Min CC 12/18/2001 - Special Joint 70 -
109 S. MAIN
December 18,2001
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order-Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:16 P.M.
2. Roll Call
A. City Council -All members of Council were present except for Councilwoman Duggar.
B. Planning and Zoning Commission-All member of Planning and Zoning Commission
were present except for Ann Almond, Eddie Williams and Jaime Casarez.
3. Invocation - Councilman Glisar gave the invocation.
4. Pledsze of Alle ig ance -Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard(limit to three minutes each) -None
6. City Council Ceremonial
Swearing in of Jeff Campbell to Place 4, Cibolo City Council,term to expire May 2002.
Yvonne Griffin swore in Councilman Campbell.
7. City Council Action Item
Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance amending Ordinance#331, and all
subsequent ordinances concerning the City of Cibolo Utility Extension Policy. The purposed
ordinance changes the time for developers and landowners to recapture investments in infrastructure
from 5 years to 7 years when the City requires over-sizing of utilities to facilitate future growth.
Chuck Balcar briefed that other than upsizing cost and the recapture period of the funds there were no
other changes to the ordinance. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the Ordinance
amending Ordinance#331 and all other subsequent ordinance. Seconded Councilman Campbell. For:
All,Against: None.
8. City Council Action on Annexation Requests
A. Discussion/Action on petition for Annexation of a 76.728 Acre tract of land, being out of
the Jacob De Cordova survey number 514,Abstract Number 117, in Guadalupe County,
Texas,being know as a 78.79 acre tract of land, as conveyed by deed from William B.
Wilson manufacturing company to IRC Joint Venture 35 North, dated December 23, 1982,
and recorded in Volume 654,pages 715-718 of the deed records of Guadalupe County,
Texas,also save except a 2.057 acre tract of land,known as parcel 4, as conveyed unto the
Texas Department of Transportation in Volume 1132,page 658 of the deed records of
Guadalupe County,Texas.
Chuck Balcar briefed that this was the property that ran along I35. Planning and Zoning
recommended approval on annexation petition. Councilman Glisar made the motion to
approve the petition for Annexation. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson. For: All,
Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on petition for Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of land containing
163.16 acres in Guadalupe County, Texas, out of the Trinidad Garcia Survey No. 94,
Abstract 137, being a portion of that certain tract called 163.16 acre tract described in
conveyance from Samarland Properties, Inc.to Wolverine.Enterprises, LTD. Recorded in
Volume 863, Page 115, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas.
Chuck Balcar briefed that this land was across from the New High School Site on FM 1103.
Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on annexation petition.
Councilman Glisar made the motion to approve the petition for Annexation. Seconded by
Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
9.Planning &Zoning Recommendation on Zoning
A. Discussion/Action recommendation on zoning of a 76.728 Acre tract of land,being out of
the Jacob De Cordova survey number 514,Abstract Number 117, in Guadalupe County,
Texas,being know as a 78.79 acre tract of land, as conveyed by deed from William B.
Wilson manufacturing company to IRC Joint Venture 35 North, dated December 23, 1982,
and recorded in Volume 654, pages 715-718 of the deed records of Guadalupe County,
Texas,also save except a 2.057 acre tract of land, known as parcel 4, as conveyed unto the
Texas Department of Transportation in Volume 1132, page 658 of the deed records of
Guadalupe County, Texas.
Chuck Balcar briefed that the developer is requesting commercial zoning on 41 acres and R-3
Zoning on the balance. The commercial property would be located in the natural break in land
drainage. Steve Raub stated that the official annexation date would be Jan 8th, 2002, after
which they will get prints of the lot drawn up. Commissioner Tauzin made the motion to
recommend C 1 zoning to the west of drainage area and to the east of drainage area would be
R-3 Zoning. Seconded by Commissioner Rich. For: All,Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action recommendation on zoning of a certain tract or parcel of land
containing 163.16 acres in Guadalupe County, Texas, out of the Trinidad Garcia Survey
No. 94, Abstract 137, being a portion of that certain tract called 163.16 acre tract described
in conveyance from Samarland Properties,Inc. to Wolverine Enterprises,LTD. Recorded
in Volume 863, Page 115, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas.
Chuck Balcar briefed that the developer is requesting commercial zoning on a portion of the
front being 3.3 acres and the balance to be R-3 Zoning. Commissioner Rich asked if there was
any information on FM1103 from TxDot. Chuck Balcar stated that with Proposition 15 being
approved this would free money up for this type of project. Field notes for property would be
provided at the January 8th, 2002 meeting. Commissioner Hernandez made the motion to
recommend majority at 160 acres be zoned R-3 and the balance zoned commercial. Seconded
by Commissioner Tauzin. For: All,Against: None.
A. City Staff
Chuck Balcar- Stated that the annexation and zoning of the IRC and Wolverine Tract will be
up for approval on Jan 8, 2002 Council Meeting.
B. City Council -None
C. Planning and Zoning Commissioners -None
D. Mayor-None
11.Adjourn Special City Council Meeting and Convene Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting
Councilman Glisar made the motion to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson.
For: All,Against,None.
Charles Ruppert
vonne ri in
ity Secretary