109 S.MAIN
AUGUST 28, 2001, 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard:
Mavis Costello—Wished to speak during item 10I.
Gregory Furnish—Stated that he was a new resident to Cibolo,and is upset with the area he moved into due to the builder,
Flair Homes, not cleaning up their garbage. He stated that he has spoke with the building inspector,and he has spoken with
Flair,but its still happening.
6. Consent Agenda—Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by
one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member or citizen so requests,in
which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the normal order of
Consideration and Approval of August 14,2001 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting.
Councilman Glisar made the motion to accept minutes with correction. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All,
Against: None.
7 Discussion Only
Henry Guiterrez,Bexar Waste,concerning the garbage rates for FY2001-02.
Henry Guiterrez from Bexar Waste was not present. Chuck Balcar briefed that there would be no garbage rate increase for
FY 2001-02,but to expect one next year. This is the second year in a row that there has not been a rate increase.
8. Presentation
Presentation by Ms. Amy St. Germain from Time Warner,on Hometown Hero Award.
Ms Amy St. Germain from Time Warner Public Affairs Department,briefed that the deadline for nomination packages is
September 7,2001. This program is for those who do something in the community geared towards children. Chuck Balcar
submitted a package during this time. Also stated that the winner would be chosen on November 13,2001 at a Banquet in
San Antonio.
9. Resolutions
Discussion/Action on Approval of Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for Texpool.
Resolution was to change representatives to Yvonne Griffin, Chuck Balcar and Charles Ruppert. Councilwoman Epperson
made the motion to approve the Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for Texpool. Seconded by Councilman
Ridge. For: All,Against: None.
10. Discussion and Action Items
A. Discussion/Action on adopting the international Development Codes and changing the valuation per square
foot for permitting of new constructions.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that the current fee for new construction is$35 per square foot,and the national average is$45-$60
Would recommend Cibolo charging$45 per square foot, the same as Schertz. Councilman O'Brien thought that Cibolo
should raise its rate to$50,that way it would not have to be raised again next year. Keith Gilbreath also briefed that all the
surrounding cities have gone to the International Development code and would recommend Cibolo doing this also.
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to raise the new construction fee from$35 to$50 and to adopt the International
Development Code effective October 1,2001. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on approving a medical care insurance provider for municipal employees for FY 2001-02.
Bob Fieke briefed that there would not be a increase in the Life,Dental and Vision insurance. The current Humana Plan
will increase by 25%,HMO,and 20%,PPO. Humana is still the least expensive for the City. The national average rate has
increased by 18-20%. Humana has stayed below this increase due to the automatic 10%surcharge for Municipalities.
Councilman Ghsar made the motion to continue with Humana as the medical care insurance provider for FY2001-02.
Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against: None.
C. Discussion/Action on approval/disapproval of a site plan establishing the high school site plan on FM 1103.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that the site plan was a preliminary review due to the errors that needed to be reviewed and
corrected. The plan fees have been paid but impact fees still need to be paid. Looking to break ground in July of 2002.
Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the preliminary site plan of high school subdivision with corrections.
Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All, Against: None.
D. Discussion/Action on appointing a alternate Planning and Zoning member to the Capital Improvements
Program Impact Fee Study Committee. The P&Z has nominated Mr.Eddie Williams.
Planning and Zoning nominated Eddie Williams to be a alternate on the Capital Improvements Program Impact Fee Study
Committee. Ann Almond stated that she felt having a new member would give continuity when someone leaves.
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve Eddie Willimas being the alternate on the Capital Improvement Program
Impact Fee Study Committee. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against: None.
E. Discussion/Action on request for approval/disapproval to issue a variance in order to build a carport in the
Front Setback line at 249 Notchleaf,Thistle Creek.The Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation
was to reject the request for a variance.
Citizen at 249 Notchleaf submitted a letter to build a carport at his resident in the setback line. Currently does not have a
garage. Resident was not present. Councilman Ridge made the motion to disapprove the variance to build a carport in the
Front Setback line at 249 Notchleaf. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against: None.
F. Discussion/Action to set a time and place to adopt the FY2001-2002 Cibolo Municipal Budget and to adopt
the property tax rate.Proposed date for the a public hearing on the budget and tax rate is Tuesday, September
Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to set the date for public hearing for adopting the Fy2001-2001 Budget and setting
the property tax rate on September, 11,2001,at 7:00 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All,Against: None.
