waste would be brought into the city and how long it would stay on site. Joe Walraven from Eagle Construction stated that their site was only a holding site, no longer than 10 days, until they could get a dumping site. Chuck Ridge commented that at previous meetings Eagle Construction had stated that they would not be bringing hazardous waste into the City. Al Rich asked if Eagle Construction could be at the Planning and Zoning, October 17, 2000. 6. Adjournment— Motion to adjourn: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Glisar For: All Against: None Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: vonne rif in ity Secretary