Min CC 02/13/2001 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2001 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call— All members of Council and Mayor were present. 3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. 5. Citizens to be Heard: Mavis Castello—Asked if we had a written agreement with Safes. Chief Mark Riffe stated that we have an annual agreement with them. She wanted to let the city know that the City of Schertz has never paid a per capita rate to Safes like the surrounding 7 cities/counties. Gordon Dunkley— Stated that the Randolph Metrocom membership has grown from 230 to 400. Thanked the City of Cibolo for all of its support. He delivered our order of 100 of the new Randolph area maps. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the January 23, 2001 Council Meeting. Motion to accepts Minutes Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None 7 Discussion/Action of Presentation by Mr. Marcus Pridgeon, General Manager and CEO of GVEC, of the Annual Franchise payment to the City of Cibolo. Mr. Marcus Pridgeon stated that electricity was still going to be expensive in the months to come. Stated that there has been a decline since Jan, but is still higher than last year. He presented the Council with a check for $43,431.76 for 2000 franchise fees. 8 Discussion/Action on Acceptance of the Annual Audit by Armstrong, Vaughan & Associates, CPA. Gordon Armstrong stated that the city was in good financial shape. The city had a year in reserve funds. Motion to accept audit Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 9 Discussion/Action on Ordinance to Grant Contract extension for Bexar Waste from December 1, 2000 to December 1, 2002. Contract extension for Bexar Waste was approved October 24, 2000,the ordinance was to formalize the contract. Motion to approve Ordinance Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Ridge For: All Against: None 10. Discussion/Action on order of Election of May 5, 2001 to Elect Mayor and two Council Members Motion to approve Order of Election Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second. Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on Check register for January 2001. Motion to approved Check Register Councilman Glisar Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 12 Discussion/Action on Resolution to Appoint Bob Hieronymus as Cibolo representative on CRWA Board of Managers. Motion to Appoint Bob Hieronymus to CRWA Board of Mangers Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 13 Discussion/Action on granting contract for drainage problems on Meek Street. Item was table until further bids are received. 14 Comments by Staff Bob Hieronymus - -Jeanna Murphy has received her level 1 Court Certification. —Received letter from Texas Department of Licensing and Regualation stating that there are several ADA violations and they have 90 days to answer to them. —Recommend Work Session to discuss Water, Sewer and Road situations. Session will follow Council Meeting on February 27, 2001. Mark Riffe - -New cars have been received. —New Officer should be on the streets by the 1't of March. Yvonne Griffin- - GrantWorks should,know about approval of MasterPlan Grant by the end of February, beginning of March. — GrantWorks will be here on February 15, 2001 to take more application for Home Grant. —There will be a Rabies Clinic at the Grange Hall March 17, 2001 from 3-5 PM. — Spring Clean up will be held March 10-25, 2001 on FM 3009. —Newsletter will be mailed Wednesday February 14, 2001. Frank Posey - -Stated that he has been working with Norman Dugas on the Letter of Credit, they almost have the numbers together and are ready to start. 15 Comments by Council Councilman Buell - Asked about status of Ordinance for 3/4 brick on new homes. Bob Hieronymus stated that he and Frank Posey have been working on it. It will go to Planning and Zoning on February 20, 2001 for their review. —Asked about status of Sign Ordinance, Frank Posey stated that it may need to be done in a special council meeting due to the length of it. 16. Comments by Mayor None 17 Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None V Approved this C ( day of February, 2001 Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: jkk � vonne R. Griffin ity Secretary