G. Discussion/Action on amending Municipal Ordinance concerning water and sewer rates and directing the staff
to prepare water rate changes and publish notices of change in the paper.
Chuck Balcar briefed that a addendum to the water ordinance needed to be completed and need's direction from the
Council to complete this and publish new rates in the paper. The largest rate increase would effect those who use over 25,
000 gallons of water per month. Councilman Glisar made the motion to direct staff to prepare water addendum to the
ordinance and to publish rates. Seconded by Councilman Duggar. For: All,Against: None.
H. Discussion/Action on an Ordinance to amend Ordinance#379,passed August 7, 1986,and subsequent
ordinances dealing with stop intersections,adding the following through streets and stop intersections to
Section 55-80 to reflect the opening of Springtree Unit—1 and Falcon Ridge Subdivisions Unit-1;to include
the following Thru and Stop streets:
Springtree Unit 1
Thru Street Stop Street
Green Valley Road Cibolo Valley Drive
Cibolo Valley Drive Springtree Grove
Cibolo Valley Drive Springtree Hollow
Springtree Hollow Springtree Field
Springtree Parkway Springtree Bluff
For Falcon Ridge Unit 1
Thru Street Stop Street
Borgfeld Road Thistle Creek Drive
Thistle Creek Drive Blue Vista
Thistle Creek Drive Rosewood Cove
Thistle Creek Drive Silver Wing
Silver Wing Cloud Crossing(north side)
Silver Wing Cloud Crossing(south side)
Silver Wing Cirrus Cove
Silver Wing Hawk Circle
Speed limit for all streets except Cibolo Valley Drive will be 20 MPH.
Cibolo Valley Drive will be 35 MPH.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that these were the new streets in Falcon Ridge Unit 1 and Springtree Unit 1 that would need stop
signs. Councilman O'Brien asked why there were no yield signs in Cibolo. Chief Mark Riffe stated that his
recommendation would be to keep the signs as stop signs instead of yield signs,due to the safety. Councilman O'Brien
made the motion to approve Ordinance to amend Ordinance#379 dealing with stop intersections. Seconded by
Councilwoman Epperson. For: All, Against: None.
I. Discussion/Action to direct the staff in contracting for fire protection services for FY 2001-2002.
During the August 28th Budget Workshop it was discussed about contracting with Schertz for fire protection at the rate of
$28,000 for 100 hours of service. Schertz would be responsible Monday thru Friday from 7A.M.to 7 P.M.,then the
Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department would be responsible for all other hours. Chuck Balcar stated that he needed direction
from the council to work with Schertz on Contract. Councilman Glisar made the motion to direct Chuck Balcar to work
with Schertz on Fire Protection Contract. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against: None.
This deliberation held pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Local Government Code concerned the following subject:
Council went into executive session at 8:22 P.M.
K. Reconvene in open session and take action to hire a municipal attorney.
Council reconvened in open session at 8:51 P.M. Councilman Glisar made the motion to award the contract to Denton,
Navarro&Bernal Law Firm. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All,Against: None.
A. City Staff
Chuck Balcar
-Stated that a manhole was place in Schertz instead of Cibolo,Norman Duggas is correcting problem.
-There are currently 71 houses under construction
- Stated that the Pump Station should be completed by the end of the week.
Mark Riffe
-Stated that the warrant round up went well, 117 warrants were served. A total of$24,273 75 has been collected since
August 1,2001. Some of the money is jail time. There were ten officers that conducted this roundup,3 were unpaid,
which resulted in 23 hours of overtime and 19 hours of comp-time.
-Briefed that there was a motor fatality in the City that killed a man.
B. City Attorney-None
C. City Council—
Councilman O'Brien
-Stated he would like to withdrawal his request to get the county to post work signs when working on streets.
-Would also like to see the Masonry Ordinance back on a future agenda.
Councilwoman Duggar
-Asked the status on the drainage problem in Deer Creek. Chuck Balcar stated that it was currently being worked on.
D. Mayor—
Requested to have Rudy Kline on a near future agenda to report on all ongoing engineering projects.
12. Adjournment
Councilman Ghsar made the motion to adjourn at 9:10 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All,against: None.
Charles Ruppert
o' nne Griffin
!C ty Secretary