Min CC 10/24/2000 L MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24,2000 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2 Roll Call— All members of Council and Mayor were present. 3 Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge 5. Citizens to be Heard—The following citizens spoke for/against the rezoning of Schlather Property: Carolyn Epperson- Against Kathy Duggar—Against Carolyn Tauzin—Against Annette Hernandez—Against Vernon Schrier—Against Fritz Schlather—For Pat O'Brian—For Marc Walraven—For Barbara(last name) unknow -Against 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the October 10, Public Hearing with City Council and Planning & Zoning. Motion to accept the Minutes as presented: Councilman Campbell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 7. Discussion/Action on the Minutes of the October 10, 2000 Council Meeting. Motion to accepted Minutes with corrections: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For- All Against: None 8. Discussion/Action on Approve/Disapprove the request for rezoning of eight acres of the 15.008 acres in the Schlather Tract Located on FM1103 from residential to commercial. Attorney Frank Posey told the council that the owners of at least 20% of the affected property within 200 feet of the tract under-construction owners would have to sign the petition against c rezoning in order to require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of Council, since less than 20% signed, a simple majority would suffice. Mayor Bauder reminded the Council that they were voting on the rezoning of the Schlather Tract not the type of company that would purchase the property. Motion to Approve Rezoning from RI to Cl: Councilman Buell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: Councilman Buell Against: Councilman Glisar Councilman Campbell Councilman Ridge Mayor Pro Temp Tokar Roll call vote was recommended by Mayor Bauder. Motion to rezone passed by a vote of 4 to 1. 9 Discussion/Action on recommendation to Approve/Disapprove the"Replat" (Building over existing property line) of Lots 30, 31 and 32 of block 2, Deer Creek Subdivision, Section_1 Phase 5A. After discussion of the recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Replating of Lots 30-32, Council considered the request favorable. Motion to approve Replat: Councilman Campbell Second: Councilman Buell For- All Against: None 10 Discussion/Action on Recommendation to Approve/Disapprove Master Plan of the completion of the Thistle Creek Subdivision, additional seventy acres. After discussion of the recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission to approve/disapprove Master Plan of the completion of the Thistle Creek Subdivision, Council considered the request favorable. Motion to approve Master Plan: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 11. Presentation to Police Clerk for five years of service. Mayor Bauder presented Ms. Teddi Young with a plaque for 5 years of service with the Police Department. 12 Discussion/Action on Recommendation for Award of bid for Police Cars. After review and comparison of bids, Chief Riffe recommended award of the contract for two new Police Cars to Bluebonnet. Councilman Buell asked why only Fords were purchased, Chief Riffe state that they make the only passenger vehicle with rear-wheel drive. Motion to Award Bid to Bluebonnet: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 13 Discussion/Action on Budget Amendment for Public Safety, to add Task Force Officer. Chief presented the Budget Amendment to the Council for the new Task Force Officer. Motion to accept Amendment: Councilman Campbell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 14. Discussion/Action on new City Sign Ordinance, this will replace City Ordinance 348. No Action taken, tabled till next meeting for further study. Motion to table Councilman Campbell Second. Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 15 Discussion/Action on giving Bexar Waste a 6% rate increase. It was discussed that Bexar Waste has not requested a increase in two years and that they are the lowest in the surrounding cities. Motion to Approve: Councilman Campbell Second- Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 16 Discussion/Action on Pyle &Klein Bid to design and reconstruct Indian Circle Drive. No action was taken, tabled to next meeting. Requested by council to find out from engineer if one side of the street can be done at a time without effecting the outcome of the job. Motion to table: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Campbell a For: All Against: None 17. Comments by Staff Yvonne Griffin: -Reported that there were 25 Resumes, 5 were handed to the Council Members for review. -Handed out copy of check register and trail balance for review and reported after the audit there would be a presentation of the year-end. Ken Roberts: -Thanked Mayor and Council for giving him the opportunity to serve as City Administrator for the City of Cibolo. 18. Comments by Council Mayor Pro Tem. -Asked about setting a meeting to start the selection committee for the new City Administrator. Mayor Bauder said to keep taking applications till it is released in the City Prospector. 19. Comments by Mayor—Thanked Ken for all his hard work he had done for the city. 20. Adjournment— Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None Approved this day of November, 2000. Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: onne R. ri i y Secretary