Min CC 05/22/2001 j
109 S. MAIN
MAY 22, 2001, 7:00 P.M.
1 Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
2 Roll Call—All members of Council and Mayor were present.
3 Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge.
5 Citizens to be Heard
A.) Paul Buell—Asked the Mayor and Councilwomen Duggar and Epperson what changes did they propose for the
city, according to their campaign, C for Change. Mayor Ruppert responded by saying that citizens gave him issues they
would like to see and to watch for future agendas.
B.) Ken Knepper—Stated that he was revoking his letter giving the city 60 feet of his right away. Also stated that he
had talked to Councilman O'Brien about looking into something he did not,and after talking to City Administrator
Chuck Balcar after a meeting he thought it was funny that he had donated land,so his land is now not donated. He
stated that the residents of cove lane did not want to be any part of the city and said they could annex around them and
leave them alone.
C.) Lewis Borgfeld—Stated that he was concerned about a rumor he had heard about the Police Department. He
wanted to let it be known that over the last 12 years there have been no problems,and that we currently have an
excellent police force.
6 Executive Session
A.Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code to approve/disapprove the
acquisition of real estate,and pursuant to section 551.071,Texas Government Code,to consult with the City
Attorney about potential Litigation.
City Council went into executive session at 7:08 P.M.
B. Reconvene in open session.
City Council reconvened at 8:23 P.M. No Action was taken.
7 Swearing in of Patrick O'Brien to City Council.
Patrick O'Brien was sworn in by Yvonne Griffin(Notary for Texas).
8. Appointment
Discuss and appoint a Mayor Pro Tem.
Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem is for one year. Councilman Chuck Ridge made the motion to nominate Councilman
Glisar. Seconded by Councilwomen Duggar. For: Councilman Ridge, Councilwoman Epperson, Councilman
O'Brien,and Councilwoman Duggar. Against: None,Obstained: Councilman Glisar.
9 Consent Agenda—Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved
by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member or citizen so
requests,in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the normal
order of business.)
A. Consideration and Approval of May 8, 2001 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting.
B. Consideration and Approval of May 14, 2001 Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting.
Motion was made by Councilman Ridge to accept minutes with corrections. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For:
All,Against: None.
10 Discussion and Action Items
A. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval to change"Route 1" of the Section of Thoroughfare from the
Intersection of Future Cibolo Valley Drive and Green Valley Road to the South Property Line of the Vistas of
Deer Creek Subdivision.
Councilman Ridge made the motion to table item till next meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,
Against: None.
B Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of Final Line Size of CRWA Waterline to Transport Water from
Lake Dunlap Treatment Plant to the City's Access Point.
David Davenport stated that the City needed to upsize line size for future water usage. Stated that 15%of the easements
have not been obtained yet,but would have to be in the next 30 days due to timeline their on. Council did not have
dollar amounts to make decision. Councilman Ridge made motion to table item to next meeting. Seconded by
Councilman Glisar. For: All,Against: None.
C. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of City Ordinance reducing the number of Planning and Zoning
Mayor Ruppert stated that he thought reducing the Planning and Zoning Commission to five was to low, that it needs to
be kept at 11. Mayor Ruppert asked the current commissioners their opinion about the reduction,they expressed great
opposition. Councilman Ridge made the motion to reduce the current commissioners to seven. Seconded by
Councilman Glisar. For: Councilman Ridge, Councilman Glisar,and Councilman O'Brien. Against: Councilwoman
Duggar, Councilwoman Epperson
D Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval on appointing new members to Planning and Zoning
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to table item till Planning and Zoning Members had the chance to apply
Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For- All, Against: None.
E. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of appointing a city council member to attend planning and
zoning commission meetings as a liaison.
Mayor Ruppert stated the purpose of this is to have someone be able to carry the information from the Planning and
Zoning Meeting. Councilwoman Duggar stated that she would volunteer for this position. It was also discussed to
make this position for a trail of one year. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to appoint Councilwoman Duggar as a
liaison to the Planning and Zoning for a period of one year. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All, Against: None.
F. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval to locally purchase a Public Address system for installation in the
city municipal building.
Keith Gilbreath stated the building was already wired for a system. Councilman Ridge made the motion to approve the
purchase of a Public Address System. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against: None.
G. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval to Change Order for the Booster Pump Station in the amount of
$10,648.00 for telemetry system.
Keith briefed that the telemetry system would send a signal to a station to alert problems with the tank. Councilman
O'Brien made the motion to approve the Change Order for the Booster Pump Station in the amount of$10,648.00
Seconded by Councilman Glisar For- All, Against: None.
11. Presentations
Presentation by Frank Posey, City Attorney, on Open Meetings Act.
Frank Posey briefed the Council what their responsibilities were as Council members. That emergency meetings could
be done if the posting of agenda can be done 72 hours prior to the meeting. Stated that if a known group is coming to
the meeting to talk on a particular issue,it should be placed on the agenda. The same goes for Comments by Staff, if
they know their going to be briefing a certain subject before the agenda is posted. Also briefed that three members
constitute a quorum and stated to be very careful when in public together or going to meetings/training's.
A. City Staff
Mark Riffe:
-Briefed the Council that the city had a task force officer since last November,and on May 15'h they executed a search
warrant on Dobie,and two occupants were arrested by growing marihuana plants in their back yard.
-Briefed that on Monday,May 21s`, they arrested 4 males for burglary to the coke machines at the park. They were also
responsible for the burglary of coke machines in surrounding cities.
-Old patrol car was sold at public auction for$2500.
-Briefed that the previous council had approved a budget for the fire department. After further review, the city now has
3 options: contract with current VFD, contract with other city or consider hiring a full time firefighter. After some
discussion it was decided to put on agenda for further discussion.
Keith Gilbreath.
-Briefed that the city along with City of Schertz, CCMA,and other parties had a meeting on May 18t'concerning the
sewer between City of Cibolo and City of Schertz,and that it went very well.
B City Attorney—Nothing
C. City Council
Councilwoman Duggan
-Stated that she would like to see Planning and Zoning Ordinance come back for further review at a future council
Councilwoman Epperson:
-Stated that after talking to Keith Gilbreath about additional personel,she would propose a Schertz BOB person.
Councilman Ridge replied by stating that Chuck Balcar normally had intern students to help out in City Hall.
D Mayor—
-Thanked all for attending meeting and for everyone's patience.
13. Adjournment
Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn at 9:48 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For- All, Against:
Charles Ruppert
I IU a�
vonne Griffin
ity Secretary