Min CC 01/23/2001 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCH,MEETING JANUARY 23, 2001 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call— Councilman Glisar and Councilman Campbell were absent, all others present. 3. Invocation—A moment of silence was observed. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. 5. Citizens to be Heard - There were none. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the January 9, 2001 Joint Public Hearing with City Council and Planning and Zoning Meeting. Motion to accept Minutes: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 7. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the January 9, 2001 Council Meeting. Motion to accept Minutes: Councilman Ridge Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 8. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance, for the annexation of 70.3 92 of the 90 acres of the Kardy's Property. Motion to Approve annexation: Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Ridge For- All Against: None 9. Discussion/Action on the proposed R-2 (residential) zoning of 70.392 acres of land out of a certain 90.00 acre tract out of the Simon Cockrill survey No. 77, abstract No. 96, and the A.S. Lewis survey No. 78, abstract No. 216 City of Cibolo. (Part of Kardy's old airport) Motion to Approve Zoning: Councilman Buell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For- All Against: None 10. Discussion/Action on City Ordinance, to increase bad check fee. Motion to approve increase bad Check Fee Councilman Buell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on reactivating Parks Commission. Item was tabled until more information could be obtained from Parks Chairman. 12 Comments by Staff Bob Hieronymus -Currently reviewing Sign Ordinance -Friday, January 19, 2001, there was a blurb on KSAT concerning Cibolo Creek and the trash, it was being look into. —Bids Article is out for Indian Circle and Pump Station —Public Works periodic water test all went well. —Visited several of the surrounding cities and other governmental entities. Yvonne Griffin —Audit is near completion, should have report soon. Mark Riffe —Currently working on Ordinance for weapon discharge, may want to have possible workshop. —No new information on new police cars —Applications will close this Friday for new police officer, hope to have someone starting in March. 13 Comments by Council Councilman Buell —Asked about Masterplan, Yvonne Griffin stated she would call GrantWorks and get status. Mayor.Pro Tem Tokar —Stated that the County needed to be called concerning Borgfeld Road or we need to spend some money, the road is in terrible shape. 14 Comments by Mayor 15. Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Councilman Buell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar ..r For: All Against: None Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: i Jvonne R. Griffin C'ity Secretary