NOVEMBER 10, 2000
1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Building of Cibolo, Texas.
2 Roll Call—All members of Council and Mayor were present.
3. Invocation— Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge.
5 Citizens to be heard:
Karen Trainor— Asked if the City could look into drainage problem on Meek Street.
Stated her house was always flooding.
Ann Almond— Cibolofest was canceled due to the predicted weather forecast.
Cathy Duggar—Wanted to know if the City could advertise about the City having a
holding facility for animals.
Ms Delgado —Stated that Wells Fargo bank would always support the city for
6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the October 24, 2000 Council Meeting.
Motion to accept Minutes with corrections. Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
Second: Councilman Glisar
For: All Against: None
7. Discussion/Action on Thoroughfare.
All council members thought the thoroughfare was a good idea and did not want the
project to be forgotten. Mayor Bauder asked for a meeting to be set up with
Commissioner Wolverton at his convenience to talk about Thoroughfare Project.
No Action Taken.
8. Discussion/Action on Pyle &Klein Bid to design and reconstruct Indian Circle Drive.
Mr. Klein stated that Indian Circle would have to close down for two days to allow
for stabilization, then one side of the street could be done at a time. Mayor Pro Tem
Tokar stated that all citizens will need notice of Project before project begins.
Estimated Construction cost of project is $83,606.70.
Motion to accept engineer estimated: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
9 Discussion/Action on appointment of Acting City Administrator.
Yvonne Griffin was appointed Acting City Administrator till a New Administrator is
Motion to accept: Councilman Glisar
Second: Councilman Campbell
For: All Against: None
10. Discussion/Action on appointment of Animal Control Officer.
Sam Bauder swore in Brian Yates as Animal Control Officer.
11. Discussion/Action on check register for October 2000.
Motion to accept: Councilman Buell
Second: Councilman Glisar
For: All Against: None
12. Executive session pursuant to section 551.074, (1), (a) of the Texas Government
Code to discuss personnel matters: evaluation of applicants for the position of City
Administrator, and pursuant to section 551.071, Texas Government code, to consult
with the City Attorney about legal matters: potential litigation."
City council went into executive section at 7:43.
13. Reconvene in open session for any necessary action.
Council reconvened at 8:20 P.M. No action was taken.
14. Comments by Staff
Yvonne Griffin:
A. First time Sewer grant was denied.
B. Letter was received from Edwards Aquifer denying the re-opening of well.
i 1
15. Comments by Council
Councilman Buell asked about the status of Master Plan Grant.
16. Comments by Mayor
17. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar
Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar
Approved this day of November, 2000.
Sam Bauder
onne . Gri i
ity Secretary