109 S.MAIN
November 13, 2001
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order-Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
2. Roll Call -All members with the exception of Councilwoman Duggar,due to medical reasons, and
Councilman Ridge, due to resignation,were present.
3. Invocation- Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Alle ig ance-Mayor Ruppert led the pledge of allegiance
5. Citizens to be Heard(limit to three minutes each) -
Steve Liberman- Gave the council an update of what the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department
has been doing to include that 27 calls had been responded to in October, 11 of them being in
the City. Currently have 5 personnel in the fire academy.
6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and
will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Council member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will removed from the consent
agenda and considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Consideration and Approval of October 23, 2001 Minutes of the Regular City Council.
B. Check Register for the Month of October 2001.
After no discussion Councilwoman Epperson made the motion to approve all consent agenda
items. Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All, Against: None.
7. Ceremonial
Presentation by Mayor Ruppert to Corporal Calloway Lawson for 5 years of service.
Mayor Ruppert presented a plaque to Corporal Calloway Lawson for five years of service.
8. Presentation
Presentation by Norma Head, City of Schertz Councilwoman, on Playscape located in the City
of Schertz.
Schertz Councilwoman Norma Head made a presentation concerning the community
involvement needed to build the Playscape that would be located in the City of Schertz next
to Library. The design of the building came from multiple in-puts from the different schools
in the district. Stated that they would need several volunteers to build along with tax-free
donations. The construction would take place during March 13-17, 2002,to conclude on St.
Patrick's Day.
9. Discussion/Action Items
A. Discussion/Action on approval/disapproval of resubmission of a final plat for the High
School Site located on FM 1103.
Briefed that the water/sewer lines can start construction as soon as the final plat is
approved. Paul Price, assistant Superintendent, stated that they are willing to pay their
cost share to support the water line on FM1103. Also stated that they have received water
service availability from Green Valley and obtained sewer easements. Proposed property
across from new high school site is due to be closed on in February 2002 by Randy Dym,
who is willing to pay his pro-rata share of the oversizing of water line. Paul Price stated
they could pay theirs also, but they have a cap they must stay under. Rudy Klein received
letter from school just before the meeting and has not had the time to review it, but items
that were discussed between school and Chuck Balcar were not reflected in letter.
Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the final plat for the High School Site
located on FM1103. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For- All,Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on Inter-local Agreement between the City of Schertz and the City of
Cibolo regarding the interconnection of each cities respective individual sanitary sewer
systems together in areas contiguous to each city's city limits and ETJ and other
contractual agreements.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that Chuck Balcar and Attorney Susan Rocha had reviewed the
agreement. Items about payments and their terms were added to the agreement that were
requested by Chuck Balcar. Rick Pierce stated that he was on hold until this agreement
fees has been signed and approved. Centex will be pre paying 5 years worth of sewer
transfer up front. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the Inter-local
Agreement between City of Schertz and the City of Cibolo as long as the final has all of
Chuck Balcars changes. Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All, Against: None.
C. Discussion/Action on petition for Annexation of a 76.728 Acre tract of land,being out of
the Jacob De Cordova survey number 514,Abstract Number 117, in Guadalupe County,
Texas,being know as a 78.79 acre tract of land, as conveyed by deed from William B.
Wilson manufacturing company to IRC Joint Venture 35 North, dated December 23, 1982,
and recorded in Volume 654,pages 715-718 of the deed records of Guadalupe County,
Texas,also save except a 2.057 acre tract of land,known as parcel 4, as conveyed unto the
Texas Department of Transportation in Volume 1132, page 658 of the deed records of
Guadalupe County, Texas.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that Council is approving just the petition for Annexation.
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the petition for Annexation. Seconded
by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All, Against: None.
D. Discussion/Action on petition for Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of land containing
163.16 acres in Guadalupe County, Texas, out of the Trinidad Garcia Survey No. 94,
Abstract 137, being a portion of that certain tract called 165.012 acre tract described in
conveyance from Samarland Properties, Inc. to Wolverine Enterprises, LTD. Recorded in
Volume 863, Page 115, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas.
Keith Gilbreath briefed that Council is approving dust the petition for Annexation.
Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the petition for Annexation. Seconded
by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against: None.
10. Resolution
A. Discussion/Action on Resolution for the Official Ballot to elect Board of Directors for the
Guadalupe County Appraisal District for 2002-2003.
Council was briefed that they had a total of 43 votes that could be divided however they
wanted to. After discussion they decided to give Sylvia Schlather 23 votes and Tex
Farnsworth 20 votes. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to give 23 votes to Sylvia
Schlather and 20 votes to Tex Farnsworth. Seconded by councilman Glisar. For: All,
Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on Resolution to set date,time and place for Annexation R-3 Zoning on
Wolverine Enterprises,LTD,property, a 76.728 Acre tract of land,being out of the Jacob
De Cordova survey number 514, Abstract Number 117, in Guadalupe County, Texas,
being know as a 78.79 acre tract of land, as conveyed by deed from William B.Wilson
manufacturing company to IRC Joint Venture 35 North, dated December 23, 1982,and
recorded in Volume 654, pages 715-718 of the deed records of Guadalupe County, Texas,
also save except a 2.057 acre tract of land,known as parcel 4, as conveyed unto the Texas
Department of Transportation in Volume 1132, page 658 of the deed records of
Guadalupe County, Texas.
Council was briefed that this resolution would set the joint public hearing's for December
11 and 13, 2001, 6:45 P.M.at 109 South Main. Councilwoman Epperson made the motion
to approve December 11 and 13, 2001, 6:45 P.M. at city hall for the joint public hearings.
Seconded by Councilman Glisar. For: All,Against: None.
C. Discussion/Action on Resolution to set date,time and place for Annexation and R-3
Zoning on IRC Tract. a certain tract or parcel of land containing 163.16 acres in
Guadalupe County, Texas,out of the Trinidad Garcia Survey No. 94,Abstract 137,being
a portion of that certain tract called 165.012 acre tract described in conveyance from
Samarland Properties,Inc.to Wolverine Enterprises, LTD. Recorded in Volume 863,
Page 115, Official Records of Guadalupe County,Texas.
Council was briefed that this resolution would set the joint public hearing's for December
11 and 13,-2001, 6:45 P.M.at 109 South Main. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to
approve December 11 and 13, 2001, 6:45 P.M. at city hall for the joint public hearings.
Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All, Against: None.
11. Ordinances
Discussion/Action on Annexation of a certain tract being a 5.010 acre tract situated in the
James Jones Survey, A-194, Guadalupe County, Texas. Said 5.010 acre tract is part of a tract
called 39.44 acres in conveyance from Paul G. Silber, Jr., et ux,to David G. Van Horn, et ux,
recorded in volume 566 at page 885 of the Deed Record of said county.
Keith Gilbreath briefed Council that this land was purchased earlier by the City and needs to
be annexed into the City. Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the annexation of
5.010 acres of land into the City. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,Against:
A. City Staff
Chief Mark Riffe-
-Gave update on warrant program, stating that 53 warrants were served during the
month of October with a total of$12,195.50.
-Application for new police officer closed on Friday, 9 November, it would take
several weeks to do background checks before selection process would begin.
B. City Attorney-None
C. City Council -None
D. Mayor-None
13. Adj ournment
Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn at 8:04 P.M. Seconded by councilwoman Epperson.
For: All,Against: None.
Charles Ruppert
onne Griffin
C ty Secretary