Min CC 10/09/2001 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 109 S. MAIN October 9, 2001,7:00 P.M. NflNUTES 1 Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. 2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present, except for Councilwoman Duggar. 3. Invocation—Councilman Glisar gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Ruppert led the pledge of allegiance. 5 Citizens to be Heard(limit to three minutes each) There were no citizens to be heard. 6. Consent Agenda—Consent Items (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as part of the normal order of business.) A. Consideration and Approval of August 28,2001 Minutes of the Budget Workshop for City Council. B. Consideration and Approval of September 25, 2001 Minutes of the City Council Meeting C. Check Register for September, 2001 D. Discussion/Action on Adopting the certified Tax Roll for FY 2001-02. Motion made by Councilman Glisar to approve consent agenda item. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All, Against: None. 7. Presentation City Engineer Rudy Klein will discuss the status of current engineering and Public Works projects. A. Booster Station-Been completed and is operational,working with city staff on operation of booster station and water pressure levels Mr. Mercer is still for giving Staff instructions on operation of the pump station. B. Borgfeld Rd MPO -Have nothing to update. Chuck Balcar stated that Cibolo and Schertz have the costing data. The MPO process is delayed until Feb of 2002. C. Deer Creek Blvd. -Problem was drainage. Public works has place a inlet in one side of the road and it seems to be working very well. D. Manholes - Started with a manhole being placed in the Schertz area by Springtree. Developer has replaced manhole into the correct area within the City of Cibolo. E.Traffic Signal study for FM3009 and Dietz Road- Chuck Balcar stated that a study has been completed on the waiting time on Dietz road and FM3009. There must be several factors that warrant a traffic light,to include waiting time. Study did show that a traffic light is warranted at Dietz and FM3009. F. Waterlines—The ultra blue PVC,twelve-inch line to the school has been approved. Didn't have much more to report on subject. The school has received a letter from Green Valley that the water line will be in excess of$170,000. s G. Misc-None 8.Discussion and Action Items A. Discussion/Action on transferring property owned by Mark Frost FM 1103 to Green Valley WSC because of the City of Cibolo's unavailability of water service in the area. Located several miles from the current water service district. The City of Cibolo would need to iniate the request to Green Valley for the transfer of service. There is currently no future infrastructure in that area. Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve to transfer Mark Frost on FM 1103 to Green Valley WSC. Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All, Against: None. B. Discussion/Action on status of Indian Circle repair and contract with E.E. Hood for Final Payment Rudy Klein briefed that Mr.Hood has completed his fob and is requesting his other 10%of payment. He has comeback and seal coated the cracks. Check the jobsite last week and did not see any different cracks in the street. Suggest that we take a core sample by the crack and run test on the base and compare it to the base that was proposed. Contractor is willing to make good on all repairs. Recommended that the Council to Okay 5%of the balance and hold other 5%till all is good. Taking samples will run about$1800. The City can only hold the 10%retainer for a period of one year,and is not obligated to pay the retainer until the City is happy with the job. Also recommended getting the staff, contractor and himself to run water on street and see if there is still a problem with the street drainage. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to table item. Seconded by councilwoman Epperson. For: Councilman O'Brien, Councilman Glisar and Councilwoman Epperson. Against: None, Abstain: Councilman Ridge. C. Discussion/Action on Setting a Joint meeting with the City of Schertz regarding intergovernment issues including street, water, sewer and drainage There is mutual concerns with street, water, sewer and draining. The date would be October 17, 2001 at 6:30 P.M. At least three Council members would need to be there. Councilwoman Epperson, Councilman Glisar, Councilman Ridge will try and Councilman O'Brien stated that he would be there. Regional Sewer, ETJ issues, and other items would be items of discussion. Councilwoman Epperson made the motion to set the date of October 17, 2001 at 6:30 P.M. at GVEC building for the first Joint Cibolo/Schertz meeting. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For: All,Against: None. D. Discussion Only on exchange of property comprising 136 acres within the City limits and Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo for approximately 530 acres in the City limits and/or Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Schertz. This is the ETJ that is adjacent to Northcliff. Cibolo will give 136 acres to Schertz in exchange for 530 acres from Schertz. Chuck Balcar stated that he believed that the future lies with growth on IH10 and not on IH35 9.Resolutions Discussion/Action on approving the Herald as the newspaper of record for the City Of Cibolo for FY 2001-02. Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the Herald as the newspaper of record for the City of Cibolo for FY 2001-2002. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All, Agasint: None. 10. Comments A. City Staff Chuck Balcar—Another subdivision coming to the Cibolo area,they will be garden homes with rear entry garage Will be located close to IH35. Chief Riffe -Behalf of staff thanked council for this year's pay raise. -Gave status of warrants for the month of August, served were 121 with a value to 25,030.75. September warrants, 61 were served with a value of 12,390.25. B. City Attorney C. City Council-None D. Mayor-None 11. Adj ournment Adjourned at 8:05. Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn at 8:05P.M. Seconded by Councilman Ridge. For: All,Against: None. Approved this 23rd Day of October 2001. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: vonne Gn tSecretaryffin