Min CC 06/12/2001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 109 S. MAIN JUNE 12, 2001, 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1 Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2 Roll Call- All members of Council and Mayor were present. 3 Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4 Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge. 5. Citizens to be Heard: A. Brian Brady/Mark Bauer—Stated that they had purchased some office space in the Wells Fargo Bank Building where the mortgage company was located. Felt that the building would be ideal for City Offices if the Council would be interested. B. Ken Knepper—Stated that the new council needed to listen to their citizens.Briefed Council not to enter private property without proper authorization or the Police will be called. C Ann Almond—Stated that she was again working with the Schertz Jubilee Committee and wanted permission to enter the Cibolo Express train into the parade this year. Stated that a riding lawmnower had been obtained to pull the train. D. Dr Sharon Skrobareel/Dr. Jun Parlett— Wanted to invite the city of Cibolo to participate in a plan to improve the communication between all facilities and bring all the cities in the school district together. This program will improve the telecommunications between the cities,parents and teachers. E. Al Rich—Stated that he could live with the number Council chooses for Planning and Zoning,but is not happy with the fact that all Commissioners would have to resign and reapply for appointment. Stated that when Ken Roberts was here every commissioner was reappointed. Also stated that Mayor Bauder had come to Planning and Zoning and gave pep talk about how they should uphold and follow the ordinances,but when Planning and Zoning would disapprove something council would approve it anyway. 6. Consent Agenda—Consent Items (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member or citizen so requests,in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the normal order of business.) Consideration and Approval of May 22,2001 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Glisar to accept minutes with corrections. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For: All, Against: None. 7 Resolutions A.) Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution Supporting the Guadalupe-Blanco river Authority's request to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission to amend Canyon Permit Certificate of Adjudication No.18-2074 and Urging Immediate Issuance of the Permit Amendment. Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority requested all its members to pass this resolution showing their support. Councilman Glisar made motion to approve resolution. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All,Against: None. B) Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution Opposing the Development of a Critical period Plan based on the"Quarterly Management" Concept and Proposing the Drafting of Alternative Critical Period Concepts. Chuck Balcar briefed that he had just attended a Edwards Aquifer Meeting and recommend the Council should not approved this Resolution. Feels that it is premature because the rules are not even in place yet. Councilman Ridge made the motion to disapprove the resolution, Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All,Against: None. 8. Discussion and Action Items A. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of sizing of water line to meet future demand requirements for the New High School on FM 1103. Keith Gilbreath briefed Council that the school needs to oversize their line to compensate for future growth. It is in the ordinance that the City can make the developer oversize lines for future growth. Recommended Council authorizes Rudy Klein, City Engineer,to calculate the size of line that would be required. Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to have Rudy Klein calculate cost for oversizeing of line. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For: All,Against: None. B. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of minor plat revision of Unit 2 of Springtree Subdivision. Item was pulled before the meeting, so it could go to Planning and Zoning for review. C Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of acceptance of Performance Bond in the amount of$1,154,095.70 for Unit 1 of Falcon Ridge Subdivision. Rudy Klein stated that he had not reviewed the Performance Bond. Item was placed at the end of Discussion Items. After item 8F,Rudy Klein stated that everything was in order and recommended acceptance of Performance Bond. Motion to accept Performance Bond in the amount of$1,154,09.70 was approved. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For: All, Against: None. D Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of Acceptance of a Petition for Annexation of 21.434 acres&20 558 acres from Perry Blanton of Blanton Family Limited Partnership a Texas Limited Partnership and approximately 0.876 and the Estate of Eldtred Stapper. Sr.,Marcell S. Stapper Excutrix for the purpose of establishing the Estates of Deer Creek Subdivision. Keith Gilbreath briefed that this is a voluntary annexation. The plat for this subdivision is not complete yet. Masterplan and all required paperwork has been received and reviewed by the City. Public Hearings will be required for this annexation. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to Approve the Acceptance of Petition for annexation. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All, Against: None. E. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of Water Transport capacity of CRWA from Lake Dunlap Treatment Plant to the City's Access Point. Chuck Balcar stated that the City needed to move away from Green Valley Water,and get it all from CRWA. In the long run the water would be much cheaper. Stated that there was not a shortage of water,just a shortage of cheap water. He recommended to approve upgrade of Pipeline size,but not pay until water is actually delivered. Councilman Ridge made the motion to approve the increase in water transport to 1000 acre feet with no payment for increase till the line access point and delivers water Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All, Against: None. F. