Min CC 04/10/2001 ;e• MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 10, 2001 1. Call to Order—Mayor Bauder called the meeting to at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Building of Cibolo, Texas. 2. Roll Call— Councilman Ridge was absent, all others were present. 3 Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. 5. Citizens to be Heard: Kenneth Kneupper—Briefed council on current condition on Kove Lane. Stated that the drainage problems are washing the road out. Thanked the city for patching the holes to make road driveable, but the drainage stills needs to be upgraded. Told council that he has given the city 60 feet for the thoroughfare and if the drainage problem is not completed by the first Council Meeting in July, he would withdraw his letter of intent. 6. Discussion/Action on Minutes of the March 27, 2001 Council Meeting. Motion of approve with corrections. Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second. Councilman Buell For: All Against: None 7. Presentation to Claudia Schneider for ten years of service. Mayor Bauder presented Claudia'Schneider with a plaque for ten years of service. 8 Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of Master Plan of Willow Bridge Subdivision. Keith Gilbreath briefed the Council that Willow Bridge Subdivision would receive their water from Green Valley and other utilities (sewer and garbage) from Cibolo. Developer is looking to keeping the roads in the southeast right corner open so they can run into future subdivisions. The Builder will be Centex Home. Motion to approve Master Plan of Willow Bridge Subdivision. Councilman Buell Second. Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 9. Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of Master Plan of Stapper Tract(Estates of Deer Creek and Vistas of Deer Creek). Keith Gilbreath briefed the Council that the Stapper Tract will back up against existing Deer Creek. Stated that Persimmon is still a county road and will need to obtain a variance for part of subdivision to avoid curb and guttering the street. Cibolo Valley will go through the subdivision. Motion to Approve Master Plan of Stapper Tract Councilman Campbell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 10. Discussion/Action on Approval of revised RWDG submission for 2002. Mayor Bauder briefed the Council that Chuck Balcar had stated that the city would need as much water then first predicted. Submission was changed from 100 acre feet at the 3 year lease to 60 acre feet of callable living water. Motion to approve revised RWDG submission Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For- All Against: None 11. Discussion/Action on accepting resignation of Cibolo Police Officer Albert Arriaga. Mayor Pro Tem asked Chief Mark Riffe how many vacancies and when he thought they would be filled. Chief Riffe stated that the PD was interviewing on Thursday and hope to hire two officers with a start day of May 1'`. Motion to Accept resignation of Albert Arriaga Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 12. Discussion/Action on Appointment of two Members to the Canyon Regional Water Authority Board (CRWA) of Trustees. After discussion the two current members, Councilman Bob Glisar and Eddie Williams would remain the Members for CRWA Board of Trustees: Motion to appoint Bob Glisar and Eddie Williams to CRWA Board of Trustees: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar Second: Councilman Buell For: All Against: None ar 13. Discussion/Action on Appointment of Member to the Canyon Regional Water Authority Board (CRWA) of Managers. Motion to appoint Chuck Balcar to CRWA Board of Managers: Councilman Campbell Second: Mayor Pro Tem Tokar For: All Against: None 14 Discussion/Action on check register for March 2001. Motion to approve check register for March 2001 Councilman Buell Second: Councilman Campbell For: All Against: None 15. Discussion/Action on acceptance of Mayor Pro Tem Tokar resignation and recognition of her service to the City of Cibolo. Mayor Sam Bauder presented Mayor Pro Tem Tokar with a plaque for her service on the Council. Mayor Bauder thanked Mayor Pro Tem Tokar for her dedication to the City of Cibolo and stated she would be missed. Motion to approve Mayor Pro Tem Tokar resignation Councilman Buell Second Councilman Campbell For- All Against: NOne 16. Comments by Staff Yvonne Griffin: -Stated that the 2000 Census was in and all councilmembers were provided a copy. —Agenda Packets were given for Special Council Meeting and Workhop for April 12th meeting. —Briefed that the Masterplan grant had been denied. —Indian circle will begin on April 19th after the completion of Preconstruction Meeting that will be held that morning at 10:00 A.M. —Meek street will start after the easement has been signed and returned. Mark Riffe: -Stated that he had no progress on the Fire Department. Keith Gilbreath: -Stated that on April 13th he would be sending out the first notices for High Weed Ordinance, and there would be low tolerance this year. —Stated that the Water bottling plant is still looking to come to Cibolo Industrial Park —Stated that a platting plant was also considering coming to Cibolo Industrial Park —Briefed that they had a Booster Station Pre-Construction meeting and there are some changes they would like to see. This changes would come to Council for approval at a later time. Frank Posey: -Stated that he was working with the Attorney for Schertz-Seguin Water to get the easements complete for going through parkland and industrial park. 17. Comments by Council Mayor Pro Tem Tokar: -Stated that Yvonne Griffin had completed her first course and test for City Secretary Certification. Councilman Campbell: -Stated that he was working on the Sign Ordinance and is nearly complete. Councilman Glisar: -Stated that at the CRWA Board meeting that they said the pipeline was going to bid at the end of may 18 Comments by Mayor: -Mayor Bauder thanked Mayor Pro Tem again for everything she has done for the City of Cibolo. 19. Adjournment Motion for Adjourn Councilman Glisar Second: Councilman Campbell For- All Against: None Approved this 24th day of April 2001. Sam Bauder Mayor TEST 0ionne ri in ty Secretary