Min CC 08/28/2001 - Workshop CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP
109 S.MAIN
August 28,2001,6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
2. Roll Call—All Council Members were present,with Councilman O'Brien showing up during the meeting.
3. Discussion of Current Service,Program Improvements for the Water-Sewer Fund for FY2002.
Chuck Balcar briefed that the water budget was balanced until last minutes changes were received from Green Valley.
Found out that Green Valley was raising their rates by 20%,which would require Cibolo to raise their rates. Discussion
was held on the rate schedule,to lower the lowest,under 3,000 gallons,to encourage conservation. The middle rate of
3,001 to 10,000 gallons was suggested to be changed to 12,000 gallons. Expenses were changed by minimal,took Jeanna
Murphy out of water and is now be charged to court with water funding a new employee.
4. Discussion on Fire Protection Services
Chuck Balcar stated he had several meetings to discuss the contract for Fire Service. Met with Roger Niemetz to discuss a
contract which ended with the fire department not able to support the suggested contract. Then met with Chief Woodard,
Schertz Fire Department and Dewey Cashwell, Schertz City Manger,to discuss contracting with their fire department.
They would be able to support Monday thru Friday from 7:A.M.to 7 P.M.with 100 hours of protection. Anything over
100 hours would be approximately$280.00 per hour. During the off hours of protection from Schertz,Cibolo would
respond to those calls. Cibolo and Schertz would always back each other up as they always have. Chief Niemetz stated
that maybe next year they could support a contract,but needed the year to see what the ramification would be. Cibolo Fire
Department would still be dispatched to those areas in the county, outside of Cibolo.
5. Discussion on Temporary Municipal Facilities
Chuck Balcar briefed that more space may be required due to the increase of personnel. Currently looking at different
options to include: office space across the street that would be reasonable, Well Fargo Bank building had room but would
be very expensive,and could also look at getting a portable building. Needed some guidance on a figure to budget with,
council recommended$20,000.
6. Adjournment
Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn at 6:56 P.M. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against:
Charles Ruppert
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vome Griffin
ity Secretary