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of granting Easement for drainage the Schertz/Sequin Local Government Corporation located at Cibolo's Industrial Park. Frank Posey briefed that Schertz/Sequin needed a permanent easement of a total of 2400 square feet. They would pay for the easement at$714.00 and also pay the city attorneys fees. They made all the changes that he had requested. Frank Posey also stated that they may come back at a different time for a bore under the street. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve granting of easement. Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All,Against: None. G. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval of Letter of Objection concerning New Planning and Zoning Ordinance. t Mayor Ruppert briefed that he had submitted a letter of objection pertaining to the New Planning and zoning Ordinance. He stated that if the council did not accept his letter of objection he would not sign the ordinance and it would become line without his signature. Objection was to about the disbanding the current commissioners and having them reapply for a position on the planning and zoning commission. After discussion a motion was made by Councilwoman Epperson to approve the objection to reconsider the ordinance and bring it back to the next council meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: Councilman Glisar, Councilman O'Brien,Councilwoman Epperson and Councilwoman Duggar. Against: None. Obstained: Councilman Ridge. 9.Executive Session A.Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code to approve/disapprove the acquisition of real estate for proposed Cibolo Valley Drive and Water Utility Site. City Council went into executive session at 8:50 P.M. B Reconvene in open session for necessary action. City Council reconvened at 9:44 P.M. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to allow city staff to negotiate for the purchase of property. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All, Against: None. 10. Discussion Only A. Discuss public safety contract with Schertz. Chuck Balcar briefed the Council that Schertz currently has 4 ambulances and 2 men are on duty and 2 personnel are on call. The"cost is calculated at$6 per capital,which for FY 2002 would workout to$18,210.00. After further discussion, Chuck Balcar stated he would do some research with what the money is used for and how the personnel on call work if the other 2 ambulances are out. No action taken,discussion only. B. Discuss Ordinance amending the Cibolo Zoning Ordinance,No. 367,dated December 3, 1985,imposing a requirement for Masonry or other Non-Combustible exterior veneer on New Dwellings in Zoning Districts R1, R2,and MF,and granting non-confirming use for certain dwellings. No action taken,discussion only. The recommendation from Planning and Zoning was that this ordinance was to ensure that builders did not bring in cheap, high maintenance material for low cost housing. It would also ensure that in five years the housing development does not look nm down. The ordinance would only apply to R-1,R-2 and MF. Keith Gilbreath stated that the ordinance would need to be completed by Oct 1",when the new International Building Code comes effective. No action taken,discussion only. C Discussion on compliance on architectural barriers acts at Niemetz Park Pavilion. Chuck Balcar briefed the council that a letter was received that the park did not meet architectural barriers. The City had requested an extension, it was approved to August 10,2001, do not anticipate needing to ask for an extension.No action taken,discussion only 11. Financial A. Discussion/Action on Budget Calendar for FY2002. Chuck Balcar handed out the budget calendar for FY2002. Schedule shows Public Hearings on Taxes and the Budget to begin on August 29`x' Councilman O'Brien made the motion to accept the Budget Calendar for FY202. B Discussion/Action on List of Priority's that Council would like to see for FY2002. Chuck Balcar handed out a list of projects that need to be completed in the city. Requested all council members to prioritize this list,with room to write additional items. No action was taken. C. Discussion/Action on Initial Budget Workshop Meeting. After discussion I"Budget Workshop will be the 26"'of May at 6:30,before the regular scheduled council meeting. 12 Discussion/Action Item(2) 2A. Discuss and Consider Approval/Disapproval to change"Route 1" of the Section of Thoroughfare from the Intersection of Future Cibolo Valley Drive and Green Valley Road to the South Property Line of the Vistas of Deer Creek Subdivision. Keith Gilbreath recommended to Council to table item until further information could be obtained. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to table item. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All, Against: None. 2B. Acceptance of Resignation of City Attorney. Frank Posey stated he was resigning due to personal conflicts. Resignation would take place the end of June,but would stay on till July if needed. Would still like to stay on as City Prosecutor,if the Council would agree. 13 Comments A. City Staff Keith Gilberath—Stated that Mr.Borgfeld recommended a mastermeter off of FM 1103. Chuck Balcar—Stated that he completed a report of what happened in the last couple of weeks,will do this for every council meeting. B. City Attorney-Nothing C. City Council Councilman Glisar—Thanked Frank Posey for everything that he had done for the City. Councilwoman Duggar—Thanked Frank Posey for everything that he had done for the City. Councilman Ridge—Thanked Frank Posey for everything that he had done for the City. Councilman O'Brien—Thanked Frank Posey for everything that he had done for the City. D. Mayor— -Mayor Ruppert thanked Frank for everything he had done for the City and wished hum the best of luck. -Reminded everyone about the AACOG workshop. 14. Adjournunent Meeting adjourned at 10:25. Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All, Against: None. Approved this 26"'day of June 2001. ",jr Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST- vomie Griffin ity Secretary