Min CC 12/12/2000 - Joint Public Hearing MINUTES OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 2000 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call—Paul Buell of City Council, Ted Hollister and David Sippel of planning and zoning were absent. All others were present. 3. Comments by Mayor—None. 4 Citizens to be Heard: Citizen (unknown) questioned if it was known if the state would widen FM1103 at school location. Citizen was told state was currently review situation. 5. Discussion on the proposed specific use permit request to build a school on approximately 64.755 acres owned by Elwood Schubert. It was discussed about the concerns of the traffic that the school would cause. TxDot has sent a letter stating that they are looking into the situation on FM1103. Mr. Fluker, (School district) stated that they would give the state the right of way they needed to widen the road. 6. Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Approved this day of January 2001. Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: vonne riff .ty Secretary