109 S. MAIN
July 9, 2002
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Charles Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
2. Roll Call -All members of council-were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman Patrick O'Brien gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Alle ig ance—Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each)
None were present.
6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and
will be approved by one motion. 'There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Council member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will removed from the consent agenda
and considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Consideration and Approval of June 25, 2002,Minutes of the City Council (6:45 P.M.)Joint
Planning and Zoning Public Hearing.
B. Consideration and Approval of June 25, 2002,Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting.
At the request of Councilwoman Cathy Duggar, items A and B were pulled from the consent agenda.
C. Consideration and Approval of June 25, 2002,Minutes of the City Council Budget Workshop.
D. Consideration and Approval of Check Register for June 2002.
E. Discussion/Action on approving amendments to the CRWA-GBRA contract,increasing the
amount of water from 250 acre feet to 600 feet and making other changes as required.
Councilwoman Carolyn Epperson moved for approval of the consent agenda with the exception of the items
pulled(A&B). Motion to approve seconded by Edie Williams. Affirmed by all.
Ms. Duggar suggested a deletion of one sentence concerning comments during the public hearing on June 25.
She also made some grammatical changes to parts of the minutes. Mr. Campbell moved for approval of the
corrected June 25ffi Joint Planning and Zoning Public Hearing, seconded by Ms. Duggar, approved by all.
Ms. Duggar had some grammatical changes to the minutes of the June 25 Regular Council meeting
.Councilman Jeff Campbell also offered an amendment to the minutes to change a grammatically incorrect
phrase and a misspelled word. Mr. Campbell moved for approval of the amended minutes, seconded by MR.
Williams, approved by all.
7. Ordinance
A. Consideration of Approval/Disapproval of a Ordinance for annexation of Mr.Vivian's tract of
land being a 0.619 acres of land situated in the James Jones Survey, Abstract No. 194, Guadalupe
County, Cibolo,Texas,and being out of Tract 3 of the Van Horn Land Subdivision.
Motion to approve the ordinance made by Mr. O'Brien, seconded by Mr.Williams , approved by all.
B. Consideration of Approval Disapproval of an Ordinance for annexation of Mr. Avila's tract of
land being a 0.619 acres of land situated in the James Jones Survey, Abstract No. 194,Guadalupe
County, Cibolo, Texas,and being out of Tract 2 of the Van Horn Subdivision.
Motion to approve the ordinance made by Ms Duggar, seconded by Mr. Campbell, approved by all.
8. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on an inter-local governmental agreement with the City of Schertz to provide
$2,500 to the Schertz library.
The Council was told that this action was required to transfer budgeted funds. Motion to approve the
agreement by Mr.Williams seconded by Ms. Duggar,approved by all.
B. Discussion/Action on Adopting Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan of the
City of Cibolo Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
Councilman Williams,who had served as Chairman of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee prior
to his election in May,thanked all parties involved, listing each of the committee members and the members
of Klein engineering and the City Administrator for assistance in answering all issues and questions that had
Ms.Epperson moves for approval of the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan, seconded by
Ms.Duggar,approved by all.
C. Discussion/Action of adopting personnel policies for the City of Cibolo.
There was an hour of discussion on the policy. Ms, Duggar disagreed with section 5.04 that requires
approval before an employment can begin outside employment. Most council members and the
director of public safety and the city administrator gave the opinion that there should be some sort of
review to avoid possible conflicts of interest and embarrassment for the city.
There was a discussion on injury leave and the policy whereby employees would have the option to
use sick leave and vacation leave for the first week after an accident and before Worker's
Compensation Injury pay begins. The council agreed that employees who are injured on the job
could use their accumulated leave for that first week and then request that the council review the
circumstances and decide to if reimbursement of the leave used under the policy would be
There was a discussion concerning certificate pay and whether the director of public safety should
receive. There was also an issue for the timing of the paycheck for this type of pay and longevity
pay. Council decided to look at including certificate pay into the hourly wages of the employee, and
to possibly do the same with longevity pay.
Councilman Campbell moved to table any action on adoption, seconded by Councilman Williams,
approved to table by all.
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A. City Staff
Chuck Balcar, City Administrator,thanked the council for their attention and input during
the discussion of the evening's agenda.
B. City Council
Ms. Epperson asked about the result sof the Eagle trial. Mr. Balcar mentioned that Eagle
constructed had been fined$100 plus court costs and had appealed the fine.
Some council members asked if an item could be added to a future agenda to review
applications for municipal judge. Mr. O'Brien stated that he was not pleased with recent court actions.
Councilman Campbell mentioned that the bandit signs were still out in the city. Mr. Balcar
said that they would be picked up.
C. Mayor-None.
10. Adjournment
Mr. Campbell moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. O'Brien, approved by all. 9:05 p.m.
Charles Ruppert
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vonne Griffin
ity Secretary